Perek III Daf 9 Amud a BACKGROUND Th is is a measure that was used in the past, but no longer in ַה ְי ׁ ָש ָנה. ָא ַמר ַר ִּבי ָיוֹח ָנן: ָה ֵדין ִ ּד ַידן ,Cups were made of various materials, including silver : ּכוֹס – the present. Rabbi Yoĥanan said: Th is is our measure today and Cup gold, glass, and clay. The cup is the smallest drinking vessel and ּהוא, ְו ָל ָּמה ָקֵרי ֵל ּיה ַﬠ ִּת ָיקה ִמן ְּב ִגין .it is not so old. Th e Gemara asks: Why does the tanna of the can hold about a quarter-log of liquid ַ ּד ֲהָוה ְּב ֵיוֹמי? baraita call this measure old when it was still being used in his day? -Th e Gemara answers: Some say that this measure was origi ִאית ְ ּד ָא ְמִרי: ַ ּד ֲהַות ְז ֵﬠ ָירא ְוַר ְּב ְּתָיא, nally small and it was made larger, and some say that aft er ְו ִאית ְ ּד ָא ְמִרי: ְ ּד ַאְז ִﬠ ָירא, ְו ָלא ַאְז ִﬠ ָירא it was enlarged it was again made smaller, but not as small as ְּכ ָמה ַ ּד ֲהַות. it had been originally. Since this measure was not of the same size at all times, the tanna of the baraita was precise when he said that a quarter-log is equal to the old measure of one-eighth. So too, Rabbi Yoĥanan was precise when he said that this was the measure used in his day. Th e Gemara asks: In terms of the measures currently in use, what ַּכ ָּמה ּהוא ׁ ִש ּיעור ׁ ֶשל ּכוֹס? ַר ִּבי ֵיוֹסי B is the measure of a cup that holds a quarter-log? Rabbi Yosei ְּב ׁ ֵשם ַר ִּבי ֵיוֹסי ֶּבן ָּפִזי ְוַר ִּבי ֵיוֹסי ַּבר in the name of Rabbi Yosei ben Pazi and Rabbi Yosei bar ֵּב ָיבי ְּב ׁ ֵשם ַר ִּבי ׁ ְש ּמו ֵאל: ֶא ְצ ָּב ַﬠִיים Beivai in the name of Rabbi Shmuel said: Two fi ngers long by ַﬠל ֶא ְצ ָּב ַﬠִיים ַﬠל ּרום ֶא ְצ ַּבע ּו ֶמ ֱח ָצה two fi ngers wide by the height of one and a half fi ngers and .one-third of a fi nger ּו ׁ ְש ִל ׁיש ֶא ְצ ַּבע. -Th e Gemara previously discussed the measure of wine that de ( ָּת ֵני: ָי ֵב ׁש ְּכַז ִית, ִ ּד ְבֵרי ַר ִּבי ָנ ָתן.) termines liability if one carries it from one domain to another on Shabbat. Th ere, the Gemara discussed wine in liquid form; Glass cups and pitcher from the talmudic period here, the Gemara adds a parallel ruling with regard to congealed In certain places, e.g., on Mount : ַיִין ָק ּרו ׁש – wine. It was taught in a baraita: Th e measure that determines Congealed wine liability for carrying from one domain to another congealed Hermon, wine was covered with snow and allowed to congeal H and freeze. The frozen wine would harden and resemble fig wine is an olive-bulk; this is the statement of Rabbi Natan. cakes in appearance. Wine was frozen in this manner to preserve Th e Rabbis of Caesarea and Rabbi Yosei bar Beivai said in the it both so it would not turn sour and in order to raise its alcohol ַר ָּב ַנן ְ ּד ֵק ָיסִרי ְוַר ִּבי ֵיוֹסי ַּבר ֵּב ָיבי ְּב ׁ ֵשם name of Shmuel: Th ese words of Rabbi Natan follow the opin- content, as when it froze, some of the water separated from the .wine and turned into ice ׁ ְש ּמו ֵאל: ָא ְתָיא ְ ּדַר ִּבי ָנ ָתן ְּכַר ִּבי ׁ ִש ְמעוֹן. ion of Rabbi Shimon in a mishna (Shabbat b). Just as Rabbi ְּכ ָמה ְ ּדַר ִּבי ׁ ִש ְמעוֹן ָא ַמר ִּבְר ִב ִיﬠית – ֵּכן Shimon said there: Th e measure that determines liability for all ָא ַמר ַר ִּבי ָנ ַתן ִּבְר ִב ִיﬠית, ִל ְכ ׁ ֶש ִיּ ָקֵר ׁש liquids, including wine, is a quarter-log, so Rabbi Natan said: -When wine is in liquid form, the measure that determines liabil ִו ֵיהא ּבוֹ ְּכַז ִית. ity for carrying it from one domain to another is a quarter-log; aft er it has congealedB one is liable only if he carries out an olive-bulk, which is equivalent to a quarter-log of wine aft er it has congealed. On a similar matt er, Rabbi Simon said in the name of Rabbi § ַר ִּבי ִסימוֹן ְּב ׁ ֵשם ַר ִּבי ְי ׁ ֻהוֹשﬠ ֶּבן ֵלִוי: Yehoshua ben Levi: An incident is related with regard to the ַמ ֲﬠ ֶׂשה ְּב ִפְרַ ּדת ַר ִּבי ׁ ֶש ֵּמ ָתה ְו ִט ֲה ּרו ֶאת mule of Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi that died of a wound, and the Snowy Mount Hermon as seen from Mount Bental N ָ ּד ָמ ּה ִמ ׁש ּום ְנ ֵב ָילה. ְו ׁ ָש ַאל ַר ִּבי ֱא ִל ֶיﬠֶזר Sages deemed its blood ritually pure, i.e., free of the impurity HALAKHA ֶאת ַר ִּבי ִסימוֹן: