Two Day Sale of Railwayana, Advertising, Motoring & Posters Friday 12th March 10.30am Lots 1-300 Saturday 13th March 9.30am Lots 301-800 Bid & Watch live Online at no extra cost (see inside for details) www.gwra.co.uk T: 01386 760109 / 07718 211445 Payments can be made by Bank Transfer, Cheque or Debit cards, Please note we do not accept Credit Card payments. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Bidding During The Current Covid 19 SituaƟon You can bid with us at our live AucƟons 3 ways all of which carry or standard 18% Inc Vat Buyers premium. 1/ Submit a Commission Bid by using the Bidding form menu buƩon on our website to submit electronically or post the form in this catalogue. 2/ Sign up and Bid live using GWRA Live Bid facility by using the Bid Live menu buƩon on our website. Full details are on our website but please be aware you will need a Credit / Debit card to Register so the system can run an Address check and validate your details. No money is taken from you at registraƟon or by us if you are successful in winning lots. 3/ Book a Telephone Bid so we can call you on the day. This is only available on lots we esƟmate at over £500 in value and are issued on a first come first served basis up to two per lot. Viewing. We can accommodate viewings on specific lots by appointment only if travel restricƟons permit. There will be NO general viewing allowed. We have invested in a High ResoluƟon zoom capability on all images on our website and this will be a major benefit for remote viewing. Postage GWRA do not pack and post items but recommend you use mailboxes etc in Worcester who will collect pack and ship your items, they regularly deal with around 80 customers per aucƟon so are used to the type of items we sell and can advise on costs pre aucƟon. Mailboxes Etc 01905 732830 CollecƟon. We can accommodate collecƟons in Person or by your chosen courier but you must book an appointment. Storage We will help as much as possible by storing items, but ALL items must be cleared within one Calendar month aŌer the aucƟon. Serving Collectors for over 27 years G.W.RAILWAYANA AUCTIONS LTD THE WILLOWS, BADSEY ROAD, EVESHAM, WORCS, WR11 7PA T: 01386 760109 M: 07718 211445 W: www.gwra.co.uk E: [email protected] BUYERSTERMSANDCONDITIONS PleaseNotewedonotacceptPaymentsByCashorCreditcardsatourAuctions ForourFulltermsandconditionspleasevisitourwebsitehttps://www.gwra.co.uk/gwͲrailwayanaͲauctionsͲukͲtermsͲconditions.html 1.PurchasePrice.EachlotissubjecttoaBuyer'sPremiumof18%incVAT. Anylot(s)purchasedonlinethroughouronlinebiddingportalGWRALiveBidwillattractabuyer’spremiumattherateof18%inc VATonthehammerprice.IMPORTANTAnylot(s)purchasedonlinethroughtheTheͲsaleroom.comwillattractabuyer’spremiumat therateof24%incVATonthehammerprice. 2.Inspection.Eachbuyer,bymakingabidforalot,acknowledgesthathesatisfiedhimselffullybeforebiddingbyinspectionor otherwiseastoalltheSaleConditions,thephysicalconditionofanddescriptionof,thelotincludingbutnotrestrictedtowhetherthe lotisdamagedorhasbeen repairedorrestored.ViewingoflotswillbepermittedbyAppointmentonly,therewillbenogeneralviewing allowedunderthecurrentCovid19Governmentguidelines. 3.PropertyandRisk.Legaltitlewillnotpasstothebuyeruntilthelot(s)hasbeenpaidforinfullandtheCompanyshallbeentitledto alienonanysolduntilthepurchasepriceispaidinfull,buteachlotisatthesoleriskofthe buyerfromthefallofthehammer.Each buyershallforthwithgivehisorherfullnameandpermanentaddress. 4.Principal.Everybiddershallbedeemedtoactasprincipalunlessitisagreedwiththecompanythatheactsasanagentonbehalfof anamedprincipal. 5.RemovalofGoods. (a)Nopurchaseshallbeclaimedorremoveduntilithasbeenpaidfor.Allpurchasesshallbepaidforandremovedatthebuyer'srisk andexpense.SoldlotstransferredtotheCompaniesstoragefacilityarenotinsuredandthecompanywillnotbeheldresponsibleif thesamearelost,stolen,damagedordestroyed,andalllotsnotremovedwithinOnecalendarmonthoftheendofthesalewillincur awarehousingchargeof£1.20incVATperdayshouldthestoragefeestotalthesellingpricethenthecompanywillreͲsellthemby auctionorprivatelywithoutnoticetothebuyer. (b)Intheeventofanyfailureofthebuyerstocomplywithanyoftheaboveconditionsthedamagesrecoverablebythesellerorthe auctioneersfromthedefaultershallincludeanylossarisingonanyreͲsaleofthelot, togetherwiththechargesandexpensesinrespect ofbothsales,andanymoneydepositedinpartpaymentshallbeheldbytheCompanyonaccountofanyliabilityofthedefaulterto themortotheseller. 