22504 CONGRESS-IO~~~ -RECQ~p - -HOUS-E November 20 recessed, under the previous 9rder, unt~l multitudes are :finding the struggle of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there tomorrow, Thursday, November 21, 1963, life so difficult. · objection to' tlie request of the gentieman. at 12 o'clock meridian. Give us a large part in building a bet­ from Louisiana? · _ ter world and a·finer civilization. There was no objection. Hear us in Christ's name. · Amen .. NOMINATIONS Executive nominations 'received by the COMMITTEE ON INTERSTATE AND Senate November 20 <legislative day of THE JOURNAL - FOREIGN COMMERCE October ·22>, 1963: The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ Mr.· STAGGERS. Mr. Speaker, I ask IN THE ARMY terday was read and approved. unanimous consent that the Subcommit­ The following-named officer under the tee on Commerce and Finance of the provisions of title 10, United States Code, Committee on Interstate and Foreign section 3066, to be assigned to a position of MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Commerce may be permitted to sit dur­ importance and responsibility designated by A message in writing from the Presi­ ing general debate today. the President under subsection (a) of section dent of the United States was communi­ 3066, in ~rade as follows: .. The SPEAKER pro tenipore. Is there Maj. Gen. Alva Revista Fitch, 018113, U.S. cated to the House by Mr. Ratchford, one objection to the request of the gentleman Army, in the grade of lieutenant general. of his secretaries, who also informed the from West Virginia? IN THE AIR FORCE House that on the following dates the There was no objection. The following-named officers to be assigned President approved and signed bills of to positions of importance and responsibility the House of the following titles: designated by the President in the grade On November 19, 1963: . BAD EFFECT OF DEPRESSED AREA indicated, under the provisions of section H.R. 1989. An act to authorize the govern­ LEGISLATION 8066, title 10 of the United States Code. ment of the Virgin Islands .to issue general obligation bonds; and Mr. MICHEL. Mr. Speaker, I ask In the· grade of lieutenant general unanimous consent to address the House Maj. Gen. Cecil M. Childre, 1551A, Regular H.R. 5244. An act to modify the project on Air Force. .the Mississippi River at Muscatine, Iowa, to for 1 minute and to revise and extend Maj. Gen. Benjamin J. Webster, 974A, Reg­ permit the use of certain property for public my remarks. ular Air Force. park purposes. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there IN THE ARMY objection to the request of the gentleman The following-named officer to be placed from Illinois? on the retired list in grade indicated under MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE There was no objection. · the provisions of title 10, United States Code, A message from the Senate by Mr. Mr. MICHEL. Mr. Speaker, I have section 3962: McQown, one of its clerks, announced just ·been advised that Radio Manufac­ To be general that the Senate had passed with an turing Engineers, Inc., which has one Gen. James Francis Collins, 016819, Army amendment, in which the concurrence of the United States (major general, U.S. plant in my district in Washington, Ill., Army). of the House is requested, a bill of the ~nd one in Eureka, Iil., represented by House of the following title: i:nY good friend LES ARENDS is pulling up The following-named officer under the pro­ visions of tit1e 10, United States Code, section H.R. 6518. An act to improve, strengthen, stakes and moving to eastern Tennessee. 3066, to be assigned to a position of impor­ and accelerate programs for the prevention : Both of these plants are subsidiaries tance and responsibility designated by the and abatement of air pollution. of Electro Voice Co. of Buchanan, Mich., President under subsection (a) of section The message also announced that the making cartridges on tone arms for 3066, in grade as follows: Senate insists upon its amendment to the phonographs, employing some 150 to 200 Lt. Gen. Hugh Pate Harris, 018518, Army foregoing bill, requests a conference with persons and have attempted to get de­ of the United States (major general, U.S. fense contracts. Having failed and lost Army), in the grade of general. the House on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon, and appoints their three last attempts to bid on de­ •• ••• •• Mr. MUSKIE, Mr. RANDOLPH, Mr. Moss, fense contracts because competitors Mr. METCALF, Mr. BOGGS, and Mr. ~EAl,t­ from so-called depressed areas are given HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SON to be the conferees on the part of a preference, these plants are being the Senate. · Closed and moved to an area in eastern WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1963 The message also announced that the Tennessee so they can get a similar pref­ Senate had passed a joint resolution of erence and bid more competitively. The House met at 12 