E1476 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 17, 2009 IN RECOGNITION OF MAJ. MI- PERSONAL EXPLANATION Born in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas, he CHAEL S. AVEY FOR EXEM- moved to San Antonio, where he completed PLARY AND DEDICATED SERV- HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY his theological and pastoral studies at the Ob- ICE IN SUPPORT OF THE UNITED OF CALIFORNIA late ‘‘De Mazenod Scholasticate,’’ now the Ob- STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTA- late School of Theology. He served bravely for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TIVES more than 23 years as an Oblate Missionary Wednesday, June 17, 2009 in the Mexican state of Oaxaca, tending to his HON. STEPHEN F. LYNCH Ms. WOOLSEY. Madam Speaker, on June pastoral duties as a missionary and assuming 16, 2009, I was unavoidably detained and was the additional duties of doctor, dentist, elec- OF MASSACHUSETTS not able to record my vote for rollcall No. 350. trical journeyman, mechanic, construction fore- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Had I been present I would have voted: man, expert in livestock, and most notably as Wednesday, June 17, 2009 Rollcall No. 350—YES—On Motion that the a courageous leader against the drug cartel. Fr. Pfeifer made history when he began Mr. LYNCH. Madam Speaker, I rise today in Committee Rise. Making Appropriations for the preaching against the infiltration of the drug recognition of an outstanding soldier and my Departments of Commerce and Justice, and traders on the Southern Mexican villages in good friend, Maj. Michael S. Avey, whose ex- Science, and Related Agencies for the fiscal the early 1980’s. His outspoken words from emplary and dedicated service as a Congres- year ending September 30, 2010, and for the pulpit against the drug cartel brought him sional Liaison Officer in support of the United other purposes. face to face with death on numerous occa- States House of Representatives stands as a f sions. Once Fr. Pfeifer miraculously escaped testament to the honor and excellence of the PERSONAL EXPLANATION with his life when bullets riddled the cab of his United States Army. truck; rather than cowering at the death A native of Redford, Michigan, Maj. Avey threats, he fearlessly persisted preaching joined the United States Army House Liaison HON. GRACE F. NAPOLITANO against the cartel. He continued to fight the Division in January of 2008, following the com- OF CALIFORNIA drug cartel with the Gospel and encouraged pletion of his one-year post as a Staff Action IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 15,000 locals in his vast parish to resist the Officer with the United States Army Joint Staff. Wednesday, June 17, 2009 threats, massacres and the alluring offers to Maj. Avey’s prior military experience also in- Mrs. NAPOLITANO. Madam Speaker, on use their farmland to grow the plants used for cludes distinguished service in Bosnia- Tuesday, June 16, 2009, I was absent during drugs. Herzegovina as part of Stabilization Force 8 rollcall vote No. 350 because the leadership The severity of the escalating drug cartel and deployment in support of Operation Iraqi had informed me that there would be no addi- activity in the area prompted Fr. Pfeifer to Freedom, during which he commanded the A/ tional votes that evening. Had I been informed reach out to my father, the late Congressman 2–327th Infantry Regiment with distinction. In of this procedural vote, I would have been Henry B. Gonzalez. The Oblate’s outreach to recognition of his distinguished service, Maj. present and voted ‘‘aye’’ on the Motion that the U.S. government caught the attention of Avey has received several military awards and the Committee Rise. not just my father, but the then U.S. Speaker decorations, including the Bronze Star Medal, f of the House Jim Wright and Congressman Al- two Army Meritorious Service Medals, the bert Bustamante, who together played a piv- Ranger Tab, and the Combat Infantryman EARMARK DECLARATION otal role against the infiltration of the drug car- Badge. tel in Mexico. For the past year and a half, Maj. Avey has HON. RON PAUL Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join provided exemplary and indispensable service OF TEXAS me in honoring Fr. Pfeifer as we celebrate the to Members of Congress and staff as a Con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 50th Anniversary of his priestly ordination, a gressional Liaison Officer for the United States lifetime of bravery and the launch of his book Wednesday, June 17, 2009 Army. In addition to assisting our offices on all ‘‘When the Wolves Came,’’ a detailed chron- matters relating to United States Army practice Mr. PAUL. Madam Speaker, ‘‘Pursuant to icle of the rise of the illegal drug trade. He and policy, Maj. Avey has played an instru- the House Republican standards on earmarks, fought hard his entire life for the causes he mental role in the design, development, and I am submitting the following information re- believed in and never retreated at the sight of execution of Congressional Delegations, garding an earmark I obtained as part of H.R. danger. Fr. Pfeifer’s dedication to justice and through which Members of Congress are af- 2892.’’ the ongoing battle against the drug cartel are forded the invaluable opportunity to conduct Requesting Member: Congressman RON remarkable and I wish him continued success firsthand oversight of areas of legislative con- PAUL in all his future endeavors. cern. Bill Number: H.R. 2892 f Since joining the Army House Liaison Divi- Account: FEMA, State and Local Programs/ sion, Maj. Avey has served as my primary Emergency Operations Center PERSONAL EXPLANATION military liaison and escort officer on several Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Brazoria Congressional Delegations, including site visits County Emergency Management HON. TED POE to Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and the Gaza Description of Request: An earmark of OF TEXAS Strip. Accordingly, I have had ample oppor- $100,000 to fund construction of an Emer- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tunity to witness the excellence, profes- gency Operating Center in Brazoria County, Wednesday, June 17, 2009 sionalism, and pride with which Maj. Avey Texas. Mr. POE of Texas. Madam Speaker, on roll- conducts his work and in particular, the extent f of his admirable commitment to ensuring the call Nos. 349 and 350, I was inadvertently de- safety and security of Members and staff. In HONORING FR. FRANCIS tained. I would have voted ‘‘aye’’ on rollcall addition, I have also had the great privilege to THEODORE PFEIFER No. 349 and ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall No. 350. come to know Maj. Avey on a personal level f and can genuinely say that his character HON. CHARLES A. GONZALEZ EARMARK DECLARATION never fails to reflect the loyalty, honor, and OF TEXAS distinction that have come to define his serv- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. GLENN THOMPSON ice in the United States Army. OF PENNSYLVANIA Madam Speaker, Maj. Michael S. Avey Wednesday, June 17, 2009 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES stands as the personification of the United Mr. GONZALEZ. Madam Speaker, I rise States Army’s motto, ‘‘Army Strong.’’ On be- today to honor Fr. Francis Theodore ‘‘Ted’’ Wednesday, June 17, 2009 half of the entire United States House of Rep- Pfeifer, a public servant who has dedicated his Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. Madam resentatives, I would like to express my deep- life to serving others as a spiritual advisor and Speaker, pursuant to the Republican Leader- est and sincerest gratitude to Maj. Avey for his as an American missionary in Southern Mex- ship standards on earmarks, I am submitting exemplary and dedicated service and wish ico. Fr. Pfeifer has been a passionate advo- the following information regarding earmarks I him, his wife, Margaret, his son, Brendan, and cate against the drug cartel in Mexico, a dedi- received as part of H.R. 2847, Commerce, his daughter, Kate, the best of luck on all of cated priest and kind friend to the San Antonio Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Ap- their future endeavors. community. propriations Act, 2010. The entity to receive VerDate Nov 24 2008 06:13 Jun 18, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A17JN8.041 E17JNPT1 tjames on PRODPC75 with REMARKS June 17, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1477 the funding is the Lycoming County Commis- officer. Over his years of service, Mr. Thomp- President Lee for his leadership in the region sioners, 48 West Third Street, Williamsport, son has undoubtedly helped ensure the safety and wish him and his nation well. PA 17701, in the amount of $250,000. This and well-being of countless citizens. Madam Though separated by an ocean, the inter- funding through the COPS account will pur- Speaker, I am proud to recognize Joseph F. ests of our two nations are joined in the face chase new equipment for use by the Emer- Thompson for his extraordinary accomplish- of current events. The nuclearization of North gency Operations Center (EOC) and 9–1–1 ments, and extremely honored to serve as his Korea poses a danger to the security of both center. This will directly support the acquisition Congressman. the United States and South Korea. There can of an Emergency 9–1–1 console purchase and f be no mistake: the threats of Pyongyang can- relocation into a new addition at the center. not be ignored, nor can they be tolerated. The entity to receive funding is the Clarion CONFERENCE REPORT ON H.R. 2346, North Korea must cease its pursuit of nuclear County Commissioners, 421 Main Street, Clar- SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIA- technology and reengage in dialogue with its ion, PA 16214, in the amount of $500,000.
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