Decorative Arts and Interiors ICDAD / DEMHIST Joint Conference Baku, Azerbaijan 10 – 12 October 2018 CONFERENCE PROGRAM a! 1" October 10, 2018 #enue" Azerbaijan Car$et Museu& Re'istration o( t)e con(erence $articipant% 09:00-10:00 Re(re%)&ent% and Networkin' 10:00-10:40 ,e-co&in' %$eec)e% . $resentation o( t)e book /E&broider! (ro& t)e Azerbaijan Car$et Museu& Co--ection0 Welcoming speec!es: Dr S!irin Meliko#$ Director of t!e A%er&$ij$n C$r et Museum 10 &in )resident of IC+M A%er&$ij$n ,e resent$tive Ministr- of Culture of t!e ,e (&lic of A%er&$ij$n 10 &in Ms. S($- A"soy IC+M )resident 10 &in Helen$ /oenigsmar"o#$ )resident of ICDAD 1 &in Director0 1)M 2 Museum of Decor$tive Arts in )r$gue Els$ ,o*rigues )resident of DEMHIST E3ecutive c!ief of t!e H$mpton Court )$l$ce 1 &in 10:40-11:40 2e!note %$eaker%" Sevil S$*5"!o#$ 20 &in Doctor in Arts, )rofessor Anis C!$$-$ 20 &in )!* in Arc!$eolog-0 IC+MOS-6e&$non Bo$r* Member $n* Assoc5$te )rofessor $t 6e&$nese 1niversity 11:40-11:89 Presentation about t)e Genera- Con(erence o( 3COM in 2!oto 2014 11:89-18:00 5e%sion 1 6)e ro-e o( e&broider! in t)e uniquene%% o( traditiona- 11 &in azerbaijani interior Dr.S!irin Meliko#$0 Director of A%er&$ij$n C$r et Museum, )resident of IC+M A%er&$ij$n :$tion$l Committee 11 &in Ja$anese Bu**)ist 6e9tile% in A&erica (ro& t)e :ate 14th t)rou') Ear-! 20th Centurie%" Fro& Re-igious #est&ent to 3nterior ecoration 11 &in Meliss$ ,inne0 ,ese$rc! ;ello<0 /yoto :$tion$l Museum Azerbaijan Car$et% as t)e &e&or! )istor! =id$*i Mur$*o#0 Doctor of )!iloso !- in Histor-0 )rofessor0 He$* of >A%er"!$lc!$? Joint Stoc" Comp$n-0 He$* of Sector C$r et 11 &in We$ving of t!e Institute of Arc!$eolog- $n* Et!nogr$ !- ANAS 11 &in #erdure ta$estr! – 21t) centur!; Ne+ +a!% o( stor!te--in' Eliz$vet$ ;o"in$0 Director of t!e Ts$ritsyno Museum-,eserve iscu%sions 18:00-14:00 6unc! 14:19-1@:00 5e%sion 2 6)e reconstruction o( t)e Prince Jose$) Poniatowski A$art&ent in 11 &in t)e Co$er-Roo(ed Pa-ace in ,ar%a+ /$t$r%yn$ Jursz-S$l#$*ori, E3 Cur$tor of t!e Art De $rtment0 The Museum of t!e ,o-$l C$stle in W$rs$w 3nteriors o( dwe--in' buildin's o( t)e =3= c;(on %ketc)e% o( artist%? 11 &in ,$yih$ Amen%$*e0 Doctor of $rc!itecture0 rofessor Institute of Arc!itecture $n* Art0 A%er&$ij$n :$tion$l Ac$*emy of Science 11 &in Au'&entin' )istorica- )ouse% wit) t)eir interior design (ro& digita- arc)ive%" #il-a Ciani A )$trizia Sc!ettino0 Digit$l me*ia specialist for AgID0 )residen%$ *el Consiglio *ei Ministri, ,ome0 )!D in Communic$tion Science 11 &in 6!$es o( *we--in's and interna- decoration in t)e @i--a'e% o( Ab%)eron; 6raditions and &odern design M$l$!$t ;$r$'o#$0 Director of AB$l$" St$te Historic$l-Et!nogr$ !ic )reserve )!D in History $n* Arc!eolog- 11 &in iscu%sion% 1@:00-1@:80 Coffee &re$" Cu-tura- $ro'ra& 1@:80-1C:80 A%er&$ij$n C$r et Museum 1C:80-19:00 St$te Historic$l $n* Arc!itectur$l ,eserve >Ic!erishe!er? 19:00 7$"u M$rionette The$tre 40:00 Welcome coc"t$il on t!e Terr$ce of t!e 7$"u M$rionette The$tre a! 2" October 11, 2018 #enue" Nationa- Museu& o( Histor! o( Azerbaijan 09:00-09:80 Re'istration o( t)e con(erence $articipant% 09:80-10:49 5e%sion 1 5tor!te--in' 6e9tile% ReCectin' Bistor! o( Azerbaijani Music 11 &in All$ 7$yr$mo#$0 D5rector of t!e St$te Museum of Music$l Culture of A%er&$ij$n )!D in Musicolog- 11 &in About t!