Academic Performance Index / Adequate Yearly Progress API and AYP measure the academic performance and growth of schools as it moves towards target goals. The API target is 800. AYP has mul@ple targets for school-wide and suBgroup growth. Hun$ngton Park College Ready Academy High School 2071 Saturn Avenue, Hun@ngton Park, CA 90255-3635 Phone: (323) 923-1588, Fax: (323) 923-1589 2008 2009 2010 [email protected] Academic Performance Index (API) 716 781 778 Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Met Yes No No Laura Galván, Principal Program Improvement (PI) School No No Yes Chris@na Powers, Assistant Principal State Rank 5 8 Expected 4/2011 Le@cia Hernandez, Office Manager Similar School Rank 10 10 Expected 4/2011 Enrollment California Standards Test (CST) Student demographic data provides an overall descrip@on of the school’s populaon. The CST is one indicator that determines how well students are achieving California’s content Percentages are Based on the overall school enrollment in OctoBer. standards in English, math, science, and history. The state target is for all students to perform at the Enrollment proficient or advanced level. The percent of students proficient or advanced is reported Below. Total School Enrollment: 523 Hispanic: 100% Grade 9: 136 Black: 0% 2008 2009 2010 Grade 10: 138 White: 0% English/Language Arts Grade 11: 132 Asian: 0% Grade 9 49% 43% 45% Grade 12: 117 Other: 0% Grade 10 47% 40% 40% Male: 47% English Only: 9% Grade 11 27% 53% 48% Female: 53% English Learners: 22% Mathemacs Meal Program: 93% Ini@al Fluent English Proficient: 10% AlgeBra 1 20% 42% 61% Reclassified Fluent English Proficient: 59% Geometry 20% 14% 21% Special Educaon: 6% AlgeBra II 14% 29% 27% Summave Math 17% 50% College Readiness Indicators History/Social Science World History 37% 36% 46% All students par@cipate in college entrance and readiness exams to indicate college-readiness By US History 37% 62% 40% the end of grade 12. Target readiness scores: SAT (500), ACT (18-21), AP (3). Science Percent of Students Biology 0% 34% 39% Average Score College-Ready Science Grade 10 51% 38% 50% SAT Reasoning Reading Wri@ng Math Chemistry 9% 27% 21% Target Score: 500 Math Reading Wri@ng Earth Science 38% 32% 49% Class of 2010 415 447 426 23% 26% 26% Integrated Science 0% Class of 2011 376 394 410 6% 13% 13% California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) Average Score Percent of Students College-Ready ACT Students must pass the CAHSEE in English and Math to receive a high school diploma. Students are English Math Reading Science first administered the CAHSEE in grade 10. A passing scaled score is 350 and students are proficient Target Score: 18 22 21 24 Math with a scaled score of 380. Percentages reflect informaon from grade 10 administraon. English Reading Science Class of 2010 17 18 17 18 46% 22% 27% 6% 2008 2009 2010 Percent of Students Scoring 3, 4, or 5 CAHSEE Passing Advanced Placement (AP) Exams 2008 2009 2010 English Secon 80% 86% 81% Tested Passed Tested Passed Tested Passed Math Sec@on 76% 89% 92% Calculus AB 26 8% 26 12% CAHSEE Requirement 71% 80% 79% English Language and Composi@on 43 2% 38 24% 31 3% CAHSEE Proficiency English Literature and Composi@on 36 3% 29 7% English Proficiency 47% 39% 38% Spanish Language 58 86% 34 76% Math Proficiency 49% 59% 62% Spanish Literature 36 81% U.S. History 1 0% California English Language Development Test (CELDT) Art History 20 10% Students speaking a home language other than English are annually administered the CELDT. Scores Percent of Students College-Ready of Advanced or Early Advanced indicate English Learner students are fluent in English and ready for CSU Early Assessment Program (EAP) English Math Math Condi@onally reclassificaon. Class of 2010 23% 6% 48% Class of 2011 8% 4% 18% Early Early CELDT Test 2010 Advanced Intermediate Beginner Advanced Intermediate Attendance Listening 22% 32% 41% 5% 1% Speaking 41% 43% 15% 1% 0% Our schools strive to meet a 95% or higher aendance rate for all students. Consistent Reading 13% 20% 41% 18% 8% aendance is important to maintaining the quality of Both our schools and the educaon of our Wri@ng 16% 37% 34% 11% 3% students. Schools must also meet a designated enrollment rate to maintain the Budget. Overall 9% 49% 40% 3% 0% Reclassificaon of English Learners 2009 2010 2008 2009 2010 Percent Reclassified 39% 8% Average Daily Agendance: 96% 98% 98% Annual Budgeted Agendance 102% 103% 102% Hun$ngton Park College-Ready Academy High School, 2009-2010 Parent, Student, and Staff Satisfaction Graduation and College Acceptance Parents, students, and school staff provide annual feedBack about the culture, instruc@on, With a college-Bound culture at our schools, 100% of our seniors have the requirements needed to aspect and achievement