NEW YORK ZONE - ASSOCIATED UNES THE LONG ISLAND RAIL ROAD COMPANY ALL SITUATE IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK LENGTH OF TRACKS. MILES Oeeember 31. 1940 IncreMe and Decrease during 1940 Valuation NAME OF UNE. 0" Section -; [~ ]! Jj l~ ~ ,eoE:! l~ U U THE LONG ISLAND RAI L ROAD CO. - LONG ISLAND RAIL ROAD COl1PANY,THE •• 2-N Y Long Island Clty,N.Y.,91 feet east of centre of • • passenger statlon,to Greenport,N.Y.,418 feet east of - Lo:ni~~~~ g~~~:n~~~, ~~!;~~~~. T;~~~: t~ 'whit~p;t:N: y:;" 94.43 31.53 13.42 13.18 60.07 212.63 0.13 0.13 2-N.Y. jilllctlon with Glendale Cut-off, 42 feet east of centre 4.37 4.13 0.33 8.83 - NOR~~ ~~~o~~~g~;e~cH~i:i:R:R:"""""""" ..... 2a.-N.Y. Long Island Clty,N.Y.,Float BrlC1ges J foot of 5th Street, to 460 feet east. of east line of Harold Avenue ••••...• 2.13 2.24 27.87 32.24 - I10NTAUK CUT-OFF,L.I.R,R. Long Island C1tY,N.Y.,junction with North Shore la-N.Y. Freight Branch,4 feet west of centre line- of Dutch- kills Street, to junction with Montauk Branch,154 feet west of centre line of Greenpoint Avenue •.•.•. 1.11 1.03............ 0.80 2.94 ...................... - Long Island 9ity,west line of Pierson Place,701 feet 9-N.Y. from point of switch connection with Montauk Cut- gIdi~~a~o~n~s o£e~~~o~e:I~:I) 7~~:. ~::~~. ::::: ...... 2.33 2.33 ...... - NORTH SIDE BRANCH,L.I.R.R. Winfield Jilllction,610 feet east of centre of Fiske 2b-N.. Y. Avenue,jilllction with Main Line.,to Port Washington,N.Y., 38 feet west of centre of passenger station .••.••.•..•. 14.06 9.99.. .•.. ••.... 7.60 31.65 ...•..••...••...•.••.•. WHITESTONE BRANCH, L. I.R .R. Whitestone Junction, jilllction with North Side Branch, 2c-N.Y. 4161 feet west 01'- centre of Flushing(Main Street) Passenger Station, to west side of Flushing Creek .• 0.70 •••••• •.•••• •••••• 3.51 4.21 ...................... - FWSHING BRANCH L.I .• R.R. 2d-N.Y. Fl~~~in~t j~~~~i~n o~i ~~u~~i~~ ~A~~n B~fr:;~t r~:s~~~~er Station, to 895 feet west or Centre of -Old lawrence - GLENDArir~ko~;~~~t~:R~'Y"""""'" .•.••••.•........ 0.21 •••..• ...... ...... 0.52 0.73 •..•..•.....•..•....... Whitepot,N.Y.,junction with Main Line,42 feet east of 2c-N.Y. centre of Penelope Street, to junction with Rockaway Beach Branch, 174 feet west or centre of Trotting 1.66 1.52 ...... 0.82 4.00 ........................... - SPRIg~i~~~JN6H;L:i:R:R:""""""""""""""" Rockaway Junction,Sl feet west of centre of Dunham 2f-N.Y. Avenue,junction with Hain Line,to Springfield Gardens, N.Y., junction with Montauk Branch,3794 feet east of _ centre of passenger station ••.•.•.. '...•..•........••. 3.41 3.41... ••• ••••.• 9.52 16!34 ••..•.•••...•..•....... BEg;~~sP~\\~i~25'ie~tR~ast of centre of passenger 2g-N.Y. station, junction with train Line,to Belmont park,N.Y., - CEN~ ~~C~~~:I~t~~ntre of foot subway .............. 0.88 ·0.88...... •••.•• 2.96 4.72 ....................... -0.10 -0.10 Floral Park,533 feet east of centre of passenger 2h-N.Y. station, junction with Main Line, to Belmont Junction, junctIon with Montauk Branch,5295 feet west of _ .CREE~~~eB~~~~[~~~R~R:.,passenger Station ••.•.......•. 19.65 4.61 •.•••• •.•... 4.52 28.78 Floral park,l540 feet east ot centre of passenger 21-N.Y. station, junction with Main Line,to CreeOmoor,N.Y., _ HEl1P~~t~e~~~~;L~i.~~~~re of Alley Road ......•..•...... 2.02 ...... •••••• .••••• 1.05 3.07 ...................... 2j-N. Y. Mij~~;~1~O w~~~tM~1~t Lf~e ~~gt~:n~;t~:~:~~f~~ 4~tn~~n, - OYST:s~~f~~~~L~~.k~~~enger station •.•..........•...• 2.41 ................... 3;75 6.16 •.••.. •••••• •. •••• ..... • ..