國立政治大學廣播電視學研究所 Department & Graduate Institute of Radio & Television College of Communication National Chengchi University 碩士論文 Master’s 治Thesis 政 大 立 學 「跨台聯播」國 對新加坡付費電視產業競爭與策略 ‧ 之影響研究 ‧ N a y t Impacts of Crosst -Carriage Measure on Competitioni and io s Strategies in Singapore’sn Subscription Televisionr Industry a e l i v C n hengchi U Student: Lin Kaiyan 林楷雁 Advisor: Professor Liu Yu-Li 劉幼琍教授 中華民國101年6月 Acknowledgements Finally, amidst the passing of two loved ones and coping with the grief, the end of this journey has arrived. Words are insufficient to express my emotions but I am forever grateful for the guidance, support, love and constructive opinions during this journey. I especially would like to express my gratitude to the following people: - to my advisor Prof Liu, thank you for taking the time amongst your busy schedule in guiding me through the thesis and advising me throughout the course of my studies; - to Prof Tseng and Prof Shih on my thesis committee, thank you for your valuable feedback and critiques; 治 - to all my other professors, thank政 you for sharing 大your lessons of life, valuable work experiences, knowledge 立and expertise; - to Alladin, Conny and Vivi, thank you for showering me 學with so much administrative support, laughter, love and care; 國 - to Mandy and Irina, I really owe you two much for helping me in tying up the loose ends of this journey; ‧ - to my friends, who‧ have been hearing me rant but yet still tolerating with me and giving N me so much love anda support especially through my lowest periods;y t - and to my dear classmates,t thank you for simply being comrades-i in-arms in this i s o r unforgettable journey. n e a v l i C Un Last but not least, I would like to thankhe myn gfamilych andi relatives. I would not have survived these three years without all of you. Thank you for being my pillars of support and love. Finally, to my dearest dad and grandma, I love you and I miss you. 8 August 2012, 11:53 p.m. Singapore 中文摘要 在新加坡,付費電視產業的競爭與策略很少被討論。有鑑於此,本研究藉由檢視新 加坡媒體媒體發展管理局(Media Development Authority)於 2010 年所修訂的媒體市場 行為準則(Media Market Conduct Code ) 之 「跨台聯播」政策(Cross-Carriage Measure),利用五力分析、PEST 分析及 SWOT 分析,來探討新加坡付費電視產業的發 展、競爭、策略及「跨台聯播」政策所造成的影響。 在新加坡的付費電視產業競爭趨勢中,以新電信公司(SingTel)於 2007 年所推出 的 Mio TV IPTV 付費電視服務成長最多,2011 年時市占率已成長了 30%;同年,其競爭者 星和有限公司(StarHub)的星和視界(StarHub TV)付費電視服務卻成長不到 1%。本研 究發現,Mio TV 市占率成長之迅速是因新電信公司積極與內容提供者及電視頻道業者簽 訂獨家播映權,甚至以高價購買運動電視品牌政 治ESPN 的眾多頻道及其旗下英格蘭超級聯賽 2010 年至 2013 年的獨家播映權。此舉讓兩家電視業者競爭越趨激烈,採取多面策略以增大 加訂戶率並吸引不同族群與多元喜好者,包括產品差異化策略、成本領先策略及集中化策立 略等。 學 國 研究結果顯示,兩家業者為爭取更多訂戶,主要採取的策略是與內容提供者及電視 頻道業者簽訂獨播合約(Exclusive Carriage Agreements),但此策略也引起媒體發展‧ 管理局的關切。兩家業者所採取的獨播合約策略不僅增加了訂戶們訂閱內容的開銷,也讓 ‧ 訂閱星和視界服務的訂戶們面臨必須同時安裝新電信N Mio TV 服務或不得不更換服務之不 a y 便。為解決以上的問題,媒體發展局決定施行「跨台聯播」政策,規定付費電視業者必須t t i 與其他業者分享所購得的內容或頻道獨播權,並支付對方播映費,受方不准修改轉播內i s o r 容,包括內容中穿插的廣告及原先業者的商標等。本研究發現,此政策將會促使付費電視n e a i v 業者購買更多多元化的節目內容及推出更低價格的節目組合等,有利於消費者成為付費電l C n 視服務的訂戶,同時也有利於降低既有訂戶的內容訂閱開銷。另一方面,星和公司及新電hengchi U 信公司兩家業者也不再需要以高價購買內容的獨家播映權,於是更專注於為各自的訂戶提 供更創新及完善的服務。不過此策略亦有利於新進業者進入市場,預料將導致市場競爭更 加激烈,業者們也必須更投入差異化策略。同時,此政策也意謂獨播合約的現象將會減 少,間接使內容提供者的議價能力受到影響。 關鍵字:獨播合約、付費電視產業競爭、付費電視策略、 跨台聯播、星和視界、新電信Mio TV ii Abstract Competition and strategies in Singapore’s subscription television industries were rarely examined despite the growing phenomena of such research in other countries. The implementation of the Cross-Carriage Measure presents a timely opportunity to examine developments, competition, strategies and the impacts of the Measure on the subscription television industry. Using the Five Force model, PEST and SWOT models as the basis for the research framework, this thesis adopted the case study approach and used documents from various sources to examine the subscription television industry and discuss the changes brought upon by the Measure. Competition in the subscription television治 industry showed that SingTel Mio TV achieved more than 30 percent market share政 in 2011 since 大its entry in 2007 while StarHub TV grew less than one percent from立 46.9 percent in 2007 to 47.5 percent in 2011. Such increase was due to the aggressive acquisition of premium programming. 