Official Journal C 257 of the European Union Volume 62 English edition Information and Notices 31 July 2019 Contents II Information INFORMATION FROM EUROPEAN UNION INSTITUTIONS, BODIES, OFFICES AND AGENCIES European Commission 2019/C 257/01 Commission notice — Guidelines for the implementation of the single digital gateway Regulation — 2019-2020 work programme ................................................................................................. 1 IV Notices NOTICES FROM EUROPEAN UNION INSTITUTIONS, BODIES, OFFICES AND AGENCIES European Commission 2019/C 257/02 Euro exchange rates .............................................................................................................. 14 V Announcements PROCEDURES RELATING TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF COMPETITION POLICY European Commission 2019/C 257/03 Prior notification of a concentration (Case M.9397 — Mirova/GE/Desarrollo Eólico Las Majas) — Candidate case for simplified procedure (1) ................................................................................ 15 EN (1) Text with EEA relevance. 2019/C 257/04 Prior notification of a concentration (Case M.9418 — Temasek/RRJ Masterfund III/Gategroup) (1) ....... 17 OTHER ACTS European Commission 2019/C 257/05 Publication of an application for registration of a name pursuant to Article 50(2)(a) of Regulation (EU) No 1151/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council on quality schemes for agricultural products and foodstuffs ......................................................................................................... 18 2019/C 257/06 Information notice — Public consultation — Geographical indications proposed by New Zealand to be protected in the EU .......................................................................................................... 23 (1) Text with EEA relevance. 31.7.2019 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 257/1 II (Information) INFORMATION FROM EUROPEAN UNION INSTITUTIONS, BODIES, OFFICES AND AGENCIES EUROPEAN COMMISSION Commission notice Guidelines for the implementation of the single digital gateway Regulation 2019-2020 work programme (2019/C 257/01) Introduction Regulation (EU) 2018/1724 of the European Parliament and of the Council (1) establishing a single digital gateway aims at facilitating online access to the information, administrative procedures and assistance services that citizens and businesses need to move within the Union and to trade, establish themselves and expand their businesses in another Member State. Article 31(1) of the Regulation foresees the adoption of an annual work programme that shall specify actions to facili­ tate implementation of the Regulation, in particular actions: — to improve the presentation of specific information within the areas listed in Annex I and to facilitate the timely implementation, by competent authorities at all levels, of the requirement to provide information; — to facilitate compliance with Article 6 on the digitalisation of procedures and Article 13 on the cross-border access to online procedures; — to ensure the consistent compliance with the quality requirements on information, procedures and assistance ser­ vices set out in Articles 9 to 12; — related to the promotion of the gateway in accordance with Article 23(2.) These Commission guidelines aim at listing these actions and at providing a detailed timeline for the various steps to be taken for their implementation. On 26 February 2019, this list has been discussed with the gateway coordination group, as foreseen by Article 31(2) of the Regulation. In view of the convergence of a number of actions towards the December 2020 deadline, this first work programme covers the period up to the launch of the single digital gateway, namely July 2019-December 2020. Implementation of the work programme will be monitored both via the gateway coordination group online collabora­ tion platform and during meetings of the gateway coordination group. For the purposes of this Commission notice, the following definitions apply: — ‘competent authority’ means any Member State authority or body established at national, regional or local level with specific responsibilities relating to the information, procedures, assistance and problem-solving services covered by the gateway Regulation; — ‘national coordinators’ are the representatives appointed by Member States as foreseen by Article 28 of the gateway Regulation. (1) OJ L 295, 21.11.2018, p. 1. C 257/2 EN Official Journal of the European Union 31.7.2019 1. Information and service quality Objective 1.1: Ensuring availability of information Reference: Articles 4 and 5 of the Regulation on access to information, Article 9 on quality of information on rights, obligations and rules. Background The gateway will provide citizens and businesses with sufficiently comprehensive information to allow them to exercise their rights and obligations derived from Union and national law, including information about how to handle adminis­ trative procedures. The Regulation provides in Annex I a list of areas for which the Commission and Member States will have to ensure all the information relevant for citizens and businesses is provided online by 12 December 2020. To avoid duplications (see objective 1.4), the Commission will publish information on EU-wide rights and obligations on the Your Europe portal (2) while Member States will publish most of the required information on national implementation on their portals. The Commission and Member States have agreed on the way Annex 1 topics are shared between EU and national level websites. A common search tool will ensure that all information can be found easily by users of the gateway. The current version of the Your Europe portal already covers largely EU-wide rights and obligations. It also includes information on national implementation provided by Member States authorities for some of the topics identified in Annex I. By 12 December 2020, national content on Your Europe will be phased out as it is replaced by information on national websites. The European Commission has proposed guidance on how to reuse or reproduce on national web­ sites the national content already available on Your Europe. How and when? When What Who Q3-Q4 2019 Identify for all Annex I areas whether information that National coordinators needs to be covered at the national level is online Identify the responsible authorities Develop a work plan for addressing the information gaps at the national level By Q4 2019 Provide basic guidance on topics in Annex I that are Commission currently not covered on Your Europe Q1-Q2 2020 Fill information gaps at national level National coordinators Competent authorities Q1-Q2 2020 Fill information gaps at EU level Commission Q2 2020 Mid-term assessment of progress made towards full National coordinators coverage of Annex I topics Commission Q2 2020 Provide links to national information in a common National coordinators repository to be used for the search facility Commission Q3-Q4 2020 Test, fix bugs and improve search facility Commission (2) And on Commission websites created by legal basis. 31.7.2019 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 257/3 When What Who Q4 2020 All areas identified in Annex I to be covered at the level Commission required (EU or national) National coordinators Objective 1.2: Ensuring quality of information and information on procedures, including user friendliness and web accessibility Reference: Article 8 of the Regulation on quality requirements related to web accessibility and Article 9 on quality of information on rights, obligations and rules. Background The gateway must provide information that is user-friendly, well-structured and well presented. The content should be accurate and updated, and include the date of latest update. It should provide the name of the authority responsible for the information, and contact details of relevant assistance or problem-solving services. It should be accompanied by references to legal acts, technical specifications, guidelines. Websites managed by Member State authorities have to comply with web accessibility rules (as set out in Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council (3)). The Regulation extends this requirement to Commission- managed websites included in the gateway. The Commission has proposed initial guidance on how these requirements can be met, based on its experience manag­ ing the Your Europe portal. How and when? When What Who Q3-Q4 2019 Share guidance provided by the Commission with National coordinators competent authorities or integrate it in existing guidelines for quality management of web content Competent authorities Set up an approach for monitoring quality of web content to be covered by the gateway Q3 2019-Q4 2020 Exchange regularly on quality and accessibility standards National coordinators, in the frame and on good practice of the gateway coordination group Q4 2020 All relevant information to be of the right quality — Commission relevant, accessible, and the following the requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2018/1724 National coordinators Objective 1.3: Translating information Reference: Articles 9 to 12 of the Regulation on translation and quality requirements Background In order for the services offered through the gateway to be accessible to a wide range of users, explanations on the rules, the procedures and what can be expected from assistance services covered by the gateway will need to be provided at least in a language that most users
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