o'clock noon and the following title, in which the concur­ What is more, under the ARA program, was called to order by the Speaker pro rence of the House is requested: they will get their new plants built for tempore [Mr. ALBERT]. ' S.J. Res. 129. Joint resolution to amend them, in Tennessee, by local entities with The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, section 702 of the Housing Act of 1954 to Federal funds. D.D., offered the following prayer: increase the amount available to the Hous­ This is a Clear-cut case of pirating of So teach us to number ing and Home· Finance Administrator for industry and points· up the folly of so­ Psalm 90: 12 ·: advances for planned public works. our days that we may apply our hearts called depressed areas legislation. I op­ unto wisdom. posed it when it was considered in the Most merciful and gracious God, in House and this is just one good reason whose divine keeping and control are our SELECT COMMITTEE ON GOVERN­ for my continuing opposition to the pro­ MENT RESEARCH gram and I suspect there are many other days, we thank Thee for this day which fine districts around the country being has come as a fresh gift from Thy hands. Mr. BOGGS. Mr. Speaker, I ask adversely affected by thls program. May there be nothing in this day's unanimous consent that the Select Com­ work of which we shall be ashamed when mittee on Government Research be per­ the sun has set or at the eventide of life mitted to sit during general debate to­ SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT when Thou dost call us to Thyself. day and for the balance of the week. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there ON U.S. PARTICIPATION IN THE We are again approaching Thy throne UNITED NATIONS DURING 1962- of grace, with our many needs, through objection to the request of the gentleman the old and familiar way of prayer which from Louisiana? MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT is always open unto those who come There was no objection. OF THE UNITED STATES (H. Doc. unto Thee with a humble spirit and a 167) contrite heart. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be­ we· are not asking Thee to deal with SUBCOMMITTEE ON LABOR fore the House the following message our beloved country in any preferential Mr. BOGGS. Mr. Speaker, I ask from the President of the United States; manner and that it may become an in­ unanimous 'consent that the General which was read and, together with the dustrial paradise or an economic Garden Subcommittee on Labor of the Commit­ accompanying papers, referred to the of Eqen, with plenty to eat, plenty · to tee on Education and Labor be permitted Committee on Foreign Affairs and or­ wear, and plenty to play with, when vast to sit during general debate today. dered to be printed with illustrations. 1963 To the Congress of the United. States: · The organization has served as a forum mination should be so closely linked with Pursuant to the provisions of the for encouraging an agreement for the other fundamental questions of human United Nations ParticipatioD, Act, I cessation of nuclear weapon testing and rights. It has been so in our own coun­ transmit herewith the 17th annual re­ for promoting progress toward general try. As the decolontzation process nears port covering U ;S.- participation in the disarmament. It has served, as well, as an end-with miraculously little blood­ United Nations during 1962. a mechanism for negotiating legal prin­ shed-men and nations can shift their This record tells the story of deep ciples and technical cooperation in outer attention from national freedom to the United Nations engagement in the great space. We must be no less concerned larger is.sue of individual freedom. issues of the 1960's. It demonstrates with these persistent efforts to shape the THE DRIVE F~R MODERNIZATION that despite. the financial irresponsibility future within the framework of the of some of its members, the organiza­ United Nations Charter than we are with Through its specialized agencies and tion has, through executive action and United Nations operations designed to regional commissions-its technical as­ respond to the alarm bells of the present. sistance and preinvestment work-its parliamentary diplomacy, played an in­ civil role in the Congo-its new projects dispensable role in dealing with an im­ OTHER INTERNATIONAL PROBLEMS such as the world food program, the pressive nuinber of the world's problems. During 1962 an impending conflict was world weather watch, and regional plan­ The United Nations political rele­ averted in West New Guinea-the first vance-and its developing capacity for ning institutes-its standard-setting and territory administered by an interna­ rulemaking roles in such fields as mari­ effective action-is indicated by a brief tional organization-by the patient work look at several major aspects of world time safety and international radio fre­ of a United Nations mediator.
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