THE Magazine for Today's Radio W Industry • • \ Issue No. 54 April 27, l988. RADIO CAR OLINE * * *LATEST JICRAR* * * THE MAGAZINE FOR TODAY'S RADIO INDUSTRY NOW RAW EDITOR: Hcwcrd G. L. Rose CORRESPONDENTS: Steve Merike — Chris Andrew John Lewis — Paul Easton Gavin Cooper — :.awrence Hallett Leo N. Br .ghts*.crr Rob Chapman — Tracey Power Clive Glover UNITED STATES Graha m Kennedy Plkir TECHNICAL Norman J. McLeod ISSN 0951-7901 Telephone: ' (0536) 51 44 37 U.K. ORDERS JOIN IN ..d Now Radio, FREEPOST, Kettering kJ-Nib ONW OUR SUCCESS SUBSCRIPTION RATES When we saw the latest JICRAR figures, 52 Issues (12 months) £48.00 we cracked open a bottle of bubbly! 26 Issues ( 6 months) £24.00 We knew that we had improved, our 12 Issues ( 3 months) £15.00 , advertising revenue is up - our clients are getting results - and now we have a Published by: MASSIVE 38% INCREASE Now Radio Corr.munications in listening hours! PO Box 45, Kettering, We've got it right! Northants NN16 ONW Telephone: (0536) 51 44 37 jr 3:4 V Jr ravtryi\ (24 boars) R•A•Irt eltir All contents ,7 Now Radio Commitications 1988 2 NOW RADIO N OW Issue No. 54 April 27, 1988 •\\ s .‘ , \ •\ \ \ •\ N O W R A DI O I S R EG I S T E R E D A S A N E W S PA P E R A T TH E P O S T O F FI C E LATE NEWS: The opening ceremony for RADIO NOVA INTERNATIONAL will now take place at 4 p.m. on Wednesday May 4th, and not 8 p.m. as prviously ennounced by the station. Attendance is by invitation only. EDITORIAL COMMENT It might be considered unfair to attempt to sway opinion, at the IBA, as to who should receive the new ILR contract for Eastbourne/Hastings: However, we are not alone in hoping that the people of this area will receive a radio station which broadcasts from within, and not outside, the community. If Eastbourne/Hastings receives a station operating from outside the area, surely we can expect to hear some angry voices in the near future. One consolation is the fact that, by the end of the decade, Eastbourne/Hastings will be able to have their very own radio station(s) courtesy of The Radio Authority and stations that are local... C) "T 1•I 7 EDI TORIAL COMMENT 3 CONTENTS 3 NEWS 4 14 ADDR ESS GUID E 15 DIA R Y DA TES 16 WORL DS APART (fea t ure) 17 - 18 LOOS E ENDS/NEWS 19 - 20 MB! NEWS 21 LOOS E E NDS 22 GETTI NG ON THE AI R 23 OPENI NGS 24 SAL ES LI ST 25 OFFS HOR E NEWS / LA TE NEWS 27 SONY RA DI O AWARDS 1988 28 OPENI NGS EX TRA / NEWS -79 NOTES BY NORMA N McL EOD 30 SER VI C ES GUID E / POSI TI ON WANTED 31 P.1 UJ R O O K. , Cal nPVIO NI C ATIC W. O f how t t . r A m o f m ,Is t C l ahm e a o to f eIM MCI N I foi r I O N., 3 N O W RA DIO A pril 27, 1988 W H E R E A N E T H E Y ?"? R E D R O S E B R I N G H U N T ()N1 F O R B A C K L I N C O L N A S C A R O LI N E S T A F F E R S P R OGRA MMER A major eff ort ot research RED ROSE RADIO have hired is starting aimed at DAVE LINCOLN as Programme locating every possible Controller. He was with RED former member of the RADIO ROSE from launch until two CAROLINE staff. years ago when he Joined Every DJ, news reader, RADIO CITY to host the programme producer, crew breakfast programme. member, sales team person, LINCOLN is also Manager- secretary and assistant who designate of the proposed has worked for RADIO second service which RED ROSE CAROLINE since 1964 needs to plans to open in Blackpool. be located by a team working He told NOW RADIO that he on a special project aiming would be carefully at marking the offshore researching what the station stations 25th anniversary should programme on its which happens next Easter. second service, taking into Former staff should contact account the recent increases NOW RADIO, and any readers in FM listening to ILR with knowledge of the services. whereabouts of any ex- The second service would be CAROLINE staffer should do waiting for agreement between the same. AIRC and PPL over needleti me allowances. N A T W E S T S P O N S O R M c K E N Z I E H I R E D B Y C O N C E R T S E R I E S R A D I O C I T Y The NATIONAL WESTMINSTER TONY