WelcomeWelcome toto thethe CathedralCathedral ChurchChurch ofof AllAll SaintsSaints DIOCESE OF NOVA SCOTIA AND PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA SUNDAY, DECEMBER 30, 2012 THE FIRST SUNDAY AFTER CHRISTMAS HOLY BAPTISM Mission:Mission: All Saints’ Cathedral - Where strangers become friends, where Christ’s peace and justice are sought, where God is worshipped with heart, mind and voice DIRECTORY PRAYER REQUESTS DIOCESAN BISHOP Anglican Cycle of Prayer: The The Right Revd Sue Moxley Most Revd Bolly Lapok SUFFRAGAN BISHOP Archbishop of South East Asia & The Right Revd Ron Cutler Bishop of Kuching Assistant RECTOR & DEAN Bishop of Kuching - (South East The Very Revd Paul Smith Asia)The Rt Revd Aeries Sumping HONORARY ASSISTANTS The Revd Canon Eric Beresford Our Diocese: The Revd Dr Davena Davis The Revd Ronald Harris Retired Clergy of the Chignecto The Revd Canon Fred Krieger Region: The Revd Canon John Smith The Revd Frank Likely The Revd John Swain and Paula The Revd Keirsten Wells The Revd David Myles ASSOCIATE PRIEST and Margaret The Revd Dr Helen Ryding Widows: PASTORAL VISITOR Mrs. Marie Eaton, Mrs. Kay Lane The Revd David Dellapinna Mrs. Sheila Leddicote , Mrs. Elinor DEACON Mullen, Mrs. Faye Porrior The Revd Heather MacEachern AST STUDENTS Gluten Free Communion Hosts: David Peer, Helen Chandler The Cathedral has gluten free hosts. If SACRISTAN Maureen Yeats you wish to receive a gluten free host, ORGANIST & CHOIRMASTER John Hudson please identify yourself to a sidesperson. Thank you. ORGANIST EMERITUS Dr James Burchill CATHEDRAL WARDEN Hugh Wright Communicants of all DEAN’S WARDEN Dr Frank Lovely Christian churches LICENSED LAY READERS are invited to receive communion William Black, Patricia Fordham, Margaret at all of our liturgies of the Eucha- Withrow, Maureen Yeats rist. If you are visiting, please sign VERGER Howard D’Arcy our guest book at either door and make yourself known to the CONTROLLER Hugh Creighton greeters and our clergy. TREASURER C. William Hayward The Cathedral doors are opened at 9 AM MUSIC MINISTRY Russ Hall 7:30am on Sunday. Son. 8AM HOLY COMMUNION Then to the watchful shepherds it THE SUNDAY AFTER was told, CHRISTMAS DAY Who heard the angelic herald’s Book of Common Prayer voice: “Behold. Preacher & Celebrant: I bring good tidings of a Saviour’s The Very Reverend Paul Smith birth To you and all the nations on the Propers 113 earth: Introit Psalm 93 450 This day hath God fulfilled his promised word, Gradual Psalm 110: 1-4 477 This day is born a Saviour, Christ the Lord.” 9AM HOLY COMMUNION FIRST SUNDAY AFTER CHRISTMAS Then may we hope, the angelic HOLY BAPTISM throngs among, Book of Alternative Services To sing, redeemed, a glad trium- Preacher & Celebrant: phal song; He that was born upon this joyful The Very Reverend Paul Smith day Piano Prelude: Hymne de l’en- Around us all his glory shall dis- fant a son réveil play; Franz Liszt (1811-1886) Saved by his love, incessant we shall sing Welcome Eternal praise to heav’n’s Almighty Opening Hymn King. Chistians, awake The Baptismal Greeting 151 Tune: YORKSHIRE (CP 253) Christians, awake, salute the happy Collect of the Day morn, First Reading: Whereon the Saviour of the world was born; 1 SAMUEL 2:18-20, 26 Rise to adore the mystery of love, Psalm 148 Which hosts of angels chanted Lutheran Chant No. 9 from above; Page 9 With them the joyful tidings first begun Of god incarnate and the Virgin’s DECEMBER 30, 2012 3 Second Reading: O tidings of comfort and joy, COLOSSIANS 3:12-17 comfort and joy; O tidings of comfort and joy! Gradual Hymn CP 143 Angels, from the Realms of Glory From God our heav`nly Father a Tune: REGENT SQUARE bless-ed angel came; And unto certain shepherds The Holy Gospel: LUKE 2:41-52 brought tidings of the same; The Homily How that in Bethlehem was born Presentation of the Candidate the Son of Man by name. Refrain Myles Leonard Gordon ``Fear not, then,`` said the angel, Prayers for the Candidate ``Let nothing you affright; & the People This day is born a Saviour of a Thanksgiving over the Water pure virgin bright, 157 To free all those who trust in him from Satan`s power and might.