The Temple Scroll Lawrence H. Schiffman and Andrew D. Gross - 9789004459502 Downloaded from Brill.com09/29/2021 06:59:15AM via free access Dead Sea Scrolls Editions Series Editors Martin Abegg Daniel Falk Alison Schofield volume 1 The titles published in this series are listed at brill.com/dsse Lawrence H. Schiffman and Andrew D. Gross - 9789004459502 Downloaded from Brill.com09/29/2021 06:59:15AM via free access The Temple Scroll 11Q19, 11Q20, 11Q21, 4Q524, 5Q21 with 4Q365a and 4Q365 frag. 23 By Lawrence H. Schiffman Andrew D. Gross leiden | boston Lawrence H. Schiffman and Andrew D. Gross - 9789004459502 Downloaded from Brill.com09/29/2021 06:59:15AM via free access Cover illustration: cover art by Lika Tov Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Schiffman, Lawrence H., author. | Gross, Andrew D., author. Title: The Temple scroll : 11Q19, 11Q20, 11Q21, 4Q524, 5Q21 with 4Q365a / Lawrence H. Schiffman, Andrew D. Gross. Description: Boston : Brill, 2021. | Series: Dead Sea scrolls editions, 2210-383X ; 1 | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: lccn 2021006718 (print) | lccn 2021006719 (ebook) | isbn 9789004437371 (hardback) | isbn 9789004459502 (ebook) Subjects: lcsh: Temple scroll. | Dead Sea scrolls. Classification: lcc bm488.t44 s353 2021 (print) | lcc bm488.t44 (ebook) | ddc 296.1/55–dc23 lc record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2021006718 lc ebook record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2021006719 Typeface for the Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic scripts: “Brill”. See and download: brill.com/brill‑typeface. issn 2210-383X isbn 978-90-04-43737-1 (hardback) isbn 978-90-04-45950-2 (e-book) Copyright 2021 by Lawrence H. Schiffman and Andrew D. Gross. Published by Koninklijke Brill nv, Leiden, The Netherlands. Koninklijke Brill nv incorporates the imprints Brill, Brill Nijhoff, Brill Hotei, Brill Schöningh, Brill Fink, Brill mentis, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Böhlau Verlag and V&R Unipress. Koninklijke Brill nv reserves the right to protect this publication against unauthorized use. Requests for re-use and/or translations must be addressed to Koninklijke Brill nv via brill.com or copyright.com. This book is printed on acid-free paper and produced in a sustainable manner. Lawrence H. Schiffman and Andrew D. Gross - 9789004459502 Downloaded from Brill.com09/29/2021 06:59:15AM via free access To Baruch A. Levine with gratitude, respect, and friendship from two former students ∵ Lawrence H. Schiffman and Andrew D. Gross - 9789004459502 Downloaded from Brill.com09/29/2021 06:59:15AM via free access Lawrence H. Schiffman and Andrew D. Gross - 9789004459502 Downloaded from Brill.com09/29/2021 06:59:15AM via free access Contents Preface ix Acknowledgements x List of Photographs and Figures xi Abbreviations and Sigla xii Introduction 1 Texts, Translations, Critical Apparatus, Commentary Lawrence H. Schiffman and Andrew D. Gross with Abraham J. Berkovitz, Samuel Berkovitz, and Michael Rand 11Q19 (11QTemple Scrolla) 20 11Q20 (11QTemple Scrollb) 196 11Q21 (11QTemple Scrollc) 230 4Q365a (4QTemple Scrolla?) 234 4Q365 frag. 23 (4QReworked Pentateuchc) 240 4Q524 (4QTemple Scrollb) 242 5Q21 (5QTemple Scroll) 254 Catalogue of Photographs 256 Andrew D. Gross Concordance 275 Martin G. Abegg, Jr. with Patrick Angiolillo, Christopher H. Johnson, and Alexandra Lupu Bibliography: Research on the Temple Scroll 483 Marlene R. Schiffman with Samuel Berkovitz Index of Sources 512 Marlene R. Schiffman Lawrence H. Schiffman and Andrew D. Gross - 9789004459502 Downloaded from Brill.com09/29/2021 06:59:15AM via free access Lawrence H. Schiffman and Andrew D. Gross - 9789004459502 Downloaded from Brill.com09/29/2021 06:59:15AM via free access Preface The research presented in this volume has a long and complex No edition can ever be the final word on a given text, and the history and is the result of fruitful cooperation and collabora- present edition aims to provide the foundation on which future tion between quite a number of people. The project to create research on the Temple Scroll can be built. As our commentary the text editions that are the centerpiece of this volume began in cannot hope to summarize all the important research done on 1997 when Lawrence H. Schiffman consulted with two of his then these manuscripts nor to deal with their attendant problems, graduate students, Andrew D. Gross and Michael Rand, about the we have included a comprehensive bibliography of published possibility of producing a new edition of the Temple Scroll. It research on the Temple Scroll from its initial discovery and publi- was intended that the edition would maximize restorations, make cation up to the present. This resource was compiled by Marlene use of all the manuscript evidence, and include a textual appara- Schiffman, who mined numerous sources, languages, and types tus comparing the text of the scroll to Dead Sea Scrolls biblical of literature. It is limited to materials that discuss the scroll in a manuscripts