US 2010O221245A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2010/0221245 A1 Kunin (43) Pub. Date: Sep. 2, 2010 (54) TOPICAL SKIN CARE COMPOSITION Publication Classification (51) Int. Cl. (76) Inventor: Audrey Kunin, Mission Hills, KS A 6LX 39/395 (2006.01) (US) A6II 3L/235 (2006.01) A638/16 (2006.01) Correspondence Address: (52) U.S. Cl. ......................... 424/133.1: 514/533: 514/12 HUSCH BLACKWELL SANDERS LLP (57) ABSTRACT 4801 Main Street, Suite 1000 - KANSAS CITY, MO 64112 (US) The present invention is directed to a topical skin care com position. The composition has the unique ability to treat acne without drying out the user's skin. In particular, the compo (21) Appl. No.: 12/395,251 sition includes a base, an antibacterial agent, at least one anti-inflammatory agent, and at least one antioxidant. The (22) Filed: Feb. 27, 2009 antibacterial agent may be benzoyl peroxide. US 2010/0221 245 A1 Sep. 2, 2010 TOPCAL SKIN CARE COMPOSITION stay of acne treatment since the 1950s. Skin irritation is the most common side effect of benzoyl peroxide and other anti BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION biotic usage. Some treatments can be severe and can leave the 0001. The present invention generally relates to composi user's skin excessively dry. Excessive use of some acne prod tions and methods for producing topical skin care. Acne Vul ucts may cause redness, dryness of the face, and can actually garis, or acne, is a common skin disease that is prevalent in lead to more acne. Therefore, it would be beneficial to provide teenagers and young adults. Acne is associated with low an effective acne treatment that also calms the user's skin and self-esteem and social inhibition in those that suffer from does not have a drying effect. acne especially if it is particularly severe. Several factors may 0006 Even good acne treatments may not be able to pre contribute to the development of acne. The primary problem Ventall breakouts of acne. Treatments, such as masks, that are being the abnormal flaking of cells inside the hair follicle that developed specifically to target an acne breakout or appear leads to the formation of a plug. The plug can enlarge and ance of a blemish tend to leave the skin drier and are not even rupture the hair follicle. A ruptured hair follicle spills its always effective. Therefore, it would be beneficial to provide contents of oil and debris into the skin where it leads to an acne treatment that could target a specific breakout or Swelling and causes redness (inflammation). Naturally-oc blemish that does not have a drying effect on the user's skin. curring bacteria known as Propionibacterium acnes may also 0007 Another known treatment of acne and acne break be responsible for causing acne. These bacteria produce Sub outs is cortisone injection therapy. Cortisone injection stances that cause redness and irritation (inflammation) and therapy may be very useful as a method of treating acne; also make enzymes that dissolve the sebum (oil from oil however these shots can be painful and do not get at the root glands in the skin) and thereby create irritating Substances cause of the acne. Cortisone injection therapy is also not that can make the inflammation worse. Suggested for long-term treatment. Therefore, it would be 0002 Certain hormones called androgens can be an addi beneficial to provide a topical acne treatment that could spe tional factor in causing acne. Androgens are male hormones cifically target a breakout or blemish but could also be used that are present in both men and women and both enlarge the for long-term treatment of acne. sebaceous glands in the skin as well as cause glands to increase sebum production. The increased sebum leads to SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION plug formation and serves as more “food for the bacteria. Androgens Surge at puberty which contributes to the devel 0008. The present invention generally relates to topical opment of acne in teenagers and young adults. skin care compositions and methods for treatment of acne. 0003 Hair follicles exist on virtually all skin except for the The skin care composition hereof has the unique ability to palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Inside the follicle, the treat acne without drying out the user's skin. In particular, a hair extends up from the deep layers of the skin and comes out topical skin care composition is provided that includes a base, of a pore. Near the Surface, the oil gland (sebaceous gland) an antibacterial agent, at least one anti-inflammatory agent enters the hair follicle where it empties sebum at a relatively and at least one antioxidant. In one non-limiting illustration, constant rate. The sebum lubricates the skin and provides a the composition contains benzoyl peroxide, evodia rutae protective barrier to prevent drying. Skin on the face, chest, carpa, boswellia serrata, quercetin, oleanolic acid, and tea and back has an especially large number of sebaceous glands. eXtractS. These are the areas where acne is most likely to occur. 