THE CRISIS A RECORD OF THE DARKER RACES Volume Two OCTOBER, 1911 Number Six FROM "THE QUEST ΟF THE SILVER FLEECE" ONE DOLLAR A YEAR TEN CENTS A COPY THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION for the ADVANCEMENT of COLORED PEOPLE (Incorporated May 25, 1911) OBJECT.—The National Association COMMITTEE.—Our work is car­ for the Advancement of Colored People ried on under the auspices of the follow­ is an organization composed of men and ing General Committee, in addition to the women of all races and classes who be­ officers named: lieve that the present widespread increase MIsa Gertrude Barnum. New York, of prejudice against colored races and Miss Frances Blascoer, New York. •Rev. W. H. Brooks, New Yerk. particularly the denial of rights and Prof. John Dewey, New York. "Dr. John Lovejoy Elliott, New York. opportunities to ten million Americans of •Mr. Thoa. Ewing, Jr., New York, "itev. John Haynes Holmes, New York. Negro descent is not only unjust and a M r. Hamilton Holt, New York. Mlas Maud R. Ingersoll, New York. menace to our free institutions, but also "Mrs. Florence Kelley, New York. "Mr. Paul Kennaday, New York, ii a direct hindrance to World Peace •Mrs. F. R. Keyaer, New York. and the realization of Human Brother­ Dr. Chaa. Lenz, New York. Mr. Jacob W. Mack, New York. hood. •Mrs. M. D. Maclean, New York. •Mr. John E. Milholland. New York. Itev. Horace G. Miller, New York. Mrs. Max Morgenthau, Jr., New York. METHODS.—The encouragement of Mr. James F. Morton. Jr., New York. Mr. Henry Moskowltz, New York. education and efforts for social uplift; the Miss Leonora O'Kellly, New York. •Re". A. Clayton Powell, New York. dissemination of literature; the holding of "Mr. Charles Edward Russell, New York. mass meetings; the maintenance of a lec­ Mr. Jacob H. Setoff, New York. Prof. E. R. A. Sellgman, New York. ture bureau; the encouragement of vigi­ "Dr. Joseph Silverman, New York. Mrs. Anna Garlln Spencer, New York. lance committees; the investigation of com­ •Prof. J. E. Spingara, New York. Mrs. Henry Villard. New York. plaints; the maintenance of a Bureau of "Miss Lillian D. Wa'.d, New York •Mr. Wm. English Walling, New York. Information; the publication of THE "Bishop Alexander Walters, New York. Dr. Stephen '6. Wise, New York. CRISIS ; the collection of facts and publi­ Mlas M. E. Lyons, Brooklyn, N. Y. •Dr. O. M. Waller. Brooklyn. N. Y. cation of the truth. Mr. D. Macon Webster, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mr. Geo. E. Wlbecan, Jr., Brooklyn, N. Y. Mrs. W. H. Talbert. Buffalo, N. Y. ORGANIZATION.—All interested Hon. Thoa. M. Oaborne, Auburn, N. Y. •Mr. W. L. Bulkley, Itldgefleld Park, N. J. persons are urged to join our organization Mr. George W. Crawford. New Haven, Conn. Miss Maria Baldwin, Boston, Mass. —associate membership costs $1, and Mr. Francis J. Garrison, Boston, Man. Mr. Archibald H. Grimke, Boston, M»n. contributing and sustaining members pay Miss Adelene Moffat, Boston. Mass. •Mr. Albert E. Pillsbury, Boston, MasB. from $2 to $25 a year. Mr. Wm. Munroe Trotter, Boston. Mass. Dr. Horace Bumstead, BronkHr.o, MaBB. Miss Elizabeth C. Carter, New Bedford. MAIL FUNDS.—We need $10,000 a year Rev. Harvey Junuston, Baltimore, Md, Ret. Garnett R. Walter, Baltimore, Md. for running expenses of this work and par­ Prest. Chaa. T. Thwlng, Cleveland, O. Mr. Chas. W. Chesnutt, Cleveland, 0 ticularly urge- the necessity of gifts to help Hon. Harry C. Smith, Cleveland, O. Prest. H. C. King, Oberlln. O. on our objects. Prest. W. S. Scarborough. Wllberforce, O. •Miss Jane Addams, Chicago, 111. •Mrs. Ida B. Wells Bamett, Chicago, I1L OFFICERS.—The officers of the "Dr. C. E. Bentley, Chicago, HI. Miss Sophronlsba Breckenrldge. Chicago, 111. organization are: Mr. Clarence Darrow, Chicago, 111. Mr. Juliu3 Rosenwald, Chicago, 111. Mrs. Cella Parker Woolley, Chicago. 111. National President — Mr. Moorfield Mr. F. L. Mcfihae. St. Paul, Minn. Miss Frances Bartholomew, Philadelphia, Pa. Storey, Boston, Mass. •Dr. N. F. Moseell. Philadelphia. Pa. "Dr. Wm. A. Sinclair, Philadelphia, Pa. MISB Susan Wharton, Philadelphia, Pa. Chairman of the Executive Committee— Mr. R. R. Wright, Jr., Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. W. Justin Carter, Harrlsburg, Pa. Mr. Oswald Garrison Villard, New Rev. Harvey Johnson. D.D., Baltimore. Md. Hon. Wm. S. Bennet. Washington, D. C. York. Mrs. Carrie W. Clifford. Washington, D. C. Mr. L. M. Hershaw. Washington, D. C. Prof. Kelly Miller. Washington. D. C. Prof. L. B. Moore. Washington. D. C. Treasurer—Mr. Walter E. Sachs, New Justice W. P. Stafford, Washington, D. C. "Mrs. Mary Church Terrell. Washington, D. C. York. •Rev. J. Milton Waldron, Washington, D. C. Prest. John Hope, Atla nta. Ga. Mr. Leslie P. Hill. Manassas, Va. Director of Publicity and Research—Dr. Mr. William Pickens, Talladega, Ala. W. E. B. DuBois, New York. •Executive Committee. Secretary—Miss Mary W. Ovington, OFFICES: New York, Suite 311, 20 Vesey Street, New "York. THE CRISIS A RECORD OF THE DARKER RAGES Published by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, at 20 Vesey Street, New York City. W. E. BURGHARDT DUBOIS. Editor ( OSWALD GARRISON VILLARD b Ut[al ™f™£C™NFR'r^"M CHMAARXLEBSAf DWARD RUSSELL FRANK M. TURNER, Circulation Manafe r &°£Editor*. \J W S BRAITHWAITE ALBON L. HOLSEY, Advertising Manatfer ( KELLY MILLER CONTENTS FOR OCTOBER, 1911 Page ALONG THE COLOR LINE 227 MEN OF THE MONTH 234 OPINION 237 THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF COLORED PEOPLE 240 EDITORIAL 242 THE FIRST BLOODSHED OF THE CIVIL WAR: By M. D. Maclean.. .. 