London Borough Of Hammersmith & Fulham --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Planning Applications Committee Agenda for 10th December 2014 Index of Applications, Enforcement Actions, Advertisements etc. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARD: SITE ADDRESS: PAGE: REG NO: Fulham Reach 327 Lillie Road London SW6 7NR 8 2014/01842/FUL Fulham Broadway Vacant Building Rear Of 18 Farm Lane London 36 2014/04222/FUL Askew 1 Askew Road London W12 9AA 59 2014/04908/FUL Hammersmith 77 Goldhawk Road London W12 8EG 72 Broadway 2014/03021/FUL Shepherd's Bush Green Former BBC Television Centre Wood Lane London 95 2014/02531/COMB W12 Shepherd's Bush Green Former BBC Television Centre Wood Lane London 289 2014/02532/LBC W12 Shepherd's Bush Green Former BBC Television Centre Wood Lane London 295 2014/04720/VAR W12 Shepherd's Bush Green Former BBC Television Centre Wood Lane London 395 2014/04723/LBC W12 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ward: Fulham Reach Site Address: 327 Lillie Road London SW6 7NR © Crown Copyright. All Rights Reserved. London Borough Hammersmith and Fulham LA100019223 (2013). For identification purposes only - do not scale. Reg. No: Case Officer: 2014/01842/FUL Roy Asagba-Power Date Valid: Conservation Area: 23.04.2014 Committee Date: 10.12.2014 Applicant: Mr Ashok Patel 35/37 Ludgate Hill London EC4M 7JN Description: Demolition of existing office buildings (Class B1) and the erection of 8 x two storey plus- basement single family dwelling houses (Class C3) with roof terraces at first floor level; formation of refuse and cycle storage; installation of two new access gates fronting Lillie Road elevation; replacement of existing power sub-station and formation of a new underground power sub-station in between properties 17-20 and 337 Lillie Road. Drg Nos: 151-200: 12A; 13F, 14F, 15F; 24F; 25F; 26F; 27F; 28E;Design & Access Statement; Structural Engineer Report; Flood Risk Assessment; Energy Report; Daylight _ Sunlight Report (Dec 2014) Application Type: Full Detailed Planning Application Officer Recommendation: That the Committee resolve that the Executive Director of Transport and Technical Services be authorised to determine the application and grant permission up on the completion of a satisfactory legal agreement and subject to the condition(s) set out below 1) The development hereby permitted shall not commence later than the expiration of 3 years beginning with the date of this planning permission. Condition required to be imposed by section 91(1) (a) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended by section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004). 2) The development shall not be erected otherwise than in accordance with the following approved drawings: 151-200: 12A; 13F, 14F, 15F; 24F; 25F; 26F; 27F and 28E In order to ensure full compliance with the planning application hereby approved and to prevent harm arising through deviations from the approved plans, in accordance with Policy BE1 of the Core Strategy 2011 and Policy DM G1 of the Development Management Local Plan 2013. 3) Prior to commencement of the development hereby approved, a demolition method statement and construction management plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Council. Details shall include length of time for the obstruction of the Lillie Road footway and control measures for pedestrian safety, including match days, control measures for dust, noise, vibration, lighting, delivery locations, restriction of hours of work and all associated activities audible beyond the site boundary to 0800-1800hrs Mondays to Fridays and 0800 -1300 hrs on Saturdays, advance notification to neighbours and other interested parties of proposed works and public display of contact details including accessible phone contact to persons responsible for the site works for the duration of the works and details of temporary site fencing/means of enclosure to be erected prior to any demolition works take place. Approved details shall be implemented throughout the project period. To ensure that the amenity of occupiers of surrounding premises is not adversely affected by noise, vibration, dust, lighting or other emissions from the building site, in accordance with Policies DM H9, H10 and H11 of the Development Management Local Plan 2013. 4) Other than any demolition works, ground and subterranean works (including construction of basement), site preparation or remediation, the development hereby permitted shall not commence prior to the submission and approval in writing by the Council of details and samples of all materials to be used on the external faces of the new building and all surface treatments, including boundary walls, railings, gates and fences and no part of the development shall be used or occupied prior to the completion of the development in accordance with the approved details. To ensure a satisfactory external appearance and to prevent harm to the streetscene, in accordance with Policy BE1 of the Core Strategy 2011 and Policy DM G1 and G7 of the Development Management Local Plan 2013. 