12718 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 4, 1978 NAZI MINDSET SHOWS NEED FOR up in the mindset of the Nazi rhetoric, a Tuesday, May 9. There will be rollcall GENOCIDE CONVENTION mindset which called for the extermina­ votes on amendments to H.R. 130 dur­ tion of the Jewish race. ing the morning, but once it is laid aside Mr. PROXMmE. Mr. President, al­ The Genocide Convention was drafted no later than 12: 30 p.m., the Senate will though it has been several weeks since in the hope of keeping such a mindset then take up Senate Resolution 219, "Holocaust" was aired on television, I from ever again carrying outs its geno­ Calendar Order No. 682, the senior in­ feel that several of the points raised in cidal policies. It would make the destruc­ tern bill. that show were of such importance as tion, in whole or in part, of a racial, na­ At the time the Senate goes on that to merit repetition. Genocide is not an tional, religious, or ethnic group a crime easy crime to visualize, and the death bill, Mr. CURTIS will be recognized to call under international law. I applaud the up an amendment. There is a time limi­ of six million people is really beyond intent of this treaty, and I am 1ashamed most people's comprehension. tation on the Curtis amendment of not that even though President Truman to exceed 30 minutes, and under the or­ The antisemitic hysteria which swept signed the treaty in 1948, the Senate has der there will be a vote up or down on Germany during the Hitler era is one of yet to ratify it. Every President since the Curtis amendment, so I am sure that the most compelling arguments in behalf Truman has pleaded with the Senate to will be a rollcall vote. of the Genocide Convention. The Nazi ratify the convention, the support for leadership directed all of its hostility at There is another amendment specified this treaty has been bipartisan. I urge in the order, that being Mr. ALLEN'S a minority group within the country, a the Senate to ratify the Genocide Con­ hostility which grew so intense that the vention as soon as possible. amendment. At no later than 2: 30 p.m. Nazis started on a program of systematic tomorrow the Senate will vote on Senate extermination of the Jewish race. Six Resolution 219, so I see prospects for million Jews were exterminated in his­ ORDER FOR RECESS FROM CLOSE two or three or more rollcall votes tory's most horrifying example of geno­ OF BUSINESS TOMORROW UNTIL tomorrow. cide. 10 A.M. ON MONDAY The Senate will not be in session late Even the insinuation that a person Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, tomorrow. was of Jewish descent was treated with I ask unanimous consent that when the the gravest of seriousness by the Nazis. Senate completes its business tomorrow, RECESS UNTIL 10 A.M. TOMORROW In the film itself, Dorf, a Nazi officer, it stand in recess until the hour of 10 had to go to great pains to defend him­ o'clock a.m. on Monday. Mr. ROBERT c. BYRD. Mr. President, self from the charge that he may have The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without if there be no further business to come had some Jewish blood. As did many objection, it is so ordered. before the Senate, I move, in accordance Germans, he had to undergo rigorous with the previous order, that the Senate background investigations. A person stand in recess until 10 o'clock tomorrow with Jewish blood was in grave danger PROGRAM morning. of losing his life. Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, The motion was agreed to; and at 5:38 There were in fact indications during the Senate will convene tomorrow at 10 p.m. the Senate recessed until tomorrow, the film that Dorf had indeed been re­ o'clock a.m. by unanimous consent. Friday, May 5, 1978, at 10 a.m. lated to a Jew. And certainly in his youth After the two leaders or their designees he had been friends with Jews, as his have been recognized under the standing CONFIRMATION family had long been friends with the order, the Senate will proceed to the Weisses, the principal Jewish family in consideration of H.R. 130, Calendar Or­ Executive nomination confirmed by the the film. der No. 670, which is referred to as the Senate May 4, 1978: But as a Nazi officer, Dorf became one petroleum marketing bill. There is a DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY of the main agents in the holocaust it­ time limitation on that bill. On tomor­ Robert D. Thorne, of California., to be a.n self. At one point, he even raised his own row, only titles I and II will be con­ Assistant Secretary of Energy (Energy Tech­ nology). gun and shot down several Jews during sidered; no amendment to title III will an execution. A man who had had no be in order. The a.bove nomination wa.s approved sub­ ject to the nominee's commitment to respond real bitterness toward the Jews prior At no later than 12:30 p.m. tomorrow, to requests to appear a.nd testify before any to Hitler's rise to power became caught the bill (H.R. 130) will be laid aside until duly constituted committee of the Senate. