香港特別行政區廉政公署 Independent Commission Against Corruption Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 二零一九年年報 2019 Annual Report 遵照香港特別行政區法例第204章廉政公署條例第17條,呈 交 行 政 長 官。 Submitted to the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in accordance with section 17 of the Independent Commission Against Corruption Ordinance (Cap 204). 廉政公署 使命宣言及專業守則 INDEPENDENT COMMISSION AGAINST CORRUPTION MISSION STATEMENT AND CODE OF ETHICS 廉政公署致力維護本港公平正義,安定 With the community, the ICAC is committed to 繁榮,務必與全體市民齊心協力,堅定不 fighting corruption through effective law enforcement, 移,以執法、教育、預防三管齊下,肅貪 education and prevention to help keep Hong Kong fair, 倡 廉。 just, stable and prosperous. 廉署人員無論何時都致力維護本署的良 Officers of the ICAC will at all times uphold the good 好 聲 譽,並 嚴 格 遵 守 以 下 的 專 業 守 則: name of the Commission and ◾ 堅守誠信和公平的原則; ◾ adhere to the principles of integrity and fair play; ◾ 尊 重 任 何 人 的 合 法 權 利; ◾ respect the rights under the law of all people; ◾ 不 懼 不 偏,大 公 無 私 執 行 職 務; ◾ carry out their duties without fear or favour, prejudice or ill will; ◾ 絕 對 依 法 行 事; ◾ act always in accordance with the law; ◾ 不以權位謀私; ◾ not take advantage of their authority or position; ◾ 根據實際需要嚴守保密原則; ◾ maintain necessary confidentiality; ◾ 為自己的行為及所作的指示承擔責任; ◾ accept responsibility for their actions and ◾ 言 行 抑 制 而 有 禮; instructions; ◾ 在 個 人 及專 業修 養 上 力求至善。 ◾ exercise courtesy and restraint in word and action; ◾ strive for personal and professional excellence. 1 目錄 CONTENTS 第一章 CHAPTER 01 4 第三章 CHAPTER 03 20 緒言 行政總部 1 INTRODUCTION 3 ADMINISTRATION BRANCH 體制 Constitution 5 職責 Duties 21 組織 Organisation 5 策略 Strategies 21 諮詢委員會 Advisory Committees 6 組織 廉政專員的職責 Responsibilities of the 6 Structure 21 Commissioner 財務事宜 Finance Matters 22 人力資源管理 Human Resource 22 Management 培訓及發展 Training and 23 Development 第二章 CHAPTER 02 8 職員關係與福利 Staff Relations and 26 一年的回顧 Welfare COMMISSIONER’S REVIEW 2 職業安全健康 Occupational Safety and 29 Health 環境管理 Green Management 30 廉潔文化植根社會 A City with Entrenched 9 傳訊及傳媒事務 Communications and 30 Probity Culture Media Relations 全方位肅貪倡廉 Synergising the Three- 10 國際聯絡培訓 International Liaison and 32 防患未然 Pronged Strategy to Training Keep Corruption at Bay 與公眾共建廉潔社會 Engaging the Public 13 獎章和嘉許狀 Awards and 34 Commendations 四十五周年— 45th Anniversary – 14 不忘初心 堅定前行 a Time to Rekindle 境外訪客 Non-local Visitors 35 Public Commitment and Support 締結國際及 Fostering International 15 跨境反貪聯繫 and Cross-Boundary Anti-Corruption Ties 未來展望 Looking Forward 19 第五章 CHAPTER 05 58 防止貪污處 5 CORRUPTION PREVENTION DEPARTMENT 法定職責 Statutory Duties 59 策略 Strategies 59 組織 Structure 59 工作回顧 Review of Work 60 主動就新政策措施及 Proactive and Early 62 監管制度及早提供 Corruption Prevention 防貪建議 Input for New Policy Initiatives and Regulatory 第四章 CHAPTER 04 36 Regimes 執行處 關乎公眾利益或 Addressing Issues 65 民生的事項 OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT of Public Interest or 4 Important to People's Livelihood 強化機構管治及 Enhancing Governance 71 防貪能力 and Corruption 法定職責 Statutory Duties 37 Prevention Capacity Building 組織 Structure 37 權力 Power 37 審查貪污舉報 Operations Review 38 諮詢委員會 Committee 第六章 CHAPTER 06 74 提出檢控 Prosecution of Cases 38 社區關係處 貪污案件的來源 Sources of Corruption 39 COMMUNITY RELATIONS Cases 6 DEPARTMENT 貪污投訴的統計數字 Statistics on Corruption 40 Complaints 調查及檢控 