SUBJECT INDEX Endnotes (“Endn.”) Listed in Italics

SUBJECT INDEX Endnotes (“Endn.”) Listed in Italics

SUBJECT INDEX endnotes (“endn.”) listed in italics A Breast Addiction: 98, 100, 104n, 190, endn. husband ingesting milk from wife’s: 128, 351, 419, 524, 666 endn. 727 husband touching wife’s: 208 Anal Sex as a form of marital bonding: endn. Breechcloth (wearing during 408 intercourse): 24 as a permitted form of penetration: 86-87, endn. 268, 324, 331 C correct definition of “shelo Censorship cedarcah”: 166, endn. 606*, 607*, 647 of Mishneh Torah: 128, 156, 200- 201, endn. 609 inordinate discussion about: 16 of R. Moshe Isserles: 166 if anal intercourse with wife permitted, then, logically, rear- of permissive rabbinical views from entry vaginal intercourse permitted post-medieval and latter-day as well: 117 halachic works: 1-7, 210-212, 150- pain vs. pleasure: endn. 269, 408 151, 161-168, 202-203 post-medieval vilification of: 132- Chasidism (and sex): endn. 595 163 Climax(es) to the point of intra-anal ancient beliefs about effect on sex of ejaculation: 89-92, 118-122, 196-203 child conceived: 93, endn. 355 Aristotle: endn. 83, 417, 419 giving wife hers first: 94-95, 100 Asexuality: endn. 419, 595 multiple: 98 Clinging (Bonding, Davek-Devek): endn. 344, 408 B Congenital Conditions (ancient beliefs Bal teshaktzu (see: Vagina) about; see also: Rabbinic Fallibility): Bastard (tantamount to): endn. 83 arrogance: endn. 176 Bestiality: endn. 518 blindness, Lameness, Muteness, deafness: 33-34, 41, 44-47, endn. 81, Birth Control (see: Wasting Seed) 660 Blanket (intercourse without; see: crooked posture: 48 Nakedness) demonic damage: 96-97 “Blowjob” (see: Intercourse between developmental disabilities: endn. 83 Limbs) Divine justice: 45-46, 54-56, endn. Bonding (see: Clinging) 61, 86, 155, 158, 161, 170, 176, 188 physical traits: endn. 83 Book of Remedies: endn. 846* Brazenness: endn. 417 444 rebelliousness and/or spiritual F insensitivity (see also: Nine-Ten Fantasy (see also: Imagination) Flawed Conditions): 37, 97-98, endn. 83, 128 about one’s own wife: endn. 212 uncouthness, lewdness: 32, 50, 98, ancient beliefs about effect on child 177-180, 183, endn. 61, 86, 132, 423, conceived: 32, 34, 37, 42, endn. 83, 660, 696, 707 86, 384 chasidic teachings about: endn. 595 Cunnilingus (see: Vagina) R. Eliezer’s methods of avoidance: endn. 194 D forbidden or discouraged: endn. 128 Demon(s) intentional vs. unintentional: 34, ancient belief in: endn. 373 endn. 81, 104, 110, 117, 118 intercourse as if pressured by: 23- non-sex-related talk as potential 24, 34, 42, 47, endn. 44 (hyperbole), cause of: 55, endn. 194 78 (reinterpretation as manner of not necessarily tantamount to seduction), 80 (reinterpretation as prostitution: endn. 195, 666 manner of seduction), 358* (not a possible difference between fantasy matter of legal obligation), 595 during intercourse vs. during oral (Chasidic interpretation) sex: 96, endn. 369 of the latrine: 94, 96-97 possible implications of Sages’ Destruction of Seed (see: Wasting ruling in relation to: endn. 671 Seed) sexual exploration permitted within marriage in order to avoid illicit Dignity (vs. “shame”): 33n, 187-188, fantasies: 107, 127-128, endn. 427, endn. 417 778 Domination: endn. 