Index compiled by the author Aachen: bombed, 128, 142, 160; surrenders, 153 Armed Forces of the Committee for the Liberation of the Aarhus: and an air attack, 209 Peoples of Russia (VS-KONR): 176 Abbeville: 160 Armenians: 230 Abdul Kalam, A P.J.: quoted, 226 Arnhem: 163, 207, 210, 214 Abyssinia (Ethiopia): 16, 116, 206, 213, 222; war dead, Arromanches: 150, 151, 222 257 Ascension Island: 121 Acasta (destroyer): 131 Aschaffenburg: bombed, 167 ‘Ace of the Deep’: 91 ‘Asia Women’s Fund’: to make reparations, 200 Adam, Ken: 210 Assam: 192, 218, 244 Adenauer, Konrad: 240 Athens: 33, 34, 98, 107, 109; Churchill in, 220; liberated, Admiral Graf Spee: 5 162 Admiral Hipper: 83 Atlantic Charter: 220, 221 Admiral Scheer: 28, 83 Atlantic Ferry Organisation (ATFERO): 29 Adriatica (Displaced Persons’ (DP) camp): 238 Atlantic Ocean: 51, 52, 70, 74, 119, 120 Afric Star (merchant ship): sunk, 30 atom bomb: 134, 198, 222; dropped, 201, 202 African-American soldiers: in action, 168, 211 atrocities against civilians: 35, 40, 57, 59, 61, 79, 98, 100, Agent Zigzag: 117 101, 102, 103, 105, 106, 112, 156, 173, 192, 229, Akashi: bombed, 193 233 Alamein: 80, 109, 213, 226 Attlee, Clement: and Dresden, 175 Alaska-Canada (Alcan) Highway: 82 Attu Island: 82 Albania: 16, 33, 162, 209, 229, 230; war dead, 256 Aung San, General: leads resistance, 192 Albanian volunteers with the SS: 73 Auschwitz: 88, 90, 91, 101, 103, 109; deportations to, Alderney Island: 224 107, 158; revolt in, 108, 218; escapees from, and a Aleutian Islands: 56, 63, 82 bombing request, 158; evacuated, 173; Gypsies killed Algeria: 80 at, 233 Ali Khan, Lieutenant: 228 Auschwitz Camp Trials: 241 Allen, Alma: 218 Australia: airmen from, 23, 25, 128, 130, 138, 161; troops Allied Control Zones (Germany and Austria): 235 from, 33, 35, 37, 57, 80; and Japan, 54, 56, 67, 69; Alomogordo: 232 and the World War, 66; and British landing craft, 134; Alsace: 152, 213, 211, 236 and the Kokoda Trail, 69; and the Sandakan Death Altenfjord: 83, 169 March, 191; German expellees reach, 236; takes in Ambon: war cemetery and memorial, 244 Displaced Persons (DPs), 239; soldiers, sailors and Amerika (Hitler’s train): 219 airmen of, war graves and memorials to, 244; war Anchorage, Alaska: 82 dead, 255 Andaman Islands: 57, 200, 201 Australia (heavy cruiser): hit, 195 Anders, General: 38, 214 Austria: annexed, 1; and the Einsatzgruppen killing Angaur: 185 squads, 100; fate of Jews of, 229, 230; the fate of the Ano-Archanes: 209 Gypsies of, 233; post-war borders and divisions of, anti-aircraft defences: 167 235, 237; Displaced Person’s Camps in, 237; takes in Antwerp: 123, 143, 163, 165, 166; and the Ardennes, Displaced Persons (DPs), 239; a beneficiary of the 168; liberated, 216 Marshall Plan, 243; Anzio: 122, 126; United States war cemetery at, 248 ‘Aycliffe Angels’: 27 Api (Sabah): anti-Japanese resistance in, 192 Ayrshire (destroyer): 83 Arabs: 42 Arcadia (Florida): 251, 252, 253 BBC: and a promise of liberation, 183 Archangel: 46, 83 BMW: and slave labour, 104 Arctic convoys: 46, 83, 169 Babi Yar (Kiev): 233 Arctic Ocean: 46, 75, 169 Bad Nauheim: 171 Ardennes: 168, 170, 171, 212 ‘Baedeker Raids’: 77 Ardent (destroyer): 131 Baghdad: 37, 109 ‘area bombing’: 76 Baibakov, Nikolai: 