Journal of Nematology 34(4):ii–v. 2002. © The Society of Nematologists 2002. KEYWORD INDEX 1 corky ringspot disease 66 G correlation 80 18S rDNA 319 cotton 115, 232 Galleria mellonella 23, 351 cover crop 106, 289 gene expression 71 5 cranberry 207 gene sequence 71 crop loss 370 genetic resource 358 5.8S rRNA gene 263 crop model 200 Geographical Information System (GIS) crop risk 200 200, 207 A crop rotation 289, 378 geostatistics 80, 189, 232 Crotalaria juncea 106 Global Positioning System (GPS) 194, 200 Adelges tsugae 213 Cucumis melo 43 Globodera 263, 319 aldicarb 115 Cucurbitaceae 140 Globodera pallida 194, 319 alfalfa 66 cultivar 378 Globodera rostochiensis 194 Alternaria solani 189 culture 343 Globodera tabacum 34 amphid 50 cyanide 16 Glycine max 239, 370, 378 Ananas comosus 106 cyst 250 glycine-rich protein 75 anisotropy 80 cyst nematode 12, 312 glyphosate 370 antagonist 405 Gossypium hirsutum 115, 232 antagonistic interaction 267 D grape rootstock 28, 143 Arabidopsis thaliana 75 green manure 16, 289 Arachis hypogaea 98 Arizona 200 damage function 38 Aspergillus 98 database 296 H database analysis 207 defoliation 213 harvest forecast 200 B degree day 200 hatch 146 bacterium 1, 23, 120 detection 185, 222 head 50 behavior 135, 239, 328 development 28, 143 Hederodera glycines 9 benzaldehyde 362 diagnostic compendium 250 Helicotylenchus 88 bioactive 358 Diaprepes abbreviatus 159 hemicellulose 362 biocontrol agent 1 discriminant analysis 213 hemlock 213 biogeography 390 discriminating 213 hemlock woolly adelgid 213 biological control 1, 16, 120, 130, 171, 246, disease forecast 200 herbal remedy 124 332, 405 disease modeling 200 herbicide-resistant crop 370 biological control fungus 351 disease risk 200 Heterodera avenae group 250 black root rot 351, 409 disease suppression 16 Heterodera glycines 12, 185, 222, 279 botanical 124 distribution pattern 185 Heterodera glycines (HG) type 279 Brassica napus 106 disturbance 88 Heterodera goldeni n. sp. 312 Brazil 135, 232 Dorylaimid 390 Heterodera graminophila 312 breeding 34 double-cropping 130 Heterodera leuceilyma 312 breeding line 378 Dracognomus americanum n. sp. 303 Heterodera schachtii 75 Brevibacterium iodinum 362 Dracognomus simplex 303 Heterorhabditis 239, 246 Bursaphelenchus xylophilus 62, 396 Draconematidae 303 Heterorhabditis bacteriophora 151, 171, 340, 343 C Heterorhabditis downesi 151 E Heterorhabditis indica 23 Heterorhabditis megidis 151 California 200 early blight 189 Hoplolaimus columbus 370 Capsicum annuun 374 early dying 189 host 340 carbohydrate 273 eastern hemlock 213 host range 140 cellulase 12 ecology 88 Cephalobus 88 host reaction 135 economic threshold 43 host suitability 378 change detection 213 egg 146, 267 chitin 362 host-parasite relationship 135 Egypt 312 host-plant tolerance 370 chloride 273 energy reserve 151 chorotype 390 hypersensitive reaction 28, 143 entomopathogenic nematode 23, 151, 159, chronosequence 88 171, 239, 246, 328, 332, 340, 343, 351 citral 362 environmental safety 179 I citrus 267, 384 esophageal gland 9 citrus nematode 273 Iberian Peninsula 390 citrus root weevil 159 esophageal gland cell 12 Idaho 200 classification scheme 279 expressed sequence tag (EST) 71 identification 250, 296, 303 clover 16 extraction method 62 image editing 296 Coffea arabica 135 in vivo production 343 coffee 