Public Disclosure Authorized MIISTRY OF AGRICULTURE SUSTAIABLE IRRIGATIO DEVELOPMET PROJECT (PROIRRI) Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Final Report Prepared by: atasha Ribeiro e Aniceto Chaúque Public Disclosure Authorized Maputo, October 2010 LIST OF ABBREVIATIOS ANE National Administration of Roads/Administração Nacional de Estradas ARA Regional Water Management /Administração Regional de Aguas CNA National Cotton Company/ Companhia Nacional Algodoeira CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CEPAGRI Centre for the Promotion of Agriculture/Centro de Promoção da Agricultura CNDS National Commission for Sustainable Development/Comissão Nacional de Desenvolvimento Sustentável DCA Department of Animal Science/Departamento de Ciência Animal DCC District Consultative Committee/Conselho Consultivo distrital DDOPH District Directorate of Public Works and Housing/Direcção Distrital de Obras Públicas e Habitação DE Directorate of Economics/Direcção de Economia DEP Department of Roads and Bridges/ Departamento de Estradas e Pontes DER Department of Rural Extension/Departamento de extensão Rural DNAIA National Directorate of Environmental Impact Assessment/Direcção Nacional de Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental DNEE National Directorate of Electric Energy/Direcção Nacional de Energia Eléctrica DNS National Directorate of Health/Direcção Nacional de Saúde DNSA National Directorate of Agrarian Services/Direcvo Nacional de Serviços Agrários DNTF National Directorate of Land and Forestry/Direcção NAcional de Terras e Florestas DPA Provincial Directorate of Agriculture/Direcção Provincial de Agricultura DPCA Provincial Directorate for the Coordination of Environmental Action/Direcção Provincial para a Coordenação da Acção Ambiental DPEM Provincial Directorate of Mining and Energy/Direcção Provincial de Minas e Energia DPOPH Provincial Directorate of Public Works and Housing/Direcção Provincial de Obras Públicas e Habitação EA Environment Assessment EDM Electricity of Mozambique/Electricidade de Moçambique ESIA Environment and Social Impact Assessment ESIS Environmental and Social Impact Study EN National Road/Estrada Nacional EPDA Pre Viability Study and Scoping/Estudo de Pre- viabilidade e Definição do Âmbito ESMP Environmental and Social Management Plan ESMF Environmental and Social Management Framework FAEF Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry/Faculdade de Agronomia e Engenharia Florestal FAO Food and Agricultural Organization FDC Community Development Fund/Fundação para o Desenvolvimento Comunitário FM Financial Management FUNAB National Fund of Environment/Fundo Nacional do Ambiente GAC Governance and Anti Corruption GNP Gorongosa National Park GoM Government of Mozambique GOH Hydraulics Work Office/Gabinete de Obras Públicas e Habitação HIV/AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus/ Acquired Immunodeficiency syndrome IAC Agrarian Institute of Chimoio/Instituto Agrário do Chimoio IDA International Development Aid IFNs- In Flow stream Need IIAM National Institute for Agrarian Research/Instituto de Investigação Agrária de Moçambique INNOQ National Institute for Standardization and Quality/Instituto Nacional de Normalização e Qualidade IOs Irrigations Organizations IPM Integrated Pest Management ISPM Institute Polytechnic of Manica/Instituto Superior Politécnico de Manica ITC Community Land Initiative/Iniciativa de Terras Comunitárias ISDS Integrated Safeguard Data Sheet M&E Monitoring and Evaluation ME Ministry of Energy/Ministério de Energia MICOA Ministry of Environmental Coordination Affairs/ Ministério para a Coordenação da Acção Ambiental MINAG Ministry of Agriculture/ Ministério da Agricultura MISAU Ministry of Health/ Ministério da Saúde MLT Mozambique Leaf Tobacco MOPH Ministry of Public Work and Habitation/ Ministério das Obras Públicas e Habitação NAPA National Action Plan to Adapt to Climate Change NGO Non-Governmental Organizations NIP National Irrigation Program NIS National Irrigation Strategy O&M Operation and maintenance OP/BP Operational Policy/Bank Procedures PAPA Action Plan for Food Production/Plano de Acção para a Produção de Alimentos PARPA Action Plan for Absolute Poverty Reduction/Plano de Acção para a Redução da Pobreza Absoluta PCT Project Coordination Team PIM Project Implementation Manual PM Plan Management PMP Pest Management Plan PNGA National Environmental Management Program/Programa Nacional de Gestão Ambiental PPII Pungoe Programme II PQR Política Quadro de Reassentamento/ Resettlement Policy Framework PROAGRI National Agriculture Development Programme/Programa Nacional de Agricultura PRP Provincial Review Panel QGSA Quadro de Gestão Sócio– Ambiental/Environmental and Social Management Framework RAP Resettlement Action Plan ARAP Abbreviated Resettlement Action