學Competition between FTA television and the subscription國 television industry saw a 78 percent market penetration for the industry in 2011 and 80-odd percent for FTA television. Both providers used a combination of ‧ differentiation and cost leadership strategies to attract audience groups of different ethnicities ‧ and specific interests. N a y The outcome of the Measure required dominant player StarHub TVt to offer its exclusive t i content to SingTel Mio TVio’s subscribers at similar prices and qualitys . With the Measure, n r consumers could enjoy a greatera variety of content at more affordablee prices without incurring l i v the inconvenience of having multiple C set-top boxes. However,n StarHub TV might not wish to h U bid aggressively for exclusive content, consideringengc theh ihigh acquisition costs for both its cable and SingTel Mio TV’s IPTV platforms. Content suppliers might have lesser bargaining power for their content and more signing of non-exclusive agreements with providers. However, more competition might be expected as other operators can now acquire the previously exclusive content. The Measure might also lead to further increases in market share and ARPU for both providers as current subscribers could subscribe to other genres of content at lower subscription prices while others may see more advantages in subscribing to subscription television services. Both providers will have to devote more efforts into differentiating themselves and adopt different strategies if differentiation through exclusive content offerings were no longer used. Keywords: Exclusive Content, Pay-Television Competition, Pay-Television Strategies, Cross-Carriage measure, StarHub TV, SingTel Mio TV iii Table of Contents 中文摘要………………………………………………………………….....................................ii Abstract …………………………………………………………………..........................….…iii Table of contents………………..………………………………………………………………iv List of tables and figures………………………………………………………………………….vi Chapter One: Introduction…………...……………………………………………………….1 1.1. Research background……………...………….……………...................................1 1.2. Research objectives and research questions….………...…....................................3 1.3. Research methodology ……………………………………………………………4治 政 大 1.4. Scope and structure立 of thesis…………..………………………………..…………6 1.5. Significance and contributions of this thesis……………..…….………………....7 學 1.6. Term definition…………….………………………….........................................8 國 Chapter Two: Literature review……….....…………….……….............................................11 ‧ 2.1. Literature on television industries………...………...….……...…………...…….11 ‧ N 2.1.1. Literature on Singapore’s television industries…………………………..15 a y t 2.2. Examining ct ompetition and strategies in television industries.........................i .....17 i s o r 2.2.1. PEST andn SWOT analysis……………………………………………….20e a i v 2.2.2. Five Force lmodel………………………………………………………...23 C n h U 2.2.3. Strategies………………………………………........................................31engchi 2.3. Issue of exclusive content……………………………………..………………...34 2.4. Summary……………………………………………………………………...….43 2.5. Research framework………………..…………………………………..………45 Chapter Three: Singapore and its television broadcasting environments ……………......48 3.1. Political environment..…………………………………………………………...48 3.2. Economic environment……………….………………………………………….57 3.3. Social environment………………………………………………………………61 3.4. Technological environment……………………………………………………...64 iv 3.5. Implications for Singapore’s television industries..……………………………...66 Chapter Four: Competition and strategies in the subscription television industry………..70 4.1. Development of Singapore’s television industries……………………………....70 4.2. Development and competition in the subscription television industry..................75 4.3. Strategies by StarHub TV and SingTel Mio TV..……………..…………………84 4.4. Summary…………………………………………………………………………98 Chapter Five: Impacts of the Measure on the subscription television industry……..…......99 5.1. Exclusive content in Singapore and the Cross-Carriage Measure……………….99 5.2. Industry development after政 the Cross治-Carriage Measure…...………………...105 5.3. Impacts of the Measure on industry stakeholders大………………………………115 5.4. Summary………………………………………………………………………..127立 學 Chapter Six: Conclusions………………………..…………….……………………………...130 國 References……………………………………………………………………………………...138 ‧ Appendices…..…………………………………………………………………………………153 ‧ N I. Checklist for examining stakeholders in an industry……………………………...153 a y t II. Definitions andt conditions of the Cross-Carriage measure……………………….154i i s o r III. Relevant definitionsn in the Media Market Conduct Code.......................................156e a i v IV. Offerings of StarHub lTV C………………………………………………………….158n h U V. Offerings of SingTel Mio TV…...………………………………………………...162engchi VI. Comparison of offerings between SingTel Mio TV and StarHub TV…..………..164 VII. StarHub’s UEFA EURO 2012 offering for Cross Carriage………………………169 v List of tables and figures • Tables Table 2.1. Opportunities and threats in television industries Table 2.2. Product and audience differentiation in television industries Table 2.3. Applicable strategies in industries Table 3.1. Types of subscription television broadcasting licenses in Singapore in 2012 Table 3.2. Broadcasting spectrum being used in Singapore bv 2012 Table 3.3. Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita and average household income (S$)
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