135 F infectivity 151 Columbia lance nematode 370 insect 23 combination 1 Fabaceae 140 insect host 328 compendium 250 flax 16 insect risk 200 competition 267, 384 forest 88, 213 insecticidal toxin complex 23 complementary DNA (cDNA) 12 Fragaria x ananassa 351, 409 Integrated Pest Management (IPM) 194 computer application 296 fumigant nematicide 370 internal transcribed spacer (ITS) 263 conditional simulation 232 functional genomics 71 interspecific interaction 384 Conotrachelus nenuphar 246 fungus 1 ITS1 263 Convolvulaceae 140 Fusarium solani 267 ITS2 263 ii Keyword Index iii K Paratrichodorus allius 66 RootShield 351 pathogenicity 146 Rotylenchulus reniformis 106, 232, 378 key 250, 303 peach 120 Korea 43 peanut 98 S kriging 232 pectate lyase gene 9 penetration 28, 143 sampling 80 L pepper 374 sampling strategy 185 Landsat TM 213 perennial crop management 207 scanning electron microscopy (SEM) 50, legume 358 persistence 151 303, 312 lesion nematode 130, 135, 409 pheromone 328 Sclerotium rolfsii 98 lip region 50 Photorhabdus luminescens akhurstii 23 scotch spearmint 66 lipid 151 phylogenetic analysis 263 Seinura diversa 175 Seinura winchesi 175 Lycopersicon esculentum 130, 171, 239, 351, phylogeny 319 Seinuridae 175 362 phytochemical 362 semivariogram 232 Phytophthora nicotianae 267, 384 sequence database 71 M phytotoxicity 124 Serratia marcescens 362 pine bark 362 management 106, 222, 374 Sinapis alba 106 pineapple 106 management efficacy 43 site-specific application 115 pinewood nematode 62 map 80 site-specific management 80 Pinus densiflora 396 mapping 200 small subunit (SSU) 319 Pinus pinaster 62 marigold 106, 130 sodium 273 plant disease loss 222 marine nematode 50, 303 soil 88, 106 plant extract 124 maritime pine 62 soil amendment 358 plum curculio 246 mating 328 soil baiting 151 pollenin 75 Medicago sativa 66 soil disturbance 88 population density 43 Meloidogyne 179, 319, 405 soil texture 80 population dynamics 38, 189, 409 Meloidogyne arenaria 28, 43, 143, 267 Solanum tuberosum 66, 130, 189 Portugal 263 Meloidogyne hapla 16, 409 southern blight 98 potassium 273 Meloidogyne incognita 75, 115, 171, 374 soybean 239, 370, 378 potato 66, 130, 189 Meloidogyne javanica 124, 239 soybean cyst nematode 185, 222, 279 potato cyst nematode 194 Meloidogyne megadora 140 Spain 146, 405 potato early dying 130 Mentha cardiaca 66 spatial dependence 80 Pratylenchus coffeae 135 Mesocriconema xenoplax 120 spatial distribution 80, 189, 390 Pratylenchus penetrans 130, 189, 351, 409 method 296 spatio-temporal structure 185 Pratylenchus vulnus 124 methyl bromide alternative 374 Spodoptera litura 23 precision 62 microbe 1 staining procedure 179 precision agriculture 115, 232 microbial community 98 starvation 151 Prochaetosomatinae 303 microbial diversity 98 Steinernema 239, 246 production system 343 microscopy 296 Steinernema carpocapsae 328, 340, 343, 351 profit limit 43 Mississippi 88 Steinernema diaprepesi n. sp 159 Prunus persica 120 molecular nematology 9 Steinernema feltiae 171, 351 Pseudomonas fluorescens 362 Monochamus alternatus 396 Steinernema riobrave 171 Punctodera 263 Monochid 390 stem girdling 273 Punctodera chalcoensis 263 morphology 50, 250, 296, 303, 312 strawberry 351, 409 Punctodera punctata 263 motility 351 Subanguina radicicola 319 movement 396 succession 88 multiple infection 