A new species and new distribution records of Pickeliana (Opiliones: Laniatores: Stygnidae) Marcos R. Hara 1 & Ricardo Pinto-da-Rocha 2 1 Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades, Universidade de São Paulo. Avenida Arlindo Bettio 1000, Ermelino Matarazzo, 03828-000 São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] 2 Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de São Paulo. Caixa Postal 11461 05422-970 São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT. A new species of Pickeliana Mello-Leitão, 1932, P. albimaculata sp. nov.., is described from Jussari, Bahia, Brazil. It can be easily distinguished from the already described species by the presence of white spots on mesotergal area I and anal opercle. It is similar to P. pickeli Mello-Leitão, 1932 by the presence of a large, ventro- apical pointed tubercle on femora III-IV. A cladistic analysis was performed adding a new character to the available character matrix, the presence of a large and ventro-apical pointed tubercle on male femur IV. Accord- ing to this analysis, P. albimaculata sp. nov. is sister species of P. pickeli. Additionally, we present an identification key and an update on the geographical distribution of species of this genus in northeastern Brazil. KEY WORDS. Brazilian fauna; Neotropics; systematics; Stygninae; taxonomy. RESUMO. Uma nova espécie e novos registros de distribuição para Pickeliana (Opiliones:Laniatores: Stygnidae). Uma nova espécie de Pickeliana Mello-Leitão, 1932, P. albimaculata sp. nov.., é descrita oriunda de Jussari, Bahia, Brasil. A nova espécie pode ser distinguida das demais pela presença de manchas brancas na área I e no opérculo anal. Assemelha-se a P. pickeli Mello-Leitão, 1932 devido à presença de tubérculos ventroapicais grandes no fêmur III e IV. Uma análise cladística foi realizada adicionando um novo caráter à matriz disponível, a presença de tubérculo ventro-apical grande, acuminado no fêmur IV do macho. De acordo com essa análise, P. albimaculata sp. nov. é espécie-irmã de P. pickeli. Novos registros de distribuição geográfica na região Nordeste do Brasil e uma chave de determinação das espécies do gênero são apresentados. PALAVRAS-CHAVE. Fauna brasileira; Neotrópico; sistemática; Stygninae; taxonomia. Ten years have passed since the systematic review of date, Stygnidae comprises 86 species occurring from northeast- Stygnidae (PINTO-DA-ROCHA 1997) was published. The article is a ern to northwestern Brazil, Peruvian, Colombian and Venezu- landmark in the study of Neotropical harvestmen because it re- elan Amazonia, French Guyana, and Surinam. viewed the whole family and proposed relationships among spe- Pickeliana Mello-Leitão, 1932, is one of the less diverse cies using a cladistic analysis for the first time. Besides that ar- genera of the family. It was proposed by MELLO-LEITÃO (1932) ticle, only few others presented cladistic analysis for Neotropi- when he described P. pickeli Mello-Leitão, 1932. Three years cal harvestmen: KURY (1994), PINTO-DA-ROCHA (2002) and PINTO- later, the same author synonymized Pickeliana under Ideostygnus DA-ROCHA & KURY (2003). During the past ten years, many sur- Sørensen, 1932 (MELLO-LEITÃO 1935). Later, SOARES & SOARES (1978) veys have been conducted in northern South America and nearby revalidated Ideostygnus and removed Pickeliana from its syn- areas, resulting in the discovery of many new species of stygnids onymy. However, in the same year, SOARES (1978) synonymized among freshly collected specimens. Those species were described Pickeliana under Protimesius Roewer, 1913. Finally, after a sys- by several authors, such as Osvaldo Villarreal-Manzanilla, Ricardo tematic review using cladistic analysis (PINTO-DA-ROCHA 1997), Pinto-da-Rocha, Adriano B. Kury and collaborators: Stygnidius Pickeliana capito (Soares & Soares, 1974) was included in the yekwana (VILLARREAL-MANZANILLA 2004), Stenophareus aonda and S. genus, and the monophyly of the genus was supported by five guerreroi (VILLARREAL-MANZANILLA et al. 2007), seven new species of synapomorphies. Protimesius Roewer, 1913 (PINTO-DA-ROCHA 2000, VILLARREAL- In this paper, we describe a new species of Pickeliana MANZANILLA & PINTO-DA-ROCHA 2006, KURY & PINTO-DA-ROCHA 2008), (Stygninae), a genus diagnosed by the following characters Stygnoplus lomion (VILLARREAL-MANZANILLA & RODRÍGUEZ 2004), and (PINTO-DA-ROCHA 1997): rectangular dorsal scutum; smooth an- Phareus antrophilus (VILLARREAL-MANZANILLA & RODRIGUES 2006). To terior margin; male ocularium tuberculate; divided area I; area Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 25 (3): 515–522, September, 2008 516 M. R. Hara & R. Pinto-da-Rocha III with a pair of spines; free tergites with similar-sized tubercles; We performed three series of 1000 replications of tree