Created: 2010.10 Last Updated: 2018.08.03 波蘭亞捷隆大學 Jagiellonian University 校園圖片 校園所在位置 Capital Campus 簡介1 亞捷隆大學(波蘭文:Uniwersytet Jagielloński,英 文:Jagiellonian University), 前身為克拉科夫學院(波蘭文:Akademia Krakowska,英文 Cracow Academy), 創建於西元 1364 年 5 月 12 日,波蘭國王卡齊米日三世(Kazimierz Wielki,英文 Casimir the Great) 當時在首都克拉科夫市( Kraków / Cracow)創建克拉科夫學院, 並於 1400 年正式改制為大學,成為波蘭首學。現今,約八十萬人口的克拉科夫 市擁有著近 20 萬位大學生,以及 23 所高等院校,為名符其實的大學城。 曾於亞捷隆大學求學之相關歷史名人有:天文學家哥白尼(Mikołaj Kopernik / Nicolaus Copernicus)、卡羅、沃伊蒂瓦(Karol Wojtyła,已故教宗若望 1 http://ppt.cc/azV8 1 Created: 2010.10 Last Updated: 2018.08.03 保祿二世 John Paul II)、人類學大師馬林諾夫斯基(Bronisław Malinowski)、諾 貝爾文學獎得主辛波絲卡(Wisława Szymborska,曾於此校就學,但未畢業)等。 亞捷隆大學各學院分散座落於市區,其中的 Collegium Maius 是全波蘭最古老的 大學建築,現已成為博物館。 背景說明(關係建立) 2010 年 10 月 28 日國際事務委員會審查通過(4 票)。兩校代表曾於 2010 年 9 月在法國南特舉辦的歐洲教育者年會中會晤。此外,該校校長 Prof. Dr. Wojciech Nowak 與中東及遠東研究所所長 Ks dr hab. Krzyszto Koscielniak、前任 所長暨現任波蘭駐馬來西亞、汶萊、菲律賓大使 Prof. dr hab. Adam W. Jelonek 等 3 人,於 2014 年 9 月 1 日由教育部代表陪同來訪本校。 規模2 1. Number of students in the academic year 2017/2018:43,961 students:38,860 Post diploma students:2,105 PhD students:2,996 2. Number of programmes of study and specialisations fields of study:86 Specialities:117 faculties:16 3. Number of staff (including Medical College) – FTE:7199 academic teachers:3811 professors (ordinary): 271 professors (extraordinary): 388 visiting professors:0 docents:0 adjunct academics:1885 assistants:685 2 http://www.en.uj.edu.pl/en_GB/about-university/facts-and-figures 2 Created: 2010.10 Last Updated: 2018.08.03 lecturers and senior lecturers:491 language teachers and instructors:70 certified librarians, information and documentation staff:21 others:3388 組織建制 1. 校長3 Rector/ Prof. dr hab. med. Wojciech Nowak 2. 組織建制4 Rector Vice-rector Rector’s proxies Deans Senate Chancellor Bursar 學制及課程規劃5 1. 學制(semester 制):學年始自 2018 年 10 月 1 日至 2019 年 9 月 30 日 冬季學期(Winter semester): 2018 年 10 月 1 日至 2019 年 2 月 22 日 夏季學期(Summer semester): 2019 年 2 月 23 日至 2019 年 9 月 30 日 Lectures and classes will be held in the following periods: 2018 年 10 月 2 日至 2018 年 12 月 12 日 2019 年 1 月 3 日至 2019 年 1 月 27 日 2019 年 2 月 23 日至 2019 年 4 月 18 日 2019 年 4 月 24 日至 2019 年 6 月 14 日 3 http://www.en.uj.edu.pl/en_GB/about-university/governance/rector 4 http://www.en.uj.edu.pl/en_US/about-university/governance 5 http://www.rekrutacja.uj.edu.pl/en_GB/start 3 Created: 2010.10 Last Updated: 2018.08.03 2. 開課層級: 學士、碩士、博士6 Undergraduate programmes Graduate programmes Post-diploma offer 學術特色7 1. 亞捷隆大學於 1364 年建校,擁有 600 多年悠久的歷史,是歐洲最古老的大 學,名列第六位。該校亦為波蘭最主要的綜合研究性大學,名列 75 所綜合 性高等學府之首。前校長 Franciszek Ziejka 教授說過:「我們深信,今天的 克拉科夫亞捷隆大學不僅是最古老最有聲望的大學,也是最好的大學。」這 樣說主要基於兩點:一是平均每位大學教師出版的文獻數量最多,二是世界 公認的引用文獻數量最多,當然教授數量也是最多的。該校也是歐洲大學聯 盟、烏德勒支大學同盟和科英布拉團體成員之一。該校的聲譽吸引眾多的國 際留學生、政府和國際組織成員。值得一提的是,亞捷隆大學是波蘭唯一(歐 洲極少數中的)已經被美國國家教育部完全認可的大學。自創立之初,該校 就一直致力於發展新學位、新課程,以滿足波蘭和歐洲當代科學、經濟和政 府的需要。近來該校又開設了兩個全新的科系:國際與政治學院與生物工程 學院。目前該校也正在建設一個新的校區,主要容納自然科學系的教學、研 究項目,還有公寓、娛樂區和各種文化設施。 2. 