••••••. a a a a a= 11111. a a aaaalaaaa JNCC Report No 308 The nature conservation value of scrub in Britain SR Mortimer.. AJ Turner' VK Brown', RJ Fuller'. JEG Goods SA Bell'. PA Stevens'. D Norris', N Bayfieldn, & LK Ward' August 2000 This report should be cited as: Mortimer. SR. Turner. Al. Brown, VIC,Fuller, RJ, Good. JEG, Bell, SA. Stevens. PA. Norris. D. Bayfield. N & Ward, LK 2000. TI The nature conservation value of scrub in Britain. JNCC Report No. 308. JNCC. Peterborough 2000 For further information please contact: Habitats Advice Joint Nature Conservation Committee Monkstone House. City Road. Peterborough PEI HY. UK ISSN 0963-8091 CYNCOI cm' CWLAD SCOTTISH CYMRU N=77-",\! NATURAL COUNMSIDI HERITAGE COUNCII Mt WU It ENGLISH NATURE 0-4^70, This report was produced as a result of a commission research contract for English Nature with contributions from Scottish Nature Heritage and the Countryside Council for Wales CABI Bioseienee, Sik%ilod Park. A.eoi. Berks. SI.5 7TA 1- British Trust I-or Ornitholouy. The Nunnery. Thcilord. :Sorkin:. IP24 2PU Centre lor EcoioL:y and Hydoilou . Demo! 12ikid. Bangor. Gviy nedd. LL.57 2U1' II Centre tor licidoey and Ilydroloy. I lill uI Brathens. Glasse!. Banchory. Kincardineshire AB3 I 413Y + 53 Nide, Avenue. Sandtord. Wareham. Dorset. 131120 7AS 1 JOINT NATURE CONSERVATION COMMITTEE: REPORT DISTRIBUTION Report number 308 Report title: The nature conservation value of scrub Contract number: FIN/CON/VT998 Nominated Officer Jeanette Hall. Woodland Network Liaison Officer Date received: April 20110 Contract title: A review of the nature conservation value of scrub in the UK Contractors: CABI Bioscience. Si[wood Park. Ascot. Berks. SL5 7TA Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. Deniol Road. Bangor. Gwynedd. LL57 2UP Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. Hill of Brathens. Glassel. Banchory. Kincardineshire A1331 LIBY British Trust for Ornithology. The Nunnery. Thetford. Norfolk. IP24 2PU 1 Dr Lena Ward 53 Miles Avenue. Sandford. Wareham. Dorset. BH20 7AS Cotmnents: This report presents a synthesis of the existing knowledge of scrub ecology and conservation, and identifies priorities for future conservation and research. Restrictions none II JOINT NATURE CONSERVATION COMMITTEE JNCC report collection 2 copies Habitats Advice I copy Ian McLean c"Py ENGLISH NATURE 1.10. Library 26 copies • Keith Duff. Chief Scientist I copy Richard Jefferson. Lowlands Teaill I copy + lop copy. spares Isabel Alonso. Lowlands 'ream I copy Rocer Key. Lowlands Tearn I copy Jim ki islet.. Lowlands Tearn I copy David Sheppard. Lowlands Team I copy Keith Kirby. Lowlands Team I copy klick Rehane. Uplands Team I copy Phil Grice. Uplands Te:II11 I copy John Hopkins. SDRT I copy Jill Sutcliffe. Botanical Service. Lowlands Team I copy Roger Mitchell. SDRT I copy John Bacon. Lowlands Team 1 copy Sue Rees. Maritime Team 1 copy SCOTHSH NATURAL HERITAGE 1. Ha Library _ copies Jeanette Hall I copy 1 Jane Mackintosh I copy COUNTRYSIDE COUNCIL FOR WALES HO. Library 8 copies Tim Blackstock I copy David Stevens 1 copy ENVIRONMENT AND HERITAGE SERVICE HO. Library 1 copy Paul Corbett 1 copy OTHERS A T Smail. Copyright Libraries Agent. 100 Elusion Road. London NWI 21-10 5 copies British library. Legal Deposit Office. Boston Spa. Wetherbv LS23 7B0 I copy Chadwyck -Healey Ltd. The Quorum. Barnwell Road. Cambridge CB5 8SW 1 copy NEWS. 2-3 Wills Road. Totnes. Devon 109 5XN 10 copies Prof J Miles. Scottish Executive. I-J77. Victoria Quay. Edinburgh EHO OQQ 1 copy Dr A. Stott. Room 921. Department of the Environment. Transport & the Regions (DETR). Tollgate [louse. Houhon Street. Bristol. BS2 9DJ John Osmond. Conservation Management Division. Ministry of Agriculture. Fisheries & Food. Nobel House. 17 Smith Square, London. SW I P 3JR Ann Davies. Conservation Management Division. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food. Nobel House. 17 Smith Square. London. SW I P 3JR. Richard Brand-Hardy. Niinistry of Agriculture. Fisheries & Food. Chief Scientist's Group. 7th Floor. IA Page Street. London SW I P 41'Q, Dr Geoff Radley. Ecological Policy Advisor. FRCA. Nobel House. 17 Smith Square. London. SW I P 3.1R Dr Mark 0•Connell. 1lead of Research. Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust. Slimbridge. Gloucester. GL2 713T Dr Mark Avery. 1lead of Conservation Science. RSPB. The Lodge. Sandy. Bedfordshire SG 19 2DI_ Dr Jane Sears. 13iodiversity Science Officer. RSPB. The Lodge. Sandy. Bedfordshire SG 19 2DL Dr Paul J(1,4. Wetlands Advisor. RSI'13. ftc Lodge. Sandy. Bedfordshire SGI9 2D1_. Dr John Harvey. National Trust. 