13496 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS April 29, 1970 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS CLARENDON CITY HALL-LIBRARY them to "Use it and be the smartest young direct their lives. Only in this way will our PROJECT CALLED "A LESSON FOR people in God's world." problems of drugs, sex, liquor, and breaking AMERICA" Also speaking briefly were County Judge of the law and many other horrible problems Tom Catlett, Clarendon school superinten­ of our time ever come to an end. dent Glen Fugatt and Carver High School If Abbie Hoffman claims to be an Ameri­ HON. BILL ALEXANDER principal J. J. Lacy. can, he is absolutely wrong. An American OF ARKANSAS Mrs. Karl Neal, State Librarian, and former would never do or say the things he has to Clarendon resident, presented a framed life many students everywhere. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES membership certificate in the Arkansas I wish that this man if so hooked on Wednesday, April 29, 1970 Library Association to Dr. Jacobs. communism be sent to USSR or any other On the Monroe County Library Board are country with this form of government and Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. Speaker, in a Ewing Johnson, Holly l..irove, chairman, and that he be banned from our State of Kan­ day when most are inclined to trod the Dr. Lily Peter, Marvell, Mrs. Nollie Penning­ sas or any other State. He is a disgrace to heavily beaten path to Washington, D.C., ton, Clarendon, Mrs. Ruel Sain, Holly Grove, us all and if we put up with him and others to secure funds for building projects, the Doug Hunt, Brinkley, Cowan Meacham, Mon­ like him we are just as much a disgrace I citizens of Clarendon, Ark., have demon­ roe, and librarian is Mrs. Jack Ellis. Mr. Shriver, no one has told me to write City officials in addition to Mayor Chivers this letter to you. I have done it on my own strated the evidence of a revival of the are Jewell Pupsta, clerk, Gerald Marshall, true pioneer spirit in the construction because my heart is really breaking to see engineer, and aldermen Louis Sanders, Paul Abbie and others ruin our country. I hope I of a new library and municipal building. McKay, Don Hix, Lyle Ellis, Billy Martin and am not the only one who has written to you. The recent dedication of the Clarendon W. F. Moye. And I am not ashamed but proud because I City Hall and John B. Jacobs Memorial The $150,000 building, modern and func­ love America and I think it's time some Library was a climax to the work of the tional, houses the library, mayor's office, other people should tell how they feel about dedicated rownsmen and women of water and sewer department offices, police the great and wonderful United States of Clarendon. With no Federal or State as­ station, and courtroom. America. sistance, the city funded the project with In closing I would like to say this: "I, Brenda Kay Perkins, pledge allegiance f, 3-mill tax in conjunction with a 1-mill to the Flag of the United States of America tax from Monroe County. A STUDENT SPEAKS OUT and to the Republic for which it stands; No citizen, though, put more into the one nation indivisible, with liberty and jus­ project than did Dr. Margaret Moore Ja­ tice for all." (One Nation under God.) cobs, a dedicated civic and church work­ HON. GARNER E. SHRIVER Respectfully yours, er, who donated $17,000 to furnish the OF KANSAS BRENDA KAY PERKINS, entire building and worked closely with IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Junior, Central Christian H.S. the city administration in securing the Wednesday, April 29, 1970 funds for construction of the edifice. Dr. Mr. SHRIVER. Mr. Speaker, to those HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: NEW Jacobs had previously donated $5,000 BREED EDUCATOR toward construction costs. in our Nation who may have question Because this effort is an example of about the patriotic and spiritual motiva­ what local initiative can lead to, I am tion of our young people, I want to call HON. JIM WRIGHT including at this point an article from attention to a letter which came to me OF TEXAS the Stuttgart Daily Leader concerning last week from Brenda Kay Perkins of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Hutchinson, Kans. Miss Perkins, a junior the dedication ceremonies: Wednesday, April 29, 1970 CLARENDON CITY HALL-LIBRARY PROJECT at Central Christian High School, has CALLED "A LEsSON FOR AMERICA" eloquently expressed her confidence in Mr. WRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, the bylines "This building should be a lesson for America and her faith in God. At the of our times often seem wholly