of the 18th century, Rüstkammer of the 18thcentury, 1st half Tatar, or Ottoman Saddle, comes comes of the orient The fascination Cammer“ “Türckische the 2009–OpeningofDecember to to the Residenzschloss STaaTliChe Kunstsammlungen Dresden · annual repOrT 2008 2008 ANNUAL REPORT 2008 Albertinum Zwinger with Semperbau Wasserpalais, Schloss Pillnitz Page 4 International Special ExhibiTions Foreword PARTNERshiPs Page 27 Page 17 Special exhibitions in Dresden China iN Dresden Message of greeting from the and Saxony in 2008 iN ChiNA Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs Page 34 Page 18 Special exhibitions abroad in 2008 Page 9 The Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Cultural exchange past and future – Dresden in international dialogue a year of encounters between Dresden WiTh kind support and Beijing Page 24 Trip to Russia Launch event with Helmut Schmidt Page 37 and Kurt Biedenkopf Page 25 In your mid-20s? Off to the museum! Visit to Warsaw Page 10 Page 38 Seven exhibitions and a Societies of friends wide-ranging programme of events Page 38 Page 13 Sponsors and donors in 2008 A chance to work abroad Page 40 Page 14 Partners from the business world China in Dresden Page 15 Dresden in China Residenzschloss Jägerhof Lipsiusbau on the Brühlsche Terrasse From ThE collections Visitors Museum bUildiNgs Page 43 Page 63 Page 75 Selected purchases and donations A host must be prepared – improving Two topping-out ceremonies and our Visitor Service will remain a surprising find mark the progress Page 47 an important task in the future of building work at the museums Selected publications during 2008 Page 64 Page 51 Visiting museums with a social wel- Restitutions fare identity card or a concert ticket Prospects Page 52 Page 64 Selected restoration projects Museum Education: methodical – Page 79 didactic and practical – creative Selected projects scheduled for 2009 Page 66 ScientiFiC and Page 82 Data and figures Special exhibitions in 2009 REsearch projects Page 69 Page 85 Page 57 Notes … Looking ahead to selected projects “Daphne” and provenance research scheduled for 2010 Page 58 Scientific congresses Page 60 International exchanges Foreword The Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden hold emi- organisers of rock concerts. Tickets for three concerts on nently distinguished collections which we are obliged to the banks of the River Elbe and in the Alter Schlachthof preserve, supplement through further collecting, investi- (‘Old Abattoir’) (R. E. M., Sigur Rós and Die Fantastischen gate through research and display in public exhibitions. Vier) were also valid for a free visit to the museums. This The study and interpretation of these art treasures requires turned out to be a remarkable success! continuous, ongoing research by highly qualified experts. In order to help children overcome their apprehensive- Establishing the provenance of each and every work of art ness about entering the »sacred precincts of art«, we are and recording it in a database is a paramount goal of all particularly keen to develop our collaboration with schools. our museums. Thanks to the generous support of the The Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden therefore ap- Saxon State Ministry for Science and Art and the Saxon plied to the educational programme entitled »LernStadt- State Ministry for Finance, it has been possible to employ Museum – Schüler entdecken Museen«, a project run by academic staff specifically for the purpose of assisting our the Saxon State Ministry for Education to encourage school curators in investigating the provenance of all the objects students to engage with museums. Students of Years 7 to and documenting them in the museum database known 10 at the Gotthold-Ephraim-Lessing-Gymnasium in Kamenz as »Daphne«. This project, which is expected to take 10 worked with the staff of the Skulpturensammlung to de- years, is groundbreaking and unique in Europe – it will set velop ideas for the exhibition »Verwandelte Götter – Antike new standards with regard to provenance research and Skulpturen des Museo del Prado zu Gast in Dresden« documentation. The funding of this project demonstrates (Transformed Gods – Classical Sculptures from the Museo the confidence that the Saxon State Government has in del Prado on View in Dresden). They produced a film, and the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden. we can already disclose that it is excellent! Furthermore, in The expertise and the multi-faceted work of the mus- 2008 we organised the first Children’s Festival in the Resi- eums has also enjoyed confirmation from other sources. To denzschloss. The motto was »China« and the fantastic re- our great pleasure, the Kupferstich-Kabinett was awarded sponse has motivated us to continue this event, with children’s the Prize of the International Association of Art Critics festivals being held on a rotating basis in different locations (AICA), Federal Republic of Germany Section, and named within the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden every year »Museum of the Year 2008«. This award confirms that Prof. to mark International Children’s Day. Dr. Wolfgang Holler, Director of the Kupferstich-Kabinett Talking of »China«: when – during a visit to the Gemäl- and current President of the International Advisory Com- degalerie Alte Meister in April 2002 – Jiang Zemin, the mittee of Keepers of Public Collections of Graphic Art has former President of the People’s Republic of China, expressed been steering the right course in concentrating on the his interest in intensive exchange between Chinese cul- scientific orientation of the collection, which – not only by tural institutions and the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen virtue of its holdings of more than half a million sheets – is Dresden, we could not have dreamed that as early as 2008 of key importance among the Dresden museums. we would be able to proclaim a »China Year« in Dresden. But what would our collections be without an interested »China in Dresden in China« was the leitmotif of the year, museum-going public? The number of visitors to the art during which we held special exhibitions in Beijing as well collections has remained stable – despite a drop in visitor as playing host to China at home. Since Dresden was a place numbers for the city of Dresden as a whole. Nevertheless, of cultural exchange with China as long ago as the 18th effort is required to retain this stable balance sheet. Large- century (as evidenced by Schloss Pillnitz and the Porzel- scale marketing campaigns and a wide-ranging programme lansammlung, for example), there was an obvious basis for of events accompanied our exhibitions. In addition, new steps scholarly collaboration. In association with the Palace Mu- were taken in order to encourage the young generation, in seum in the »Forbidden City«, research was conducted into particular, to take an interest in art and museums. For exam- the role of art at the courts of the Emperors of China and ple, the Society of Friends of the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen the Saxon-Polish rulers (1644 – 1795). The findings were Dresden, MUSEIS SAXONICIS USUI, established a »Junge presented in a unique exhibition entitled »Goldener Drache Freunde« (Young Friends) section for members up to the age – Weißer Adler« (Golden Dragon – White Eagle). of 35. The first activity of this group was a party in the exhibi- Slowly but surely, over the past 20 years China has tion »Madonna meets Mao«, featuring live speakers and gradually opened up, and in the cultural sphere this has led music in the presence of the paintings. To everyone’s surprise, to a veritable boom as regards museums and galleries. The the Lipsiusbau had to be temporarily closed after 10 p.m. due interest of the Chinese public in both domestic and foreign to overcrowding. More than 100 people waited patiently in art and culture is remarkable and deserves to be supported. line outside the building. How amazing! Another successful Hence, the exhibitions »Living Landscapes« and »Gerhard innovation was the idea of Dirk Burghardt, Director of Richter. Bilder 1963 – 2007«, which the Staatliche Kunst- Administration at the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dres- sammlungen Dresden showed at the National Art Museum den, for our museums to establish partnerships with the of China in Beijing in association with the Staatliche Museen our collections. These two exhibitions continued the inten- sive dialogue that has been cultivated for years with muse- ums in the successor states to the Soviet Union. The presentation entitled »Unter Göttern und Menschen. Antike Plastik des Albertinum Dresden und des Museo Nacional del Prado« (Among Gods and Men. Classical Sculptures from the Albertinum Dresden and the Museo Nacional del Prado) reunited major works of classical sculpture that 300 years ago were on display in close proximity, in the collections of noble families in Rome. The exhibition at the Museo Nacional del Prado was opened by His Majesty King Juan Carlos I of Spain. Another successful »reunion« went on display towards the end of the year at the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles: »Captured Emotions – Baroque Painting in Bolo- gna 1575 – 1725« presents 27 masterpieces from the Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister complemented by 17 works zu Berlin and the Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, from the J. Paul Getty Museum and other Californian col- Munich, attracted an enthusiastic response in the Chinese lections. Parallel to this exhibition, an enigmatic sculp- media. The great crowds of visitors made it the exhibition tural work from the Dresden Skulpturensammlung was event of the year in Beijing and it was an
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