GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA ECONOMIC SURVEY OF HARYANA 2020-21 Issued by: DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS, HARYANA 2021 Publication No. 1256 Available at www.esaharyana.gov.in GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA Economic SurvEy of Haryana 2020-21 Issued By: DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS, HARYANA YOJANA BHAWAN, SECTOR – 4, PANCHKULA CONTENTS HARYANA AT A GLANCE (i-ii) CHAPTER TITLE PAGE(S) STATE OF ECONOMY OF hARYANA CHAPTER-1 HARYANA ECONOMY AND PROSPECTS 1-13 CHAPTER-2 PUBLIC FINANCE, BANKING & CREDIT, FINANCIAL INCLUSION AND EXCISE & TAXATION 14-31 AChIEVEMENTS OF DEPARTMENTS/ BOARDS/CORPORATIONS CHAPTER-3 AGRICULTURE & ALLIED SECTOR 32-67 CHAPTER-4 INDUSTRY, POWER, ROADS AND TRANSPORT 68-91 CHAPTER-5 EDUCATION AND IT 92-112 CHAPTER-6 HEALTH AND WOMEN & CHILD DEVELOPMENT 113- 134 CHAPTER-7 PANCHAYATI RAJ, RURAL AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT 135-149 CHAPTER-8 SOCIAL SECTOR 150-178 ANNEXURE S 179-184 HARYANA AT A GLANCE HARYANA ALL INDIA ITEM PERIOD/YEAR UNIT STATUS STATUS ADMINISTRATIVE SET UP January, 2021 No. (a) Divisions 6 (b) Districts 22 (c) Sub-Divisions 74 (d) Tehsils 94 (e) Sub-Tehsils 49 (f) Blocks 142 Population (g) Towns 154 Census- 2011 (h) Villages Population 6,841 (including inhabited) Census- 2011 Population POPULATION Census- 2011 (a) Total No. 2,53,51,462 1,21,05,69,573 (b) Male No. 1,34,94,734 62,31,21,843 (c) Female No. 1,18,56,728 58,74,47,730 (d) Rural No. 1,65,09,359 83,34,63,448 Percentage of Rural Population 65.12 68.85 (e) Urban No. 88,42,103 37,71,06,125 (f) Density of Population Per Sq.Km. 573 382 Male 84.1 80.9 (g) Literacy Percent Rate Female 65.9 64.6 Total 75.6 74.0 Female (h) Sex Ratio 879 943 Per Thousand Male HEALTH INDICATORS (a) Birth Rate 2018 Per Thousand (i) Combined 20.3 20 (ii) Rural 21.7 21.6 (iii) Urban 18 16.7 (b) Death Rate 2018 Per Thousand (i) Combined 5.9 6.2 (ii) Rural 6.6 6.7 (iii) Urban 4.9 5.1 ii HARYANA ALL INDIA ITEM PERIOD/ YEAR UNIT STATUS STATUS (c) Infant Mortality Rate 2018 Per Thousand (IMR) (i) Combined 30 32 (ii) Rural 33 36 (iii) Urban 25 23 Death Per Lakh (d) Maternal Mortality Ratio 2016-18 91 113 (MMR) Live Birth LAND UTILIZATION 2018-19 (a) Net Area Sown Thousand Hect. 3,601 NA (b) Area Sown More than Once Thousand Hect. 3,004 NA (c) Total Cropped Area Thousand Hect. 6,605 NA (d) Area Sown More than Once Percent 83.42 NA to Net Area Sown Agri. Census OPERATIONAL HOLDINGS 2015-16 (a) No. of Operational Holdings Thousand Number 1,628 1,46,454 (b) Area of Operational Holdings Thousand Hect. 3,609 1,57,817 (c) Average Size of Holdings Hect. 2.22 1.08 POWER 2019-20 (a) Total Installed Capacity MW 11,951 NA (b) Power Available Lakh KWH 5,21,775 NA (c) Power Sold Lakh KWH 4,30,946 NA (d) Electricity Consumers No. 68,57,609 NA STATE INCOME 2019-20 (At Current Prices) (Quick Estimates) (a) Gross State Domestic Rupees Crore 7,80,612 2,03,51,012 Product (GSDP) (b) Gross State Value Added Rupees Crore 6,74,747 1,84,61,343 (GSVA) (c) Agriculture and Allied Rupees Crore 1,27,883 33,94,033 Sector GSVA (d) Industry Sector GSVA Rupees Crore 1,99,806 49,20,384 (e) Services Sector GSVA Rupees Crore 3,47,059 1,01,46,926 (f) Per Capita Income Rupees 2,47,628 1,34,186 *** State OF ecOnOmy OF haRYANA 1 HARYANA ECONOMY AND PROSPECTS ___________________________________________________ The State of Haryana is the land of rich culture and agricultural prosperity. It is surrounded by Himachal Pradesh in North, Uttar Pradesh in East, Punjab in West and Rajasthan in South. Adjacent to the National Capital, Delhi, the State surrounds it from three sides. It is spread over an area of 44,212 sq. km with an area covering 1.3% of the country. Haryana contributes significant amount of wheat and rice to the Central Pool i.e. a national repository system of surplus food grain. Haryana is India’s 4th largest producer of cotton. Haryana has also made rapid strides in development of industrial sector. Major industries in Haryana are automotive, IT, agriculture and petrochemicals. Being a preferred destination for auto majors and auto-component manufacturers, the State is the largest automobile hub in the country. The Panipat Refinery (IOCL) situated