Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-08741-5 - Anthropologies of Class: Power, Practice and Inequality Edited by James G. Carrier and Don Kalb Index More information Index A Consumer’s Republic (by L. Cohen), 90–91 Antunes, Juarez (mayor of Volta Redonda), abrazo (the hug), 158–59 158–59 absolute expediency, 128–29, 130 aristocracy of labor. See labor aristocracy accumulation by dispossession, 42–43, 44–45, Arrighi, Giovanni, 183, 184, 185 105 n 7, 150. See also primitive Arthur D. Little (consulting firm), 169, accumulation 170–71 Act 184. See Industrial Tax Exemption Act of spread of export processing zones, 176 Puerto Rico Arthur D. Little (person), 171 Adivasi assemblage and globalization, 188–89 circular migration, 124 AssociaciodeVe´ ¨ınats (residents’ association), education in Kerala, 125 111 Indian scholarly approach to, 129–30 Es Barri, 102–03, 111–12 Kottamurade, 120 changing membership, 112, 113 Adivasi identity. See also indigenism plans to improve area, 113 class analysis, 130 renewal of, 112–13 class processes, 125 autonomous practices of the self, 72, 73, ADL. See Arthur D. Little (consulting firm) 84 Aiyyappan, A., 119 Alicia’s rejecting exploitation, 86 Akathi (Kottamurade woman) ethnography describes, 74 anti-indigenism, 129 AV . See AssociaciodeVe´ ¨ınats (residents’ Muthanga land occupation association) effects of, 128–29 involvement, 127 Bajo Segura (region in Spain), 80–81 social and economic position, 126–27 exploitation in, 77 Alicia (activist in Bajo Segura), 77–79, 82, 85 mixed economy, 77 Alliance for Progress, 172 questionnaire, 78–79 American Federation of Labor, 47–48 Balearics (region in Spain), 106 anthropological approach to class, 14–16, 167, banana workers, 49–50 194 Bel and Biel (AssociaciodeVe´ ¨ınats members), disciplinary context, 8, 10–11 112–13 historical context, 13 Benedict, Burton, 166 political–economic, 11–13 Bengali cuisine, 145 anthropological definition of class Bensa¨ıd, Daniel, 105 changes in, 8, 14–15 Berle, Adolf and Gardiner Means, 34 fluid, 16–18, 106–07 Bolin, Richard, 176, 177 relation, as, 18–19 Bourdieu, Pierre, 6 anthropology bourgeois patriotic generosity, 171 British versus American, 8 Brazil uncertainty in, 39–40 auto workers, 158 anthropology of global systems, 183–84 bureaucratic unions, 162 anthropology of labor, 43, 44 corporatism, 154, 156–57 224 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-08741-5 - Anthropologies of Class: Power, Practice and Inequality Edited by James G. Carrier and Don Kalb Index More information Index 225 coup of 1964, 157 Carrier, James, 93 responses, 157, 158 cat sterilization program, 102–03 development policy, 156, 157 CCOO. See Comisiones Obreras (union) divergent scholarly approaches to, 149 chakri (position), 139–40 economic crisis of 2008, 159–60 China economy, 156–57, 159–60 4 plus 1 households, 142–43 changes in, 150, 151, 156 export processing zones in, 177 Kubitschek reforms, 157 global economy, in, 189 multiculturalist ideology, 156 chips, 47 New Unionism, 157–59 CIG. See Confederacion´ Intersindical Galega regulatory capitalism, 159, 162–63 (union) rejection of Europe, 151, 155, 162 circulation union leadership and tactics, 157–58 class, and, 68–69 United States, and, 155–56, 157 Weber’s view of class, 29–30 Brazil Square (Volta Redonda), 152 class. See also anthropological approach to Brazil Takes Off (Economist article), 159 class; anthropological definition of Brazil: Land of the Future (by S. Zweig), 149, class; class consciousness; death of 155–56 class; Marx; wage relation; Weber Brazilian Workers Party, 150 analytical tool and ethnographic category, Burawoy, Michael, 6 149 bureaucratic unions capitalist accumulation and, 192–93 Brazil, 162 contingency of, 114–15 Britain, 162 culture, difference, 194 Ferrol, 63–64 death of, 3 Spain, 66–67 definition of, 1 emergent, 73 Calcutta middle class. See also Indian middle endogamy, 195–96 class explanatory concept, 1, 2–3, 4–5 affinal relations, 144 export processing zones, and, 180 attitudes toward education, 141, 142 fluid nature of, 15–16, 53–54 attributes, 135 geographical aspect, 35 Bengali, 135 historical changes in, 20, 56 children as insurance, 143 language of, 135 collective orientation, 142–43 logic of reproduction, 191–92 convenience foods, 146 Marx’s definition of, 29, 86–87 daughters’ domestic orientation, 140, 142 Marxian literature, 191–92 domestic relations, 147–48 perception of, 33, 41, 43 female education, 140–41 Ferrol, 59–60 female employment, 141–42 position in reproductive process, 194, food preparation, 145 195–96 government employees, 135, 139 social conflict and change, 38 inheritance, 143 n 4 social reproduction, and, 105–06 intensive parenting, 144 social space, and, 104–05 meat consumption, 146–47 Weber’s definition of, 29–30 position of girls, 140 class analysis pre-processed food, 146 indigenism, and, 130 women and food preparation, 145–46 scales