STUDIES IN SCIENCE-FANTASY FROM THE MIRAGE PRESS, LTD. H. G. Wells: Critic of Progress by Jack Williamson $5.95 Planets and Dimensions by Clark =e smith paper $3.50 The Conan Grimoire Essays on Swords & Sorcery $6.95 A Guide to Middle Earth by Robert Foster $6.95 Phantoms and Fancies by L. Sprague de Camp , $5.00 Fantastic Art of Clark Ashton Smith ; by Dennis ee paper $3.75 COMING TiS 1eAR: The Roots of Horror in the Fiction of HH, P. Lovecraft cloth $5.50, paper $3. 50 An Atlas of Fantasy _ cloth $20.00, paper $12.00 The Compleat Feghoot, : by Grendel Briarton, paper $4.00 AND MORE! Free catalog with more titles on request. Books sent postpaid. The Mirage Press, PO. 80x 7687 Baltimore, MD 2128 It nSCoN 32nd. World Setence FictionConvention August 29th - September 2, 1974 DISCON IIL Py. O. Boxes ay, Washington, D.C, 20031 ROGER ZELAZNY ss” JAY AARY ALEUN 2.63 LL COMMTTek Co-Chatrmen Jay & Alice Haldeman Vice Chairman. Ron Bounds Treasurer Bill Evans Seeretary Ted Pauls Art Show Jim & Jackie Hampers Bob & Peggy Paviat Ray Ridenour Auetion Jack Chalker Banquet. Bill Evans Commeretal Representative Ron Bounds Computer Servtces Brian Burley & Jim Landau Films Wes Shank Kim Weston, Charlie Ellis Hotel Liatson Jay & Alice Haldeman Huekster Room Bob Madle Masquerade Jack Chalker Press/Media Dave Kyle Don Sobwick, Ron Bounds Program Joe Haldeman & Mike Riley Personnel Ted Pauls Regtstratton Jim Landau Cover by Harry Roland MEMBERSHIP GIO ser-eserorn $5.0 crveroin DECOM Wt | FOREIGN AGENTS AUSTRALIA Bill Wright 53 Celia Street Burwood, Victoria 3125 AUSTRALIA ENGLAND Marsha and Eddie Jones 25 Mount Way Bebington Hall Park Higher Bebington Cheshire L63 5RA ENGLAND Canadians, please remit in U.S.funds. : COG AVA? aa GEES Y, OES SEES D S > 3 Wl. Te ece Ys y WY} Aaa, Or ‘Voto this Hlande there commeth very fewe Strangers, for thatit standeth out of the way, 9 - Marco Polo We'll make it worth your effort, friend. THE AUSTRALIA IN SEVENTY-FIVE COMMITTEE GPO BOX 4039 MELBOURNE 3001 Sheraton-Park Hotel &Motorinn The map on the facing page shows the central convention area. Although our plans for the utilization of these areas are subject to change, listed below is our basic set-up. REGISTRATION will be held on the upper Concourse of States. MAIN PROGRAM will be held in the Park Ballroom, as well any films that are likely to draw large audiences. HOSPITALITY LOUNGE will be set up in the Delaware Suite, with the moveable wall positioned to make it one large room. BANQUET AND MASQUERADE will be held in the Sheraton Hall, a large, well appointed room with balconies. SFWA AND NFFF will have public rooms in the Virginia Suite. FILMS will be shown in the Maryland Suite. ART SHOW AND HUCKSTER ROOM are located immediately below the Sheraton Hall in the Exhibition Hall #1. SPECIAL FUNCTIONS will be held in other areas of the hotel. DIMENSIONS Park Ballroom: 151 x 80 Sheraton Hall: 170 x 90 Maryland Suite: 80 x 43 Virginia Suite: 73 x 44 Delaware Suite: 54 ta 52 Exhibition Hall: 16,000 sq. ft. ROOM RATES Single: $19.00 Double: $25.00 Triple: $30.00 Quads: $32.00 HOTEL RESERVATION. CARDS. WILL BE DISTRIBUTED WITH PROGRESS REPORT THREE. vir cov STORAGE a i UT} EAST