ַﬠד ַּכ ָּמה? of an unslaughtered animal carcass. Th ey said that the blood of a carcass does not impart ritual impurity as does the carcass itself. The measure for carrying from one domain to another con- The measure that : ָי ֵב ׁש ְּכַז ִית – And Rabbi Eliezer asked Rabbi Simon, who had reported this gealed wine is an olive-bulk determines liability for carrying from one domain to another ruling: Up to how much blood from an animal carcass does not congealed wine on Shabbat is an olive-bulk, in accordance with render one ritually impure? Did they deem it pure because it was the opinion of Rabbi Natan (Rambam Sefer Zemanim, Hilkhot less than a quarter-log, but had it been more than a quarter-log Shabbat 18:2). they would have deemed it impure? NOTES stated in the Torah, and the Sages disagree about the matter ְו ִט ֲה ּרו – And the Sages deemed its blood ritually pure The impurity of an unslaughtered animal carcass in a baraita (Shabbat 77a). According to Beit Hillel, the blood : ֶאת ָ ּד ָמ ּה is mentioned in several places in the Torah, but nowhere imparts ritual impurity, whereas according to Beit Shammai does the Torah specify the minimum measure of a carcass it does not. The Sages discuss whether, even according to the needed to impart impurity. The halakha was established that opinion of Beit Shammai, the blood itself is pure, or whether with regard to imparting ritual impurity, the measure of the it is pure only in the sense that it does not cause other items flesh of a carcass is the same as the measure that determines to be susceptible to impurity. The Sages also consider wheth- liability for eating it, i.e., an olive-bulk. The impurity of the er it is pure in any measure or only when it is less than an blood of an unslaughtered animal carcass is not explicitly olive-bulk. Perek III . 9a 73 . פרק ג׳ דף ט. PERSONALITIES ,Rabbi Simon paid Rabbi Eliezer no att ention and did not answer him ְו ָלא ַא ׁ ְשַּגח ֵּב ּיה ְו ׁ ָש ַאל ְלַר ִּבי ְי ׁ ֻהוֹשﬠ An amora from the third generation so Rabbi Eliezer went and asked Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi, who said :ַרב ֵּב ָיבי – Rav Beivai ֶּבן ֵלִוי, ַו ֲא ַמר ֵל ּיה: ַﬠד ְר ִב ִיﬠית – ָטהוֹר, in Eretz Yisrael, Rav Beivai was primarily a student of Rabbi to him as follows: Up to a quarter-log of blood is pure; more than a ֵיוֹתר ֵמְר ִב ִיﬠית – ָט ֵמא. ּו ָב ַא ׁש ְלַר ִּבי Yoĥanan and Reish Lakish. He had a close relationship quarter-log of blood is impure. Rabbi Elazar was displeased that ֶא ְל ָﬠָזר ַﬠל ְ ּד ָלא ָחַזר ֵל ּיה ַר ִּבי ִסימוֹן -with Rabbi Ami, Rabbi Asi, and Rabbi Abbahu. Accord ing to the Gemara here and elsewhere (see Jerusalem Rabbi Simon had not fully reported the teaching to him, so that he .had to go to Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi to ask about it ׁ ְש ּמו ָﬠ ָתא. Talmud, Shabbat 8:1; see Menaĥot 103b), Rabbi Beivai was desperately poor, to the extent that he claimed that the P Rav Beivai was sitt ing and teaching this case of the mule from ַרב ֵּב ָיבי ֲהָוה ְי ֵתיב ַמ ְת ֵני ָהֵדין ּעו ְבָ ּדא. following verse applied to him: “And your life shall hang Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi’s household, in which the Sages ruled that the ֲא ַמר ֵל ּיה ַר ִּבי ִי ְצ ָחק ַּבר ָּכ ֲה ָנה: ַﬠד in doubt before you; and you shall fear night and day, and blood of a carcass does not render one impure. Rabbi Yitzĥak bar ְר ִב ִיﬠית – ָטהוֹר, ֵיוֹתר ִמ ָּכאן – ָט ֵמא? .(shall have no assurance of your life” (Deuteronomy 28:66 He is sometimes confused with the Babylonian amora’im Kahana wished to clarify the issue and said to him: Up to a quarter- Rav Beivai and Rav Beivai bar Abaye. log of blood is pure, but more than that is impure? Or did the Sages rule that the blood of a carcass is never ritually impure, whatever the BACKGROUND measure may be? The term sidki is usually referring : ִסְד ִקי – [Vendor [sidki -Th e Gemara relates: In response to Rabbi Yitzĥak bar Kahana’s ques ּו ְב ַﬠט ֵּב ּיה. ֲא ַמר ֵל ּיה ַר ִּבי ְזִר ָיקא: to a peddler who sells small, inexpensive notions such tion, Rav Beivai kicked him.
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