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS WISCONSIN SUPPORT FOR THE Legislation that would enhance the The boundary waters area is immense--a BOUNDARY WATERS WILDERNESS wilderness protection afforded the BWCA million acres of wilderness lakes a.nd forests ACT . while respecting the economic needs of along the Minnesota-Canadian border. It is northern Minnesotans has been devel­ t.he second la.rl1'est unit in the National Wil­ derness Preservation System. It contains the oped by my colleagues PHIL BURTON and largest virgin forests remaining in the east­ HON. DONALD M. FRASER BRUCE VENTO. The Burton-Vento bill, OF MINNESOTA ern ha.I! of the United States. H.R. 12250, was reported from the House Yet, despite its nominal wilderness status, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Interior Committee on April 10. It could the BWCA rems.ins plagued by conflicts. Por­ Thursday, May 4, 1978 reach the floor within the next few weeks. tions ha.ve been logged, off and on, for 75 The March 30 edition of the Milwaukee years (there now is a temporary moratorium e Mr. FRASER. Mr. Speaker, despite the Journal contained an editorial endorse­ on cutting). Powerboat use has marred the wealth of lakes located in Wisconsin's ment of the Burton-Vento bill which re­ tranquility of some of its mirror lakes. Re­ beautiful northwoods, approximately 10,- flects the substantial stake Wisconsin sumption of snowmobiling, now banned, 000 Wisconsin residents travel to the wil­ residents, as well as countless other threatens its winter peace. Mining interests derness lakes of the Boundary Waters Americans, have in the future of the eye the land. Canoe Area each year. Wisconsin visitors Boundary Waters Canoe Area. I com­ The compromise, proposed by Reps. Bruce constitute 7 percent of all BWCA users; Vento (D-Minn.) a.nd Phillip Burton (D­ mend the article to my colleagues' Ca.11!.), should guard this national treasure more than 70 percent of these visitors attention: choose to explore the BWCA by paddling against such intrusion while offering fa.ir, a canoe, hiking, snowshoeing, or cross­ PRESERVING A SPLENDID WILDERNESS new opportunities for commerce arld mo­ At long last, legislation to preserve Min­ torized recreation in the huge Superior Na­ country skiing. That so many people from nesota's superb Boundary Waters Ca.noe Area. tional Forest outside the wilderness boun­ Wisconsin come to the BWCA to seek a (BWCA) appears to be emerging from the daries. nonmotorized wilderness experience is legislative wilderness. A compromise bill, Specifica.lly, the Vento-Burton compromise testimony to the unique appeal of the which seems acceptable, is expected to be would maintain existing wilderness boun­ area: It is the Nation's only lake-land considered and then endorsed by a House In­ daries, with some minor additions. It would canoe wilderness. terior Subcommittee next week. set up a. national recreation area outside Statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor will be identified by the use of a "bullet" symbol, i.e., • May 4, 1978 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 12719 the BWCA for logging and motorized rec­ be the victim of torture, neglect, and because of their abundance and wide­ reation. It would ban logging and mining in brutality.• spread distribution in the world's oceans. wilderness portions. They also are high-speed travelers. Powerboating would be allowed on 13 lakes Tuna tagged off Baja, Calif., have been around the edge of the wilderness, but not THE 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF TUNA found, 175 days later, at Midway Island, in it--with the exception of two lakes on which motor use would be phased out by CANNING INDUSTRY halfway acros the Pacific. The fast fish 1984. To compensate logging companies for are also extremely sensitive to water loss of BWCA timber, they would be allowed temperature, constantly racing through to harvest timber outside the area. HON. LES AuCOIN the ocean to follow the changing warm It is a reasonable compromise. After the OF OREGON surface currents. expected subcommittee approval, it faces IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Now that they had been found in large rough rapids in the full House Interior Com­ Thursday, May 4, 1978 numbers off the Oregon Coast, Columbia mittee and on the House floor.
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