Investigations and 42 法定職責 Prosecutions Statutory Duties 75 策略 對政府人員所作的紀律 Disciplinary or 45 Strategies 75 處分或行政處理 Administrative Action 組織 Structure 75 Against Government 公營機構誠信 Servants Public Sector Integrity 76 商界誠信 舉報中心及扣留中心 Report Centre and 46 Business Sector Integrity 79 Detention Centre 青年及德育 Youth and Moral 83 Education 快速反應隊 Quick Response Team 47 社區宣傳及公眾參與 Community Publicity and 87 法證會計 Forensic Accounting 48 Public Engagement 犯罪得益 Proceeds of Crime 49 廉政之友 ICAC Club 91 證人保護 Witness Protection 49 樓宇管理 Building Management 92 行動聯繫 Operational Liaison 50 廉潔選舉 Clean Elections 93 媒體宣傳 國際及內地聯絡與 International and 51 Media Publicity 95 協查 Mainland Liaison and 廉署周年民意調查 ICAC Annual Survey 99 Mutual Assistance 資訊科技 Information Technology 53 職員紀律 Staff Discipline 54 100 培訓及發展 Training and 55 附錄 APPENDICES Development 第一章 CHAPTER 01 緒言 INTRODUCTION 緒言 INTRODUCTION 《廉政公署條例》(第 204 章)於 The Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) 一九七四年二月十五日生效,廉政公署 was established on 15 February 1974 with the enactment of (廉 署)亦 於 同 日 正 式 成 立。 the Independent Commission Against Corruption Ordinance (Cap 204). 在 此 以 前,偵 查 貪 污 的 工 作 是 由 香 港 警務處轄下之反貪污部負責。及至一 Before then, the detection and investigation of corruption 個調查委員會就香港的貪污及其他相 was the responsibility of the Anti-Corruption Office of 關問題發表調查報告後,當時的總督 the Hong Kong Police Force. The decision to set up an 決定成立一個獨立機構打擊貪污。 independent organisation to tackle corruption was made by the then Governor following a Commission of Inquiry into the problem of corruption in Hong Kong and other related matters. 體制 CONSTITUTION 廉署依據《廉政公署條例》成立,並 The ICAC derives its charter from the ICAC Ordinance. Its 獲得所賦權力。廉署的獨立性受《基 independence is guaranteed in Article 57 of the Basic Law 本 法 》第 57 條保障,亦體現於廉政專 and established by the Commissioner being formally and 員須直接向行政長官負責。就政府體 directly responsible to the Chief Executive. In carrying out 制 而 言,廉 署 在 執 行 職 務 上 乃 一 獨 立 its work, the ICAC functions as an independent organ of the 機 構。 public service. ORGANISATION 組織 The ICAC comprises the office of the Commissioner and 廉署的組織包括廉政專員辦公室及三 three functional departments - Operations, Corruption 個專責部門,即執行處、防止貪污處及 Prevention and Community Relations - serviced by the 社區關係處,署內的行政工作則由行 Administration Branch. Its organisation is shown in the chart 政總部負責。廉署的組織詳見附錄一。 at Appendix 1. 廉政專員 Commissioner 行政總部 Administration Branch 執行處 防止貪污處 社區關係處 Operations Corruption Prevention Community Relations Department Department Department 5 緒言 INTRODUCTION 諮詢委員會 ADVISORY COMMITTEES 行政長官委任各界賢達,組成獨立的諮詢 The work of the ICAC comes under the scrutiny of 委 員 會,專 責 審 查 廉 署 的 工 作。貪 污 問 題 諮 independent committees comprising responsible citizens 詢委員會、審查貪污舉報諮詢委員會、防 drawn from different sectors of the community and 止貪污諮詢委員會,以及社區關係市民諮 appointed by the Chief Executive. Reports on the work of 詢委員會的工作報告詳載於另一刊物。這 the Advisory Committee on Corruption, the Operations 四個委員會的委員名錄見附錄二。 Review Committee, the Corruption Prevention Advisory Committee and the Citizens Advisory Committee on Community Relations are contained in a separate publication. Membership lists of the four advisory 貪污問題諮詢委員會 committees are at Appendix 2. Advisory Committee on Corruption 審查貪污舉報 防止貪污 諮詢委員會 諮詢委員會 Operations Corruption Review Prevention Committee Advisory Committee 社區關係市民諮詢委員會 Citizens Advisory Committee on Community Relations 廉政專員的職責 RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COMMISSIONER 廉政專員須就《廉政公署條例》第 12 條所 The Commissioner is directly responsible to the Chief 列職責,直接向行政長官負責。