construc- pedipalpal femur and patella elongated, longer than dorsal tions using random addition sequences of taxa, and submit- scutum; reduced tarsal process, and the bifid basal setae on ting the most parsimonious trees to a branch swapping pro- ventral plate of the penis. According to PINTO-DA-ROCHA (1997), cess by TBR (“Tree Bisection and Reconnection branch swap- a very long pedipalpal patella and presence of scopula on the ping”, SWOFFORD 1991) using the command mult*1000, retain- tarsi support Protimesius as sister group of Pickeliana. The al- ing the 100 most parsimonious trees by replication until reach- ready described Pickeliana species are known from few locali- ing a maximum of 1000 trees (using command “hold 1000; ties: P. capito occurs in six different localities of two munici- hold/100); and submitting the shortest trees to another se- palities in the state of Bahia and P. pickeli, in three localities of quence of TBR (using “mult*max*). To preserve our hypothesis two municipalities in the state of Pernambuco. In this study of primary homology, we chose ACCTRAN optimization we propose a relationship hypothesis for all the species of the (DEPINNA 1991). genus; we provide an identification key and update the knowl- To discuss the distribution of Pickeliana, we used the fol- edge on their geographical distribution. lowing additional material: Pickeliana capito: BRAZIL, Bahia: Itabuna (campus CEPLAC), 1 fe (IBSP 1120); Itamarajú (Parque MATERIAL & METHODS Nacional Monte Pascoal), 5 fe (IBSP 225, 1881, 1883, 1884); Most methods follow PINTO-DA-ROCHA (1997). Coloration idem, 1 fe (MZSP 26946); Jussari (Reserva Natural da Serra do is based on fixed specimens in 70% ethylic alcohol. Abbrevia- Teimoso), 3 fe (IBSP 1159); Prado (Parque Nacional tions are as follows: (CHL II) cheliceral segment II, (CHL III) Descobrimento), 1 ma (MZSP 26947); Porto Seguro (Estação cheliceral segment III, (DSL) dorsal scutum length, (DSW) dor- Ecológica Pau Brasil), 3 ma & 7 fe (IBSP 1000, 1002, 1004, 1008, sal scutum width, (ID) interocular distance, (fe) female, (FM) 1017, 1019, 1020, 1025, 1027); Salvador (Parque Municipal do femur, (ma) male, (MT) metatarsus, (PL) prosoma length, (PT) Pituaçú), 2 fe (IBSP 28857, 28858); Una (Reserva Biológica de patella, (PW) prosoma width, (TA) tarsus, (TI) tibia, (TR) tro- Una), 4 ma & 20 fe (IBSP 1043, 1045, 1066, 1148, 1616, 1617, chanter. Acronyms of repositories are IBSP (Instituto Butantan, 1665, 2304, 2316). Pickeliana pickeli: BRAZIL, Alagoas: Maceió, 2 São Paulo) and MZSP (Museu de Zoologia, USP, São Paulo). fe (IBSP 3904); Murici (Estação Ecológica de Murici), 2 ma & 2 Pedipalpal tibia and tarsus setae coding follows previous au- fe (IBSP 7019, 7026, 7052, 7068); São Miguel, 1 ma (MZSP thors (PINTO-DA-ROCHA 1997) i.e. “i” means small setae (half the 18919); Usina Serra Grande, 2 fe (IBSP 7548). Paraíba: João size of the longest setae), “I” means long setae and are men- Pessoa (Mata do Buraquinho), 12 ma & 31 fe (IBSP 7298, 7300, tioned from basal to distal order. All appendage measurements 7302, 7306, 7307, 7309, 7311, 7316, 7318, 7329, 7332, 7333- refer to the right side and are in millimeters. Only features con- 7336, 7343, 7354, 7363-7365, 7369-7371, 7383, 7386). Sergipe: trasting the male were considered in the female description. Itabaiana (Estação Ecológica Itabaiana), 8 ma & 8 fe (IBSP 1374, Differences in number of tubercles on dorsal scutum and of 1378, 1385, 1741, 1745); Santa Luzia do Itanhy (Mata do smaller tubercles on legs were not considered in the descrip- Castro), 2 fe (IBSP 3904). Pernambuco: Recife (Horto Dois tions of the female and male intraspecific variation. Irmãos), 3 ma & 11 fe (IBSP 694, 1364, 1391 1392, 1846). The data matrix used in the cladistic analysis was based The following locations were extensively surveyed using on PINTO-DA-ROCHA (1997). As in the original analysis, we kept standardized methods of collection during five days, accord- multistate characters 18, 20 and 50 ordered. The scopula (char- ing to protocols of the project Biodiversity of Arachnida and acter 30 of PINTO-DA-ROCHA 1997) is here reinterpreted as absent Myriapoda of the State of São Paulo (IBSP, MZSP) (PINTO-DA- in Pickeliana. The added new character was: ROCHA et al. 2005): Bahia: Itamarajú, Jussari, Porto Seguro, Sal- 51 – large, ventro-apical pointed tubercle on femur IV vador, Una; Alagoas: Murici; Sergipe: Itabaiana, Santa Luzia do (CI 0.50, RI 0.75, L 2): 0, absent; 1, present. Itanhy; Pernambuco: Recife. We included all genera of Stygninae as outgroups since RESULTS we were mainly concerned with the relationship among spe- cies of Pickeliana. The following taxa were used: Phareus raptator Key to the species of Pickeliana (Gervais 1844); Auranus hoeferscovitorum
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