D019 0 LA 9 12'2 CST lJ..T C t RY G AL U I TEn ' TI S YK OR A ~I TIO OF STUDENTS IN T I ATES or I A LS T YO()R I ZA TIO TO C IDER T OLUTI O Y R I AS THE LECITI PR S t TIVE OF T A AB E P (J'l NICO FIRZL PRE I DE T OR I Tl N or D STUD TS I THE U TED STA S OF A ICA 2875 BROA Y ROO ' YOR 2 5 Y K. 2Ai3P sr •• UNATI ON 22 5l7 RC-'14 TFZ I50 t 97 F AGHDAD 126 11 1-30 RCA IR Q GO~ ETAT UN TI OOS NE OR NI NETEEN OFFICE ~ ECGE fOLL G FOR YOUR INFOR TI AND TRANS. MITTAL TO SPECt. LI~ ED AGE CtE - AAA ALL UN P£ SONNEL IN AGHDAD SA FI TH E ARE NO rtJlYTWO NTER ATI ALLY RECRUITED PER NIL IN I R Q AND SI~TYF OUR DEP D S CCC A·T P SENT AIRPORT OP FOR COM ERCIAL. FLIGHTS ET WE- SIX HOtJ ND. SEVENTEEN HOURS LOCAL TI ME Y4UT. 0 INFO f1 TI 00 A AI LA LE ON EN NORMAL FLIGHTS ILL E ESUMED DDD WOULD RECOMM D THAT FOR TI ME El G THE RI L or DEPENDENTS E DELAYED UNTIL FURTH NOTICE EEE PROJECT PERS NEL M Y PROCEED ALONE FFF l1ISITING OFFICI Ls MAY PROCEED IF LLING ACCEPT SOME P AL DI SC FORT P A OULD APPRECIATE YOU C ENT IT ANY ITH RE Tt ON A D FIELD M NUAL T /3 ECTI SI HA, AD£ A NGEM S TOR TH IMPLEMENTATION or CERT I SEC tTY M SU ES IF E ESS RY GL D C F I GO~T ETAT ATI ONS ENGLUND c: PERMANENT MISSION REPUIBLIC OF TO THE UNITED NATIONS IRAQ 14 EAST 79TH STREET, NEW YORK TEL. REGENT 7 -4435 COMMUNIQUE NO. l OF THE NATIONAL COUNCIL ®F THE REVOLUTIONARY COMMAND With the help of God~ we have destroyed the rule of Abdul Karim Kassim the enemy of the people and his corrupt coter·ie which exploited the country's resources to satisfy its desires and serve its interests. Public freedoms were violated, the dignity of the people was trampled, laws were suspended, the tr•ust betrayed and the citizens persecuted. The revolution of the 14th July aimed at liberating our country from the col~nial status,represented by the monarchy and feudalism,and establishing a democratic system under which the people might live in dignity and freedom but the enemy of God and the people, ~he treacherous criminal exploited his position and used all criminal methods to establish his black despotism which impoverished the country, impaired the national unity and isolated Iraq from the free Arab world and frustrated our people's national aspirations. Our concern for the safety of our nation and the unity and future of our people, and our faith in the great July Revolution imposed on us the responsibility of des­ troying the corrupt faction which in:f:tltrated the revoJ.utio of the pe,,ple and the army, and arrested its progress and delayed its march. Our revolution succeeded hy the support Gf all the armed forces and the masses of the people. This revolution of the people and the army, which aims at continuing the victorious march of the glorious July revolution, will seek to achieve two main purposes: First, to realize national unity; and second, to se•!u~e the participation of the masses in guiding and adm:tr:.i..ster1n.. the Government. It is necessary for the real:t~~ ati on ~)f these two aims to ensure all freedoms and to strengthen the principle of the rule of law. .,. The National Council of the Revolutionary Command, which firmly believes in these aims and will work for their achievement, is confident that the national spirit of the people and their revolutionary determination and deep devotion will ensure that the citizens, on this blessed day, will rise above hatred and animosities and will cooperate to consolidate their national unity and intensify their support for the aims of the glorious July revolution and will allow no agent or corruptor or mercenary to sow the seeds of division. The N2tional Council of the Revolutionary Command works for the establishment of a national govern­ ment comprised of sincere and loyal citizens. The policy of the Revolutionary Government will follow the aims of the glorious July revolution. Thus the Government will ensure all democratic freedoms, and strengthen the principle of the rule of law and realize the national unity of the peo;) le through strengthening Arc:.b-Kurdish brotherhood on the basis of guaranteeing their national interests and intensifying its joint struggle against imperialism. The Revolutionary Government will also ensure the respect of the rights of minorities and enable them to participate in the national life of the country. Furthermore, the Revolutionary Government will abide by the United Nations' Charter and respect international agreements and conventions, and will participate in the strengthening of world peace, and support the struggle against colonialism. The Revolutionary Government will follow the policy of