http://oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf909nb385 Online items available Register of the Howard Palfrey Jones papers Finding aid prepared by Hoover Institution Library and Archives Staff Hoover Institution Library and Archives © 1999 434 Galvez Mall Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305-6003 [email protected] URL: http://www.hoover.org/library-and-archives Register of the Howard Palfrey 74019 1 Jones papers Title: Howard Palfrey Jones papers Date (inclusive): 1930-1978 Collection Number: 74019 Contributing Institution: Hoover Institution Library and Archives Language of Material: English . Physical Description: 128 manuscript boxes, 3 card file boxes, 3 cubic foot boxes, 5 envelopes, 2 oversize boxes, 8 slide boxes, 2 motion picture film reels, 12 phonotape reels(63.0 Linear Feet) Abstract: Writings, correspondence, reports, research files, studies, and printed matter relating to public finance and post-war reconstruction in Germany, 1945-1951, and to American relations with Indonesia and other areas of East Asia. Digital copies of select records also available at https://digitalcollections.hoover.org. Hoover Institution Library & Archives Access The collection is open for research; materials must be requested at least two business days in advance of intended use. Publication Rights For copyright status, please contact the Hoover Institution Library & Archives. Acquisition Information Materials were acquired by the Hoover Institution Library & Archives in 1974, with an increment received in 1982. Preferred Citation [Identification of item], Howard Palfrey Jones papers, [Box no., Folder no. or title], Hoover Institution Library & Archives. Alternate Forms Available Digital copies of select records also available at https://digitalcollections.hoover.org. 1899 Born, Chicago, Illinois January 1921 B.Litt., Columbia University, New York 1923-1925 Manager and Editor, Evansville, Indiana Press 1925-1927 Instructor, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 1927-1929 Editor-in-Chief, Nellis Newspaper Chain, Mt. Clemens, Michigan 1931-1939 Editor, National Municipal Review, New York 1931-1938 Executive Director, National Municipal League, New York 1934-1938 Director of Research, New York State Commission on Revision of Tax Laws, New York 1933-1939 Lecturer, Professor, Graduate School of Journalism, Columbia University, New York 1934-1935 Lecturer, New York Institute of Banking, New York Lecturer, Graduate School, New York University, New York 1938-1942 Civil Service Commissioner, New York State 1943 Deputy Comptroller, New York State 1943-1947 Major to Colonel, General Staff Corps, U.S. Army 1950-1951 Director, Berlin Element, U.S. High Commissioner for Germany, Berlin 1951-1954 Counsellor of Embassy and Chargé d'Affaires of American Embassy, Taipeh, Taiwan 1954-1955 Chief of Mission, U.S. Economic Aid Mission to Indonesia 1955-1958 Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for the Far East 1958-1965 United States Ambassador to Indonesia 1965-1968 Chancellor, East-West Center, University of Hawaii, Honolulu 1968-1973 Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford, California 1969-1972 Trustee, Christian Science Publishing Society, Boston, Massachusetts 1971 Author, Indonesia: The Possible Dream 1973 Died, Atherton, California September Scope and Content of Collection Writings, correspondence, reports, research files, studies, and printed matter