`` The Baptismal Covenant 158 Refrain The Baptism Now to the Lord sing praises, all Baptismal Hymn CP 38 you within this place, This Child of Ours, This Miracle And with true love and brother- Tune: JACOB hood each other now embrace; This holy tide of Christmas doth The Giving of Light bring redeeming grace. Refrain The Peace 192 Prayer over the Gifts Offertory Hymn God, rest you merry, Eucharistic Prayer gentlemen The Lord’s Prayer 211 A London Carol God, rest you merry, gentlemen, The Breaking of the Bread let nothing you dismay, The Communion Remember Christ our Saviour was born on Christmas Day; Prayer after Communion To save us all from Satan`s power Doxology 213 when we were gone astray. DECEMBER 30, 2012 4 The Blessing ringing:/Ding dong! verily the sky/Is riv'n with Angel singing./ Closing Hymn CP 121 Gloria, Hosanna in excelsis! // O Little Town of Bethlehem E’en so here below, below, Let Tune: FOREST GREEN steeple bells be swungen,/And “I- Dismissal o, i-o, i-o!”/By priest and people Gloria... Piano Postlude: Songs without sungen./ //Pray you, du- Words, Op. 53, No. 3 tifully prime/Your matin chime, Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy ye ringers;/May you beautifully (1809-1847) rime/Your evetime song, ye sing- ers. Gloria… 10:30AM CHORAL EUCHARIST Welcome FIRST SUNDAY AFTER CHRISTMAS Hymn CP 123 HOLY BAPTISM Once in Royal David’s City Book of Alternative Services Tune: IRBY Preacher & Celebrant: The Baptismal Greeting The Very Reverend Paul Smith 151 Collect of the Day 276 Items in bold/italic involve Bulletin p. 7 music, and most are sung: - bold/ First Reading: italic numbers refer to the blue 1 SAMUEL 2:18-20, 26 hymn book, Common Praise ; plain numbers refer to the green Read by: Tingdzin Ötro Book of Alternative Services. Psalm 148 Mass Setting: The Sewanee Cantor: Andrew Wight Service Malcolm Archer (b.1952) Organ Prelude: Prelude on “Forest Green” - Andrew Carter Second Reading: (b.1939) COLOSSIANS 3:12-17 Choral Introit: Ding Dong! Mer- Gradual Hymn CP 137 rily on High - 16 th c. French tune, What Child Is This? Harmonized by Charles Wood Tune: GREENSLEEVES (1866-1926) Ding dong! merrily on high /In heav'n the bells are DECEMBER 30, 2012 5 Gospel Processional Vss 1-2 Prayer over the Gifts 277 The Holy Gospel: LUKE 2:41-52 Bulletin p. 7 Gospel Recessional Vss 3-5 Eucharistic Prayer #1 193 Gospel Responses CP 718 The Great Thanksgiving Sanctus/ The Homily Benedictus Mass Setting Procession to the Font CP 26 Acclamation Mass Setting Away in a Manger The Lord’s Prayer 211 Tune: CRADLE SONG The Breaking of the Bread Presentation 153 of the Candidate Agnus Dei Mass Setting Delilah Ruth McCurdy Choral Communio: Alleluya, a Prayers for the Candidates 155 New Work Is Come on Hand and the People -Peter Wishart (1921-1984) Led by Maureen Yeats Alleluya! A new work is come on hand/Through might and grace Thanksgiving Over the Water of Gode’s son/To save the lost of 156 ev’ry land./For now is free that The Baptismal Covenant 158 erst was bound;/We may well The Baptism sing Alleluya!//Now is fulfilled the prophecy/Of David and of Anthem at the Font: Sicut cervus Jeremy/And also of Isaiah/Sing - G.P. da Palestrina (c.1525-1594) we therefore both loud and high, Sicut cervus desiderat ad fontesa- Alleluya!//Alleluya, this sweetè quarum ita desiderat anima song/Out of a green branch it mea ad te Deus. Like as the hart sprung./God send us the life that desireth the waterbrooks, so lon- lasteth long!/Now joy and bliss geth my soul after thee, O Lord. be him among/That thus can Text: Ps. 42:1 sing Alleluya! The Giving of the Light 160 Text: Anon. 15th c. The Peace Prayer after Communion 277 Offertory Hymn CP 122 Bulletin p. 7 In the Bleak Midwinter Glory to God 214 Tune: CRANHAM Doxology DECEMBER 30, 2012 6 The Blessing Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and Hymn CP 139 for ever. The First Nowell Tune: THE FIRST NOWELL PRAYER OVER THE GIFTS God of light, in the birth of your Son we Dismissal 215 see your glory. May we who share in this mystery grow daily in your love. This we Choral Benediction: Choral ask in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord. Benediction and Amen ― E.J. PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION Scarlett/J.R. Peacey arr. A. Tilley Source of truth and joy, may we who have (b.1944) Filled with the Spirit’s received the gift of divine life always fol- power with one accord,/Go forth low the way of your Son. This we ask in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord. redeemed, proclaim the risen Lord./God’s Holy Spirit guide you A READING FROM THE FIRST BOOK OF on your way,/May you the power SAMUEL Samuel was ministering before the Lord, a of fellowship display.//Now may boy wearing a linen ephod. His mother the mind of Christ set you on used to make for him a little robe and take fire;/May Christian unity be your it to him each year, when she went up desire./Like wind and fire, God’s with her husband to offer the yearly sacri- fice.
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