Deacon’s Corner: For many years, I was in- formula – and, sadly, we had none to offer. If you can help volved with the Irish Teachers Program at King’s us with food, diapers, and formula, please leave them in College and was honored to serve as its director. church. If you put them in the St. Vincent de Paul boxes, As many of you know, Jean and I are just back that’s where they will go. I suggest you place your gifts by from Ireland where we saw the country and re- the baptismal area. Again, thank you for your generosity. newed treasured friendships. Wherever we went, there The Façade Issue: I’m told the construction work on the were many Irish men and women who were there to greet front of our church will begin very shortly. Hopefully, it us – and to treat us to a pint or two. After only a few won’t take too long. The important thing will be making minutes, the conversation invariably turned to this very certain our church is safe and secure. As I learn more, I’ll special place. The Irish Teachers came to this church eve- report to the parish. ry year when they came to Wilkes-Barre. Here they were welcomed by parishioners and members of the Ladies An- How Are We Paying for This? At our latest estimate, the cient Order of Hibernians. One of them gave us a picture front of the church will cost approximately $170,000 to re- of me in our church hall. I was waiting in a food line with pair. We are paying this through your weekly contributions my mother and Jean by my side. Thank you – admittedly to Critical Church Repairs – the second collection. Thanks a few years late – for welcoming the Teachers, and espe- to your generosity, we will be able to manage our debt ser- cially for welcoming me. Many new parishioners tell me vice for the repairs through this collection. You are incredi- they have joined us because of the welcome they received bly generous – and I promise to continue to be a good during their first visit. I’m very proud to be stationed at a steward of the funds you contribute. You work hard for place where we welcome Jesus Christ by smiling at your money and I promise to spend it wisely. strangers. Our reputation may not be known around the Rite of Christian Initiation: If you, or someone you know, world, but it certainly is in Ireland. is interested in learning more about becoming a Roman What I’d Like You to Know: In today’s gospel, Jesus Catholic – and a member of our parish family, please call again offers the disciples peace. Today’s reading is actu- me. Warmer weather time is an excellent opportunity to sit ally taken from John’s writing of the Last Supper. Jesus’ together and talk about what’s involved and begin the pro- closest friends are about to be shaken completely in their cess to decide if this is the right course of action for individ- faith. They will see the man they have come to know as uals. Know you will be welcomed and will receive abso- the Lord die on a cross. But before these dark actions lutely no pressure as you decide FOR YOURSELF if this is take place, Jesus gives his friends one more gift – peace. something you want to do. Call. We’ll talk – and pray to- And not just a feeling, but the true peace of Christ. After gether about it. the resurrection, Jesus tells his friends not to let their Religious Education: This is just another reminder that hearts be troubled or afraid. This is a difficult lesson to all sacramental preparation is to be 2 years. We are re- learn, but Jesus never tires of offering us his peace. All we quired to insist that First Communion and Confirmation have to do is open our hearts to receive it. preparation will be over a 2-year period. Please keep this What I’d Like You to Think About: Jesus tells us, “Do in mind. not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.” Look within your Remember in Prayer: We have received requests for hearts and ask what troubles you at this very moment. prayers. These are parishioners who are sick or injured. Then ask yourself how you might entrust this fear to God. While I cannot tell you names, I can tell you these are A Time of Waiting: We live in the time of waiting – the good and faithful parishioners. Please remember in prayer time after Jesus’ ascension to the Father, but before the members of our parish family who cannot worship with us fulfillment of the kingdom of God. In this time