and the ancient versions where the Temple Scroll substantial manner and omits simple citations of the scroll in the text was based on biblical passages. The volume would include form of parallels or other such short mentions that do not include editions and critical apparatus for all of the manuscript evidence helpful information. We have also incorporated a catalog of avail- of the Temple Scroll as well as for the closely related 4Q365a, part able Temple Scroll photographs. As we attempted to locate and of a wider text entitled Rewritten Pentateuch. The apparatus also consult all relevant photographs of the scroll, we found it rather would take note of differing readings that had appeared in the challenging to keep track of them. For ease of reference, Gross excellent earlier editions of the scroll. This turned out to be a very compiled a catalog of these photographs, and it has been included extensive project done over several years, and after having made here to similarly aid the reader. Finally, we have also included a major contributions to the development of the textual edition key-word-in-context concordance that was prepared by Martin and apparatus, Rand moved on to take a position in Israel (and G. Abegg, Jr. later one in England). Another major turning point in the project We hope that this new edition of the Temple Scroll and the occurred in 2011 when the online photographic resources from associated research tools we have provided will stimulate a new the Israel Museum and the Israel Antiquities Authority became round of progress in the study of this important document. It is available. We also benefitted from the digital versions of the jws indeed a privilege to be the first volume in this new series that we series photographs that were graciously provided to us by West expect will contribute greatly to the ongoing study of the Dead Semitic Research. As we carefully consulted these photographs in Sea Scrolls. conjunction with the previously available images and included more recent scholarship, the project attained a kind of matu- rity. Elements of this project have appeared in other forms over the years. In 2011, a preliminary version of our 11Q19 edition was published in the series The Dead Sea Scrolls: Hebrew, Ara- maic, and Greek Texts with English Translations, edited by James H. Charlesworth. That volume included two versions of this edi- tion, one that conformed to the series’ general format, which eschews textual reconstruction, and a “composite” edition that featured our maximal reconstructions based on manuscript evi- dence and other considerations. The volume also included some of our discussion on the relationship between the various Temple Scroll manuscripts and the difficulties involved in their recon- struction. These preliminary editions have since been heavily revised, having taken advantage of the abovementioned photo- graphic resources that became available soon after the publica- tion of the 2011 volume. An earlier version of the translation of 11Q19 appeared in the Jewish Publication Society’s 2013 publica- tion Outside the Bible, and the translations in the present vol- ume have been improved and revised to be brought into agree- ment with the revisions in our editions of the Hebrew text. For that same project, Schiffman had composed a short commentary designed to enable readers to understand the often-fragmentary text of the scroll. This initial commentary had been based on the research in his volume, Courtyards of the House of the Lord: Stud- ies in the Temple Scroll. This commentary was doubled in size and revised for purposes of this volume. Lawrence H. Schiffman and Andrew D. Gross - 9789004459502 Downloaded from Brill.com09/29/2021 06:59:15AM via free access Acknowledgements The nature of this work as a collaborative project meant that over Princeton Theological Seminary as well as our colleagues at those the years a number of people participated in various ways. We institutions supported us tremendously throughout years of work owe special thanks first to those collaborators whose work for our on this project. project is mentioned on the title page: to Michael Rand, now of We wish to thank our good friends at Brill Publishers whose Cambridge University, for his initial contribution and for allow- contribution to the study of the Dead Sea Scrolls has been a major ing us to make use of it in our full-fledged new edition; to Marlene factor in the development of this field as well as the editors of the R. Schiffman of Yeshiva University Library for preparing the Bib- Dead Sea Scrolls Editions series, in which we are honored to be liography; to Martin G. Abegg, Jr. of Trinity Western University the first volume, Martin G. Abegg, Jr. of Trinity Western Univer- for preparing the Concordance; to Leen Ritmyer for his beau- sity, Daniel Falk of Penn State University and Alison Schofield of tiful illustrations; to Abraham J. Berkovitz, now of the Hebrew the University of Denver for their help and support.
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