Glossary Terms € 1584 5W6 5501 a 7181, 12203 5’UTR 8126 a-g Transformation 6938 6Q1 5500 r 7181 6W1 5501 b 7181 a 12202 b-b Transformation 6938 A 12202 d 7181 AAV 10815 Z 1584 Abandoned mines 6646 c 5499 Abiotic factor 148 f 5499 Abiotic 10139, 11375 f,b 5499 Abiotic stress 1, 10732 f,i, 5499 Ablation 2761 m 5499 ABR 1145 th 5499 Abscisic acid 9145 th,Carnot 5499 Absolute humidity 893 th,Otto 5499 Absorbed dose 3022, 4905, 8387, 8448, 8559, 11026 v 5499 Absorber 2349 Ф 12203 Absorber tube 9562 g 5499 Absorption, a(l) 8952 gb 5499 Absorption coefficient 309 abs lmax 5174 Absorption 309, 4774, 10139, 12293 em lmax 5174 Absorptivity or absorptance (a) 9449 μ1, First molecular weight moment 4617 Abstract community 3278 o 12203 Abuse 6098 ’ 5500 AC motor 11523 F 5174 AC 9432 Fem 5174 ACC 6449, 6951 r 12203 Acceleration method 9851 ra,i 5500 Acceptable limit 3515 s 12203 Access time 1854 t 5500 Accessible ecosystem 10796 y 12203 Accident 3515 1Q2 5500 Acclimation 3253, 7229 1W2 5501 Acclimatization 10732 2W3 5501 Accretion 2761 3 Phase boundary 8328 Accumulation 2761 3D Pose estimation 10590 Acetosyringone 2583 3Dpol 8126 Acid deposition 167 3W4 5501 Acid drainage 6665 3’UTR 8126 Acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) 167 4W5 5501 Acid (rock or mine) drainage 6646 12316 Glossary Terms Acidity constant 11912 Adverse effect 3620 Acidophile 6646 Adverse health effect 206 Acoustic power level (LW) 12275 AEM 372 ACPE 8123 AER 1426, 8112 Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) 4997, Aerobic 10139 11129 Aerodynamic diameter 167, 206 ACS 4957 Aerodynamic resistance 3211 ACT 11068 Aerosol extinction 309 Actinides 7142, 8598 Aerosol optical depth 111, 168, 9673 Action level 3515 Aerosol 111, 167, 206, 309, 606, 6740 Action levels 9079 Aerosols 622 Action spectrum 9649 Aesthetics 10360 Activated carbon 3426 AF 1145 Activated sludge process 11961 AFC 372, 3872 Activation energy 4094 AFP 8123 Activation overpotential 6720 AFP surveillance 8123 Active material 6122 African easterly jet (AEJ) 5070 Active region 9469 African easterly waves (AEWs) 5070 Active remote sensing 309 After shocks 2424 2 À1 Activity concentration 8387 Aggregated transfer parameter (Tagm kg ) 8425 Activity 3705, 8559 AGM 5881 Actuator 11946 Agribusiness applications 4353 Acute dose 5573 Agricultural practices 2740 Acute toxicity test 11220 Agricultural residues 1487 AD 5296 Agricultural waste 10000 AdaBoost 6951 Agricultural water 11873 Adaptation 148, 2929, 3253, 7229, 10732, 12293 Agriculturally marginal land 1268 Adaptation (with respect to climate change) 4673 Agriculture 2740 Adaptive capacity 167 Agrobacterium tumefaciens 10732 Adaptive control 46 Agrobacterium tumefaciens 8058 Adaptive governance 3342 Agrobacterium-mediated transformation 2583 Adaptive management 565, 3342 Agroecology 149 Adaptive protection 12079 Agroecosystem, agrosystem – agricultural ecosystem Adaptive response 5573 5428 ADAS 64 Agroecosystem 149, 2740 ADB 1145 Agroforestry 149 Additive genetic variance 473, 10732 Agronomic crops 2740 ADG 7866 Agronomic performance/trait 10732 Adiabatic process 5216 Agronomy 2740 Adjuvant 6291 AGT 7777 ADP 1583 Ah Ampere hour 6938 Adsorption 4774, 7006, 10139, 10962 Ah 5881 Adult 3620 AIA (The American Institute of Architects) 5332 Advanced biofuel 5461 AIC 652 Advanced driver assistance system 3067 Air changes per