Plan RPF Resettlement Policy Framework SAR Sodium Absortion Rate SDAE District Services of Economics Activities/Servicos Distritais de Actividades Económicas SDPI District Services of Patrimony and Infrastructures/Serviços Distritais de Património e Infratestruturas SEIA Simplified Environmental Impact Assessment SIDA Sweden International Development Aid SIL Sector Investment Loan SPA Provincial Agrarian Services/Serviços Provinciais de Agricultura SPER Provincial Services of Rural Extension/Serviços Provinciais de Extensão Rural STD Sexual Transmitted Disease TA Technical Assistance TDS Total Dissolved Solids TFCA Transfrontier Conservation Area TST Technical Support Team UASMA Unit for Social Affairs and the Environmental/Unidade para Gestão de Assuntos Sociais e Ambientais UDAC District Farmers Union/União Distrital de Camponeses UEM Eduardo Mondlane University/ Universidade Eduardo Mondlane UNCCD UN Convention on Combating Desertification UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change WB World Bank WUA Water User Associations WWF World Wildlife Fund EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction The Government of Mozambique has requested World Bank financing for the Sustainable Irrigation development in Sofala and Manica Provinces (PROIRRI). Overall responsibility for the PROIRRI will lie with the National Directorate for Agrarian Services (DNSA) of the Ministry of Agriculture (MINAG). The project will be implemented over a six-year period across five districts (Caia, Marromeu, Gorongosa, Nhamatanda and Buzi) in Sofala Province and five Districts (Gondola, Chimoio, Sussundenga, Barue and Manica) in Manica Province. There is also a possibility that PROIRRI will include Zambézia Province. Even though the districts were not selected yet, it will be based on the Zambezi River basin. The aim of the project is to increase the incomes of smallholder farmers within the project area through rehabilitation, improvement or construction of new irrigation schemes and promotion of demand-driven agriculture as well as partnerships among smallholder farmers and private companies. In accordance with the World Bank Policy (OP 4.01 –Environmental Management) and the Mozambican legislation (Decree 45/2004) the project is a Category B and an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) has been prepared (this document). The objectives of the ESMF are to: • Establish clear procedures and methodologies for the environmental and social assessment, review, approval and implementation of investments to be financed under PROIRRI; • Specify appropriate roles and responsibilities, and outline the necessary reporting procedures, for managing and monitoring environmental and social concerns related to project investments; • Determine the training, capacity building and technical assistance needed to successfully implement the provisions of the ESMF; • To establish the project funding required to implement the ESMF requirements; and • Provide practical information resources for implementing the ESMF. Project description PROIRRI Sustainable Irrigation Development Project is a Sector Investment Loan (SIL) comprising an IDA Credit of US$50 million. PROIRRI development objective is to enhance agricultural productivity and profitability of smallholders farms in targeted new or improved irrigation schemes along the Beira Corridor. It comprises four components: Component 1 : Institutional Support and Capacity Development Component 2 : Investing in People and Infrastructure for Sustainable Irrigation Component 3 : Market-led Production and Value Chain Development. Component 4 : Project Coordination. Component 2 raises the principal safeguards issues associated with the project, and is thus the ESMF focus specifically on this component. Under component 2 four potential interventions are envisaged: medium-scale Rice-based Irrigation Schemes, Upland irrigation systems, Flatland irrigation systems and Smallholders’ engagement in outgrowers schemes. Under PROIRRI the types of sub-projects that may be financed include: Construction of small dams or weirs, Rehabilitation and/or construction of small- scale irrigation and drainage systems, Rehabilitation and/or construction of medium-scale irrigation and drainage schemes, Rehabilitation of access roads, Rehabilitation and/or establishment of infrastructures for i electricity pumps, Cultivation on medium to high slopes using appropriate techniques, Construction of small Agro-processing facilities, Increased area of rice production and increased area of sugar cane production. PROIRRI Targeted Area There are two distinct climatic seasons in the project’s area: a hot rainy season from December to March and a cooler drier season from April to November (however rainfall is recorded
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