VESTIBULE"(UO \ aioe { FOYER BALLROOM PARK FLORENTINE OTeL & c= H \ PARK Fi mr ari et i CONCOURSE OF SHERATON -BALTIMORE ROOM i ROOM apo SUITE SUITE WASHINGTON « ANNAPOLIS ROOM ROOM - VIRGINIA DoveR WILRINGTON MARYLAND \ Se | ALEXAWDRIA ROOM ea DISCGMN Wt “BRITISH CotUmer ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN MANITOBA NORTH DAKOTA SOUTH DAKOTA po SR NEBRASKA Australia Oo Belgium England France HOH Italy HB 20 and up N. Ireland eh 10 - 19 Spain % 5-9 Sweden HEHEHE 1-4 IEMBERSHIP ; ; ONTARIO QUEBEC | WISCONSIN $ DISCON II MEMBERSHIP AS OF JULY 5, 1973 447 MEMBERS 152. Lee Ann Gold 153. Mark Goldenberg MEMBERS 154. Neal Goldfarb 155. Ralph Goldsmith 156. Steven Goldstein 157. Wally Gonser 158. Claire E. Graham 159. Ron Graham 160. Roland V. Green 161. Rhondi Greening 162. Ted Greenstone 163. Cliveden Chew Haas 001. Roger Zelazny C. W. Brooks Jr. 164. Capt. J. R. Hankey 002, Judy Zelazny Rick Brooks 165. Hilda Hannifen 003. Devin Zelazny Charles N. Brown 166. Owen Hannifen 004. Jay Kay Klein Dena C. Brown 167. Haroid Harrigan 005. Jay Haldeman Jennie Brown 168. Richard Harter 006. Alice Haldeman Tracie Brown 169. David G. Hartwell 007. Ron Bounds Roger Bryant 170. Rusty Hevelin 008. Ted Pauls Ginjer Buchanan 171. Lynn Hilton 009. William H. Evans M. Stanford Burns 172. Norman Hochberg 010. Buddie Evans Linda Bushyager 173. Rose M. Hogue 011. Banks Mebane Ron Bushyager 174. Ronald R. Holik 012. Peggy Rae Pavlat Herb Byron 175. Fred Hollander 013. Bob Pavlat Gary Calhoun 176. James R. Hollander 014. Walt Simonson Donna Camp 177. Paul Harwitz 015. Robert Madle David F. Carldon 178. Hohn R. Isaac 016. Jack Chalker = Jim Carleton 179. Steve Ivey 017. Dannie Plachta Larry Carmody 180. Jerald Jacks 018. Alan Huff Ann E. Cass 181. Frederick W. Jackson 019. Michael D. Riley Ann Chancellor 182. Michael A. A. Jensen 020. Fred Hypes Marilyn Chase 183. Robin Johnson 021. David A. Halterman Douglas Cheshire 184. B. A. Johnstone 022. Lee Smoire Marsden E. Chew 185. Eddie Jones 023. Brian Burley Hal Clement 186. Marsha Jones 024. Sherna Burley Norman Codner 187. Asenath Hammond 025. Jim Landau - Eli Cohen 188. Jerry Kaufman 026. Elizabeth A. Berg Sandy Cohen 189. Morris Keesan 027. Phyllis K. Berg Karina Girsdansky 190. Pat Kennedy in memortan Sidney Coleman 191. Peggy Kennedy 028. William B. Berg Jr. Perri Corrick 192. Paul R. Keske 029. Norman F. Grenzke Jr. Leigh Couch 193. Melvin Klozar 030. Gay Haldeman Michael Couch 194. Irvin Koch 031. Joe W. Haldeman Norbert Couch 195. Ed Krieg 03 Patrick Kelly James Coughlin Jr. 196. Arline E. Kriftcher 033. Mark Owings - Anne Cox 197. Judy Krupp 034. Ray Ridenour Ed Cox 198. Roy Krupp 035. Karen Townley Hank Davis 199. David A. Kyle 036. James R. Thomas Mike Deckinger 200. Ruth Kyle 037. Pat Potts Sandy Deckinger 201. Michael A. Lane 038. Ted White . Judy-Lynn Benjamin Del Rey 202. Devra Langsam 039. Kim Weston Lester Del Rey 203. Douglas Lans O40. Dean S. Abel William J. Denholm III 204, Maureen Leshendok 041. Forrest J. Ackerman Ann Dietz 205. Anthony Lewis O42. Wendayne Ackerman Frank Dietz 206. Susan Lewis 043. Clifford Amos Thomas G. Digby 207. Paula Lieberman O4u, Vary Amos Genevieve Di Modica 208. Gregg