{ $: . $,: * *,: ax , $: $ ,,',$, ; l* * ? *r. s $ Ctr .:],.,l, ,tii{i I l'iittfi i tiitt* * ;ii t f . ' --" i] Mountains blt Cong Wenzhi PUBLISHED MONIHTY !!! ENGILSH, FRETIICH, SPAN|S}I, ARABIC,'cHrNG GERMAN, PoRTI,GUE5E AND cHlNEsE BY THE cHtNA WELFARE INsirrurE tsooNc Llnci, -CHArRrtiiiirl vol. xxx No. 7 JULY 1981 Artic tfie /l,{onth CONTENTS SOONG CHING LING 60 Yeors of the Chi- Named Honorary Chairman of the People's Republic nese Communist Porfy of China 3 Becomes Member of Chinese Communist Party a Speech: in Equality, For Peace 5 Canadian Award Marks Friendship 4 Politicol qn From Mill Hand to Minister 6 Thoughts on Thoughts on an Anniversary 10 Anniversory Major Events ln the Chinese Communist Party's 60 Years 13 Sidelights in Chlno, old ond Economic Shanxi Province China's Largest Coal Base 16 Economic Results- in 1980 (Charts) 24 throughout. Poge f0 Workers' Living Standards in Tianjin 45 Wang Jinling, the Soybean King 57 SOONG CHING IING Educotion/Scien ce Eminent stoteswomon becomes member ol the A Liberal Arts College Founded by the People 60 Chinese Communist Porly ond Honorory Choirmon Xiamen (Amoy) University's Overseas Correspondence of the People's Republic of Chino. 'lln Equolity, For College 33 Peoce", her most recent speech. Mount Gongga Biologists' Paradise 34 - From Textile Worker Minister Culture to 2,000 Years of Chinese Pagodas 27 The textile worker Hoo Hongkong Photographer Exhibits in Beijing 42 Jionxiu, obout whom Tianjin Collectors Donate Art Treasures to the State 62 Chino Reconstructs first wrote in 1952 wtren Medicine/Society she wos o girl of t7 ond A Woman Plastic Surgeon 32 imented o new method Active Life for the Handicapped 48 in cotton spinning, wos Sports Meet for the Blind and Deaf-Mutes 50 recently oppointed Chino's Minister of Tex. Friendship tile lndustry. Her ex" A Neighborly Visit in the Philippines 64 perience costs light on the growth of the new Notionolities working closs in nerY Dramatic Changes tor the Kucongs 6B Chino. Poge 6 Across the Lqnd Chino's lorgest Cool Bsse The Ancient Port of Anhai 51 Shonxi province hos Changzhou Combs 56 obout one-thitd of the Columns ond Speciols Chino's eool deposits ond is the cool Our Postbag bigg 23 field in Chino. e or- Chinese Staple Foods 58 ticle tells of new con- Legends and Historical Tales: Nu Wa Patches Up the Sky b/ struction ond mechonizo. Chinese Cookery: Bean Vermicelli with Dressing 59 tion of its mines ond the Language Corner: Lesson 7 life ol miners. Poge 16 The Lantern Festival 70 Cover Pictures Front: Hao Jianxiu as a young worker, and as Textile Minister Xinhua and Liu Chen Back: "Mirage" Jian Qingfu Editoriol Office: Wo,i Wen Building, Beijing (37), Chi'no, Coble: "CHIRECON" Beijing. Generol Dishibutor: GUOJI 5HUDIAN, P O. Box 399, Beijing, Chino. Soong ehing Ling speoking ot the First Flenory Session of the Chinese People's Politicol Consultotive Conference on Septennber 21, 1949. At the conferenee she wos choscn o vice-shoirmon of the Eovernment of the Peo- ple's Repubi!e of Chino. CHINA RECONSTRUCTS Somng Ghing Ling Namred Honor ary Chairman of the Feople's Republic of China rylHE Standing Committee of the National She is one of the beloved and respeeted -E- People'"s Ccrngress, meeting on May 16, 1981, leaders of the Chinese people of all nationali- unanimously adopted a decision to confer the ' ties, including the Taiwan compatriots and honorific title of Honorary Chairman of the overseas Chinese" She is a great patriotic, People's Repub).ic of China on Soong Ching Ling. democratic, internationalist and communist The decision states: fighter and a long-tested pioneer in the car.rse "Ccmrade Soong Ching Ling unswervingly of defending world peace. derroted her early years to the cause of the Comrade Soong Ching Ling has made bril- liant contributions Chinese revolution alongside the great revolu- to the state and people in the course of our country's revolution and con- tionary forerunner, Dr. Sun Yat-sen. She has struction. In view of this, the Standing Com- firrnly stood by the Chinese Communist Party mittee of the National People's Congress hereby and Chinese people the during the people's decides to confer the honorific title of Honorary dernocratic revolution and the sociaiist revolu- Chairman of the People's Republic of China on tion and socialist constructit-rn in China. Comrade' Soong Ching Ling." $oollg hing [.ing Becomes Mernber &f t e hinese Cormmunist Farty PELOW is the text of the deci n taken by She has been one of the beloved and L.D 15s Folitical Bureau of the ntral Com- respected leaders of the people of all national- mittee of the Chinese Cornmurrist Party on May ities of China, inciuding the Taiwan com- 15, 1981 accept to Comrade Soong Ching Ling patriots and overseas Chinese. as a full member of the Party. She has been