hour (ACH) 6865 Advanced natural ventilation system (ANV) 6865 Air equivalence ratio 5235 Advection 9049, 10139 Air mass 9673, 9705 Glossary Terms 12317 Air pollutants 11291 Ambient 4235, 5047 Air pollution monitoring 168 AMFC 372 Air pollution policy 168 AMMA 5070 Air pollution 11291 Ammonification 6646 Air quality 168, 11291 Amorphous 6646, 9240 Air quality guidelines 206 Amphoteric 8598 Air quality index 11291 Amp-hour (Ah) 671 Air quality monitoring 168, 206 Amplification 2424 Air sparging 10139 Amplitude modulation 12275 Air toxic 298 Amplitude 2424 Air-conditioning 9509 An outbreak 9079 Airline emission index 652 Anabolic 10733 Airtight construction 7629 Anadromous 6386 Albedo 8537, 9619, 9696, 9705 Anaerobic digestion 1607 Alcohol 987, 1025 Anaerobic 10139, 11932, 11946 Aldolase 10732 Analgesic 10636 Algae 346, 7006, 9109 Analogue radionuclide 8387 Algorithm 10192 Analysis 11737 Aliphatic 10139 Analyte 1646 Alkalinity 7006 Analytical pipeline 6692 Alkaloid 10636 Anchor grouting 4201 Allele frequency 10733 Anchorage failure moment 6201 Allele 2781, 7972, 10733 Ancillary services 12254 All-electric range (AER) 10502 Ancillary services 8980 Allelic exclusion 10733 Andesite 11613 Allelopathy 149 Aneuploid 6150, 10733 Allocative efficiency 2720 Aneuploidy 10733 Allochthonous 5047, 7006 Animal bioreactor 10864 Allogenic 10733 Animal breeding 406, 9358 Allometric scaling 8387 Animal cloning 10895 Allopolyploid Plants 10733 Animal genetic resources 406 Allopolyploid 10733 Animal model (AM) 1795 Allosteric Regulation 10733 Animal welfare 406 Allothermal gasification 1426 Annual efficiency 1351 Alpha particle 5560, 8559 Annualized operating cost 1855 Alpha radiation 5573, 8448 Anode – (negative electrode) 708 Alternate daily cover (ADC) 5706 Anode 3886, 6498, 6720, 7731, 9885 Alternating current (AC) 671 Anomaly 9795 Alternative energy 10317 Anoxic 11932, 11946 Alternative fecal indicators 6319 Anoxic sediment 7006 Alternative fuel 5461 Antarctic bottom water 5856 Alternatives analysis 1833 Anthracite 2173, 8347 Alternator 5083 Anthropocene 7229 AM1.5 6566 Anthropogenic indicator 11911 Ambient air 206, 11291 Anthropogenic 206, 7328, 8467, 8879 Ambient and task lighting 3675 Anthropogenic radionuclides 8655 Ambient concentration-response function 206 Anthropogenic source 298 12318 Glossary Terms Anthroposphere 3450 Ash residue 11737 Antibiotic 498, 10733 a-Si 9432 Antibiotic resistance 498, 2259 Assessment process 8702 Antibody 10733, 10864 Assimilation 12062 Antilock braking system (ABS) 8848 Assisted reproduction 10815 Antimicrobial 10852 Association mapping 2528 Antinutrients 1676, 10733 Associative effect 9358 Antioxidant 3655 ASTER 8939 Antireflection coating layer (ARC) 9196 At-grade BRT 1855 Antisense RNA 10733 Atmophilic 10577 Antiserum 10733 Atmosphere Model Intercomparison Project 2510 AP 1583 Atmosphere 8467, 11291 APAR 7902 Atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) 6583 APC 90 Atmospheric boundary layer 309 APC residues 11838 Atmospheric rivers 7245 APCS 5909 Atmospheric surface layer 6584 Aperture 9588 (Atmospheric) Wind stress 7366 APM 7777 Atoll 8468 Apoptosis 10636 Atom economy 4584, 4616 Apparent competition 10062 ATRA 7777 Apparent optical properties (AOP) 8952 Attainable yield 2720 Application efficiency 5619 Attenuate 11985 a0 12202 Attenuation 2424 APTS 90 Attenuation depth 8919 APU 