C. Lien O45. KY Speculative Fiction Michael Dobson 209. William Linden Fred Prophet 210. Lynn Lowe Association 211. William A. Lowe O46. Dana L. F. Anderson Paul R. Dorethy John R. Douglas 212. Donald Lundry 047. Jerry Anderson 213. Grace Lundry 048. Karen Anderson Cc. M. Drahan Diane Duane 214. Hank Luttrell 049. Poul Anderson Patrice Duvic 215. Lesleigh Luttrell 050. Sue Anderson Donald E. Eastlake III 216. Bradford Lyau 051. Thomas W. Anderson II Jill Eastlake 217. Kathleen Mac Dermott 052. John W. Andrews Yale Edeiken 218. Spike Mac Phee 053. Ronald Andrukitis Diana Effinger 219. Jeffrey N. Appelbaum 054. Scratch Bacharach George ‘Alec Effinger 220. Susanne Maennik 055. Fred J. Badik Alex Eisenstein 221. Don Markstein 056. Victoria L. Badik Phyllis Eisenstein 222. Southern Fandom Press 057. Diana Barbour Alliance 058. Larry Barnes Douglas Faunt Jr. Michel Feron 223. Adrienne Martine 059; Hank Beck 224. Ann Me Cutchen 060. Martha Beck Ed Finkelstein Karen Fischer 225. R. Terry Mc Cutchen 061. Jean Berman 226. Freuhauf R. Mc Cutchen 062. John D. Berry John Flory George P. Flynn 227. Fred Lerner 063. Ed Bielfeldt . Elayne Frances 228. Sanford 2. Meschkow 064. Harvey Bilker Donald Franson 229. John Miesel 065. Sheryl L. Birkhead Meade Frierson III 230. Sandra Miesel 066. Dainis Bisenieks Alan Frisbie 231. John Millard 067. Karen Blank Nathan B. Gavarin 232. Sunny Miller 068. Don Blyly Richard E. Geis 233. George Mitchell 069. Elliot Shorter Judy Gill 234. Harvey Moellendish 070. Sandy Parker Peter Gill 235. James G. Mule Jr. O71. India May Boone Bruce R. Gillespie 236. Mark Mumper 072. Ben Bova Michael Glicksohn 237. Nancy Nagel 073. Robert Bowie-Reed Susan Glicksohn 238. D. Navari 074. Richard Brandshaft Barry D. Gold 239. Dave Nee David P. Nesins . Lois Newman 311. Jacob M. Waldman . Norman Schwarz . New Orleans SF Association 312. Michael Walsh . Donald E. Pauley . Bruce Newrock 313. Anthony D. Ward » Al Nofi . Florence Newrock 314. George H. Wells . Eric Bentcliffe . Lynne Norwood 315. W. Roy Wessel Jr. .-Ina Shorrock » Rick Norwood 316. Laurine White . Norman Shorrock . Mark L. Olson 317. Walter A. White .» Phil Rogers Robert Osband 318. Chris Wilson . Peter Mabey Janice Ososky 319. Maureen Wilson . Bob Shaw WONDHDUNFWhtH .» Susan Palermo 320. Joan Winston . Harlan Mc Ghan . Ara Pashinian 321. Ken Winters . George A. Mc Claugherty . Fred Patten 322. Edward Wood . Keven C. Mc Claugherty - Bruce Pelz 323. Joann Wood . Wm. Michael Mc Claugherty . Karl T. Pflock 324. Bill Wright + Michael Tallan EL » Rich Pohlman 325. Benjamin Yalow . Ronald M. Schunk . Andrew Porter 326. Jack C. Young . dames W. Sterling . Ellen Vartanoff 327. William R. Anderson . Dave Wyatt . George W. Price 328. Dr. C. L. Barrett MD .» Frank Perkins Jr. Lawrence W. Propp 329. William R. Beeman . Roy J. Schenck 5 . Joan Rapkin 330. John S. Duggar .» George R. R. Martin . Myron Rapkin 331. Mike Lalor . Arnie Katz . Carol Resnick 332. Bea Mahaffey . Joyce Katz . Mike Resnick 333, Charlotte D. Moslander Irene Reddick - Meil Rest 334. Sue-Rae Rosenfeld . Wendy M. Grossman . Francis X. Robinson Jr. 335. Richard Sandler .
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