APPENDIX A Chronology of Anselm's Life (See Eadmer; Southern; Charlesworth, pp. 8-21.) 1033 Born at Aosta in Burgundy c.1053 His mother dies; 'the ship ofhis heart, having lost its anchor, drifted among the waves of the world' 1056 Quarrels with his father; leaves home and wan­ ders through Burgundy and France 1060 Enters the Benedictine monastery of Bee in Normandy 1063 Succeeds Lanfranc as Prior of Bee 1076 Monologion 1077-8 Proslogion 1078 Succeeds Herluin as Abbot of Bee 1080-5 de Grammatico, de Veritate, de Libertate Arbitrii 1085-90 de Casu Diaboli 1092-4 Epistola de Incamatione Verbi 1093 Reluctantly enthroned as Archbishop of Canter­ bury 1094--8 Cur Deus Homo 1097 Exiled by William II; journeys to Rome, and stays at Lyons 1099-1100 de Conceptu Virginali 1100 Death of William II; Anselm recalled by Henry I 1102 de Processione Spiritus Sancti 1103 Exiled by Henry I; at Lyons 1106 Returns to England 1106-7 Epistola de Sacrijicio Azymi et Fermentati; de Sacra­ mentis Ecclesiae 1107-8 de Concordia ?1108 de Potestate 1109 Dies, 21 April ?1163 Canonised 87 APPENDIX B Anselm's Reductio It may be helpful to set out more rigorously the interpretation of Anselm's reductio which is explained informally on pp. 12-15 above. In the main the formalisation follows Lemmon; but there are several points needing explanation: (i) Abbreviations: 'b' for 'The Fool' 'xUy' for 'x understands "y"' 'xMy' for 'y is in x's understanding' 'xi: P' for 'x can imagine that P' 'Ex' for 'x exists in reality' 'xGy' for 'x is greater than y' 'xi : Fy' for 'x can imagine something F'. (ii) Rules: Rlmag: From 'al: Fb' deduce 'al: Fx'. (If someone can imagine that b is F, he can imagine something F.) RAAAns: If B is absurd and is deduced from A1, A2, ••• , A.., infer 1 Ai (for any i, 1 ~ i ~ n) on assumptions A1, ••• , Ai -I> Ai +l• ••• , A... (Reductio ad absurdum Anselmianum: cf. above, p. 15.) (iii) Definitions: (Dl) Aa =df(3:y)yl:zGa. (D2) ex =df(1x)--, Ax. In theproofthatfollows, (1)-(5) answer to (Pl)-(P5) and (6) answers to (NC*) ; the order of reasoning is approximately that taken by my informal account. 1 (1) bUcx A 2 (2) (VX) (yy) (xUy-+xMy) A 3 (3) (VX) (yy) (xMy-+xl: Ey) A 4 (4) (yy) (((3:x)xMy & •Ey)-+(yz) (Ez-+ zGy)) A 88 5 (5) (yP) (yQ) ((P~Q)~(yx) (xi:P~xi:Q)) A 6 (6) -.Eat A 2 (7) (yy) (bUy-+-bMy) 2 UE 2 (8) bUat~bMat 7 UE 1, 2 (9) bMat 1, 8 MPP 3 (10) (yy) (bMy~bi:Ey) 3 UE 3 (11) bMat~bi:Eat 10 UE 1, 2, 3 (12) bi:Eat 9, 11 MPP 4 (13) ((3:x)xMat & 1 Eat)~(yz) (Ez~zGat) 4 UE 1, 2 (14) (3:x)xMat 9 EI 1, 2, 6 (15) (3:x)xMat & ...,Eat 6, 14 & I 1, 2, 4, 6 (16) (yz) (Ez~zGat) 13, 15 MPP 1, 2, 4, 6 (17) Eat~atGat 16 UE 5 (18) (yQ) ((Eat~Q)~(yx) (xi:Eat~xi:Q)) 5UE 5 (19) (Eat~atGat)~(yx) (xi:Eat~xl:atGat) 18 UE 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 (20) (yx) (xi:Eat~xl:atGat) 17, 19 MPP 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 (21) bi:Eat~bl:atGat 20 UE 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (22) bl: atGat 12, 21 MPP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (23) bl: zGat 22 Rlmag 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (24) (3:y) (yl:zGat) 23 EI 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (25) Aat 24 Dl 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (26) [('x) •Ax]A[('x) -.Ax] 25 D2 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (27) ..., ..., Eat 6, 26 RAAAns I, 2, 3, 4, 5 (28) Eat 27 DN The reader may care to set this beside the formalisation in Adams, pp. 31-2. Adams' acute and rigorous analysis of Anselm's arguments appeared after my manuscript had gone to press. 89 References There is a large but by no means exhaustive bibliography on the Ontological Argument in Hick and McGill; new work can be discovered through such publications as The Philosopher's Index. The list given here contains only those books and articles which are referred to in the text. Abbreviations: An Ana!Jsis APQ American Philosophical Quarter!J BJPS British Journal for the Philosophy of Science I Inquiry JP Journal of Philosophy JTS Journal of Theological Studies M Mind PAS(S) Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society (supplementary volume) P R Philosophical Review RM Review of Metaphysics Where a publication is assigned more than one place of ap­ pearance (indicated by the sign' ='),page references in the text are to the asterisked source. (a) Anselm and Descartes Anselm: [1] Monologion [2] Proslogion [3] Responsio ad Gaunilonem [4] de Grammatico [5] de Veritate [6] de Libertate Arbitrii [7] de Casu Diaboli [8] Epistola de Incarnatione Verbi [9] Cur Deus Homo 91 [10] de Concordia praescientiae et praedestinationis et gratiae Dei cum libero arbitrio [11] de Potestate The standard edition is Sancti Anselmi Opera Omnia, ed. F. S. Schmitt, in