UNITED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL GENERAL A/7753 ASSEMBLY 7 November 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH THenty-fourth session Agenda item 63 INFORMJ;TION FROM NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES TRANSMITTED UNDER !IRTICLE 73 e OF THE CHAR·TER Report of the Secretary-General l. Under the terms oi' Article 73 e of the Charter of the United Nacions, Member States vhich have or assume responsibilities for the ac1:ninistration of Territories whose peoples have no,; yet attained a full meocsure of self -government cmdertake to transmit regularly to the Secretary-Geners.l infol~mation relatine; to economic, social and educationsl conditions ifl the TerJ.."itories for 1.;hich they are reS)Otlsible, other than those Territories to which che International Trusteeship SJcscem applies. In addition, the General Assembly in several r·esolutions, the most recent of which was resolution 2L,22 (XXIII) of' 18 Dece c;;:.er 1968, urged the e.dministerin:o Pm<ers concerned nto transn1it, or continue to transmit, to the Secretary-Genel.... e.l the information p:!:"escribed in Article 73 e of the Charter, as well as the f'J.ll_est possible inforw.ation on political and constitutional developments in -~he 11 Territories concerned .. 2. The table annexed to the present report sh()';IS the dates on \·lhich information called for in Article 73 e was transmitted to the Secretary-General in respect of the years 1967 and 1958 up to 3 November 1969. 3. The information transmitted under Article 73 e of the Charter follows in general the standard form approved b:r the General Assembly and incLudes information on geography, history, population, economic, social and educational conditions. In the case of Territories under the administration of Australia, France, Nelf Zealand, Spain, the United Kingdom of Great Britain anci Northern Ireland, j . .• f>/7753 English Par:;e 2 nnd the United States of America) the cnm.1al reports on the Te:cri tories also included information on constitutional l!mtters. Additional ic.formation on political and constitutional developmer.:l:s in Territories L.mder their adrninisLration uas also given Oy the representatives of AUs--rr.~liay Ne-1-1 /Sealand 7 Spain; the United Kinc;dom and the Uni-~el~ States during Geetings of the Special Committee. 4. l'Jo information has been t.ransmitteCt t.o the Secretary-General concerning 'lerritories ur::der Portuc,uese administr8_·Gion> •:.1~lich the General AssemOlyJ by its reso1utio'1 1542 (XV) o:i' 15 December 1S:oO, considered to be Non-Sel:i'-G:wccrning Territories ·h7 i thin ·:;he meaning of Chapter XI of the Charter~ Nor has the Secretary-General ree:eived any informa-Cion on .~.ntieua, Dominica) Grenado.J St. Kitts-Nevj_s-An:;uille and St. Lucia. ~1ith respect to these Territories) ·the representative of the United Kine;dom ::;Gated at the l752nd meeting of the Fourth Committee) on 15 Decem~_;er 1967, that hovins achieved the stetus of A~:.isociated BtatesJ they had achieved 11 a full meas!J_re of sclf-government 11 end that information on them "l·:oulc1 not Oe tranf]Ln:L-Cted L1 future. )• In complianc~ Hith the provisions of pars3ra_ph 5 of resolution 1970 (XVIII) of 16 December 1963) par2graph Lt- of ::.~czolution 2109 (XX) of 21 December 196), pragraph 4 of resolution 2233 (XXI) of' 20 Decer;;ber 1966, paragra9h 5 oi' resolution 235L (XXII) of 19 December 1967 and paragraph 7 of resolution 2422 (XXIII) of 13 December 1968, which requested the Speciat Committee to study the information transmitted under Article 73 e, and in accordance 'f·lith -L.hc procedure approved by the Special Comwittee in 1964,1:./ this informatJ.on 1vas taken into account by the Specin1 Comcittee in its conside~&tion of the Tcrr.i.to_ries concerned and is reflected in the chapter of the Special Comrn_ittee 1 s report to the General ;:;ssemb1y at its current ser::sion dealinc vrith each of thes2 Territories.?./ The l'C?Drt aLso contains an acc:::mat of the action taken by tbe Special Committee in implementation o:'' resolution 1970 (XVIII))_/ ]:_/ Of fie ial Rec ordD o:i the General 1\ss emc ly, Eineteenth Session, An:texes, annex No. d (A/5dOOJRev.lJ, chapcer II. ~/ A/7623 and Add.l to 3. 