MS-603: Rabbi Marc H. Tanenbaum Collection, 1945-1992. Series E: General Alphabetical Files. 1960-1992 Box 94 , Folder 6, Women, 1977. 3101 Clifton Ave , Cincinnati. Ohio 45220 (513) 221·1675 phone. (513) 221·7612 fax americanjewisharchives.org 3 CD 3 ...o THE AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE III ::la. date November 23, 1977 c: to Marc H. Tanenbaum 3 from r,nge 'Lederer Gibel subject This is my fil'st chance to report to you on a number of items of interest, based on our last conversation before I left. Of course, we didn't know then that the Sadat thing would come off and we still don't know how much everything has changed because of it. You should know that I was part of a New Outlook delegation of ten (which included Nahum Goldman, Pierre Mendes-France and Prof. Saul Friedlander) ~ho met briefly with Sadat pefore his departure. Institutional identification was not used in the introductions to Sadat. The office here is going to help me get hold of ·one': of the photographs that was taken at the nieeting, which at the end included Begin. Bernie is now involved in setting up some meetings for me, including either Shro,uel Katz or r.toshe Yegar and tomorrow afternoon Bernie and I are having lunch with Jim Wall who was also at the New Outlook Conference. H 've als·o suggested that we try to . get .Yegar to see Wa:p as I think it's important for Wall to hear someone fro~ the other side. Also at the conference I had a chance to talk at some length ~ith . Edith Colliver and she is very interested in the po~ · sibility of a WOlllen I 5 Dial.ogue out on the West coast. So far as I can see now ·the general mood here is one of cautious euphoria. See you back at the office on December 7. Best rega.rds to everyone in the department. ~ IG/jw Encl. November 23, 1977 Mr. Darryl Fleer Cen'tennial Travel, Inc.• Seven So.uth Tejon Street Colorado Springs, 00 80903 U.S.A. Dear Mr. Fleer, Thank you .for your letter of November 11 'which 'my s'ecreaary has sent on 'to ,me -here in Israel where .1 will be Wlti( ) the second week of Decc~er. We will be delighted to co­ ~perate ' wi~h the Young Life program and . I will ·write you ··about it ill: greater detail when I return 'to the States. ~an. cerely , lnge Lederer Gibel. Nat.:J..onal Co-ordinator Visitors to Israel Program IG/ji< ., . .. ./ bee: Marc ' Tane~ba~ ' l(' . Encl . xerox o~ leLter .from Mr . .Fleer I thought you might want to see this before you return. ~ t "raI. I I Centennial Travel, me. --~;...~ ~'---s·<v·e-n-S·o-ut-h-T-ej-o"'n ~s-,,-e·et-----C-O·'O-"-d-O"S"p-,;"n.-'''. ~C~O-8{)"."O-3----"(30""3)"4"73-.7"'''2r .. ~ November 11, 1977 Mrs. Inga Gibel American Jewish Committee 165 East 56th New York City, New York i0022 Dear Mrs. Gibel, I'm ~iting you on behalf of the Young Life organization who will be taking 'another tour in 1978 to Israel. I under­ stand that you did correspond with Mr.Bill Russell of the Young Life International office this year regarding their tour in March. Bill has asked me, as the. planning agency, o to contact you for assistance ~n our tour ,next year in late February. If you could arrange a speaker and tour of the Knesset again next year for the Young Life group we would greatly appreciate ,it. We plan "approximately 160 tour members and. our tour extends from February 26th through March 6th, our ' .. departure date. We will be in' Jerusalem from Thursday, February 28th to Saturday, .March 4th for scheduling purPoses. We have an itinerary planned each day but we would arrange our other schedule to accommodate your speake~. The best time for the group from our stand point would be during the morning of Friday, March 3, 1978. If your speaker c9u1d arrange this special tour ·in the neighborhood of one hour, it will certainly fulfill our needs. Thank you very much for your assistance, please let me know if there is any'thing add±tional I may provide as information. I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, . L aiV''-/~V Darryl FLier . , WISH"COMMIJNITY . COUNCI~ An,lI.:,l\h":AN .J;;.~~ : .;., i,.....,.r-uYI.i i~..:. ·, r ~ .225 163 M AD!~OI. ~ MICHIGAN AREA OffiCE , . " ... .. DETRQ;T 26, MI~'E DAILY TRI.BUNE Apr(1 23, 19.77 . 163 MADISON · llEi~",1CHlGAN !t822S . Sister Beverly Lunders:, Say Dialogue Participants ., education coordinator at SI. Owen, .Birming:-aam.