DOCUMENT RESUME ED 432 485 SO 029 682 AUTHOR Barnard, David, Ed. TITLE The Youth Book. A Directory of South African Youth Organisations, Service Providers and Resource Material. INSTITUTION Human Sciences Research Council, Pretoria (South Africa). ISBN ISBN-0-7969-1824-4 PUB DATE 1997-04-00 NOTE 455p. AVAILABLE FROM Programme for Development Research, Human Sciences Research Council, P 0 Box 32410, 2017 Braamfontein, South Africa; Tel: 011-482-6150; Fax: 011-482-4739. PUB TYPE Reference Materials - Directories/Catalogs (132) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC19 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Developing Nations; Educational Resources; Foreign Countries; Schools; Service Learning; *Youth; *Youth Agencies; *Youth Programs IDENTIFIERS Service Providers; *South Africa; Youth Service ABSTRACT With the goal of enhancing cooperation and interaction among youth, youth organizations, and other service providers to the youth sector, this directory aims to give youth, as well as people and organizations involved and interested in youth-related issues, a comprehensive source of information on South African youth organizations and related relevant issues. The directory is divided into three main parts. The first part, which is the background, is introductory comments by President Nelson Mandela and other officials. The second part consists of three directory sections, namely South African youth and children's organizations, South African educational institutions, including technical training colleges, technikons and universities, and South African and international youth organizations. The section on South African youth and children's organizations, the largest section, consists of 44 sectoral chapters, with each organization listed in a sectoral chapter representing its primary activity focus. Each organization is at the same time also cross-referenced with other relevant sectoral chapters, indicated by keywords at the bottom of an entry. An overall sectoral index, combining the various cross references, ensures easy access to the information in this section. The third part consists of sections of resource material focusing on youth and children's issues,including publications, electronic information resources, and international and Southern African charters and conventions. A special chapter on the activities of organizations that have contributed financially to the publication has been included. The final section is an alphabetical index of all the information in the directory. (BT) ******************************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. *******************************************************************************, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 0 0 0 I. 0 in in IA in 111M. AI U S DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of Educational Research and Improvement PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE AND EDU, TIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION DISSEMINATE THIS MATERIAL HAS CENTER (ERIC) BEEN GRANTED BY his document has been reproduced as received from the person or organization originating it R.14. ShAryipp_ 0 Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES Points of view or opinions stated in this INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) document do not necessarily represent official OERI position or policy 1 BEST C P 9 me ()do,00 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A DIRECTORY OF SOUTH AFRICAN YOUTH ORGANISATIONS, SERVICE PROVIDERS AND RESOURCE MATERIAL EDITED BY DAVID BARNARD AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Neezurcheol end pubElkhed Mth .ftrae Onamaell azzrotence off the Dutch Embassy D G. Murray Trust Department of Welfare Nelson Mandela Children's Fund (NMCF) United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA P OGRAMME FOR DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH (PRODDER) HSRC Johannesburg April 1997 oOk A.LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL\AAAAAAAAAA A DIRECTORY__- OF SOUTH AFRICAN YOUTH ORGANISATIONS, SERVICE PROVIDERS AND RESOURCE MATFHIAL CONT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA EDITOR CONTENTS David Barnard PREFACE MESSAGE BY PRESIDENT NELSON MANDELA, PUBUSHED V Founder and Chairperson of the Nelson Mandela Children's Programme for Development Research (PRODDER) Fund (NMCF) iii Human Sciences Research MESSAGE BY MINISTER GERALDINE FRASER-MOLEKETI, Council (HSRC) Minister of Welfare and Population Development iv P 0 Box 32410 MESSAGE BY DR JAY PARSONS, Representative of the 2017 BRAAMFONTEIN Tel (011) 482-6150 United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) iv Fax (011) 482-4739 INTRODUCTION BY DAVID BARNARD, Coordinator of the E-mail [email protected] Programme for Development Research (PRODDER) All rights reserved. No part of this STRUCTURE OF DIRECTORY vi publication may be reproduced or INDEX TO INFORMATION BLOCKS vii transmitted in any form or by any SECTORAL INDEX 1 other means without the prior SOUTH AFRICAN CHILDREN'S AND YOUTH ORGANISATIONS knowledge of the publisher. ... 