'AktlkPM Scanned from the collections of The Library of Congress Packard Campus for Audio Visual Conservation www.loc.gov/avconservation Motion Picture and Television Reading Room www.loc.gov/rr/mopic Recorded Sound Reference Center www.loc.gov/rr/record It’s easy to make good movies with CINE- KODAK K Tins amazingly ingenious home you can “make bright, sparkling, movie camera is easier to operate fall-e6lp> movies even on dull most popular ol than many “still” cameras. Right days. interchangeable lenses, from the start it gives you out- ranging from wide angle to a 6- 1 6 mm. Home standingly good movies. As you inch telephoto, are available, Movie Cameras progress, its finger-tip versatility further widening the scope of the keeps pace. Which is undoubtedly Cine-Kodak K. why the “K” is the most widely Features of the “K” include: used 16 mm. camera in the world. built-in exposure guide; perma- The “K,” with/. 1.9 or/.3.5 lens, nently attached winding crank; If it is complete equipment for all half-speed device; two finders isn't an ordinary ... and many extraordi- (eye-level and waist-high); auto- Eastman. nary. .home movie requirements. matic footage indicator. Price, it isn*t a Kodak With the/.1.9 lens, a Kodacolor $112.50 with /. 3.5 lens; $152.50 Adjustable Filter and Cine-Kodak with /. 1.9 lens, complete with Super-sensitive Kodacolor Film carrying case. At your dealer’s. CODE 7 Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, N. I S OCT -8 1934 ©Cl B 24652 H O M MO VI Published monthly by the Homovie Publishing Co., 6362 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, Calif. Vol. 1 October, 1934 CONTENTS YOUR OWN Highly Perfected Family Olympics . Talking Picture Shoot Your Pets . THEATRE Free Movie Film . 6V ICTOR has made the 16mm Sound-on-Film How To Shoot It . Talking Motion Picture as practical as the silent film for Business, School, Church, and Home appli- cation. Using A Splicer . Write for literature and arrange for demon- Eight MM Finder .... 8 strations. Victor Animatograph Corpn. Trick O’ The Month ... 9 DAVENPORT, IOWA, U. S. A. 242 W. 35th St., N. Y. C. 650 S. ©rand, Los Aogeles Exposure Guide 11 Crawling Baby ..... 12 Questions and Answers ... 16 Subscription: U. S.,,j£1.00 a year, Canada, $1.50 a year, foreign, $2.00 a year. Single copies, 10^t ^Foreign single copies, 20c. Advertising.. Rates on Ap- plication. AnimAT®PHonE Copyright, 1934 by Homovie Pub. Co, FAMILY CLyMDICS he Location for this picture can scene, drive up to its parking spot. All T be either your own backyard, a of the foregoing is a long-shot. nearby empty lot, the local park, or a Scene 4. Close-up of the car as every- picnic ground. In the event you do not one is trying to get out at the same time. want to shoot it as a family picture, you (This shot can be elaborated upon if you have the background for a good con- wish to secure individual shots of the tinuity at a picnic or some other outing various youngsters trying to squeeze you might attend. past grown-ups or trying to get through Its greatest charm and entertainment the doors two at a time.) value, however, is undoubtedly as a fam- Scene 5. Long-shot taking in every- ily record. It permits the taking in of one in the party. Showing Mother the whole family and any number of piling up food. Father opening bundles. friends and relatives you desire. Kids out playing leap - frog, somer- We are giving you what might be saulting, rolling in grass, etc., as kids called a casual outline. We do not know will when they hit the open spaces. Per- your surroundings, the athletic procliv- mit the kids to let off steam. ities of your family members. Here’s Scene 6. Follow Dad with the cam- the basic idea ; add or subtract to your era. He sits down on the ground, opens heart’s content. the paper, starts to read. Scene 1. A long-shot of the family Scene 7. Shoot over Father’s shoul- car in front of the house and the entire der, show sport page, and be sure to family, each carrying something down show the illustration of an athlete, pref- the walk to deposit it in the car. erably a runner. Scene 2. A close-up of everyone pil- Scene 8. Shoot front view of Dad ing into the car. You can break this up reading. into a number of shots if you desire. cene 9. Shoot close-up of Dad ; have Showing all crowding around the door. S him lift