33 Sheep Street. Cirencester. Gloucestershire. GU IOW Mr Jerry Tallowin. Institute for Grassland & Environmental Research (1GER). North Wyke. Okehammon. Devon. EX2112SB. Dr Trudy Watt. Wve College. University of London, Wve. Ashford. Kent. TN25 5AH Dr Jonathon Mitehley. Wve College. University of London. Wye. Ashford. Kent. TN25 SAFI. s. Mr John Everitt. The Wildlife Trusts. The Kiln. Waterside. Mather Road. Newark. Notts NG24 1WF. Mr Steve Peel. FRCA. Coley Park. Reading. Berkshire. RG I ODE. Dr Martin Warren/Dr Nigel Bourn. Butterfly Conservation Society. PO Box 444. Wareham. 11Dorset. BICH 5YA. Marlin Harper. Plantlife. 21 Elizabeth Street. London. SW I W 9RP. Dr John Rodwell. Unit of Vegetation Science. Lancaster University. Lancaster LAI 4YQ. David Gear. Countryside Agency. Farms and Woodlands Branch. John Dower House, Crescent Place. Cheltenham. GL.5(13RA. Mr F. Currie. The Forest Authority. National Office. Great Eastern House. Tenison Road. Cambridge. 031 2DU. Colonel James Baker. Defence Estate Organisation (Conservation). Ministry of Defence, Blandford House. Farnborough Road. Aldershot. Hampshire GUI! 2HA. Sue Everett. Nature Conservation Bureau. 36. Kingfisher Court. Hambridee Road. Newbury. RG14 5SJ Ms Carole Hatton. World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF UK). Panda House. Catteshall Lane. Weyside Park. Godahning. Surrey. GU7 I XR t Dr Gy Ovenden. FRCA. Block 3. Burghill Road. Westburv-on-Trym. Bristol. BSI() OYW Richard Knight. Farming & Wildlife Advisory Group. National Agricultural Centre. Stoneleigh. Kenilworth. Warwickshire. CVS 2RX, 1 Mr Sieve Trowe. English Heritage. 23 Savi le Row. London WIX IAB Mr Christopher Slopes. Soil Association. Bristol llouse. 40-56 Victoria Street. Bristol. Dr Sieve Compton. Schilol it Biolop. University of Leeds. Leeds. LS2 WT. Dr Alan Stewart. School of Biological Sciences. University of Sussex. Falmer. Brighton. II 13N1 90G, Dr TOM Dargie. Lich Fleet View. Skelbo Street. Dornoch. Scotland IV25 300. I. Dr Tons- Gent. WT. 655a Christchurch Rd. Boscombe. Bournemouth. Dorset BI I 4A1' 'Font Langton. Froglife. "Friton I louse. 13ramlield. Haleswort h. Suffolk IP19 9AE I. 1 S a•-a a a sup a a lom in aaa a Contents Executive summary 5 Approach 13 Rationale and scope 13 Sources of infeffmal ion 14 Definition and classification 15 Definition of scrub 15 Classification of send) 16 Coastal scrub Ives 25 Lowland scrub Ives on wet sods 27 29 Lowland scrub types Oil tin SUM 32 scrub Opes 3tipi""a Distribution and conservation value 35 Distribmion and CXWIlt of scrub tspes a, Britaut 35 Coirsenation value of scrub 51 4 Ecology 67 Scrub dynanuCS 67 Ecological linkages within scrub systems 72 5 Management SI 5.1 Alanagement of scrub communities SI E unding arta/able for scrub managemem 83 5.3 Survey of scrub nuumgers 87 6 Recommendations • 95 6. ! ResnliCh cdricanon requirements 95 / Sue mid agrfrenuronment pilicy 98 Reunnmemhatons- 101 Ackninvledgmenis 1O3 Refere nces 1114 Appendix 1.1 Wiirkshop participants III 112 Appendix 11 Coastal. lowland grassland and heathland NCR sites 114 Appendix 12 Examples of SACs with important scrub communities Appendix 5.1 Countryside Stewardship management prescriptions 118 124 Appendix 5.2 Environmentally Sensitive Area management prescriptions 131 Appendix 5-1 Questionnaire responses on techniques for scrub management 144 Appendix 5-4 Questionnaire responses on objectives for scrub management Appendix 5.5 Questionnaire responses on success of scrub management 160 174 Appendix 5.() Questionnaire l'or land-managers Appendix 5.7 Respondents to questionnaire for land-managers 178 Appendix 6. I Questionnaire tor project officers and advisors 185 Respondents to questionnaire for project officers and advisors 188 Appendix 6 -2 No se s sas si a a .S ssass um 111 i Executivesummary 1 Rationaleand approach 1 Scrub has received little attention from nahire conservationists, resulting in insufficient 11 knowledge of the distribution, ecology, management and conservation status of scrub in Britain. This information is needed to identify, conserve and enhance valuable scrub. ', This report represents a synthesis of the existing knowledge of scrub ecology and I conservation, and identifies priorities for future conservation and research. This information has been accessed through published and unpublished literature, 1 questionnaires, an expert workshop, and through consultation with national and international experts. 11, Definition and classification 3. For the purposes of this report, scrub includes all stages from scattered bushes to closed ll canopy vegetation, dominated by locally native or non-native shrubs and tree saplings, usually less than 5m tall, occasionally with a few scattered trees. This includes carr, scrub I in the uplands and lowlands (including wood edge habitats), montane scrub and coastal scrub. The definition excludes dwarf shrub heaths, planted stands of young trees and coppice stump regrowth less than 5m high. ' II 4. Most scrub in-Britain is seral, forming a stage in the transition
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