"An American" Napoleon: His Army and His Generals; 1847 Their Unexampled Military Career A Lady Principles of Training in Elementary 1874 Schools A. M. E. Church Duplicate Copy of the Souvenir from the 1894 Afro-American League of Tennessee to Hon. James M. Ashley of Ohio Adam, Alexander Adam's Latin Grammar, Designed to 1812 Facilitate the Study of Both Languages Adams, Charles Francis; Eleazar Chemin De Fer Pensylvanie a 1892 Lord, Howard Ward Schotter, L'exposition Colombienne John Livingston, Katherine Woods, Pennsylvania Railroad, Erie Railway, Henry Adams, Francis Amasa Walker Adams, Francis Colburn Our World: Or, the Slaveholder's 1855 Daughter Adams, Herbert B. The Study of History in American 1887 Colleges and Universities Adlington, Francis Mores A New England Sleighing Frolic and 1884 Other Poems Afro-American League of Duplicate Copy of the Souvenir from the 1893 Tennessee Afro-American League of Tennessee to Hon. James M. Ashley of Ohio Aiken, Lucy Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth., Volume I Aiken, Lucy Memoirs of the Court of Queen 1823 Elizabeth., Volume II Aikin, Lucy Life of Joseph Addison 1846 Aikman, James Annals of the Persecution in Scotland, 1842 from the Restoration to the Revolution Alberty A. Whitman The Rape of Florida 1884 Alcott, Wm. A. Lectures for the Fireside; Founded on the 1852 Ten Commandments Alden, Joseph The Science of Government in 1876 Connection With America Institutions Alexander, Wm. T. History of the Colored Race in America, 1888 Containing Also Their Ancient & Modern Life in Africa Alfred Townsend The Entailed Hat Or Patty Cannon's 1884 Times Allen, William Francis; and Slave Songs of the United States 1867 Charles Pickard Ware, Lucy McKim Garrison (Compilers) Allison, Wm. L. Socrates, Plato & the Grecian Sophists American Colonization Society The African Repository, & Colonial 1829 Journal, Volume IV American Temperance Society Permanent Temperance Documents of 1835 the American Temperance Society, Volume I Ames, Charles Gordon George Eliot's Two Marriages 1886 Ammen, Daniel The American Inter-Oceanic Ship Canal 1880 Question Anderson, Benjamin Narrative of a Journey to Musardu the 1870 Capital of the Western Mandingoes Anderson, Charles John Lake Ngami 1856 Anderson, M. B., and Rev. D. K. Address & Sermon on the Death of the 1872 Bartlett Death of William Abelard Reynolds Andrews, Sidney The South Since the War: As Shown by 1866 14 Weeks of Travel & Observation in Georgia & the Carolinas Angevine, Edward A Guide Or Hand-Book for Mount Hope 1885 Cemetery With Photo-Engravings and Diagram Anne Kemble, Frances Journal of a Residence on a Georgian 1863 Plantation in 1838-39 Anthon, Charles A Classical Dictionary: Containing an 1862 Account of the Principal Proper Names Mentioned in Ancient Greek and Roman Authors, Volume I Anthony, Susan B.; and Ida Husted The History of Woman Suffrage, 1902 Volume IV Armistead, Wilson Journal of George Fox: , Volume I 1852 Armistead, Wilson Select Miscellanies, Volume V: Select 1851 Miscellanies, Chiefly Illustrative of the History, Christian Principles and Sufferings, of the Society of Friends Armistead, Wilson Select Miscellanies, Volume VI: Select 1851 Miscellanies, Chiefly Illustrative of the History, Christian Principles and Sufferings, of the Society of Friends Armistead, Wilson Select Miscellanies, Chiefly Illustrative 1851 of the History, Christian Principles and Sufferings, of the Society of Friends, Volume III Armistead, Wilson Select Miscellanies, Chiefly Illustrative 1851 of the History, Christian Principles and Sufferings, of the Society of Friends, Volume IV Armistead, Wilson A Tribute for the Negro; Being a 1848 Vindication of the Portion of Mankind With Particular Reference to the African Race Armistead, Wilson Select Miscellanies, Chiefly Illustrative 1852 of the History, Christian Principles and Sufferings of the Society of Friends, Volume II Armistead, Wilson Select Miscellanies, Chiefly Illustrative 1852 of the History, Christian Principles and Sufferings, of the Society of Friends, Volume I Arnim, Count von Count Arnim's Reply to the Charges 1877 Contained in a Letter from Prince Bismarck to the Emperor of Germany Arnold, Edwin The Light of Asia; Or the Great 1888 Renunciation-Being the Life and Teaching of Gautama Arnold, Thomas Introduction Lectures on Modern 1845 History; Delivered in Lent Term, 1842 Arthur, T. S., and F. C. Buds and Blossoms from Our Own 1852 Woodworth Garden Association for the Advancement Papers Read at the Fourth Congress of 1877 of Women Women, Held at St. George's Hall Philadelphia, October 1876 Aughey, John A. The Iron Furnace; Or Slavery & 1865 Succession Backhouse, James A Narrative of a Visit to the Australian 1843 Colonies Bacon, Edwin M. King's Dictionary of Boston 1883 Baedeker, Karl (Publisher) Egypt. Handbook for Travelers 1885 Baedeker, Karl (Publisher) The Traveler's Manual of Conversation 1875 in Four Languages, English, French, German, Italian With Vocabulary, Short Questions, Etc. Bailey, Philip James Festus; a Poem 1845 Baker, George Works of Wm. H. Seward, Volume II 1853 Baker, Jacob The Rebellion: Its Consequences, and 1866 the Congressional Committee, Denominated the Reconstruction Committee, with Their Action by Investigator Balch, William Ralston Garfield's Words: Suggestive Passages 1881 from the Public & Private Writings of James Abram Garfield Balfour, Clara Lucas Moral Heroism; Or, the Trails & 1846 Triumphs of the Great & Good Ballou, Maturin M. Rev. Hosea Ballou Ballou, Adin Christian Non-Resistance in All Its 1848 Importance Bearings Illustrated & Defended Ballou, Adin The Hopedale Collection of Hymns and 1849 Songs for the Use of Practical Christians Bancroft, George Memorial Add. Life and Character of 1866 Abraham Lincoln Barbour, Nelson H. Evidences for the Coming of the Lord in 1871 1873: Or, the Midnight Cry Barclay, Robert An Apology for the True Christian 1832 Divinity: Being an Explanation & Vindication of the Principles & Doctrines of the People Called Quakers Bard, Samuel A. Waikna; Or, Adventures on the 1855 Mosquito Shore Barham, Rev. Richard H. The Ingoldsby Legends Barker, Joseph Christianity Triumphant Or an Enlarged 1841 View of the Character & Tendency of the Religion of Christ Barker, Joseph The Christian, Volume II 1846 Barker, Joseph The Christian, Volume I 1844 Barrett, Joseph H. Life, Speeches & Administration of President Lincoln Barrie, J. M. Auld Licht Idylls: a Novel. the Bijou Sep 1892 Series #76 Barrows, John Henry The World's Parliament of Religions, 1893 Volume II Barrows, John Henry World's Parliament of Religions, 1893 Volume 1 Barth, Henry Travels and Discoveries in North and 1859 Central Africa Being a Journal of an Expedition Undertaken Under the Auspices of H. M. B. 'S Government, 1849-1855, , Volume III Bartlett, David W. Modern Agitators; Or Pen Portraits of 1855 Living American Reformers Bartlett, George B. Concord With the Accounts of the 1885 Homes of All Noted Authors, Editors & Artists Bartol, Cyrus Augustus? Commemorative Services on the 50th 1887 Anniversary of Its Present Ministry, 1737-1887 Bates, Elisha The Doctrines of Friends; Or Principles 1831 of the Christian Religion, As Held by the Society of Friends, Commonly Called Quakers Battey, Thomas C. The Life & Adventures of a Quaker 1876 among the Indians Beckford, William The History of the Caliph Vathek Beecher, Henry Ward Notes from Plymouth Pulpit: a 1859 Collection of Memorable Passages from the Discourses of Henry Ward Beecher Beecher, Henry Ward Beecher Memorial, Contemporaneous 1887 Tributes to the Memory of Henry Ward Beecher Beecher, Henry Ward, Ed. John Patriotic Addresses in America & 1887 Howard England from 1850 to 1885 by Henry Ward Beecher Beecher, Henry Ward; and Plymouth Collections of Hymns and 1855 Charles Beecher Tunes for the Use of Christian Congregations Bellamy, Edward Looking Backward 1880 Benjamin, R. C. O. Life of Toussaint L'Ouverture, Warrior 1888 and Statesman Bentham, Jeremy Panopticon: Postscript; Part 1791 1;Containing Further Particulars and Alterations Relative to the Plan of Construction Originally Proposed; Principally Adapted to the Purpose of a Panopticon Penitentiary-House Benton, Thomas H Thirty Years' View; Or, an History of the 1854 Working of the American Government for 30 Years, from 1820-1850, Volume I Berkey, William A. The Money Question 1876 Berlitz, Maximillian Delphinus; Methode Pour L'enseignement De La 1885 and Émil Dubois Laugue Francaise Dans Les Ecoles Berlitz Deuxiene Partie Besant, Sir Walter The Bell of St. Paul's. C. 1889 Besolow, Thomas E. From the Darkness of Africa to the Light of America, the Story of an African Prince Bickersteth, E. The Christian Student: Designed to 1844 Assisted Christians Bickersteth, Edward Scripture Help Designed to Assist in 1844 Reading the Bible Profitably Bickersteth, Rev. E. A Help to the Study of the Scriptures: 1839 Abridged Bingham, Caleb Columbian Orator 1817 Bingham, Caleb Columbian Orator 1817 Bird, M. B. The Black Man; Or Haytian 1869 Independence Birmingham, Samuel T. A Balm for Every Wound 1886 Birney, Catherine H. The Grimke Sisters, Sarah and Angelina 1885 Grimke, the First American Woman Advocates of Abolition and Woman's Rights Black, William Green Pastures and Piccadilly C1884- 1888 Blackson, Lorenzo D. The Rise and Progress of the Kingdoms 1867 of Light and Darkness Or, the Reign of Kings Alpha & Abandon Blackwood, William French Home Life Blaikie, Alexander The Philosophy of Sectarianism; Or, a 1855 Classified View of the Christian Sects in the United States
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