I he CDDI es I CALE N DAR in ID w n I FREEi HonoluluDiary- pagetwo Welcome to The Machine-pagefive Moi]ii]i Masala- pagefifteen AFiesra of Mexican Movies -�ge� Being a Politician RequiresCompromise, Dirty Dealings and Ruthless Tactics. H. Ross Perot'sa Natural. irst, let's think about American big business. We don't know much about it, and never will, because the people who run it don't answer to you and me. We live in the circle of fog that they spray The underneath themselves, and unless a conscientious underling Secret spills the beans to the U.S. Lfil!gl_lage �®,-· Attorney, or the Securities and Exchange Commission - of the usually exacting political revenge on orders from the J�ong White House - decides to go Wollle after somebody, it's a diet of n Donald-Marla gossip forthe rest of us. -Pagell Continued on Page 6 @ 1qq1 JOHii! S. PRITCHETT Art Kazu Hayashida, the Board's man­ Honey Alexander, wifeof Bush's ager and chief engineer. The Board's Education Secretary, Lamar On June 21, the annual American announcement did not indicate the Alexander, was elected vice-chair­ Civil Liberties Union awards dinner cost of the study. person ... Hawaii County's popula­ will have a most interesting keynote tion is growing 2.5 times faster than speaker - former National the national average and Maui's is Endowment for the Arts chairper­ Sex growing at three times the national son John Frohnmayer. Forced out by According to American rate ... Hawaii has the fourth highest George Bush in a flap catalyzed by Demographics magazine, some old rate of state and local tax revenue Pat Buchanan's threat to make the sexual notions have recently been per $100 of personal income - NEA's fundingof "controversial"art confirmed, and some new discover­ $14.21. The three regions with a campaign issue Uust before ies have overturneda fewtime-hon­ higher rates were New York (3), Richard Nixon allegedly told ored sexual myths. Sexologists have Districtof Columbia (2) and Alaska Buchanan to cool it), Frohnmayer confirmed that spring and early sum­ (1). The U.S. average tax rate is should have lots of anecdotalia with mer are the sexiest months - that $11.17 ... Spam Lite, with 25 percent which to astound the gathering, is, 30 percentof Mainland American "less fat"is a runaway sales success; among them the new controversies youths lose their virginity in June or Hawaii was the firsttest market for aswirl around recent vetoes of art July, "right after classes end," the new product... Some San work depicting nudity. (Male nudity, according to one sexologist. On the Francisco Bay area mortuaries con­ particularly, seems unnerving to The revised contemporaneous view of tinue to charge up to $285 extra to Power Structure.) As the scene sexual activity: According to a large handle AIDS-infectedbodies, despite "A shaka-ingly good read that can'tbe vetoed" becomesmore and more uptight,arts "sex institute" study, the share of federal laws and regulations; AIDS­ awardees and honorees are defect­ women aged 15 to 19 who are sex­ related deaths in San Francisco now ing: Such disparate artistsas Wallace ually active rose 6 percentin the last exceed 1,400annually ... The Bishop Stegner, Stephen Sondheim and Def three years, from 47 percent to 53 Museum Press has just released Gary Gill Leppard have recently refusedNEA Political Hack percent. The same survey also indi­ La'au Hawai'i: Tradi tional WHY WE READ THE and other governmental arts com­ cated that one-third of all teenage Hawaiian Uses of Plants by Isabella mittee awards,citing "concern" over females still use no protection the Abbott; it's billed as the first com­ the directions mandated by various first timethey have sex (though the prehensive description of those uses overseers. Frohnmayer's replace­ use of condoms and birth control written fora general audience... Two ment, Anne-Imelda Radice, recently methods has increased overall female hookers regularly patrol w� told Congress thatshe was fullypre­ among teenagers). Now for the Kuhio Avenue weekdays from5:30 pared to veto grants and awards that Weekly's infonnal one-school sur­ to 7 a.m., only slightly alteringtheir Find the Honolulu Weeldy every Wednesday in your neighborhood! dealwith what she chose to call "dif­ vey: According to the custodianwho come-ons: Now it's, "Like a little I ficult subject matter." And the bleat helps reload the condom machines date this morning,honey?" • goes on. in the restroomsof one of our Oahu Aiea Kabala Kapahulu Moiliili community colleges, condom sales Jelly's Comics Expre5?0, Go Bananas Anna Bannanas HONOLULU &Books BravtSStmo Irifune Ba-le tripleduring the last fewdays of the Tower Records Frame Shack Island Triathalon Bubbies Food semester, "right toward the end of Downtown Subway & Bike Greek Comer The Center for Science in the finals." The lowest sales period? Kahuk'u A Little Bit Kapahulu Wine Hawaiian Graphics Public Interest, a nonprofitconsumer "The first three weeks of every of Saigon Kahuku Wave Waikiki-Kapahulu Kaplan Education advocacy group that publishes nutri­ Arcade Building Connection Library Center semester," our expert avows. Asia Mall Kailua Joe's International