0004. There are two major types of acne lesions: nonin DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION flammatory and inflammatory. Noninflammatory acne lesions include blackheads (open comedones) and white 0009. There is provided herein a topical skin care compo heads (closed comedones). Open and closed comedones sition that treats acne without drying out the user's skin. The along with papules and pustules are commonly referred to as skin care composition hereof generally includes a base, an papulopustular acne which is a form of inflammatory acne. antibacterial agent, at least one anti-inflammatory agent, and Nodular acne is the most severe form of inflammatory acne. at least one antioxidant. It will be appreciated by those skilled Open comedones result from the enlargement and dilation of in the art that some agents disclosed throughout may have two a plug that forms from oil and flakes of skin inside the hair or more properties; for example, benzoyl peroxide can act as follicle. A closed comedone forms if the hair follicle pore both an antibacterial agent as well as an anti-inflammatory remains closed. Inflammatory acne lesions consist of red agent. blemishes, pimples (papules, pustules), and larger, deeper, 0010. In one embodiment, the skin care composition Swollen, and tender lesions (nodules). Papules are closed includes an effective amount of a base. In certain embodi comedones that have become red, Swollen, and inflamed. ments, the base is present in an amount of from about 1.0 to Pustules are closed comedones that become inflamed and 100.0 w/w % of the composition, more preferably from about begin to rupture into the skin forming pustular heads of vari 10.0 to 95.0 w/w %, and most preferably from about 20 to 95 ous sizes. Nodules represent large, tender, Swollen acne w/w %. Preferred bases include, but are not limited to, soaps, lesions that have become intensely inflamed and rupture washes, lotions, creams, gels, masks, ointments, Solutions, under the skin. If left untreated, these nodules can produce scrubs, microdermabrasion creams, serums, strips, patches, deep Scarring. and combinations thereof. 0005. There are a variety of topical therapies available to 0011. In one embodiment, the skin care composition may treat and prevent acne. Topical retinoids Such as tretinoin or also include an effective amount of an antibacterial agent. In adapalene are effective for treating comedonal acne. Inflam certain embodiments, the antibacterial agent is present in an matory lesions benefit from treatment with benzoyl peroxide, amount of from about 0.001 to 20.0 w/w % of the composi aZelaic acid or topical antibiotics. Benzoyl peroxide, in over tion, more preferably from about 0.15 to 10.0 w/w %, and the-counter and prescription formulations, has been a main most preferably about 5 w/w %. In certain other embodi US 2010/0221 245 A1 Sep. 2, 2010 ments, the antibacterial agent is benzoyl peroxide and is pref reduces glycosaminoglycan degradation and therefore long erably about 5 w/w % of the skin care composition. term use of boswellia does not lead to irritation and has a 0012. In addition to benzoyl peroxide, other antibacterial Soothing effect on human skin. Quercetin is a flavonoid and agents Suitable for use in the present invention include, but are has antioxidant and anti-inflammnatory activities. not limited to, bacitracin, polymyxin B, neomycin, mupiro 0014. Other suitable anti-inflammatory agents for use in cin, hydrastine, aminopropanesulphonic acid, acetohydrox the present invention include, but are not limited to, benzoyl amic acid, actinonin, actinospectacin, aklavin hydrochloride, peroxide, benzoyl peroxide and clindamycin combinations, alexidine hydrochloride, amikacin Sulfate, amoxicillin, ampi clindamycin, erythromycin, tetracycline, alpha hydroxyl cillin Sodium, azithromycin, azlocillin Sodium, bacampicillin acid, Salicylic acid, filipendula and meadowsweet, curled hydrochloride, bacitracin, becanamycin, butirosin A, cam dock (rumex crispus), licorice extract, acetaminophen, ace phor, cannabidiol, capreomycin Sulfate, carbenicillin diso tylsalicyclic acid, acetic acid, Zinc oxide, Zinc sulfate, hydro dium, cefadroxil, cefazolin sodium, cefotaxime Sodium, cortisone, prednisone, Solumedrol, prednisolone, white tea cephalosporin Sodium, cephalothin Sodium, cephapirin extract, green tea extract, caffeine, tannis, isatsis indigotica Sodium, cephradine sodium, chloramphenicol hemisucci root extract, menthol, 18alpha-glcyrrhetinic acid, naproxen, nate, chloramphenicol,
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