$ica- orna&enta- (eatures o( Ganja car$et% Elnur H$s$no#0 Senior S ec5$list0B$n'$ Br$nc! of A%er&$ij$n :$tion$l Ac$*emy of Sciences )!D in Histor- 11 &in Car$et - 5ou- o( 3nterior /!$*i'$ As$*o#$0 De ut- Director of t!e A%er&$ij$n :$tion$l 11 &in Museum of Art )!D in Arts 6)e unit! o( $ast and &odernit! in t)e $-ot car$et de@ote* to M;Rostro$o@ic) 11 &in S!eyl$ He-*$ro#$0 Director of t!e 6. D M. ,ostro o#ic!Es Home Museum iscu%sions 10:49-11:19 Coffee &re$" 11:19-18:00 5e%sion 2 Residentia- /,)ite cube%0 and t)e /Per(or&ance0 o( object% 11 &in A-man /$ssem, Interior $rc!itect0 )!D in ur&$n $rc!itecture $n* interior *esign 11 &in Arc)itectura- st!-e and interior o( roo&% o( t)e Pa-ace o( B;E;6a'D!e@ M$"!f(%$ Feyn$lo#$0 De ut- Director of ANAS :$tion$l Museum of History of A%er&$ij$n )!D in H5story 11 &in Private House Of Netaji A Nationa- Hero o( 3ndia and )is House Museu& in $ro&otin' t)e socita- sustainabi-it! t)rou') $ub-ic 11 &in co&&unication D$s Mousruti, )!D in Museolog- 6)e interior o( Buk)ara ara@anserai and tea cere&on! in Mu-tani Cara@anserai in 3c)erishe)er >3nner Cit!? on t)e Great 5ilk Road – Fro& t)e =# centur! u$ to date (Based on t)e e9)ibit% o( t)e Fund o( 3c)erishe)er )istorica- &useu&? 11 &in Ir$*$ B$simo#$0 C!ief of De $rtment of )(&lic rel$tions $n* M$ss wor"s $t >Ic!eris!e!er? !istoric$l Museum $tt$c!e* to t!e A*ministr$tion of St$te Historic$l-Arc!itectur$l ,eserve >Ic!erishe!er? iscu%sion% 18:00-14:80 6unc! Cu-tura- $ro'ra& 14:80-19:80 :$tion$l Museum of History of A%er&$ij$n 19:80-1@:80 Memorial Museum of Bul&ul F Co((ee Break 1@:80-1C:80 House-Museum of Niy$%i 1C:80-1G:80 House-Museum of :$riman :$rimano# a! A" October12, 2018 #enue" Azerbaijan Nationa- Art Museu& 09:00-09:80 Re'istration o( t)e con(erence $articipant% 09:80-11:00 5e%sion 1 6)e (o-*in' screen% o( t)e Pa-acio Naciona- a Ajuda 11 &in M$ria José B$ivIo T$#$res0 Cur$tor of t!e furniture collection $n* responsible for t!e communic$tion $n* *ivulg$tion *e $rtment $t :$tion$l )$l$ce of A'(*$06isbon0 )ortug$l.Secret$r- of IC+M- ICDAD 11 &in 3nterior esign and efinin' 3dentit!" A Case o( Ja$anese Merc)antHs House)o-* atin' 18A1-14I1 Meiko :$g$shima0 Cur$tor $n* t!e C!$ir of t!e De $rtment of E*uc$tion in t!e /yoto :$tion$l Museum 11 &in Between Ro!a- Court And rawin' Roo&" Frenc) 18th-Centur! ta$isserie% *Ha-entour% in Euro$ean 3nterior% Dr. *es. Ani"$ ,eine"e0 Assist$nt Cur$tor0 St$$tlic!e Museen %u 11 &in Berlin Meta-work (ro& Asia (or Euro$e 11 &in M$rtin$ )$ll0 Director of Sc!ell Collection Tre$surer of IC+M- ICDAD 11 &in 6bi-isian sil@er+are" c-oser insig)t on t)e 14th centur! weddin' ritua-% An$ S!$ns!iashvili, Silver<$re ,ese$rc!er0 Beorgian St$te Museum of ;ol" $n* A lie* Art )!D0 Art Historian iscu%sions 11:00-11:80 Coffee &re$" 11:80-14:80 M$r"et )l$ce )resent$tions Cu-tura- $ro'ra& 14:80-18:00 A%er&$ij$n :$tion$l Art Museum 18:00-14:00 6unc! 14:00-19:00 He-*$r Aliyev Center 19:00-1@:00 CHE6EBI 1@:00-1G:00 House-Museum of No&el Brot!ers J=ill$ )etrole$K 1G:00-40:00 ;ree time 40:00 ;$rewell Dinner in >Mug!$m Cl(&? (Ic!erishe!erK.
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