Kokua Co-op tion info, has issued its newest list Vol. 2, No. 24 -June 10, 1992 Ba-le (FortStreet) Ba-le Kitchen Maple Garden of foodfacts for the curious. Here Ba-le (KingStreet) Ciao! Ciao! Gelato! Manoa Mama Mia's Pizza are some highlights: 1) Percentage Home Beef Bowr Gecko Books CoffeeMa noa Marco Polo Apt. Publisher and Managing Bishop Street Cafe & Comics Coffeeline Bldg. of Harvard Medical School faculty Those interested in sovereignty Editor Laurie V.Carlson Cafe Cafe Hungry Ear East-West Center McCullyBicycle who ate red meat fouror more times fornative peoples might have missed Senior Editor Julia Steele Che Pasta Jaron's Manoa Health Mart & SportingGoods a week in 1982: 56 percent; in 1991, the following news, since it was Arts & Calendar Editor Chinatown kailuaLibrary Manoa Marketplace McCully Shopping 11 percent. 2) Percentage of Derek Ferrar Gateway Plaza Michael'sLiquor UH Business Center reduced to a few terse lines in the Mainland parents who say that Calendar: Circuit Courthouse Ron's Place Administration McCully-Moiliil middle pages of our mainstream Associate Editor Dillingham The Source Bldg. Library chicken nuggets are one of their newspapers. Last month, over 50 Matt Uiagalelei Transportation Tusitala Books UH CamJ?.USCen ter Rainbow Books kids' favorite foods: 51 percent. Buildmg Kaimuki UH Hamilton Restaurant Row percent of the eligible voters of Contributing Editor Ditto's Chaminade Library Ciao! Ciao! Gelato! 3) Percentage of 1,946 meat sam­ Canada's Northwest Territories John W. White Gateway Gallery University UH Kennedy Mailroom ples in a USDA survey that con­ (which stretchfrom the Yukon to the Film Critics Grosvenor Center Library Theatre Paradise Bakery tained hormones that couldn't be Bob Green, Mary Brennan Krung Thai Columbia Inn UH Krauss Hall Rose CityDinner Atlantic, comprising over one-third Theatre Critic Restaurant Gecko Books UH Manoa Gardens Sunset Grill identified: 15 percent. 4) Dollars of Canada's total land mass) Karyn Koeur LaTropicale &Comics UH Music School Waikiki the USDA gave the Kentucky approved a boundary line that, in Contributing Writers Mauna1<ea Harry'sMusic UH Sinclair Library 80°'11Straight Margaret Price, Alan Young, Mapunapuna Distillers' Associationfor "research": effect,divides the huge domain into Marketplace KairnukiLibfi!IY CaffeGuccinni $3. 1 million. Michael Tomasky, Cecil Adams Nuuanu YMCA KCC Koa Gallery Alu Like Coffeeshop Cafe two sections. The eastern sector is Copy EditorKathy Luter Reimers Patisserie Movie Museum Olelo Metro to be called Nunavit (meaning "our Mid-Town Cartoonists Matt Groening, Prince.JonahKuhio Pillbox Pharmacy · Coconut Plaza land" in the native Inuktitut lan­ Slug Signorino Cafeteria Kakaako 7-Eleven Hotel Water RamsayGallery Chinese (1695 Kapi.olani Coffee Connection guage). Over the next seven years it Art Director Bud Linschoten Ron's Place Chuckwagon Blvd.) Hot Java The Honolulu Board of Water will become the first homeland for Production Manager . Matt Ghali Russell's (Amfac KT. Ching Store AtkinsonYMCA Hula's Bar &Let Supply has commissioned a six-year the Eskimos. A name has yet to be Center) Colorprints CafeCambio Stand Graphic Production study of water use and waste to be chosen for the western division, Russell's Columbia Inn CafeSistina Life Foundation undertaken by the consulting firm Isabella Forster, Sam Kim, (Grosvenor Der Faktory CentralYMCA Margie's (Jiaton which is populated largely by mixed Meta Cabildo Center) Fisher Hawaii Ditto'sKapiolani Square) of Ernst and Young, which will Indian-Europeans and nonnatives. Contributing Photographer Russell's Hawaii Mail Box Gallery EAS Reminisce "examine" water rates and charging David L. Moore (Tamarind Park) Service Honofulu Academy Smoke House options. Working with the Board, Contributing Illustrators Sui's Fax Foods Hawaiian Bagels of ArtsTheatre Swiss Cafe Robert Wideeyed ill,John Pritchett Ernst and Young reps willdevelqp a Waterfall Galle!)' Pink's Garage Honolulu Club WaikikiJoy Hotel Signsof the Times Advertising Leo Geensen YWCA Richards Kalihi Building Waiahole rate and financial plan, plan a strat­ Nancy Reagan's former press sec­ Street Hawaiian Graphics Honolulu�edical Waiahole Poi egy to encourage better water man­ Honolulu Weekly lwilei Factory retary, Sheila Tate, has a brand new #1057-414X Honolulu Group agement and investigate the Board's ISSN Baik Desigri Community Jelly's Comics WardCenter job: She was elected chairperson ?f Entire contents © 1992by (GentryPaci/i�) water-facilities charge, used to fund Honolulu Weekly,Inc. College & Books Ml!JYCatherine's the Corporation for Public All rights reserved. Canneryat Iwne1 Tamashlro Market KHPR-Hawaii Bakery capital improvements needed to meet Nadines Music Kaneohe Public Radio Mocha Java Broadcasting - the private corpo­ Manuscripts should be accompanied by ward growing demands fornew water ser­ ration set up by the feds to distribute a self-addressedstamped envelope: (GentryPacific) Dittos McKinleyCar Wash Honolulu Weekly assumes no responsi­ HonBlue Kaneohe Library Mid-Town Center Warehouse vice.
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