5) Other than any demolition works, ground and subterranean works (including construction of basement), site preparation or remediation, The development hereby permitted shall not commence prior to the submission and approval in writing by the Council of details in plan, section and elevation (at a scale of not less than 1:20) of the following matters, and no part of the development shall be used or occupied prior to the completion of that part of the development in accordance with the approved details. a) Typical bay of each elevation To ensure a satisfactory external appearance and to prevent harm to the streetscene, in accordance with Policy BE1 of the Core Strategy 2011 and Policy DM G1 of the Development Management Local Plan 2013. 6) No plumbing, extract flues or pipes other than rainwater pipes shall be fixed on the front elevations of the building(s) hereby approved. To ensure a satisfactory external appearance and to prevent harm to the streetscene, in accordance with Policy BE1 of the Core Strategy 2011 and Policy DM G1 of the Development Management Local Plan 2013. 7) With exception to the private roof terrace areas shown on approved drawings, no part of the remainder of the flat roof areas provided by the development hereby approved shall be used as a terrace or other accessible amenity space. No walls, fences, railings or other means of enclosure other than those shown on the approved drawings shall be erected around the roofs, and no alterations shall be carried out to the approved building to form access onto these roofs. To ensure a satisfactory external appearance and so that the use of the buildings does not harm the amenities of the existing neighbouring residential properties and future residential occupiers of the development as a result of overlooking, loss of privacy and noise and disturbance, in accordance with Policy DM H9, DM A9 and DM G1 of the Development Management Local Plan 2013, and SPD Housing Policy 8 of the Planning Guidance Supplementary Planning Document 2013. 8) No part of the development shall be occupied prior to the submission and approval in writing by the Council of details of the privacy screens used in connection with the terraces as indicated on drawing 151-200-015F hereby approved The privacy screens shall be installed in accordance with the agreed details and thereafter be retained in accordance with the approved details. In order to ensure there is no loss of privacy or overlooking to the occupiers of neighbouring residential occupiers, in compliance with Policy DM A9 and DM G1 of the Development Management Local Plan 2013 and SPD Housing Policy 8 of the Planning Guidance Supplementary Planning Guidance 2013. 9) Other than any demolition works, ground and subterranean works (including construction of basement), site preparation or remediation, the development shall not commence prior to the submission and approval in writing by the Council of full details of the proposed landscaping of the site, including planting schedules and details of the species, height and maturity of existing and new trees and shrubs. The approved scheme shall be implemented in the next winter planting season following completion of the building works, or before the occupation and use of any part of the building, whichever is the earlier. To ensure a satisfactory external appearance and to prevent harm to the streetscene, in accordance with Policy BE1 of the Core Strategy 2011 and Policies DM G1 and DM E4 of the Development Management Local Plan 2013. 10) Any tree or shrub planted pursuant to condition 10 being removed or severely damaged, dying or becoming seriously diseased within 5 years of planting shall be replaced with a tree or shrub of similar size and species to that originally required to be planted. To ensure a satisfactory external appearance and to prevent harm to the streetscene, in accordance with Policy BE1 of the Core Strategy 2011 and Policies DM G1 and DM E4 of the Development Management Local Plan 2013. 11) No part of the development hereby approved shall be occupied prior to the provision of the refuse storage enclosures, as indicated on the approved drawing 151-200-14F, To ensure that the use does not give rise to smell nuisance and to prevent harm to the street scene arising from the appearance of accumulated rubbish, in accordance with Policy CC3 of the Core Strategy 2011 and Policy DM H5 of the Development Management Local Plan 2013. 12) A minimum of 10% of all dwellings hereby approved shall be capable of meeting the needs of wheelchair users and shall be designed and capable of adaptation, in accordance with the Council's Supplementary Planning Guidance (Access for All). To ensure a satisfactory provision for dwellings, meeting the needs of people with disabilities, in accordance with the Policy 3.8 and 4.5 of the London Plan 2011, Policy H4 of the Core Strategy 2011 and Policy DM G1 and DM A4 of the Development Management Local Plan 2013.
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