of the school. Principals use this feedBack to evolve the school’s successfully apply to four year colleges throughout the naon. culture to fit the needs of all people. Graduaon Rate 2010 Percent Graduaon Rate 100% Sasfied Seniors Con@nuously Enrolled Since Grade 9 105 Parents Seniors Con@nuously Enrolled Since Grade 9 & Graduang 79% Are Sasfied With the School 90% College Acceptance Class of 2010 Believe the Academic Program is Very Effec@ve 92% See an Effec@ve College-Bound Culture in the School 90% Applied to 4-year School 100% Students Accepted to 4-year School: 84% Are Sasfied With the School 77% Accepted to 2-year or 4-year School: 100% Feel Teachers Have High Expectaons For All Students 97% Scholarships Awarded: $675,900 Believe Teachers Use Variety of Materials to Help Students Learn 92% Total NumBer of Accep@ng Colleges: 96 Staff Academy of Art University; Adrian's Beauty College; Azusa Pacific University; Biola University; Boston Are Sasfied With the School 92% College; Boston University; Brown University; Bucknell University; California Bap@st University; California Feel Academic Achievement is Very Effec@ve 94% Lutheran University; California Polytechnic State University; San Luis OBispo; California State Polytechnic Believe the College-Bound Culture is Very Effec@ve 97% University, Pomona; California State University, Bakersfield; California State University, Dominguez Hills; California State University, Fresno; California State University, Fullerton; California State University, Long Beach; California State University, Los Angeles; California State University, Monterey Bay, California State Parent Involvement University, Northridge; California State University, Sacramento; California State University, San Bernardino; Cerritos College; ColumBia College; ColumBia University; Concordia University, CorBan College, Dickinson Parents help improve achievement By suppor@ng their students through volunteer hours, 20 of College, Dowling College, Drexel University, East Los Angeles College; Fashion Ins@tute of Design and which must Be academically related. Parent conferences help improve communicaon Between Merchandising, Los Angeles; Florida Southern College; George Fox University; Harvard University; parents, teachers, and the school. HeidelBerg College; HumBoldt State University; Illinois Wesleyan University; Ithaca College; ITT Technical Ins@tute; James Madison University; Kalamazoo College; La Sierra University; Los Angeles Mission College; 2008 2009 2010 Loyola Marymount University; Loyola University Maryland; Marist College; Marymount College; Marymount Families Comple@ng 20+ Hours 100% 100% University; Menlo College; Mills College; Mount St. Mary's College (Chalon); Mount St. Mary's College Families Comple@ng 40+ Hours 88% 94% 100% (Doheny); Northern Arizona University; Northwestern University; Notre Dame de Namur University; Families Agending Parent Conferences 81% 82% 87% Oklahoma State University; Oklahoma City; Pomona College; PresByterian College; Princeton University; Rio Hondo College; Rochester Ins@tute of Technology; Saint Mary's College of California; San Diego State University; Simmons College; St. John's University - queens Campus; St. John's University - Staten Island Teacher Information Campus; St. Lawrence University; Swarthmore College; The Art Ins@tute of California -- Los Angeles; The University of Arizona; University of California at Berkeley; University of California at Davis; University of Principals select teachers knowledgeable in their field to provide students a high quality California at Irvine; University of California at Los Angeles; University of California at Merced; University of educaon. Highly cer@fied teachers ensure an academically rich learning experience for all California at Riverside; University of California at San Diego; University of California at Santa BarBara; students. Teachers are selected on a rigorous hiring process that includes a sample teaching University of California at Santa Cruz; University of La Verne; University of Massachusegs; Dartmouth; lesson as part of the interview process. University of Miami; University of New Haven; University of San Francisco; University of the Pacific; University of Wisconsin; Madison; Victor Valley College; Virginia State University; Wentworth Ins@tute of 2010 Technology; Westmont College; Whier College; WoodBury University; Wyotech Ins@tute; Yale University NumBer of Teachers 27 Percent of Teachers Highly Cer@fied 96% Percent of Teachers with Intern Creden@al 0% Percent of Teachers with Emergency Creden@al 4% Percent of Teachers Teaching Outside of Creden@aled Area 19% Percent of Teachers Returning Following School Year 89% Assessment and Data Analysis Services, October 1, 2010.
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