relating to public finance and post-war reconstruction in Germany, 1945-1951, and to American relations with Indonesia and other areas of East Asia. Subjects and Indexing Terms Audiotapes Register of the Howard Palfrey 74019 2 Jones papers Motion pictures Germany -- History -- 1945-1955 Diplomats -- United States Reconstruction (1939-1951) -- Germany East Asia -- Foreign relations -- United States United States -- Foreign relations -- East Asia Communism -- Indonesia Economic assistance, American -- Southeast Asia Indonesia -- Foreign relations -- United States Indonesia -- History -- 1950-1966 United States -- Foreign relations -- Indonesia United States. Department of State Soekarno, 1901-1970 Correspondence 1934-1973 Scope and Contents note Arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent. box 1 General 1956-1970 Unidentified 1949-1971 Abdulgani, Roeslan 1958-1971 Abdurachim, Kaka 1967 Abdurrachman, Oemi 1968-1969 Abidin, Zainal 1969 Adams, Cindy 1965-1971 Adams, Joey 1965-1968 Adamson, G. W. 1970 Adamson, Neil C., Jr. 1970 Adcock, Clarence L. 1964 Adiutomo, Thomas S. 1966 Adler, Mortimer 1970 Admawiria, S. S. 1964 Affeld, William C., Jr. 1967 Agbayani, Adeudato J. 1965 Agung, Ide Anak 1967-1971 Agus Sumantri mantik 1966 Ahmed, Zahir 1968-1969 Alexander and Baldwin 1966-1967 Alexander, Paul J. 1966 Alexander, Vera 1969 Alford, Harold D. 1965 Alicia Patterson Fund 1967 Alisjahbana, S. Takdir 1966 Allen, Donald S. 1964 Allen, George V. 1964 Allen, Raymond B. 1960-1967 Allerton, John G. 1967 Allison, John M. 1965-1971 Allman, William 1964-1965 Almosudirdjo, Prajudi 1967 Alton, William H. 1969 American Field Service - students 1965 American Foreign Service Association 1962-1964 Register of the Howard Palfrey 74019 3 Jones papers Correspondence 1934-1973 American Institute of Architects - Hawaii Chapter 1968 American International School 1965 American Legion Magazine, 1961 American Management Association, Inc. 1967 Amussen, Robert M. 1965 Ananda, Peter 1969 Anderson, Benedict R. O'G. 1969-1970 Anderson, Helen S. 1971 Anderson, Jean 1967 Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. 1966 Anderson, R. E. 1963-1967 Anderson, Robert 1966 Andrews, David K. 1968 Andrews, John K. 1969 Andrews, Richard B. 1960 Andrews, Robert W. 1970-1971 Ankerman, Gerald 1968-1969 Ann Arbor Press, 1968 Ansberry, Louise 1965-1967 Anstruther, Mrs. Peter 1968 Antara News Agency 1967-1968 Arajanwalla, Mrs. Piloo K. 1970 Ardi, Toni 1965-1968 Armstrong, Hamilton Fish 1964 Armstrong, Kim 1969 Arnold, H. H., Jr. 1963 Arnold, Paul 1966 Aron, Glen M. 1972 Aronowitz, Leonard 1965 Arrowsmith, D. 1969 Asia Society 1970-1971 Asian Development Bank 1966-1967 Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies 1966 Atkinson, T. W. 1968 Authors Guild, Inc. 1971-1972 Ave, Joop 1970 Ayres, Arthur 1970 Azwar, T. A. H. 1964 box 2 Babbitt, Marcy 1972-1973 "Back Number" Wilkins 1963 Bacon, Ruth E. 1964-1971 Bade, Florence H. 1971 Bagdja, Doesnaedi 1967 Bahr, Dr. 1963-1964 Bailey, Frank L. 1970 Baird, Matthew 1965-1966 Baker, Edgar R. 1962 Baker, Elizabeth undated Baker, John C. 1967-1971 Baker, John M. 1967-1968 Baker, Russell 1965 Baldwin, Charles F. 1968 Baldwin, Henry 1967 Baldwin, I. L. 1971-1972 Balinong, Conchita 1963 Ball, George W. 1964-1968 Bank of the Manhattan Co. 1949 Bannigan, John A. 1971 Register of the Howard Palfrey 74019 4 Jones papers Correspondence 1934-1973 Barati, George 1967 Barger, Herman H. 1964-1968 Barlow, Elizabeth