113 Argentia Bay: 221 Baker, First Lieutenant Vernon J.: 212 Argentina: 225, 236, 239 Baku: 42, 111, 113 Arhanes: 35 Baldham: 182 Arisan Maru (Japanese ‘Hellship’): 189 Balham: 251, 252 Arizona (battleship): sunk, 55 Balkans: 33, 118, 207 Baltic Sea: 123, 172 Beverloo: 228 Baltic States: Soviet annexation of, 3; Germans expelled Bialystok: 101, 108, 241 from, 236; Displaced Persons (DPs) from, 237; ‘Big Week’: 127, 136 German soldiers buried in, 254 Bilgoraj: 105 ‘Baltikum’: 41 Billig, Dr Hannah: 218 Baltimore: 122, 132 Bir Hakeim: 213 Baramzina, Tatiana: 164 Birkenau: 90, 103, 173 Bangkok: 79 Birmingham: 22 Bangladesh: 242 Bismarck Sea: 62 Barbie, Klaus: 241 Bismarck (battleship): sunk, 36, 169, 207 Bardia: 66 Bizerta: 80 Bardufoss: 169 ‘Black May’: 120 Barents Sea: 83 Black Sea: 78 Bari: 109, 133, 238 Blackpool: 251, 253 Barton, Flying Officer C.J.: 137 Blechhammer: 157, 158 Basra: 37 Bleicherode: 184 Bastogne: 168 Bletchley (Signals Intelligence centre): 22, 31, 51, 120, 208 Bataan: 59 Blitz: over Britain, 19, 21, 218 Batavia: 186, 200 Bloch, Denise: executed, 144 Bath: bombed, 21, 77 Blundell, H.M.: 160 Battle of the Atlantic (1940–43): 51, 52, 70, 119, 120, 207 Blyskawica (destroyer): 10 Battle for Berlin (1945): 164, 215 Bochum: bombed, 167 Battle of Britain (1940): 17, 18; recalled, 139; the Polish Bohemia and Moravia: 1 contribution to, 214 Bolivia: 225 Battle of the Bulge (1944–5): 127, 168, 212 Bombay: 244 Battle for France (1940): 9, 13; the Polish contribution to, Bomber Command (Royal Air Force): 23, 36, 66, 124, 214; India’s contribution, 226 128, 130, 137, 138, 141, 142, 143, 177; and the Battle of Kursk (1943): 125 career of a Lancaster Bomber, 160; and the V-2 rocket Battle for Poland (1939): 2, 214 bomb, 165; and German air defences, 167; and Battle for Poland (1945): 215 Dresden, 175; the Polish contribution to, 214, 250; Baugnez: 168 the Canadian contribution to, 216 bauxite: and German raw material needs, 205 Bordeaux: 6, 13, 30, 52, 230, 231 Bay of Biscay: 123 Borneo: 66 Bayeux: 151, 245 Bornholm: 183 Bedfordshire (armed trawler): sunk, 251 Borrel, Andrée: executed, 144 Beekman, Yolande: executed, 144 Bosnia: 133, 135, 230 Belarus: 230; German war graves in, 249 Bosnian Muslim volunteers with the SS: 73 Belgian Congo: 222 Boston: 20, 122 Belgian troops: in action, 32, 39, 222 Botterill, Keith: 191 Belgium: conquered: 9; forced labourers from, 104; Boulogne: 17, 143 Allied airmen shot down over, 139; and the Bourn air base: 137 Normandy Landings, 141, 143; and the Ardennes, Bowmanville: 91 168; a beneficiary of Lend Lease, 206; gold stolen Braithwaite, Dick: 191 from, 217; war effort by, 222; fate of Jews of, 229, Braun, Dr Wernher von: 166, 182 230; the fate of the Gypsies of, 233; takes in Displaced Brazil: 121, 126, 206, 225, 230, 236, 239; war dead, 257 Persons (DPs), 239; war dead, 256 Breitenbach, Captain Eberhard von: 154 Belgrade: 33, 133, 135 Bremen: 123, 130, 136, 157 Belorussia: 85, 112 Bremerhaven: bombed, 128 Belorussians: 38, 97, 101 Breslau: 175, 182; becomes Wroclaw, 235 Belsen: see index entry for Bergen-Belsen Brest: 36, 70, 71, 123, 131, 143, 152, 210, 214 Belzec: 103, 105, 233 Bridge on the River Kwai, The (film): 79 Bengerskis, General: 129 Brighton Belle (minesweeper): 10 Benghazi: 80, 116 Brisbane: 67 Bény-sur-Mar: war cemetery, 245 Bristol: a German objective, 17; bombed, 21; and a Berchtesgaden: 219 deception, 145 Berehaven: 217 Britain: declares war on Germany, 2; and German oil Bergen-Belsen: 90, 103, 144, 173, 180, 210, 250 stocks, 11; evacuation plans in, 12, 223; invasion Bergkamen: bombed, 177 plans for, 17; air battle over, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23; Berkeley: 232 transfer of bases from, 20; German air ‘Blitz’ against, Berlin: 37, 54, 97, 109, 117; bombed, 128, 137, 138, 19, 21; Secret Intelligence Service of, 24; trains aircrew 139, 142, 160; anti-Nazi leaflets in, 218; battle for, in Canada, 25; munitions factories in, 27; military 129; anti-Hitler plots in, 15; Hitler return to, 171; raids by, 31; conquers Italian East Africa, 32; and the a possible target, 175; possible evacuation of, 180; Arctic convoys, 46; and the Battle of the Atlantic, 51, conquest of, 181, 182 52, 70, 119, 120; and the ‘Channel Dash’, 71; aid to Berlin Defence Perimeter: 181 the Soviet Union from, 75; and Italy, 116, 126; Berliner, Friedrich (Michael O’Hara): 210 receives Liberty Ships, 132; helps Yugoslav partisans, Bermuda: 20, 220 133; builds landing craft, 134; and the prelude to the Bessarabia: 3, 229 Normandy Landings, 141, 142, 143, 145, 147; and Besugo (American submarine): 186 the day of the landings, 148, 149, 150, 151; and the xxxii liberation of France, 152; and a plot to kill Hitler, 154; flying bombs hit, 159; rocket bombs hit, 166; United removes German material and experts, 184; and the States war cemetery at, 248 naval war in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, 186; and Camp Bullis: 93 the defeat of Japan in Burma, 199; and steel, 204; Camp Michaux: 93 a beneficiary of Lend Lease, 206; rescuers (of Jews) Camp O’Donnell: 59 in, 230; takes in Displaced Persons (DPs), 239; a Camp Ozada: 95 beneficiary of the Marshall Plan, 243; war graves of Campbelltown (destroyer): 74 servicemen from, 244, 251, 252; war dead, 256 Canada: aircrew training in, 25; and the Atlantic Ferry British Columbia: 68 Organisation, 29; prisoners of war in, 51; and the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan: 25 Alaska-Canada Highway, 82; prisoner-of-war camps British Film Institute: 31 in, 95; and the Normandy Landings, 149, 151; and the British Free Corps: 73, 181 liberation of France, 152; at Arnhem, 163; Japanese British forces: in Norway, 8; in Greece, 33; in Crete, 35; in balloon-bomb attacks on, 196; and the United States Iraq, 37; in Burma, 57; in North Africa, 80; at Dieppe, nuclear programme, 232; German expellees reach, 86, 87; prisoners of war, 10, 57, 58, 74, 79, 87, 88, 236; takes in Displaced Persons (DPs), 239; and war 92; liberate crimes trials, 241; war graves of servicemen from, 244, Belsen, 180 245; war dead, 257 British Guiana: 121 Canadians: in Bomber Command, 128, 130, 138, 161 British Military Intelligence: 39 Canadian forces: at Dieppe, 86, 87; in Italy, 126; in British North Borneo: 191 Normandy, 151; in northern Europe and Italy, 216 British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC): 29 Canterbury: bombed, 21, 77; and
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