S C S R C C 33 New Hyde Park Road, Franklin Square, NY 11010 516.352.0146 www.stcatherineofsienna.org UNITED THROUGH CHRIST WITH S V P P C 1510 DePaul Street, Elmont, NY 11003 516.352.2127 www.stvincentdepaulparish.org PASTOR - ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Msgr. Richard M. Figliozzi ASSOCIATE PASTORS Rev. Allan Arneaud Rev. Jerzy Bres IN RESIDENCE Rev. Emmanuel Nartey, Ph.D. DEACONS Joseph Benincasa Frank Gonzalez BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR Diana Padilla OUTREACH/SOCIAL MINISTRY SCS Outreach Coordinator Maureen Miedreich SVDP Society Magda Sabet FAITH FORMATION Director Debbie Hurley Coordinator Joanne Stuhlinger MUSIC MINISTRY SCS Director Jennifer Wells SVDP Director John Sullivan SCS TRUSTEES Dennis Canese Marion G. Dreyfus SVDP TRUSTEES Bernadette Crowley Nicholas Ferrara SEE LAST PAGE INSIDE FOR WORSHIP - HOURS SACRAMENTAL & MINISTRY INFO 2 S L M 17, 2019 MASS SCHEDULE MARCH 17—MARCH 24 Saint Catherine of Sienna Saint Vincent de Paul Masses celebrated in Saint Catherine of Sienna Church or Sienna Center Chapel Masses celebrated in Saint Vincent dePaul Syro-Malankara Cathedral Sat. March 16 Sat. March 16 Sienna Center 5:00 PM Richard Kubler 4:00 PM Helen Strohm Joan Flock Bernard DeMatteis Frank & Marie Alfieri Nicholas Santora Michael Guadagno Sam Marziliano Sun. March 17 2ND SUNDAY OF LENT . 2ND SUNDAY OF LENT 8:45 AM Francis Hannah Church 7:30 AM For the People of the Parish 11:30 AM Vincent DeMarco Mon. March 18 St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Memorial Sienna Center 9:30 AM Christine Dinwoodie 8:30 AM Warren Vaas 11:00 AM Angela Ficarrotta Tues. March 19 The Solemnity of St. Joseph 1:00 PM Paul Brito 8:30 AM Helen Strohm Mon. Mach 18 St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Memorial Church 8:00 AM Florac Cariño Wed. March 20 12:15 PM Rafael Castro 8:30 AM Deceased Members of the Tues. March 19 The Solemnity of St. Joseph Donahoe & Egan Families Church 8:00 AM Santa & Raimondo Liotta Thurs. March 21 12:15 PM In Thanksgiving to the Blessed Mother 8:30 AM For the People of the Parish Wed. March 20 Church 8:00 AM Santa & Raimondo Liotta Fri. March 22 12:15 PM Annunziata Falzon 8:30 AM Living & Deceased Members of Celso Rossi Family Thurs. March 21 St. Turibius of Mogrovejo, Memorial Church 8:00 AM Stephen Hernandez Sat. March 23 12:15 PM Raymond Fitzpatrick 4:00 PM Fri. March 22 Sun. March 24 3RD SUNDAY OF LENT Church 8:00 AM Bill Murphy 8:45 AM Deceased & Living Members of 12:15PM Serafina Vagnini the St. Anthony Society Sat. March 23 St. Turibius of Mogrovejo, Memorial Church 8:00 AM Charles Farley Sienna Center 5:00 PM Maria Ziarno Americo Capogna OUR MISSION Arthur Fromann Andrew & Melema Cruz & As members of Gabriella Posada Saint Catherine of Sienna Roman Catholic Church, Yolanda Saenz we are committed by our Baptism to spread the teachings of Jesus Christ by living our Sun. March 24 3RD SUNDAY OF LENT faith in loving service to all people. Inspired Church 7:30 AM For the People of the Parish by the Holy Spirit and through worship and prayer, we use our time, talent and treasure, 11:30 AM Victor Chersevani to nourish the soul, care for the needy, Sienna Center 9:30 AM Thomas Barrett minister to the alienated, nurture the children and WELCOME all people into our community of faith. 11:00 AM Domenica Priolo 1:00 PM John Intagliata As members of Saint Vincent de Paul Parish we are Mass for Those with Special Needs, Gis & Abilies committed to assisting our members in both the spiritual and temporal needs of life. We Third Saturday of Month — 3:00PM are a parish with heart who are committed to Saint Catherine of Sienna Chapel-Sienna Center “Let all things be done with Charity” and show NEXT MASS: SATURDAY, MAY 18, 2019—3:00PM we are disciples of Christ by our love for one another. One Final Thought “We need to bring prayer into our family life. Through prayer we will be able to teach our children Scriptural Reflection for the Week and relaves to share. We will gain more through “Your presence, O Lord, I seek.” (see Psalm 27) As we enter genuine prayer than with mere words.” the second week of Lent we would be wise to keep in mind - St. Teresa of Calcua this simple Scripture verse from Psalm 27 that we sang as our Responsorial Psalm for this Second Sunday of Lent. For what else should be the meaning of life than to seek the presence of God. Yes, we should long, desire, and live so as to be able to be with God in Heaven, but should we not also seek God’s presence as He makes Himself known to us on earth? The heart