of, 82–83, 86 Caliban and the Witch (by S. Federici), 46 class and consumption, 69, 134 capital flight, 186, 187–88 Calcutta, 24, 136–37, 144 capitalism everydayness, 145 dynamic, 32–33 Ferrol, 58, 66–67 innovation and social reproduction, 32–33 India, 132, 133, 134 capitalist accumulation Indian ethnography, 133 class, and, 192–93 middle class, 132–33 cycles, 187–88, 189–90 United States, 22–23, 90 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-08741-5 - Anthropologies of Class: Power, Practice and Inequality Edited by James G. Carrier and Don Kalb Index More information 226 Index class and indigeneity social democracy, and, 60, 62 Brazil, 151 Spain, 70 India. See class consciousness, indigeneity Spain general strike, 57–58 and technical and managerial workers, 60 class and inequality, 37–38, 52 Thompson, E.P., 42 class and production, 18–19, 26, 87 variations, 161–63 Spain, 21 Volta Redonda, 161 class and race, 163 class formation, 49 class and social reproduction, 16–18, 21–22, E.P. Thompson’s view, 42 26 East St. Louis, 47–48 Calcutta, 133–34 Ferrol, 59–60 Indian family, 132–33 Kerala, 125 Indian middle class, 137–38 post-Keynesian, 41–42 class as conditional, 74, 80, 83–84, 86, 87 race aspects, 43–44, 48 Peruvian case, 80, 84–85 Walmart, 90 Spanish case, 80–81, 85 class identity class as relational, 14–15, 21–22, 25 consumerism, 133 breadth of, 14 education, and, 141 Calcutta, 135–36 food in Calcutta, and, 145–46 Es Barri, 23 class polarization, 194–95, 196 class boundaries, 34, 36–37, 63, 66–67 class politics and hegemonic cycles, 193 Calcutta, 144, 147–48 class position, 14–15, 57 India, 132, 137–38 class potential, 73, 80, 81–82, 83–84 class cloaca, 102 n 2, 108–09 class relations, 2, 134 class concept gentrification, and, 116 academic use of, 4 Indian middle class household, 138 among Ferrol activists, 62 social reproduction, and, 105–06 anthropology, 7–10 visibility of, 38–39 Ferrol, 66 class structure and social relations, 33, 86–87, historical background, 19 115 history (academic discipline), 4–5 Cohen, Lizabeth, 90–91, 92–93 re-emergence of, 6–7 Cold War. See development policy sociology, 5–7 Collins, Jane, 45, 46 twentieth century, 2–4 Comisiones Obreras (union), 55 n 2, 57–58, class conflict, 74, 86–87 61–62, 63–64 class consciousness, 23–25, 87–88. See also commodity consumption and class identity, desclasado (de-classed) 145–46 Brazil, 154 Companha Siderurgica Nacional, 150 consumer citizen, 97 Brazilian industrialization, 156 corporatism, 61–62 labor peace, 155 creation of, 56 privatization, 153 debt, 67–68 strike, 158–59 decline in Spain, 58–59 concept of class, 71 Ferrol, 54, 59, 66, 67, 68, 69 Condominas, George, 104–05 gentrification, and, 115 Confederacion´ Intersindical Galega (union), Global South, 149–50 61–62 history in, 66 consumer, 89, 91–92 India universal status, 93 emergence of, 135–36 consumer-citizen, 89, 91–92, 94 home versus outside, 137–38 history in United States, 91 indigenism, and, 120, 121–22 limitations of, 99 Marx and Weber, 30 neoliberal extension, 92–93, 97 organic intellectuals, 55–56 self-centered, 97 promotion of, 62 variants, 90–91 Sheffield, 160–61 versus other forms of citizenship, 96 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-08741-5 - Anthropologies of Class: Power, Practice and Inequality Edited by James G. Carrier and Don Kalb Index More information Index 227 versus rights-bearing citizen, 100–01 disorganization, 50 versus worker, 93, 96–97, 99–100 class conflict, and, 49, 50 consumer-citizen-taxpayer-voter, 92 dispossession, 49, 50, 51. See also consumerism, 133 accumulation by dispossession; Coronelism, 152 primitive accumulation corporatism domesticity. See middle class Brazil Du Bois, W.E.B., 43–44, 47–48 decline of, 157 Dumenil,´ Gerard´ and Dominique Levy,´ re-emergence, 159–60 190 Spain after Franco regime, 55–56 East St. Louis, 47–48 class consciousness effects, 66–67, economic crisis, 183–84 70–71 anthropological response, 10 Confederacion´ Intersindical Galega effect on Walmart, 90, 97–98 policy, 61–62 effects in Spain, 58–59, 61–62, 68, Franco regime, 54 106 rejected by CCOO, 63–64 economy, social nature of, 30–31 Correa Lima (planner of Volta Redonda), 151, Elias, Norbert, 14 152 Engels, Friedrich, 2 cosmopolitan elites, 193–96 EPZ. See export processing zone cosmopolitanization and indigenization, Eriksen, Thomas Hylland, 165–66 195–96 Es Barri. See also gentrification Costco (Walmart competitor), 99–100 changing population and land prices, 111, counter-cyclical firm, 97–98 113 crisis of profitability, 193 class transformations, 104 CSN. See Companha Siderurgica Nacional degraded, 109–10 cultural polarization, 198–99 historical changes, 108–09 culturalist anthropology, 7–8, 9–10 renewal of, 111, 112, 113, 114 decline of, 10 renewal scheme, 111–12 tenants versus owners, 112 DaMatta, Roberto, 153, 161 Estado Novo.
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