125, 176, 179 wet dreams as sign of psychological- Dor Hamabul (see: Generation of the emotional maturing: endn. 524 Flood) Fellatio (see: Penis) Foreplay (see: Vagina, Penis) E Ejaculation between Limbs (see: G Intercourse between Limbs) Generation (changing needs of): 1-7, Er (see: Onan) 127-128 Euphemism Generation of the Flood (precise as cause of confusion and marital context of their “wasting seed”): endn. discord: 16 518, 524, 818 “leg”: endn. 524 Genitals (see: Vagina; Penis) “overturning the table” (definition of): 59-61, endn. 233 H Evil Urge (inciting the): 190 “Handjob” (see: Intercourse between Excommunication: endn. 111 (as one Limbs) of the Nine-Ten Flawed Conditions) 445 Hezekiah: endn. 335 Menstruation: 22n, 29n, 32-33, 37, 41, 97, 177, 179-180, 183, endn. 83 Holiness (see: Sanctification) (ancient beliefs about), 347, 678 Homosexuality: endn. 268, 343, 347, Messianic Age: 225, endn. 848 518, 524, 567 Moderation: 104 (of the pious), endn. Hygiene: 95-96, 100, 221n, endn. 86, 409, 419 193, 362, 365, 369, 726, 727 Modesty: 22-25, 94, 98, 100, 104, 149n, 164, 189, 194, 217-221, endn. 125, 203, I 351, 357, 362, 369 Ima Shalom: 34, 42 47, 51, 57-58, 65, Munbaz, King: endn. 26 77, endn. 45, 69, 84, 173, 194 Imagination (see also: Fantasy): endn. N 83 Nakedness (during intercourse; Intention (during intercourse): 99 without blanket): 95-96, 97, 100, 213- Intercourse (see: Sex; Positions) 221, endn. 369, 417, 698, 833, 845 Intercourse between Limbs Nine-Ten Flawed Conditions as a form of marital bonding: endn. definitions of: 37, endn. 109-119, 408 125 definition of: 103n, 123, endn. 511, forbidden or discouraged: endn. 128 513 nature vs. nurture: endn. 128 to the point of extra-vaginal Nudity (see: Nakedness) ejaculation (Ejaculation between Limbs): 123-129 Intoxication: 37, endn. 116 O Isachar, Tribe of: 38, endn. 123, 124, Onan: 89-92, 118, 124, 126, 139-141, 846* 166, endn. 335, 339, 484, 504, 518, 524, 606*, 607*, 616, 645* Oral Sex (see: Vagina; Penis) K Orgasm (see: Climax) Kissing (See: Vagina, Penis) Outercourse (see: Intercourse between Limbs) M “Overturning the Table” Manasseh: endn. 335 definition of: 59-61, endn. 233 Maternal Impression (see: Fantasy, permission of: 62-66, 115-122, 196- Ancient beliefs about effect on child 203 conceived) Mental Illness: endn. 595 (in early Chasidic movement) P Masturbation (See: Penis; Wasting Paternal Impression (see: Fantasy, Seed) Ancient beliefs about effect on child conceived) 446 Piety (cannot be forced upon spouse): Proverbs (Book of Proverbs composed 101, endn. 95 to exhort against alcoholism and prostitution): endn. 419 (point 1) Positions (of Sex) Anal Intercourse (see also: Anal Puberty: 5-6, 15, 104n, endn. 524 (wet Sex): 118-122 dreams as sign of psychological- emotional maturing) “Animal-style” (Face-to-back, rear- entry vaginal intercourse): 117 Pubic shaving: endn. 724 “Missionary”: 16 On the floor: 116 R Outercourse (see also: Intercourse between Limbs) 123-129 Rabbinic Fallibility: 39, 50, 222-225, “Reverse Cowgirl”: 60, endn. 229, endn. 86, 373, 419, 594 230 Side by side: 116 S Sitting: 116 Sanctification: 68, 93-101, 102-106 “Sixty-Nine:” 129, endn. 537 (Maimonides), 193-194 (Raavad III), Standing: 116 endn. 26, 347 (biblical verses), 