of waiting, on Sundays because they are not able. May their recover- we need to exercise patience. Remember, God operates ies be swift, and may they return to our midst soon. on God’s time, not ours. What we do know is, when our Dusting our Hearts: I don’t care if you live in the grand- time of waiting is over, every tear will be wiped from our est house on the block, if you do not maintain it, that house eyes. And remember, we aren’t just WAITING for God’s will not be as perfect as it could be without attention. We kingdom – we are charged with BUILDING IT. Remember, paint, cut the grass, trim the shrubs, dust, and clean fre- even when we cannot see him, God is by our side, show- quently. Our faith is much more important that that, but ering us with his love. many of us just don’t put as much attention to maintaining Feeding the Hungry: We have had an increase in people it as we should. No matter how strong your faith, if you coming to the rectory asking for food. We are now in need leave it untended it will never be as perfect as it could be of additional food for us to give to those people who come without attention. to our door. Remember, when we feed the poor, we are feeding Jesus. We were asked for disposable diapers and Mass Intentions PARISH COLLECTION Saturday - May 25, 2019 May 18-19, 2019 4:00 P.M. - Mass - for 68th Anniver- sary, Leroy and Charlotte Edwards by Loose $ 56.00 their daughter, Caron Offering $ 2055.00 Sunday - May 26, 2019 Initial $ 5.00 9:00 A.M. - Mass- for Marie Anne Diocesan Assessment $ 125.00 Lacrete by her Daughter Dues $ 95.00 11:00 A.M. - Mass– for Loretta Parish Maintenance $ 10.00 Schaal by her Family (30 Day) Christian Education $ 8.00 Candles $ 30.50 Weekday Liturgy Schedule Care & Educ. of Priests $ 10.00 Monday– May 27,2019 Other $ 5.00 Memorial Day TOTAL $ 2399.50 9:00 A.M.– Mass– for Joseph McKe- own by James Maloney Critical Church Repairs $ 536.50 Tuesday - May 28, 2019 8:30 A.M.– Liturgy of the Word Thank you for your generosity!! Wednesday– May 29, 2019 5:15 P M– Mass- Vigil of the Ascen- EVENTS AROUND TOWN sion for Missy Schneikart by Deacon ST.VINCENT DE PAUL Bill and Jean Behm 2nd Annual Catholic Women’s Con- KITCHEN Thursday – May 30, 2019 ference 2019 “Come to the Well- During May, the Saint Vin- 12:00 Noon.– Mass– Ascension for Refresh Your Faith”: will be held on cent de Paul Kitchen re- Angelo Ricci by the Gang at the Par- June 22, 2019 at the University of quests gifts of Pasta and rish St. Pool and Hart Theater Scranton, Byron Complex. 8:00 AM boxed mac n’ cheese. Thank you! Friday – May 31, 2019 registration and light breakfast, fol- 8:30 A.M. - Liturgy of the Word lowed by Mass at 8:45 AM with Bish- SNFCU News: Have a safe and hap- op Joseph Bambera. Keynote speak- py Memorial day weekend. Remember Next Weekend’s Mass Intentions ers will be Theresa Tomeo, radio those who have served to preserve Saturday - June 1, 2019 show host for Catholic Connection and our freedom. Thank a Vet! 4:00 P.M. - Mass - for Health of Rose author of several books. Jill Metz, an Raub by Pat Yanora and Family artist, Catholic convert and speaker. PARISH EVENTS Sunday - June 2, 2019 Sister Mercy Marie, a Sister of Life, 9:00 A.M. - Mass- for Charles will lead the gathering during Eucha- Camp St. George Meeting: Thurs- Dougherty by Kerrie and Kaylyn ristic Adoration with her inspiring day, May 30th, at 7:00PM in the Par- Dougherty words of faith. “His Own,” a female ish House. 11:00 A.M. - Mass- for Rosalie Ferro music ministry from Nashville, back by by her Family (30 Day) popular demand, sharing their love for BINGO: Every Thursday at 6 P.M. Jesus through music. There will be an Early Bird Specials: 5:55 P.M. Ministers Schedule opportunity for the Sacrament of Rec- TV Monitors Saturday – June 1, 2019 onciliation. Lunch will be provided, and 4:00 P.M. – Lector – Karen Grula there will be a Catholic Vendor Mar- THE COFFEE CLUB: Extraordinary Ministers – Theresa ketplace. Admission is $40.00/ person. Tuesdays at 1:00 in the Parish House. Shrader/ Cheryl Gibson After June 9th it is $50.00/ person. For Come join us! Altar Server – Mia Ashton detail and registration go to ********************** www.cwcnepa.com JELLY FOR JESUS: Marie Koulik is Sunday – June 2, 2019 making homemade “Red Pepper Jel- 9:00 A.M.
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