廉政專員的 Executive for the following duties set out in section 12 of 職 責 是: the ICAC Ordinance: (a) 接受及考慮有關指稱貪污行為的投訴, (a) to receive and consider complaints alleging corrupt 並在其認為切實可行範圍內就該等投 practices and investigate such of those complaints 訴 進 行 調 查; as he considers practicable; 6 緒言 INTRODUCTION (b) 調查- (b) to investigate - i. 任何涉嫌或被指稱是犯《廉政公 i. any alleged or suspected offence under this 署 條 例 》所 訂 的 罪 行; Ordinance; ii. 任何涉嫌或被指稱是犯《防止賄 ii. any alleged or suspected offence under the 賂 條 例 》( 第 201 章 )所 訂 的 罪 行; Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap 201); iii. 任何涉嫌或被指稱是犯《選舉(舞 iii. any alleged or suspected offence under the Elections 弊 及 非 法 行 為 ) 條 例 》( 第 554 章) (Corrupt and Illegal Conduct) Ordinance (Cap 554); 所 訂 的 罪 行; iv. any alleged or suspected offence of blackmail iv. 任何涉嫌或被指稱是由訂明人員 committed by a prescribed officer by or through the 藉著或通過不當使用職權而犯的 misuse of his office; 勒 索 罪; v. any alleged or suspected conspiracy to commit an v. 任何涉嫌或被指稱是串謀犯《防 offence under the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance 止 賄 賂 條 例 》( 第 201 章)所 訂 的 (Cap 201); 罪 行; vi. any alleged or suspected conspiracy to commit an vi. 任何涉嫌或被指稱是串謀犯《選 offence under the Elections (Corrupt and Illegal 舉 ( 舞 弊 及 非 法 行 為 ) 條 例 》( 第 Conduct) Ordinance (Cap 554); and 554 章)所 訂 的 罪 行;及 vii. any alleged or suspected conspiracy (by two or more vii. 對任何涉嫌或被指稱是(由 2 人或 persons including a prescribed officer) to commit an 多於 2 人,其中包括訂明人員)串 offence of blackmail by or through the misuse of the 謀藉著或通過該名訂明人員不當 office of that prescribed officer; 使用職權而犯的勒索罪; (c) to investigate any conduct of a prescribed officer which, (c) 對廉政專員認為與貪污有關連或助長 in the opinion of the Commissioner, is connected with or 貪污的訂明人員行為進行調查,並就 conducive to corrupt practices and to report thereon to 此 事 向 行 政 長 官 報 告; the Chief Executive; (d) 審查各政府部門及公共機構的工作常 (d) to examine the practices and procedures of government 規 及 程 序,以 利 便 揭 露 貪 污 行 為,並 確 departments and public bodies, in order to facilitate the 保廉政專員認為可能助長貪污的工作 discovery of corrupt practices and to secure the revision 方法或程序得以修正; of methods of work or procedures which, in the opinion of the Commissioner, may be conducive to corrupt (e) 應 任 何 人 的 要 求,就 有 關 消 除 貪 污 的 方 practices; 法 向 該 人 給 予 指 導、意 見 及 協 助; (e) to instruct, advise and assist any person, on the latter's (f) 向各政府部門或公共機構首長建議, request, on ways in which corrupt practices may be 在符合政府部門或公共機構有效執行 eliminated by such person; 職責的原則下,就其工作常規或程序作 出 廉 政 專 員 認 為 需 要 的 修 改,以 減 少 (f) to advise heads of government departments or of public 發 生 貪 污 行 為 的 可 能 性; bodies of changes in practices or procedures compatible with the effective discharge of the duties of such (g) 教 育 公 眾 認 識 貪 污 的 害 處;及 departments or public bodies which the Commissioner (h) 爭取和促進公眾支持打擊貪污。 thinks necessary to reduce the likelihood of the occurrence of corrupt practices; (g) to educate the public against the evils of corruption; and (h) to enlist and foster public support in combating corruption.
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