McKENZIE has Joined BANK are sponsoring a new RADIO CITY in Liverpool to I3-week concert series which host the afternoon 1300 - is being syndicated by PPM, 1600 airshift. the PICCADILLY RADIO He Joins after being with production arm. RADIO NOVA/ENERGY in Dublin. The programme is made at His first full-time CAPITAL RADIO. broadcasting Job was with The series is on offer to 22 RADIO CAROLINE. stations, 11 are believed to McKENZIE presented his first have accepted the deal show for RADIO CITY on whereby £500,000 is being Saturday (April 24th). spent on sponsorship, spot commercials and also a R A D I O N O V A telephone direct response U P — D A T E campaign. Amongst the stations taking The opening ceremony for the NAT WEST series are RADIO NOVA INTERNATIONAL will CAPITAL RADIO (London), now take place at 4 p.m. on PICCADILLY RADIO Wednesday May 4th, and not 8 (Manchester), BRMB p.m. as prviously announced (Birmingham) and Liverpool's by the station. Attendance is RADIO CITY. by invitation only. April 27, 1988 NO W RADIO X [)E E L O S E L; ()C E A N !_;()I, N D 2 0, 0 0 0 D I.S U N E WL; C OLLEC TI ON PETER SOLOMONS takes over as SIMON DEE, who has been Head of News with OCEAN SOUND working hard on his comeback on May 16. He Joins from with a weekly Saturday being deputy head of news at morning programme SOUNDS OF SWANSEA SOUND. He replaces THE SIXTIES on BBC RADIO 2 CHRIS RIDER, who Joins TVS at has had his massive 20,000 the end of April. strong record collection In the period between RIDER stolen or destroyed by leaving and SOLOMONS taking thieves. over the Acting Head of News SIMON said he returned to at OCEAN SOUND will be OCEAN his London flat to find the SOUND WEST mid morning thieves had wrecked his presenter MARK FLANNAGAN. home, stolen many of the discs and badly damaged M c F A R L A N E M O V E S those they didn't make off T O A M D R I V E with. PETER McFARLANE, the former C H A N G E F O R deputy Programme Director of R ADI O— RADI O? CAROLINE 558, (KEVIN TURNER), is moving to host the As the launch of RADIO NOVA breakfast programme on OCEAN INTERNATIONAL on May 1st SOUND NORTH from Monday May draws closer there has been 2. He'll be broadcasting speculation that VIRGIN's weekdays 0600 - 1000. He RADIO-RADIO may turn from replaces DAVID BRADFORD who plans to offer itself as an has moved to SOUTHERN SOUND overnight sustaining service in Brighton. for Independent Local Radio The evening show which had stations to a satellite- been presented by PETER delivered full-ti me radio McFARLANE will now be hosted service. This would put it by former WEST SOUND (Ayr) in direct competition with Jock KENNY McALISTER. He will CHRIS CARY's RADIO NOVA broadcast 1700 - 2100 Monday INTERNATIONAL and also leave to Thursday and 1700 - 1830 the ILR's to manage their Fridays. own programming overnight. ROB JONES of RADIO-RADIO E U R O P E' S M O S T this week said that details P O W E R F U L F M' e r of which sales houes would represent RADIO-RADIO, and KISS-FM, the Monaghan-based the final schedule, would be super-pirate beaming into announced shortly. There Northern Ireland, is now were no indications that any operating on full power and changes were being made to around the clock. the original intention of As well as being on 1008kHz being an ILR-programme AM, KISS-FM is transmitting provider. with 500kW e.r.p. making it A list of stations taking the most powerful European FM the service will also be station now broadcasting. released shortly. Station Manager is TOM HARDY. NO W RADIO April 27, 1988 C A 12(.JI. I N E P D E X 1 T S January/February 198/, to $53.3 million, according to figures just P H I LI P S J O I N S released by the RADIO NETWORK K E N T M M E RC 1 Al- ASSOCIATION. S T A T I O N January was up 11. 17. over the same period last year, but income for PETER PHILIPS has resigned as February stayed level on last Programme Director of RADIO year's same period at $25.3 CAROLINE after three years with millions.
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