9904 Attitude 12218 Aquaculture 511, 5893, 9109, 10317 Attribute 12218 Aquiclude 4201, 4414 Audible sound 12275 Aquicludes 5706 AUSC 2163 Aquifer 4201, 4414, 9000, 11933 Austenitic stainless steel 7193 Aquifer unit 4806, 5712 Autochthonous 5047, 7006 Aquifers 5706 Autocorrelation 9744 Aquitard 5712 Autoinfection 12018 Arabinoxylan 10839 Automated guided transit (AGT) 1855 Arc plasma 8097 Automotive night vision 11097 Arc plasma torch 8097 Automotive PEMFC 8231 Archaea 5047 Autothermal gasification 1426 Architecture 3367 Autothermal reforming (ATR) 3955 Arctic oscillation 10117 Autotrophic 1476, 6372 Area of focus 565 aVDPV 8123 Area source 298 Average operating speed 1855 Argo floats 5856 Average recurrence interval (ARI) or return period Armature winding 11523 10095 Articulated bus 1855 Average speed 5971 Artisanal fisheries 581 AVHRR 8939 ASCC 5909 Aviation 652 ASF 1426 Avirulent 10733 Ash 2173, 2194, 2271, 4866, 8347 AVL 90 Glossary Terms 12319 Avoidance 12293 Battery/battery pack 6122 Azoic conditions 9174 Battery-powered electric vehicle (BEV) 10502 B 12202 Bayes classifier 6951 Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) 10733 Bayes’ Theorem 2098 Back cross (BC) 2528 Bayesian inference 415 Backcross 2689, 6425 bbl 3955 Background level 168 BCMS 11068 Background levels 206 Beacon, traffic pylon, guiding reflector post 3067 Backscattering, bb(l) 8953 Beauty 10360 Bacteria 5047 Becquerel (Bq) 5573, 8448 Bacterial pathogens 8758 Bedstead barrier 5934 Bacteriolytic 10852 Beef Improvement Federation (BIF) accuracy 1723 Bacteriostatic 10852 Behavioral model 10192 Bacterium 10694 BEMS 6865 Bactofection 2583 Benchmark 4201 Baghouse 8347 Beneficial insects – arthropods 149 Balance of plant (BOP) 3860 Beneficial use 3029, 11737 Balanced mechanical ventilation with heat recovery Beneficiation 6665 7629 Benthic boundary layer 9128 Balancing area 8980, 12098, 12254 Benthic 1959 Balancing market 12098 Benthos 7006, 8201 Balancing reserves 12098 Best available technology (BAT) 168, 11838 Balneology 4162, 4353 Best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) 389, 1795 Band gap 7881 Best management practice (BMP) 10095, Baroclinic 5856 10139, 9174 Barotropic 5856 Beta particle 5560 Barrage 10613 Beta particles 11026 Barrel 4380 Beta radiation 5573, 8448 Basalt 11613 Beta-diversity 3357 Base bending moment 6201 BEV 7847 Base temperature 2540 bf 1583 Baseline 4201, 6951, 9000 BGF 11552 Base-load demand 4190 BHA (bottom-hole assembly) 4380 Baseload plant 7296 BIBAC 2583 Baseload plants 4235 BIDS™ 10261 Baseload 4235, 7296 Bike lane 806 Basic reproductive number 5347 Bike locker 806 Basicity 6720 Bike rack 806 Basin 4806 Bike station 806 Bathymetry 7365 BIM model 10299 Battery efficiency 739 Binary power plant 4162 Battery electric vehicle 11502 Binary vector 2583 Battery management system (BMS) 671 Binary-cycle power station 4235 Battery pack 671 Bio energy 1531 Battery 671, 708, 3471, 3847, 11502 Bioaccumulation factor (BAF) 3265 Battery state of charge 5083 Bioaccumulation 822, 4819, 7006, 9156, 10657 Battery string 671 Bioassay (BIOlogical ASSAY) 6354 12320 Glossary Terms Bioavailability 1676, 8387 Biological control 5428 bio Bioavailable 9156 Biological half-life (t1 ) 8598 2 Bio-based products 1268 Biological half-life 7006, 8387, 11026 Biobased vs.
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