該校的 School of Polish Language and Culture 針對國際生設有各項短期和長 期研習營,由於資料繁雜僅列項目,詳細資訊請見網站:8 Summer School Summer preliminary course preparing to studies in Poland "Explorers' Summer" - Program for young learners aged 13-17 One-Year Program 6 http://www.rekrutacja.uj.edu.pl/en_GB/start 7 http://baike.baidu.com/view/999985.htm?fromtitle=%E4%BA%9A%E6%8D%B7%E9%9A%86%E5 %A4%A7%E5%AD%A6&fromid=5223907&type=syn 8 https://www.plschool.uj.edu.pl/en_GB/start 4 Created: 2010.10 Last Updated: 2018.08.03 Annual preliminary course preparing to studies in Poland Non-intensive Semester Courses Intensive 2-Week Courses Individual Courses Lekcje ONLINE Courses Erasmus and Other Programs Courses for organized groups from Universities Workshops for Teachers Preparation Courses for the State Certificate Examinations 學校認證: 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 by Region9 N/A N/A 7 7 14 QS World 236 371 411-420 431-440 461-470 10 ARWU World 301-400 301-400 301-400 401-500 401-500 Country N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 Webometrics11 Continental N/A N/A N/A N/A 166 World N/A N/A N/A N/A 406 12 THE World N/A 651-400 601-800 601-800 601-800 院系所13 Faculty of Law and Administration Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Pharmacy Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty of Philosophy Faculty of History Faculty of Philology Faculty of Polish Studies Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Faculty of Chemistry Faculty of Biology Faculty of Management and Social Communication 9 Eastern Europe and Central Asia 10 http://www.shanghairanking.com/World-University-Rankings/Jagiellonian-University.html 11 http://www.webometrics.info/en/detalles/uj.edu.pl 12 https://www.timeshighereducation.com/world-university-rankings/jagiellonian-university 13 http://www.en.uj.edu.pl/en_US/about-university/faculties-and-other-units/faculties 5 Created: 2010.10 Last Updated: 2018.08.03 Faculty of International and Political Studies Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnology Faculty of Geography and Geology 研究中心14 15 16 Jagiellonian Centre for Experimental Therapeutics Małopolska Centre of Biotechnology Synchrotron Radiation Centre "Solaris" Center for Quantitative Research in Political Science Jagiellonian Centre for Migration Studies The Jagiellonian University Polish Research Centre in London Jagiellonian Centre for African Studies Centre for Integrated Systems Development The Jagiellonian Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies on Culture Centre for Technology Transfer CITTRU Copernicus Center for Interdisciplinary Studies Interfaculty Individual Studies in the Humanities Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences Experimental Farming Centre "Łazy" Natural Sciences Education Centre Atomic Scale Science For Innovative Economy (ATOMIN) Molecular Biotechnology for Health Center for Medical Genomics – OMICRON Jagiellonian Centre of Innovation 英語授課之學術課程 2018/2019 提供國際生(Erasmus+、CEEPUS、雙邊協議、Utrecht Network 等交 換計劃)英語與其他語言授課課程詳見(International Students OfficeIncoming StudentsCourse Offer)網頁。