a great fighter for patriotism, Cornrade Soong Ching Ling devoted her democracy, internationalism and communism, a youth to the cause of the Chinese revolution long-tested pioneer cause alongside the great revolutionary forerunner, in the of defending wcirid peace, grandmother Dr. Sun Yat-sen. and a benevolent to all Chinese From ihe lime of the first cooperation children. between the Kuomintang and the Cornmunist She applied to join the Chinese Cornmunist Party in 1923, she unswervingly upheld Dr. Sun Party on many occasions in the past and Yat-sen's revolutionary new Three Feople's tendered her application again recently after she Principles and firmly stood by the Chinese Com- became seriously ill. munist Party during the difficult and arduous The Political Bureau of the C.P.C. Central struggles of the protracted Clrinese revolution. Committee has unanimously decided tn accept She has always been a closest comrade-in-arms Comrade Soong Ching Ling as a full member of the Communist Party. of the Chinese Communist Party. JUtr,Y 1987 i ffi"'j*F : \::.,-ri'.,%j-i"r' 45'& Soong Ching Ling <{ "& - acceDts a Honorary Doctor of Laws degEee conferred on her by Canatla's Victoria University. Zhou Youma $mmm B" iu-1ri *fu B ward Petch, president of that firm friendship that binds the peo- country's Victoria University, con- ple of China and Canada." the Chinese people's struggle to ferred its degree of Honorary Soong Ching Ling, besides her governmental position, Honor- work together for soeial, political Doctor of Laws on Soong Ching is and economic modernization. Her ary President of the Chinese Peo- Ling (Mme. Sun Yat-sen), Vice- ple's Association Friendship unswerving devotion the well- for to Chairman of the Standing Com- with Foreign Countries and Chair- being of the Chinese people has mittee of the National People's man of the China Welfare Institute won for her a special place in the Congress of China, at a special con- which publishes China Recon- hearts of admirers around the vocation of the university held in structs. world. Ferv people have ever May in Beijing. Other speakers at the ceremony contributed so many years of active were Wang Bingnan, President of service to improving the welfare of qOONG Ching Ling said of the the Chinese Association for Friend- children, to elevating the status of tJ award, "I accept it not for my- ship with Foreign Countries and women, to extending health care to self but as a token of your respect Michel Quavin, Canadian Ambas- such a large portion of humanity and friendship for the Chinese peo- sador to China. .Present were many and to supporting the goal of world ple and what they have achieved governmental and academic lead- peace." through protracted revolutionary ers as well as Chinese and foreign trVith these words, in a ceremony struggles and in the building of friends of Soong Ching Ling. that established a new bond be- our Feople's Republic. EquaIIy, I The text of Soong Ching Ling's tween Canada and China. Dr. Ho- accept it as a token of the old and speech follows: 4 CHINA RECONSTRUCTS il EQUNLITY, F(lH PEEOE ..1"*r*Z ('--.i, L^? T am honored to accept the doctorate from the to China's struggles for equality and independence. r University of Victoria. It was so, notably, in World War II, when our two I accept it not for myself but as a token of your countries were allies against the fascist Axis. It is respect and friendship for the Chinese people and so today. I would like, among long-term friends, what they have achieved through protracted revolu- particularly to mention Dr. Chester Ronning and. tionary struggles and in the building of our People's Dr. James Endicott, and there are many more. Since Republic. Equally, I accept it as a token of the old, the founding of the People's Republic of China and and firm friendship that binds the people of China especially since the establishment of diplomatic and Canada. retrations between China and Canada the bridge of face each across Pacific. Our countries other the Chinese-Canadian friendship has become more stable, Long ago many Chinese began to go to Canada to broader and stronger, including good state relations, work. They contributed in many ways to the building mutually advantageous trade, and academic and other up of Canada. They won the respect of their fellow- citizens of other origins they have been good amicable exchanges. Canadians. At the same time- they have not forgot- ten their ancestral homeland, whose progress they T N the present, as in the past, we have a common have never failed to assist. In Sun Yat-sen's day they I interest not onJy in continued friendship but, were staunch supporters of his cause he himself tangibly and sharply, in common effort for the spent much time among them.
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