his head and register idea. Then working in closer and possibly Scene 10. Work back a ways for a shooting all of the feet endeavoring to quarter-shot and have Dad waving his be the first to get on the running board. arm as though calling someone to him Then to the eager faces of each as they and shouting. demand to get started. Scene 11. Same action as in Scene 10, Scene 3. Shoot this as a long-shot of but make this a long-shot to show that the picnic grounds. With no one in the Dad is calling the kids to him. Hold scene. Then let the car come into the this shot as kids come up to him. cene 12. Show Dad pointing to tributing sacks. Show each kid getting S paper and talking to kids. into sack. Also show Dad getting into (i TITLE: Let's see who's the great- sack. est athlete in the family. We'll put on Scene 18. Show all in their sacks at our own Olympics." starting line. Scene 13. setting same as Camera Scene 19. Here you can get a very Scene 12. But have kids indicate ap- effective shot of Mother. Would sug- proval and great jubilation over the idea. gest you shoot this from a low angle, Scene 14. Long-shot showing kids rather close, so as to take large close-up setting stakes to indicate starting point. of head. Show whistle in her mouth as Mother putting table alongside of the she extends cheeks to blow whistle for starting line. Father carrying bundle starting of race. Cut to — up to starting line. Scene 20. Everyone making the first Scene 15. If you wish you can break this up into a series of close-ups, one jump from the starting line. You’ll get showing Mother at the table, putting plenty of action in this, but especially pencil, paper and whistle on the table. from Father. Another of Father placing a lot of sacks cene 21.—Get some of the kids in alongside of the starting line. And S close-up falling over ; especially another showing the kids driving stakes Father. You can follow the bag race with and stretching a string tight to the as many races as you want to have. Some ground between the stakes. You can raise of them, of course, you will only show from this shot and show other children as flashes in your picture. After each in long-shot marking off another set of race show the presenting by Mother of a stakes some distance away to indicate prize, a stick of candy or something like the finishing line. that. You can put on the three-legged Scene 16. Show Dad distributing race, the potato race, the race of taking sacks. You can follow this up with a off shoes, running to other end, return- TITLE: “The First Event is a ing, putting them on, and then to goal. Sack Race." Egg race, of pushing egg with nose ; etc. Scene 17. close-shot A of Dad dis- Continued on page ten 3 where about the grounds. You set your SHCCT camera to film him as he wakens. You may possibly secure several good shots here. If something awakened him that ycuc demands he be on the job protecting his master’s good, you’ll find him jerk his PETS head up, raise his ears and listen in- tently. Then he jumps to his feet and is off about his policing business. bserve Your Pets, let’s say for If you want to make a continuity of O just one week, with a “photo- this you can in cut a house bell ringing graphic eye.” You’ll be surprised how between the time he raises his head and shots many you’ll find that would make the time he gets to his feet. fine movie material. they in- As do the This is merely a suggested shot. If teresting things, figure where you would you wish to carry that continuity fur- put the camera, what angle you would ther and show him either greeting some- shoot, how you would follow the par- one or keeping someone off the grounds, ticular scene. we believe you will be happier with your You can’t possibly get inter- a more picture if you do not show the full figure esting and entertaining picture than a of the human being, but merely his reel of your pets, whether they are sin- lower legs and feet. Let the animals gular or plural. Did you ever notice predominate in this reel. the exclamations an animal in a profes- ome animals may have a fear of the sional picture invariably brings from the S noise made by the whirring camera. audience ? Accustom them to this noise before you Let’s give somewhat of a list of pets start actual shooting.
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