246 A LETTER: From John Haynes Holmes 251 THE COWARD: By Will. N. Johnson 252 WOMEN'S CLUBS: Mrs. S. J. Garnett. By Mrs. W. A. Hunton 253 THE BURDEN 254 WHAT TO READ 256 AS OTHERS SEE US "We have received for review a number of York Evening Post Co. It is to be noted, further copies of THE CRISIS, a magazine which an­ that 20 Vesey Street, the address of the Post, nounces itself as 'a record of the darker races-' is also that of THE CRISIS, and that among 1t undertakes to give every month a resume of the members of the new Association are Miss the situation in regard to the race problem in this Jane Addams, Professor John Dewey, Mr. Jacob country and is the organ of the National Asso­ Schiff, and others of prominence and influence. ciation for the Advancement of Colored People, at The truth and the whole truth about the black 20 Vesey Street, in this city. man, and the securing of justice for him, are "It carries out its mission very well, as might the primary objects of the little magazine, which be expected from the names of the editorial board. also contains some matter of more general inter­ The editor-in-chief is Dr. W. E. B. Du Bois, the est."—Dial, Chicago. well-known Negro writer and sociologist, and the author of that remarkable book, 'The Souls of Black Folk.' Assisting; him are Messrs. Oswald "THE CRISIS ' is published by the National Garrison Villard, the journalist and historian of Association for the Advancement of Colored Peo­ John Brown; Charles Edward Russell, Kelly Miller, ple, at 20 Vesey Street, New York. This is the the essayist, and others. The purpose of the office of the New York Evening Post, and one magazine is declared to be the collection and of tne sponsors for the paper is Mr. Oswald publication of the exact facts in the effort _ to Garrison Villard, who is the president of the secure justice for the black man."—Times, New New York Evening Post Company. The securing York. of justice for the black man is the aim of the paper, and it will be fearless in its insistence— being sane, but showing no spirit pi temporizing "The cause of the colored folk is to be ably with great injustices."—Christian W ork^, and defended by a new periodical, THE CRISIS, Evangelist, New York. already well started in New York by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Dr. W. E. B. Du Bois, the Negro writer "THE CRISIS for August, that splendid race and sociologist, is editor-in-chief, and one is glad magazine which is filling an important mission in to find Garrison blood in at least one of his corps the literature of the times in building up healthy of associates—Mr. Oswald Garrison Villard, his­ public sentiment rega/ding the Negro people."— torian of John Brown and president of the -New National Baptist Unwn-Review, Nashville. Agenti wanted who can furnish references. Entered u leoond-claM matter In tne post office at New York City. 224 THE CRISIS ADVERTISER Atlanta University Is beautifully located in the City of Atlanta, Ga The courses of study include High School, Nor­ mal School and College, with manual training and domestic science. Among the teachers are graduates of Yale, Harvard, Dartmouth, Smith and Wellesley. Forty-one years of successful work have been completed. Students come from all parts of the South. Graduates are almost universally successful. For further information address President EDWARD T. WARE ATLANTA, GA. FISK University NASHVILLE, TENN. Sixty-five College Freshmen. A New Department of Sociology. A Notable Equipment in Land and Buildings. Successful Graduates in Nearly Every State. Endorsed by the General Education Board. For information address GEORGE A. GATES, President. FORWARD Uirginia Union University MARCH YOUR SON OFF TO RICHMOND, VA. A College Department, of high standards and Wilberforce University modern curriculum. A Theological Department, with all subjects generally required in the best theological seminaries. The only school in the country for Negro Youth which has a Military De­ An Academy, with manual training, giving partment equipped by the National a preparation for life or for college.
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