6Payment.TheCompanyisonlyabletoacceptpaymentfromsuccessfulbiddersbyPersonalDebitCard,PersonalorBuildingSociety chequeandBankTransfer(£15feeforoverseastransactions)WedonotacceptanypaymentsbyCash,alsoPleasenotewedonot acceptanyCreditCard’sfromwithintheUK&EU,customersoutsideofthesecountriesmaypaybyCreditcardbuta3%chargewill beaddedtotheinvoicetotal. InaccordancewithHMRCMoneyLaunderingRegulationsChequesdrawnbythirdparties,whetherintheCompany'sfavouror requiringendorsement,willnotandcannotbeaccepted.Thereisnolimitforchequetransactions,however,chequesinexcessof recognisedlimitswillonlybeacceptedifsupportedbyproofofidentityandaddress,i.e.:aUKDrivingLicenceorPassport.Detailsfrom suchmustbeclearlywrittenonthebackofanycheque.Inallcases,chequesmustbesupportedbyavalidBankCard.Buyersunknown tothecompanymustarrangeforsuitablereferencesorutiliseBuildingSocietycheques.Noncompliancemaydelaythereleaseoflots pendingtheclearanceofcheques. 7.Commission&InternetBidders.Invoiceswillbeemailedoutonthedayaftertheauction,Paymentisduewithin5daysoftheSale, Ifpayingbycheque,goodswillnotbereleaseduntilchequeclearance.Successfulbuyersmaycollectlotsinpersonorarrangethird partycouriersorpostage. WerecommendyoucontactMailboxesetcWorcesterbranchforthiswhowillcollectfromourpremisesandpackandshiponyour behalf.T:01905732830E:[email protected] 8.TheConsumerContractsRegulations2014doesnotapplytoanylotpurchasedinourLiveAuctions. 9.TheConsumerRightsAct2015doesnotapplytoanylotsoldinourLiveAuctions 10.TheseconditionsshallbegovernedbyandconstruedinaccordancewithEnglishLaw. RegisteredCompanyNo6519877VATNo928151032 LOTS 1 ‐300 Will be Sold on Friday 12th March Starting at 10.30am 1 Advertising enamel sign LYONS TEA A PACKET FOR EVERY POCKET OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. In very good condition with a few face chips. Measures 39in x 30in. 2 Advertising enamel sign BOVRIL. In very good condition with minor edge loss. Measures 39in x 13.75in. 3 Advertising enamel sign RECKITTS BLUE. In very good condition with minor chipping. Measures 38in x 23in. 4 Advertising enamel signs, a pair; SPRATTS OVALS and SPRATTS BONIO. Both in fair condition with loss of shine, measure 30in x 12in. 5 Advertising enamel sign LYONS INK. In very good condition with minor edge chipping and one small face chip. Measures 36in x 12in. 6 Advertising enamel sign SPRATT'S displaying the logos of the cat, dog, budgie and fish. In excellent condition with a couple of very small face chips. Measures 24in x 5in. 7 Advertising enamel sign LIPTON'S TEA. In very good condition with chipping to the corners. Measures 12in x 12in. 8 Advertising enamel sign AGENCY OF THE ESSEX & SUFFOLK FIRE OFFICE ESTD 1802 with image of horse drawn fire engine. In very good condition with a couple of face chips. Measures 16in x 9in. 9 Advertising enamel sign SAY'S COCOA. In good displayable condition with some extensive restoration. Measures 14in x 10in. 10 Advertising enamel sign THE WEST SURREY GENERAL DAIRY CO'S PURE RICH THICK CREAM. In good condition with some damage. Measures 23.5in x 11in. 11 Advertising glass sign and mirror MURRAY'S ALES CRAIG MILLAR BREWERIES EDINBURGH depicting two famous race horses Bahram and Brown Jack. In excellent condition, in original frame, measures 46in x 24in. 12 Advertising enamel sign PEERLESS ERASMIC TOILET SOAP EXQUISITELY PERFUMED ERASMIC PERFUMERS & FINE SOAP MAKERS LONDON. In excellent condition with minor edge chipping. Measures 30in x 18in. 13 Advertising enamel sign PLAYER'S DRUMHEAD CIGARETTES. In good condition with some small loss and slight loss of shine. Measures 36in x 18in. 14 Advertising enamel sign WATERMANS IDEAL FOUNTAIN PEN. In good condition with some areas of chipping and appears to have remnants of black tar on the front. Measures 30in x 20in. 15 Advertising enamel sign WESTWARD HO SMOKING MIXTURE W. D. & H. O. WILLS. In good condition with some restoration. Measures 36in x 18in. 16 Advertising brewery slate MITCHELLS & BUTLERS TRADITIONAL CASK ALES with an oval enamel depicting a red stag. In excellent condition measuring 20in x 12in. 17 Advertising enamel sign SMOKE PLAYERS NAVY CUT TOBACCO AND CIGARETTES. In good condition with minor loss and slight loss of shine. Measures 30in x 22in. A Buyers Premium of 18% inc Vat is applicable to all lots Purchased through us directly
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