five volumes (a two-volume reprint has recently appeared: Stuttgart: Frommann, 1968). [1]-[7] are contained in vol. I (Edinburgh: Nelson, 1946); [8]-[10] in vol. II (Rome: n.p., 1940). My references to these works are generally by page and line number of Schmitt's text. [11] was discovered and edited by Schmitt in 1936; it is re-edited by R. W. Southern and F. S. Schmitt in Memorials of St Anselm (London: Oxford U .P., for the British Academy, 1969) - vol. I of Auctores Britannici Medii Aevi - and I cite it by page and line of this edition. Translations in the text are my own. St Anselm: Basic Writings, trans. S. N. Deane, 2nd ed. (La Salle, Ill.: Open Court, 1962) contains English versions of [1], [2], [3] and [9], and also of Gaunilo; Deane's versions of [2] (chaps ii-iv), [3], and Gaunilo are reprinted in Plantinga [2]. Hick and McGill contains translations by A. C. McGill of [2] (chaps ii-iv), [3], and Gaunilo; Schmitt's text of [2], [3], and Gaunilo is reprinted opposite a new translation in Charlesworth. Descartes: [1] Discourse on the Method (1637) [2] Meditations (1641) [3] Replies to Objections (1641; enlarged 1642) [4] Principles of Philosophy ( 1644) [5] Notes against a Programme (1647) The classic edition of Descartes' works is by C. Adam and P. Tannery, in 13 volumes (Paris: Cerf, 1897-1913). The standard English translation is by E. S. Haldane and G. R. T. Ross (Cambridge: Cambridge U.P., 1911); it is in two vol­ umes: vol. I includes [1], [2], [4] and [5]; vol. II is taken up by [3]. My quotations follow Haldane and Ross in the main; references are to volume and page of their translation. (b) General Adams, R. M., 'The Logical Structure of Anselm's Argu­ ments', PR, LXXX (1971) 28-54. Alston, W. P., 'The Ontological Argument Revisited', PR, LXIX (1960) 452-74 =Plantinga [2]. 92 Ambrose, A., and Lazerowitz, M. (eds), G. E. Moore: Essays in Retrospect (London: Allen & Unwin, 1970). Anscombe, G. E. M., and Geach, P. T., Three Philosophers (Oxford: Blackwell, 1961). Aquinas: [1] Summa contra Gentiles, editio Leonina (Rome: n.p., 1934). [2] Summa Theologiae, editio Leonina (Rome: Marietti, 1948). Aristotle: [1] de Interpretatione, ed. L. Minio-Paluello (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1949). [2] Ana!Jtica, ed. W. D. Ross (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1964). [3] Metaphysics, ed. W. Jaeger (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1957). Augustine: [1] de Doctrina Christiana, ed. J. Martin, Corpus Christianorum, series Latina, XXXII (Turnhout: Brepols, 1962). [2] de Trinitate, ed. W.J. Mountain, Corpus Christianorum, series Latina, L (Turnhout: Brepols, 1968). Bambrough, R. (ed.), New Essays on Plato and Aristotle (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1965). Barth, K., Anselm: Fides Quaerens Intellectum, trans. I. Robertson (London: S.C.M. Press, 1960). German edition first pub­ lished in 1931. Boethius, Philosophiae Consolatio, ed. L. Bieler, Corpus Christian­ orum, series Latina, XCIV (Turnhout: Brepo1s, 1957). Brown, P., 'St Thomas' Doctrine of Necessary Being', PR, LXXIII (1964) 76--90. Cahn, S. M., 'The Irrelevance to Religion of Philosophic Proofs for the Existence of God', APQ, VI ( 1969) 170-2. Cartwright, R. L., 'Negative Existentials',JP, LVII (1960) 629- 639 =*Caton. Caton, C. E. (ed.), Philosophy and Ordinary Language (Urbana: Univ. of Illinois Press, 1963). Charlesworth, M. J., St Anselm's Proslogion (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1965). Chisholm, R. M. (ed. ), Realism and the Background of Phenomen­ ology (Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1960). Daniels, A., Quellenbeitriige und Untersuchungen ;:.ur Geschichte der Gottesbeweise im XIII. Jahrhundert, Beitrage zur Geschichte der 93 Philosophie des Mittelalters, vm 1-2 (Munster: Aschendorff, 1909). Eadmer, The Life of St Anselm, ed. R. W. Southern (London: Nelson, 1962). Findlay, J. N.: [1] 'Can God's Existence be Disproved?', M, Lvn (1948) 176-83 =Flew and Macintyre =Findlay [2] = *Plantinga [2]. [2] Language, Truth and Value (London: Allen & Unwin, 1963). Flew, A. G. N.: [1] (ed.), Logic and Language, First Series (Oxford: Blackwell, 1951). [2] (ed.), Essays in Conceptual Anarysis (London: Macmillan, 1956). [3] God and Philosophy (London: Hutchinson, 1966). Flew, A. G. N., and Macintyre, A. C., New Essays in Philo­ sophical Theology (London: S.C.M. Press, 1955). Frege, G.: [1] The Foundations of Arithmetic, trans.J. L. Austin, 2nd ed. (Oxford: Blackwell, 1953). First published in 1884. [2] 'Function and Concept', in Frege [5]. First published in 1891. [3] 'On Concept and Object', in Frege [5]. First published in 1892. [4] 'On Sense and Reference', in Frege [5].
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