at Panipat is the 2nd largest refinery in South Asia. The State Government has committed in creating a progressive business environment. Haryana’s structural transformation from an agrarian State to industrial State, with services sector recording robust growth, the State has showed progressive development towards achieving sustainable development goals. India aspires to become a US $5 trillion economy by 2025. Though Haryana is geographically a small State, the contribution of the State to the National Gross Domestic Product at constant (2011-12) prices has been estimated as 3.8% as per Quick Estimates of 2019-20. However, the spread of Covid-19 virus posed the most formidable economic challenge to world economy as well as Indian economy. The economy of Haryana is also adversely affected due to Covid-19 pandemic. GROSS STATE DOMESTIC PRODUCT GSDP is lower than the negative growth 1.2 The Department of Economic of 8.0% recorded at All India level in & Statistical Analysis, Haryana prepares 2020-21. The GSDP of the State at the estimates of Gross State Domestic current and constant (2011-12) prices is Product (GSDP). As per the Advance given in Table 1.1 & the year over year Estimates for the year 2020-21, the (YoY) growth rates of GSDP in real terms GSDP of the State at current prices has are given in Fig. 1.1. been estimated as ` 7,64,872.41 crore, 1.3 The growth of Gross State recording the negative growth of 2.0% in Value Added (GSVA) of the State at 2020-21 due to Covid-19 as compared to constant (2011-12) prices was recorded as the growth rate of 10.7% achieved in 8.0% in 2019-20. However, a negative 2019-20. The GSDP at constant (2011-12) growth of 5.2% is estimated for the year prices is estimated to be ` 5,28,069.75 2020-21. This negative growth of 5.2% crore with a negative growth of 5.7% in in GSVA is mainly attributed to the 2020-21 as compared to the growth of negative growth of 9.6% in Industry 8.2% recorded in 2019-20. However, this Sector and negative growth of 5.7% in negative growth of 5.7% recorded in real Services Sector in 2020-21. 1 Table 1.1-Gross State Domestic Product Fig.1.1-Growth of GDP of Haryana and All of Haryana India at Constant (2011-12) Prices (` in Crore) 15.0 Year Gross State Domestic Product 11.6 At Current At Constant 10.5 Prices (2011-12) Prices 10.0 8.2 2011-12 297538.52 297538.52 7.4 6.8 6.5 2012-13 347032.01 320911.91 8.0 8.3 5.0 6.6 6.7 2013-14 399268.12 347506.61 6.1 4.0 2014-15 437144.71 370534.51 0.0 2015-16 495504.11 413404.79 Growth (%) 2016-17 561424.17 456709.11 2017-18 644963.22 487273.84 -5.0 -5.7 2018-19 704957.38 517079.99 -8.0 2019-20 (Q) 780612.35 559705.00 -10.0 2020-21 (A) 764872.41 528069.75 Haryana All India Q: Quick Estimates A: Advance Estimates Source: Department of Economic and Statistical Analysis, Haryana Table 1.2- Growth in Gross Value Added at Constant (2011-12) Prices (Percent) Sector Haryana All India 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 (Q) (A) (A) Agriculture & Allied -2.2 3.8 7.9 7.0 5.0 5.6 4.3 3.0 Industry 4.7 11.4 12.9 3.5 4.9 7.8 -9.6 -8.2 Services 10.4 10.8 8.6 8.3 7.4 9.0 -5.7 -8.1 GVA 6.0 9.7 9.9 6.5 6.2 8.0 -5.2 -6.5 Q: Quick Estimates A: Advance Estimates Source: Department of Economic and Statistical Analysis, Haryana and NSO, New Delhi. Fig.1.2- Growth of GSVA of Haryana at Year Plan, the contribution of Agriculture Constant (2011-12) Prices and Allied Sectors (crops, livestock, 16 14 11.4 12.9 forestry and fishing) to the GSDP at 12 9.9 8.3 10 9.0 10.8 7.4 6.2 8.0 constant prices was the largest (60.7%) 8 9.7 8.6 7.0 7.8 6 7.9 6.5 followed by Services (21.7%) and Industry 4 5.0 5.6 2 3.8 3.5 4.9 4.3 (17.6%) Sectors. 0 Growth % Growth -2 1.5 During the period of 37 years -4 th -6 -5.2 (1969-70 to 2006-07) intervening 4 and -8 -5.7 -10 th -9.6 -12 10 Five Year Plans, Industry and Year Services Sectors registered higher average Agriculture and Allied Sector Industry Sector annual growth than the Agriculture and Services Sector Overall GSVA The year on year (YoY) growth in GSVA Allied Sectors which resulted in the increased share of Industry and Services in real terms is shown in Table 1.2 and Sectors and decreased share of Agriculture Fig.
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