2_j A/7623/Md .3, chapcer XXXIII. I ... A/7753 En8lish Annex Page l tNNEX Dates of transmissi::m of informa-C-ion u.nder Article 73 e of the Charter This table includes all Territories listed in annex II of the re<.corc of the Committee on Information f:com Non-Self"-Governing Territories to t.. he General hssemOly at its eighteen-Lh session):_/ uith Ghe exception of Aden, BarC.ados, Basutoland, Bechuarwlmx1, British Guiana, C:>ok Islands, Equatorial Guinea $'ernando P6o and Hio Muni), GambiaJ Jamaica, Kenya, Malta, MauritiusJ l'iorth Borneo, Norttern Rhodesia, Nyasa1and, Sormrak, Singapore, SHaziland, Trinidad and Toba~!o, Ugancla and Zanzibar. 1')67 LC)68 AUSTRALIA ( l Jc.ly -30 June)£./ Cocos (Keeling) Islands :J September 1968 3 July l')6C) Papua lO September 1')68 9 July 1969 FRANCE (calendar year) ' Comoro .4rchi pe lac;o~./ Frc!lch Somaliland~/~./ Ne:.1 Hebrides (condominium 11i th the United Kingdom) 3 February 1969 :NEH ZEALAND ( l Jlpdl-31 IYkcch)::_/ Niue Island lO Septe"'ber 1968 18 August 1969 Toke le.u Is lands lO September.l968 18 Ac.gus t 1969 r::_l Official Records o: the General ,c,ssc:~ni) ly ~ Eighteenth.$~~£? ~99 .~ _ 9~-.Q_QJ~-l'fl~}lt NO~~~--E~~ (il/)5-i~:;~ -:)ai~:~ ·one; ~a~;}~X ·rr~ -· · -· ·~-· ----· · ·-··· · "_I Period extenCLs from l J~ly of previous ;;rea:_~ to 30 .June of year listed. c:_l On 27 March 1959, the Gm,.ernment OJ~ Frac.ce notified the Secretary-General that this rrerritory had attained inte::c·naJ.. autonomy and, consequently) the trans~ission oi:' ini'or~nation thereon had ceased as from 1957. q_/ IJ:-he ne"l designation of the t·errito:c~y is F:eench Territory of the /:fers at:d the Issas (see TercdnoLogy Bu.lletin No. 2L!O (ST/CS/SER.F/240) ol' 15 April 196i.l). '3._1 Period extends from l P,pril of the ~rear listed to 31 Ma:rch of the :L'ollowing year. ;. .. P./7753 English Annex Page 2 1968 PORTUGP,L Angola Cape Verde J\rchi;_lc Lago Guinea (called Portuguese Guinea) Macau and deyendencies Hozambiqu.e sao Tome and Principe and dependencies Timor (Portuguese) and dependencies SPAIN (calendar year) .f I If Dl- 25 June 1')68 Spanish Sahara 25 June 1')68 22 September 1969 UNITED KINGDOM (calendar year) Antigua Bahamas 21 October 1968 20 June 1969 Bermuda 18 November 1968 14 July 1969 British Honduras 31 October 1968 17 July 1969 British Virgin Islands 14 November 1968 10 June 1969 Brunei 8 July 1968 4 September 1969 Cayman Islands 5 July 1968 17 July 1969 Dominic e. Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 13 August 1')68 19 September 1969 !_./ By letters of 23 !•lay 1969 and 9 Ju.Ly 1969, the Permanent Representative of Spain informed the Secretary-General c;hat follm;ing negotiations with the Government of Morocco, a treaty had been cone 1uded with that Government on 4 January 1969 by 1-1hich the Territory of Ifni had been retroceded by Spain to Morocco in fuU sovereignc;y. That treaty had been ratified by the Spanish Cortes on 22 April 1969 and the instruments of ratification of the Treaty had been exchanged at Fa bat on lj May 1969; the transfer of powers over the Territory of Ifni took place on jO June 1969 and, with effect from that date, Ifni had become subject to the sovereignty and authority of the Moroccan Government (A/7623/Add .!+, chapter X, annex II.B and II .c). ; ... A/7753 English ilnnex Pac_se 3 UNITED KINGDOM (calendar year) (continued) Fiji 23 July 1968 19 September 1969 Gibraltar 3 September 1968 15 .september 1969 Gilbert and Ellice Islands 15 July 1968 30 June 1969 Grenada Hong Kong 15 Augc_st 1968 lO June 1969 lVIontserrat 17 September 1968 22 September 1969 New Hebrides (condominium with France) 3 July 1968 12 September 1969 Pitcairn Island 12 July 1968 4 June 1969 St. Helena 3 July 1968 23 June 1969 St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla St. Lucia St. Vincent 26 September 1968 9 October 1969 Seychelles 26 SeptemC,er L968 L6 July 1969 Solomon Is lands 5 July 1968 23 June 1969 Southern Rhodesia 12 Auc;ust 1969 Turks and Caicos Islands 4 November 1968 4 November 196ef?./ UNITED STATES OF /ll-IERICA (l July-30 June) ~/ American Samoa 14 March 1968 6 June 1969 Guam 14 March 1968 17 Febru8ry 1969 United States Virgin Islands 20 i'!arch 1968 12 February 1969 fi/ Additional information for 1968 "'as transmitted on 4 September 1969. .
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