396 Q sudangrass 16 Musaceae 140 sunn hemp 106 Qasabagrass root 312 suppression 124, 171, 239 N survey 405 R survival 151 Nacobbus abberans 319 switchgrass 98 natural product 124 race scheme 279 nematode control 289 rapeseed 106 T new species 159, 303, 312 rearing conditions 340 Nicotiana tabacum 34, 38, 66 remote sensing 207, 213, 222 Tagetes erecta 106, 130 reniform nematode 378 tapetum 75 O repellence 351 taxonomy 159, 175, 250, 303, 312 Okranema eileenae 50 reproduction 28, 143, 146, 246 temperature effect 146 Olea europaea 146 reproductive index 378 thiophene 130 oleosin 75 reproductive isolation 328 Thoracostomopsidae 50 olive 146 resistance 28, 34, 143, 179, 374 Thripinema nicklewoodi 332 olive cyst nematode 146 Rhabditidae 88 tobacco 34, 38, 66 Oregon 200 rhizobacterium 120, 362 tobacco cyst nematode 34, 38 organic matter 80 Rhizoctonia fragariae 351, 409 tobacco rattle virus 66 oriental melon 43 rhizosphere 120 tomato 130, 171, 239, 351, 362 osmolyte 273 rhizosphere ecology 98 toxic effect 124 oviposition wound 396 ribosomal DNA (rDNA) 263, 319 toxin 23 ring nematode 120 transmission 396 P root exudate 146 transmission electron microscopy (TEM) 50 root penetration 239 transplant 362 Panicum coloratum 312 root pruning 273 Trichoderma harzianum 351 Panicum virgatum 98 root-knot nematode 43, 98, 115, 140, 179, Tsuga canadensis 213 parasite 328 319, 358, 362, 374, 409 Tylenchulus semipenetrans 267, 273, 384 parasitism gene 12 root-lesion nematode 189 type collection 296 iv Journal of Nematology, Volume 34, No. 4, January 2003 U video 296 Y virulence 246 ultrastructure 50 Vitis 28, 143 yellow mustard 106 United Kingdom 194 yield loss 38, 207 unsupervised classification 207 W yield mapping 207 update 71 yield-limiting factor 185 Washington 200 V weather forecast 200 western flower thrips 332 Vaccinium macrocarpon 207 woodland 88, 213 Z variability 135 worker protection 179 Verticillium dahliae 189 World Wide Web 296 Zygotylenchus guevarai 319 AUTHORS INDEX A G Ma´rquez, A. L. 390 Martinez-Ochoa, N. 362 Abawi, G. S. 16, 289 Gao, B. 12 Mashela, P. W. 273 Alexander, S. A. 130 Gaugler, R. 239, 328, 343 Mason, J. M. 332 Allen, R. 12 Gbur, E. E. 378 Matlack, G. R. 88 Almeida, A. M. S. F. de 140 Gheysen, G. 75 McCarter, J. P. 71 Anwar, S. A. 28, 143 Graham, J. H. 267, 384 McCoy, C. 340 Arakawa, Y. 396 Greer, C. A. 200 McDermott, J. P. 9 Arelli, P. R. 279 Griffin, C. T. 151 McKenry, M. V. 28, 143 Guan, J. 222 Melakeberhan, H. 185 B Gubler, W. D. 200 Merrill, S. B. 179 Meyer, S. L. F. 1 Barbarosa, B. 328 H Mitkowski, N. A. 289 Barbosa, J. C. 232 Mizell, R. F., III 246 Barker, A. D. 194 Halford, P. D. 194 Moens, M. 319 Basart, J. P. 222 Handoo, Z. A. 250, 312 Mojtahedi, H. 66 Baum, T. J. 9, 12 Hass, B. 151 Moreira, A. J. D. 222 Bert, W. 296 Heinz, K. M. 332 Morgan, G. D. 189 Bhatnagar, R. K. 23 Hughes, M. G. 207 Morris, J. B. 358 Binning, L. K. 189 Hussey, R. S. 9, 12 Mota, M. M. 62 Bird, D. McK. 71 Mundo-Ocampo, M. 263 Bowen, K. L. 98 I Boydston, R. A. 66 N Brown, I. 343 Ibrahim, I. K. A. 312 Inomoto, M. M. 135 Nguyen, K. B. 159 C Niblack, T. L. 279 J Nicholas, W. L. 50 Campbell, J. F. 246 Noel, G. R. 279 Jackson, L. E. 378 Castillo, P. 146 Nthangeni, M. E. 273 Chong, C. S. 222 Nutter, F. W., Jr. 222 Clifton, S. W. 71 K Nyczepir, A.

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