non-alignment and abide by the decisions of the Bandung Conference. It will encourage and support national movements fighting against colonialism. The Revolutionary Command vows to work for the fulfilment of Arab unity and to unify the Arab struggle against colonialism and colonial conditions still prevailing in parts of the fatherland. It will also work for the restoration of occupied Palestine. It will safeguard the progressive gains of the masses, p2rticul2rl.y the Agrarian Reform Law by improving the methods of its implementation for the interest of the people. The nationa l economy will be consolidated through the industrialization of the country, and the promotion of its material and cultural capabilities. Also, it will ensure the flow of petroleum to the out­ side world. We pledge before God that we shall be faithful to our Republic, loyal to its principles and will spare no sacrifice for its sake. We are confident that our 3. great people will represent a solidly unified front to safeguard those principles and march forward along the path of progress, advancement and success. The National Council of the Revolutionary Command, having been established, is now entrusted with exercising the supreme authority in the Republic of Iraq including the legislative authority and the functions of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and the election of the President of the Republic and the formation of the Government. In view of this, the National Council of the Revolutionary Co~~and decided to relieve the President and members of the Council of s~vereignty of their posts and to abolish the Council of Sovereignty and the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. The National Council of the Revolutionary Command has elected Abdul Salam Mohammed Aref President of the Republic for the duration of the transitional period. The National Council decided that the Government be formed as follows: Prime Minister Brigadier Ahmed Hassan Bakr DeEuty Prime Minister Mr. All Sallh Saadl & Minister of the Interior Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Tallb Hussein Shablb Minister of Defence Lt. Col. Salih Mahdi Arnmash Minister of Communications Lt. Col. Abdul Sattar Abdul Latif Minister for Health Dr. Izzat Mustafa Minister for Justice Mr. Mahdl Aldawlaii Minister for Municipalities Brigadier Mahmood Shit Khattab Minister for Agriculture Mr. Baba Ali Minister for 011 Dr. Abdul Aziz Alwatarl Minister for Education Dr. Ahmed Abdul Sattar Aljawari Minister for Finance Mr. Salih Kubba Minister for Housing Mr. Abdul Sattar Ali Alhussain • 4. Minister ror Trade Mr. Shukri Salih Zaki Minister for Agrarian Dr. Sadoun Hummadi Herorm Minister for Social Affairs Mr. Hamid Khilkhal Minister for Guidance Dr. Musari Alrawi Minister for Plannin!:i Dr. Abdul Karim Alali Minister for Industr~: Br::.6adier Neji Talib Minister of State Brigadier Fouad Arif Minister of State Mr. Hazirn Jawad The Government of the Revolution has full control over all parts of the Republic. Peace and stability reign over the country and the situation has gone back to normal. ***************** PERMANENT MISSION REPUBLIC OF TO THE UNITED NATIONS IRAQ 14 EAST 79TH STREET. NEW YORK TEL. REGENT 7-4435 The Foreign Minister of Iraq made a statement setting forth the prin~iples on w~ich the foreign policy of the Republic of Iraq will be based. He stated the following: The Revolution of the 14th of Ramadhan (8th February) came to reaffi rm the fu~dam~ :-1tal principles of the Revo :. uti on of ;fuly 111 th and ful.f:L.J.l its alms within a democratic framework which J erives its strength from the unity of the ;;eo) le and their common endeavours. The foreign policy of Iraq is based on the observance of inte~national covenallts and conventions and adherence to the United Nations; Charter. Iraq will endeavour to co ~tribute to the struggle against ~olo~.j_al~ . s:n anO. to encou.:·age and sup~ort natio~al liberation movements) and taka ~art in strengthening world peace in all fields. Iraq will pursue a policy of non-alignment, in the usefulness and efficacy of which it firmly believes. Iraq will abide by the decisions of the Bandung Conference in order to promote Afro-Asian solidarity. In trab affairs, the basis of I~aq's 90licy is to strengthen Arab solidarity and coopera t i~n and work towards the fulfillment of Arab un i~ y and t~ unify the Arab struggle against colonialism j_n the .hrt:l.l homeland irrespective of its type or colon:::'; and 1•he r.ner it is traditional colonialism or the new coloni e ~~ s m.
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