· .said soine men are gh·er. positions in the church which could Catholic, Jewish Women easily be iilled b}' women. "J'yC Sf·cn many priest.s try to dcal with young people but the\' arc inco:np.:tent. They Share IReligious-'njustice' can-'t handle ~hnd~;n as welt as a wo~an mIght. , by SHARON A. DARGAY their Jewish .orChristian The Rev. John Pawlikowski, The group decided that TrtbUfl,.St~ffRflIO'ttt . "sisters" than malemcm:bers 1 president of the Catholic "awareness" sessions for both Women . have not attained o!theirownfaith. 1'hcological Union, Chicago,· men and women would pa\'e run ~qualily within the church "Alter about 20 }'ears of said·that the gospel or 5t. Luke the way for· equality of both and synagogue. according to patish work l\'e just about clearly "showed a great sexes in the Christian· and participants in a Christian- " had it; I wonder ·Wbat 1'd get respect ·and ·was t-rjbute to Jewish faiths. JeWish · D-i~"ogue, held Wed- for decking a bishop," Mrs. Mary,'~ polnling out the im· nesda)-inSouthfield. Lee Farkas. a member of St. parlance or "'·omeo in Risks- ; About._2.5 persons, .attending Lucy's, St. Clair Shom. said. Christiaoity. Group members agr~ed that "-w~op on ""omen in the "Vatican U said "Oe can "Religious instituUons and although'thev rna)' be un­ Jewish;i:od Christian tradition share the decision making, but organizations are probably Popular, risks must be taken s~id , ~ore _"OmeD should be the church has a clerical club the least advanced forms of before the Catll(}!ic church will iDCludedin leadership roles: of which women .are not. insUtutions. (in terms of ho ...' ordain women. ·Within lheidaiths. I members." they relate to women}," .Fr. One nun suggested that ~Tbe _·orkshop was one of Echoing her frustrations, Pa wilkowski said .. parishioners write to each several offered during a three· but fr(lm another' re ligious bishop until "they find one d.ay dialogue sponsored by the _ perspective. .,udi Banke HCiuse Cleaning- that will ordain a woman." Secretarial for Catholic director of in- "Ho",? can t~,('y address She said women should sup­ J.cwish relations;. in of the other institutions about issu('s ·Port· those who want or­ c!)OperaUon with· se.veral of justice without doing a little dination, e\'~n if they arc not r:eligious organizations ·in­ hO't.lse- cleaning of their o\l,·n? interested in becoming priests cluding the Detroit Round makers You cannot te:lt'f\ wh~~ l'Ot! tin':UlSd\'cs. '1';tt>!'!. .t crriciy ':ewi>it in tne Jewish faith are-found in don't do yoursel f." Fr; Pawlikowski noted that Committee· Christian Com­ lay · activities and "There arc lots of jobs to he many liturgical rcf(lrms no:-,"· mUrucations Council, · Jewish organizations. done, yet womCn are. not accepted in the Catholic permitted to do many of , Community Council and B'nai Church were once frowned , ·Bntfi. Men Control..,.... them," added Margie Alpern, ·"The chairmen .of most of upon as ordination novt is. .The dialogue on ..... omen ..... as Bloomfield Hills, a m~mber of those committees are those "The peopl~ who practiced aUended largely by Roman the American Jewish · Com­ them WCfe on the verge of ex­ Catholic il:nd JeWish YJ.omen. ..... ho contribute. Since the men mittee. control most of the mon~y in communication and then "Women will not permit sears later the church ac", 'Sislers'- the family, they get the being considered less in the positions. But there should be · cepted th~ practices as ones : Many of tbem found· they N!ligious world, than they are they've always taught." had more in common with no barrier to women in such ·in the secular world." organizations ·because there is --- .~. ~' -- · Liber:ition- no religious objecticm in­ Non- The women agreed that voln-d. Participants in the dialogue Women have always ~n ordin ation, and le .. dcrsnip said il was frustrating to use roles will come (lilly if they ·8n important part of religious only p2rt ·of th~ir talents in life. Arlene Swidler, a guest participate in their "own their faiths. One nun said she liberation," pushing for speaker, anc;! author of several ministered daily to the sick books on the Catholic faith, changes in the church and including . a collection of ·and ag-ed. Whe~ anv synagogue. feminist liturgics, said that sacraments were necessary "Jewish and Christian ·Jewish women had an im· such as last rites or con: women can work toge{her and portant role in religious life at fession, she was required to realize their own possibilities · . home rather than in the "turn them over to a priest" as women," Mr. Swirlier said. temple. so that he could perform the "Through feminism we learn sacrament JegaUy. to mClkc new li\'es for our· selves and reject materialism.
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