17 英語授課之學位 2018/2019 提供國際生各層級英語授課之學位(Undergraduate, Graduate, Doctoral), 由於資料繁雜僅列學位研究項目(Study programmes),詳細訊息詳見網站:18 19 Undergraduate BA in Cultural Studies BA in International Relations and Area Studies 14 http://www.en.uj.edu.pl/about-university/faculties-and-other-units/university-wide-units 15 http://www.en.uj.edu.pl/research/flagship-projects 16 http://www.en.uj.edu.pl/research/innovation 17 http://www.dmws.uj.edu.pl/en_GB/oferta-kursow 18 https://www.erk.uj.edu.pl/studia/katalog/rok_rekrutacji/18/tryb_ubiegania/n/widocznosc/e 19 http://www.rekrutacja.uj.edu.pl/en_GB/swjo 6 Created: 2010.10 Last Updated: 2018.08.03 BA in Management, BSc in International Management Doctor of dental surgery program for high school graduates (DDS) Earth Sciences in a Changing World European Studies Global and Development Studies Medical doctor program for college-university students (MD) Medical doctor program for high school graduates (MD) Studies in Central and Eastern Europe: Histories, Cultures and Societies Graduate Drug Discovery and Development Environmental Protection and Management Intellectual Property and New Technologies MA in Asian studies MA in Cultural Studies MA in European Studies MA in International Relations MA in International Security and Development MA in Management MA in Mathematics MSc in Ecology and Evolution MSc in Molecular Biotechnology The Interdisciplinary MA Programme in Polish Studies, Jewish Studies and History Doctoral Biological Sciences Medical Sciences; Health Sciences Physical Sciences Social Sciences; The Humanities The Humanities 傑出校友20 Saint John Cantius 1390–1473; scholastic, theologian Jan Długosz 1415–1480; historian and chronicler Albert Brudzewski 1445–c.1497; astronomer, mathematician, philosopher and diplomat Stanisław Kazimierczyk also known as Saint Stanislaus of Kazimierz, C.R.L. 1433–1489; theologian Laurentius Corvinus 1465–1527; humanist; lecturer at the University 20 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jagiellonian_University#Notes_and_references 7 Created: 2010.10 Last Updated: 2018.08.03 Nicolaus Copernicus 1473–1543; astronomer; promoter of heliocentrism Maciej Miechowita 1457–1523; Ranaissance scholar, historian, chronicler, geographer, medical doctor, alchemist and astrologer Francysk Skaryna 1485?–1540?; pioneer of the Belarusian language; first to print a book in an Eastern Slavic language (1517 in Prague) Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski 1503?–1572; diplomat; political thinker; religious thinker Marcin Kromer 1512–1589; historian; Prince-Bishop of Warmia Jan Kochanowski 1530–1584; Polish Renaissance poet Cyprian Bazylik 1535-1600; composer; musician; poet Bartosz Paprocki c. 1543 – 1614; writer; historiographer; translator; poet; genealogist Stanisław Koniecpolski 1590?–1646; military commander; military politician; Grand Hetman of the Crown John III Sobieski 1629–1696; military leader; monarch of Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth; victor of the Battle of Vienna Wincenty Pol 1807–1872; poet; geographer Ignacy Łukasiewicz 1822–1882; pharmacist; deviser of the first method of distilling kerosene from seep oil Carl Menger 1840–1921; economist; lawyer; founder of the Austrian School of economics Karol Olszewski 1846–1915; physicist; chemist; the first to liquefy oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere Bohdan Lepky 1872–1941; Ukrainian writer and poet Wacław Sierpiński 1882–1969; mathematician Bronisław Malinowski 1884–1942; anthropologist Oskar Halecki 1891–1973; historian, social and Catholic activist Ivo Andric 1892–1975;
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