restricted America!" declared U.S. Rep. Bill Alexander same time she has stated her alarm and to the jargon of discord. We see ourselves at the dedication of Clarendon's new City disgust over the message which men, in relation to others across gaps of age Hall and Library Sunday afternoon. He paid such as Abbie Hoffman, are spreading and philosophy and opinion and even sex. tribute to taxpayers, county and city leaders, throughout the Nation today. Her mes­ The harmless cleverisms of "see you later, and to Dr. Margaret Moore Jacobs. sage is reassuring for any who may be alligator" and "go, man, go" have been "I congratulate you for your efforts in skeptical about the young people of our replaced by the grim terminology of di­ doing for yourselves what all of us Americans great country. can do for ourselves if we really want to, visiveness, polarization, confrontation, and if we really try" Alexander said. Under the leave to extend my remarks and revolution. Mayor Flynn Chivers had backgrounded in the REcORD, I include the letter from In such a time it is refreshing and the project beginning nine years ago with Brenda Kay Perkins: heartening to see a person span the gaps a.cquisition of surplus post office property. HUTCHINSON, KANS. between people, champion understand­ A three-mill tax voted by the city and more DEAR MR. SHRIVER: This is just an informal ing among people, and issue a clear call than $22,000 given by Dr. Jacobs provided letter telling you how I feel about one Abbie to come together. Gene Shrimp ton is such the construction and equipment fund. The Hoffman. a person. county levied a one-Inill tax for operation Sir, it is people like this one man who are As principal of Cincinnati's Woodward of the library, the city maintains the mu­ ruining our Great American Heritage. We nicipal portion, and the st<.te has provided High School, the oldest free public high have Teally got the best of opportunities go­ school in the world, Mr. Shrimpton su­ 2,000 volumes of books plus a one-time grant ing for us here in the U.S. Our forefathers of $18,000 for books. fought for this country because they believed pervises 3,300 students of diverse racial, On hand for the program and open house in it and they wanted a place for their kids economic, religious, and social back­ were Lt. Gov. Maurice Britt, Attorney General and their kids' kids to have a place where grounds. His efforts and personal exam­ Joe Purcell and other county and city offi­ they could get a good education and a good ple at Woodward serve as a lesson for us cials. religious bringing up. If this isn't so they all, and I consider it a privilege to in­ Referring to her deceased husband, Dr. Ja­ would have let the communists take over clude Gloria Anderson's story of April 5, cobs told some 500 attending, "This is the long ago. Sure our country, our home does 1970, from -:he Cincinnati Enquirer maga­ answer to the Colonel's and my prayer. For have many many problems and especially has many years together we dreamed of a John B. people in it that are Inisusing their rights zine in the RECORD at this point: and Margaret Moore Jacobs Memorial Library and privileges and really ruining it for me HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: NEW BREED in Clarendon, and God has answered our and many other people who are proud to be EDUCATOR prayers. I pray God will let me live to be Americans and a part of this great country. (By Gloria Anderson) about 101 because there are so many things I think we need someone in our day and "Woodward High School is the oldest free 1 want to do for this library." age like our great President, Abraham Lin­ public high in the world. Like many other She also said, "I like to think that all coln. A man who had guts, I mean real guts high schools, it is in ferment. Year before those who have walked these tree-shaded to stand up for what we, the people believe last, 300 students were suspended following streets In Clarendon walk here this after­ in. a student demonstration. Security guards noon in our heart's remembrance . This If only people knew that our country, the now patrol the halls. Last month a bomb Library was built for everybody, but our United States of America could really be scare shook the school. favorites are the young people." She urged great if they would only let God guide and "In spite of its typical troubles, Gene April 29, 1970 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 13497 Shrimpton, the principal, knows Woodward clean the writing off the windows and "re­ Lunch is interrupted when a worker in the is a good school.
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