22 EDUCATIONAL AND TRAINING INSTITUTIONS 340 HSRC 1997 Technical Training Colleges 340 Technikons 348 ISBN 0 7969 1824 4 Universities 349 PUBLISHING CONSULTANTS SOUTHERN AFRICAN YOUTH ORGANISATIONS 352 Dictum Publishers INTERNATIONAL YOUTH ORGANISATIONS 360 P 0 Box 751735 PUBLICATIONS 370 2047 GARDENVIEW ELECTRONIC INFORMATION RESOURCES 393 Tel (011) 616-7401 Fax (011) 616-3244 CHILDREN AND THE RDP 394 E-mail [email protected] CHARTERS AND CONVENTIONS WWW http://www.dictum.co.za United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 399 Agenda 21 409 DESIGN AND REPRODUCTIO MGP Children's Charter of South Africa 411 Tel (011) 616-1940 Children's Television Charter 414 SADC Children's Broadcasting Charter 414 PRONT1NG SPONSORS' PAGES 415 Creda Press (Gauteng) ALPHABETICAL INDEX 420 ir 0=4 IE. V ir 1-H1 7:; icAV coo& AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A EffiECTY OF SOUTH AFRICAN VOUTH ORGANISATIONS, SERV[ICE Va E S AND RESOURCE MATERIAL AEFAgM AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ver one and a half billion enhance cooperation and interactionNations Educational,Scientific and people are between thebetween youth, youth organisationsCultural Organisation (UNESCO), the ages of 10 and 24, repre-and other service providers to the:DG Murray Trust and the Dutch senting almost 30 percentyouth sector. Embassy for funding the printing and of the world's total popula- distribution of the publication. tion. By the year 2025, their Given the extensive and comprehen- sive nature of this publication, recogni- numbers are projected to reach nearly I would also like to thank Ana-Maria 2 billion. In South Africa it is estimated tion must be given to the contributionsValente and Ornella Trinco of Dictum that there is approximately 11 million that all listed organisations have made Publishers, as well as all their staff South Africans in the 16 to 30 year agein assisting PRODDER to compile thismembers,fortheirsupport and group and population projections esti-publication. In addition to responsesencouragement in finalisingand mate that by the year 2000 over 50from individual organisations, certainpreparing thispublication,including percent of the population will be underorganisations also made informationthe assistance of Craig and Michelle 21 years of age. available to PRODDER which covered McMurray of MGP with regard to the a number of organisations operating inlayout and reproduction work and In view of the vast development chal-various geographical regions or youth- Bertie Groenewald of Creda Press for lenges confronting and impacting on related sectors. printing the publication. South African youth, and in an effort to I would also like to express my appre- contribute to the youth development !Lastly and most importantly, a spe- ciation to the authors of the introduc- in South Africa, the Youth cial word of appreciation to the process tory comments, namely President Sectionof the ChiefDirectorate: PRODDER staff for their dedica- Nelson Mandela, Founder and Population Developmentof the tion in compiling this publication, espe- Chairperson of the Nelson Mandela Department of Welfare has requested cially Adelaine Botha for typing the Children's Fund (NMCF), Geraldine forDevelopment manuscript and the support of .Jackie the Programme Fraser-Moleketi, Minister of Welfare Research (PRODDER) at the Human Field and Nthoto Seemahale in this and Population Development and Drregard, as well as Yzette Ferreira for Sciences Research Council (HSRC) in Jay Parsons, Representative of the September 1995 to compile The Youth her assistance.during the final stages United NationsPopulationFund of the research process and the prepa- Book: A Directory of South African (UNFPA) in South Africa. Their authori- Youth Organisations, Service Providers ration of the publication. tativeand respectedcomments and Resource Material. enhance the contents and importanceGiven the importance of the youth of this publication. The objective of this research and pub- development process to the future of South Africa, it is PRODDER's sincere lication project is to provide youth, as Special mention must also be made of wish that this publication will make an well as people and organisations the financial contributions of a number important information contribution in involved and interested in youth-relat-of organisations that have made this assisting and supporting youthin ed issues, with a comprehensive publicationpossible,including the addressing their individual and collec- source of information on South African DepartmentofWelfare andthe tive challenges. youth organisations and related rele- Human Sciences Research Council
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