348, Wife on top: 115 509, 595 (Chasidic teachings) Penis (see also: Wasting Seed) Sanhedrin deliberate erection: 23, 190, endn. fallibility of: 223n 40, 524, 718 (compulsive mistakenly believed/believe their masturbation), 818 decree was/is within the ability of grasping shaft during urination: the majority of the people: endn. 214-215, endn. 518, 524, 818 348 factors (physical/emotional) that power to reinterpret Jewish law in promote potency: endn. 419 each generation: 2n, 224, endn. 87 ingesting sexual fluids of: endn. 727 Sex (see also: Positions) piety as impediment to erection: in a lit room (during the day and/or endn. 44, 595 night): 95-96, endn. 369, 833, 845 wife gazing at husband’s: endn. 75 initiating (Husband or wife): 37-38, wife kissing husband’s (fellatio): 38n, endn. 125 endn. 72 limited frequency (as a matter of Persians (sexual customs of): 220, piety): 22, 28, 98, 105 endn. 45 naked without a blanket covering: 213-221, endn. 845 Procreation (see also: Wasting Seed): 91-92 oral sex (see: Vagina; Penis) unlimited frequency (as a matter of Prophets: 10-11 (lost discussions law): 29, 105 about sex), 224-225 (fallibility of) while spouse is asleep: endn. 119 Prostitution (tantamount to): 55-56, 172, endn. 195, 616 Sexism: 12, 17 Sexual Exploration (within marriage) 447 husband and wife in agreement Teenagers: 5-6, endn. 8 about: 107 Tesha Midos (see: Nine-Ten Flawed need to reclaim as permissible/holy: Conditions) 1-7, 127, endn. 10 no lack in holiness: 68 Toys reasons for objections to: 54-56 kosher animal toys: endn. 83 reasons for permission of: 67-67 sex toys: endn. 271 Sadomasochism: endn. 271 Translation responsibility of translator: 18 Seduction: use of explicit terminology: 16-17 husband of wife: 43, 49, 51, 58, 75, endn. 78, 80 wife of husband: 38, endn. 125 V Shame (Shamefacedness): Vagina context of teaching extolling shame: husband gazing at wife’s: 33-35, 41- 177-186 42, 45-47, 54-56, 62-68, 106, 113, 196-203 definition of “shame”: 33n, 187-188 husband kissing wife’s Shelo Cedarcah (see also: Anal Sex) (cunnilingus): 33-35, 41-42, 45-47, correct definition of: 166, endn. 54-56, 62-68, 103-106, 114, 196-203 606*, 607*, 647 husband touching wife’s: 208-209 Sefer Refuos (see: Book of Remedies) if husband’s kissing of wife’s “Sixty-Nine” (see: Positions) permitted, then, logically, husband’s gazing at wife’s permitted as well: 113 T ingesting sexual fluids of: endn. 727 Talk during foreplay/intercourse: 55-56, 57-58, 69-83, 111-112, 196-203 W sexual humor between spouses: 73, Wasting Seed: 91-92, 118-122, 123- 82 129, 132-168, 134n, 144n, 190, endn. sexy talk, vulgar talk, vain talk: 73- 335, 343, 518, 524, 553, 563, 564, 565, 74, endn. 419 567, 569, 591-593, 594, 633, 718, 818 wife initiating sex verbally: 38, endn. Wet Dreams (as sign of psychological- 125 emotional maturing): endn. 524 Talmud World to Come: endn. 565 (Every basis for legal authority of: 10, endn. human being has a place in) 20 identity of its compilers-editors: 10, Y endn. 19 lost discussions about sex: 10-11 Yefas toar: endn. 108, 128, 383 448 BIBLICAL SOURCES Genesis 12:4: endn. 83 1:28: 126 12:5: endn. 355 2:24: 84, 153, endn. 319, 344, 527, 18:19: endn.

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