that is restless and feeling unfulfilled needs to experience God now! Firstly, we should remember, deeply LIVING STEWARDSHIP know and believe how God is present to us in the words of Scripture and the Sacrament of His Body and Blood. Do you Many of us publicly display our belief that our act as if you’re in the presence of God when the Scriptures are faith is a gift from God. How? Some of us wear read at Mass? Do you act as if you’re in the presence of God a cross or religious medal around our neck; at the Consecraon of the Mass and on line to receive Holy others give witness when receiving ashes on Communion? Do you pray as if God is present within you our forehead on the first day of the Season of aer you receive Holy Communion? But of course, the Lent— Ash Wednesday. These are great things to do because we open the door of faith to presence of God is not only found and experienced in a those around us… we are witnesses! church. Jesus taught “Whatever you do for the least of my brothers and sisters you do for me.” Explaining what He What kind of a witness of our faith are you? meant, Jesus referred to the hungry, thirsty, naked, sick, and What do you do in your daily life to demonstrate your faith and love for God, being one in prison as the one in which He is most idenfied with in His disciple and living stewardship? everyday life. Do you seek the Lord’s presence among these ...continued on Page 11 as well? Lenten Examinaon of Conscience Sacrificing for One Another “This is my Chosen Son; listen to Him.” We demonstrate Living STEWARDSHIP in sharing our Do we set aside quiet me for prayer to be able to not just blessings through our weekly offertory gi. talk to God but actually LISTEN to Him? Do we disregard the Ten Commandments rather than take W O G M 10, 2019 them as our rule of life? C E, O G C O Do we follow up listening to the Lord with actually SCS Weekly Offertory Collecon: $ 14,188 obeying His teachings? Avg. Total Envelopes: 500 Online Gis: 45 Do we watch television shows, frequent movies, or follow Avg. Weekly Aendance Per Mass: 5:00pm 342 7:30am 195 9:30am 373 websites that are harmful to the spiritual life? Do we read Scripture on our own so as to hear the voice 11:00am 217 11:30am 252 1:00pm 297 of God speaking to our life situaons today? SVDP Weekly Offertory Collecon: $ 4,062 Avg. Total Envelopes: 90 An Act of Contrion Weekly Aendance per Mass: 4:00pm 119 8:45am 94 “Lord Jesus, Son of the Living God, be merciful to me, a sinner.” The Weekly Offertory Collection ideally is enough income to Confessions are heard aer the Friday evening Staons of the meet all parish needs. Today it offsets less than 50% of the necessary income; thus the need for more funds including Cross (7:30pm) and every Saturday from 4pm to 5pm. annual giving (CMA), parish special events, parish program fees, bequests and other miscellaneous donations to be able to Catholic Ministries Appeal 2019 continue to do the good work of our Catholic Church. We’re counng on your pledge to help us carry out works of love such as the formaon in the Faith of our young people; material assistance to those in need; and the spiritual Thank You for LIVING STEWARDSHIP development of all. Please be sacrificial in your pledge. Thank Sharing Your Gis of Time & Talents, you! Giing Resources & Sacrificing for One Another, & Uning in Prayer for OUR FAITH COMMUNITY! lit · ur · gy n. a form of public worship; a collection of formularies for public worship; the celebration of the Eucharist — Mass. LITURGICAL CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS March (Month of St. Joseph) 17 2nd Sunday of Lent 18 St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Memorial 19 St. Joseph, Solemnity 23 St. Turibius of Mogrovejo, Memorial 24 3rd Sunday of Lent Monday thru Friday SCS - 8:00AM and 12:15PM Saturday 8:00AM ONLY SVDP - 8:30AM Scripture Readings No Saturday Morning Mass for NEXT SUNDAY 3rd Sunday of Lent 3.24.19 Reading I ‐ Exodus 3:1‐8a, 13‐15 Reading II ‐ 1 Corinthians 10:1‐6, 10‐12 Gospel ‐ Luke 13:1‐9 Every Friday For DAILY READINGS visit during LENT our website at www.stcatherineofsienna.org OR SCS Church - 7:30PM diocesan website at www.drvc.org followed by CONFESSIONS SVDP - after 8:30AM Mass PRAYER CORNER Father of my soul, Mother of my heart, I know your love for me is limitless beyond imagining. You care for me as a loving parent. CONFESSIONS heard during LENT on Through my smallest Lenten sacrifices, help me to become less selfish FRIDAYS and more aware of your ways.
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