G. 1971 Barnes, Rudolph C. 1968 Barnes, Lt. Gen., Verdi B. 1965 Barnett, Robert C. 1966 Barnett, Robert W. 1968-1971 Barrett, Edward W. 1965-1971 Barringer, Holda C. 1970 Bartlett, Thomas A. 1971 Bas, K. J. 1964 Basoeki, Col. R. Agoes 1968-1969 Bates, Isabel 1972 Battle, Lucius D. 1964-1965 Bauernschmidt, John 1968 Baugh, Jerry P. 1959-1960 Bauman, Helen Wood 1967 Beach, Gen. Dwight E. 1966 Beaver, Helen D. 1969 Bechtel, S. D. 1963-1964 Beckmann, George M. 1967 Beers, Howard W. 1965-1971 Bell, Bernard R. 1968 Bell, Eleanor 1965-1967 Bell, James D. 1964-1971 Bellande-Signe, Suzanne 1967-1969 Belmont, Alan H. 1972 Bennet, Augustus W. 1967 Benson, Brien 1969-1972 Benson, George C. 1967-1970 Berding, Andrew H. 1960 Berg, Richard W. 1964 Berger, Samuel D. 1967 Bernard, Sir Dallas 1970 Bernard, J. E. 1951 Bernice P. Bishop Museum 1966 Bernstein, Bernard 1963-1964 Bernstein, Richard 1971 Biddle, Eric 1965-1971 Bingham, Woodbridge 1966 Bintara, B. P. H. 1964 Bitker, Mrs. Bruno V. 1971 Bitner, Harold M. 1968 Bixler, Julius S. 1966-1968 Black, Robert S. 1964-1969 Blackwelder, Justin 1966 Blair, William McC. 1965-1966 Blaisdell, Thomas C., Jr. 1965-1966 Blodgett, Mr. and Mrs. Jerre R. 1972 Blok, Adele 1968-1972 Blum, Dieter J. 1968-1969 Boelter, L. M. K. 1964-1966 Boeringer, Carl 1968-1969 Boestaman, Soekondo 1968 Boll, Carl R. 1969-1971 Bolling, Landrum R. 1971 Bolton, Bruce W. 1968 Bolton, Gertrude 1971 Register of the Howard Palfrey 74019 5 Jones papers Correspondence 1934-1973 Borel, Paul A. 1960 Borkin, Joseph 1970 Bornet, Barbara 1966-1967 Borton, Hugh 1967 box 3 Boston University 1965 Bottoms, W. F. 1964 Bowie, Robert R. 1966 Bowles, Chester 1963-1966 Boyer, Neil 1969 Boyll, Jack R. 1971 Boynton, Stephen W. 1971 Braderman, Eugene 1963 Bradley, Harry L. 1971 Bradley, Robert W. 1964 Bredin, J. Bruce 1964-1971 Bredlow, Warren K. 1970 Breidster, Gen. Waldemar F. 1971 Brembeck, Cole S. 1965-1966 Brement, Marshall 1961 Briggs, Patricia G. 1965-1966 Britton, O. O. 1971 Bronisch, G. P. 1965-1969 Brook, Thomas L. 1969-1972 Brooks, Lady 1970 Brooks, Phillips 1968 Broomfield, William S. 1967 Brotosoedjono, Wedo G. 1966 Brown, Arthur B. 1964 Brown, Edmund G., Sr. 1972 Brown, Foster S. 1966 Brown, Robert L. 1967 Brown, Winthrop G. 1964-1966 Brownell, John A. 1968 Bruce, Robert 1968 Brunner, Gunter 1965 Bryan, Thomas P. 1967 Buchanan, Wiley T., Jr. 1965 Buchi, Hans 1968 Buck, David D. 1971 Buckmaster, Henrietta 1968-1971 Budiardjo, Ali 1968 Buffalo and Erie County Public Library 1964 Buie, Thomasine K. 1967 Bulger, Paul G. 1964 Bundy, William P. 1964 Bunker, Ellsworth 1965-1970 Bunnell, Frederick 1965-1972 Burgess, David S. 1965 Burke, John W., Jr. 1960 Burke, Thomas J. 1964 Burling, Mrs. Edward B. 1966-1967 Burn, North 1966 Burns, Deborah 1966 Burns, John A. 1964-1968 Busching, Howard C. 1965 Bush, Monroe 1965 Bushner, Rolland H. 1963-1970 Business Council 1963 Register of the Howard Palfrey 74019 6 Jones papers Correspondence 1934-1973 Businessmen's Information Center 1968 Butcher, Charles 1966-1967 Butts, R. Freeman 1965 Byrd, Pratt 1965 Cabot, Charles C., Jr. 1972 Cadagan, C. C. 1968 Cades, J. Russell 1967 Calhoun, John A. 1966 Campbell, Bonham C. 1966-1967 Campbell, O. W. 1964-1966 Campbell, W. Glenn 1967-1972 Campello, Robert, Jr. 1968-1971 box 4 Candlin, A. H. Stanton 1970 Cannon, Sherman 1967-1969 Cantlon, C. E. 1969 Capella, Basil 1966-1967 Cargo, William I.
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