•• Mlne01a,542 feet east of centre of passenger statIon, Zk-N.Y. junctIon with Main Line,to Oyster Bay,N.Y.,1016 feet - NOR~~~T o~.:g~~t.~:R~~senger station •..•.•..•..•••.•.• 14.57 10.52 0.57 ••..•. 6.49 32.15 ...... ...... ...... ...•. • ... Hicksville,364 feet east of centre of passenger station, 2l-N.Y. l:it~~~tW~ih c~i~e L~~e~fl~;~dNA~~~~~:~~~:=::. ~~ .•.• 15.01 6.02 •• ,......... 5.09 26.12 ...................... ~ WADING RIVER BRANCH,L.I.R.R. Northport Junction, junctIon with Northport Branch,265 3-N.Y. feet east of centre of Clay Pit Road, to Port Jefferson,N.Y.,.33~5 feet east of centre of passenger 19.81 ...... ...... •.•••• 8.66 28.47....................... • •.• ; r-- BET~~~ii~~CH:L:i:R:R:································· Bethpage Junction,6216 feet w~st of centre 01' Farm- 2m-N.Y. ~~g~~~e:~~~~~~~~4Si:~io~a~f~~ig~n~i~h or-~~l~~e N~~ I-- lWlO~'~pjgH;L:i:R:R:' ................................. .. 1.56· •••••• ••••.• ...... 0.90 2.46............................. •••• Manorville,474 feet west of centre 01' passenger station 2n-N.Y. junction with MaIn LIne, to Eastport,N.Y " junction with MontaUk Branch,1964 feet west of centre of 5.57 •••••• ••.••. •••••. 0.21 5.78 - MONTX~s~~~H:~~i~~~R:·································· I-N.Y. LO~~aif;~~o CJ~Kt~~k:~~i. ~~t f~~t c:~~~e o~f c~~~~:n~~r passenger station ••....••..........••.........•....•• ~1_15_._0_7+-5_0_.5_1+-7_._75-+_4_._0_6-l1_0_3_.2_6+-2_8_0_.6_511--__1-_-+ __ +-_--1-:_+_--1 i - Carried forward •............•.•..• 318.63 120.39 21.?~ 17.24 250.20 734.8G 0.03 O.W 20 NEW YORK ZONE • ASSOCIATED UNES LENGTH OF TRACKS. December SI. 'tNQ Valuation Sec.... NAME OF UNE. THE LONG ISLAND RAIL ROAD. -·Cont1nued. Brought forward .................. 3l8.~3 12S.39 21.74 17.24 ~0.26 ·734.26 ...... ...... ...... ..... 0.03 {),.03 - BUSHW·ICK BRANCH,L.I.R.R. Fresh Pond,junotlon wItb Montauk Branch, 958 teet east 1b-N.Y. ot centre l1ne of New Flush1ng Avenue, to west line of Bushwick Av~nue, Bushwlck, N.y•••••••••••••••••••• 1.83 .................. 5.76 7.69 , ................................ FAR ROCKAWAY BRANCH, L. I.R.R. 1d-N.Y. va·~i:{ ~~r~:tf~~;1:S~!:e~O~~o~~~~2~:fu~~::y. J junctIon with Rockaway Beach Branch,l306 feet east of centre of Straiton Avenue ....... ~ ..••••.••. 0 ••••••••• 7.13 7.13 1.74 ...... 5.74 21.74 ...... ...... -2.04..... -0.35 .-2,3!,. ROg?e~~!1:~:C~:~5~I t!e~' east of centre ot G;tendale 4-N.Y. Passenger Station, junction with Montauk Branch, to Rockaway Park,:N.Y.,123 teet west of centre of pas- senger station .•..••.....•.•.••••••••...••..•...•••.• 10.30 9.95 2.57 2.57 3.87 29.26 ............ -0.S6: -0.58 -0;11 -1.35 - Ozone Park,38 teet west of centre of passenger station, to Woodhaven Junct1on,N.Y., junction w1th Brooklyn 4-N.Y. and Queens Trans1t Corporat1on,5l~ teet west of cen- - tre ot passenger station •••.••.••••••.••••••••••••••• 0.38 0.38............ 0.06 0.82 ........................... Hammel,231 teet south of centre ot Beach Channel Draw- 4a-N.Y. ~~~~g:~;~ g~n~~~~~t~~ t~v!~~e R~~::~~~r~~~i;~~6 - Arverns,N.Y .......................................... 1.43 1.43 -1.16 -0.65 -1.81 8 4a-N.Y. Fr:ei w~~~t o~a~;n~~e c~~t~:i~i~~eA~:~e ~~=~i:~. i?~ .. 0.24 -0.24 -0.02 -0.26 - BAY RIDGE BRANCH,L.I.R.R. Fresh Pond Junction,2990 teet east ot· centre ot Met- (HiJ.Y. ropolitan Avenue, junctIon with Montauk Brancn, to bulkhead line,BayRldge,N.Y •••••••••.••••••••• ~ .••..• 1l.1l3 11.87 7.18 6.95 38.38 76.31 ...................... ~ EVER_ BRANCH, L. I.R.R. Cooper Avenue ,Tunctlon,573 feet east ot Mntre 111113 6a-N.Y. of Cooper Avenue,junction wIth Bay Ridge Branch,to cen.tre ot Old Jetferson S~reet,Brooklyn,N.Y •••••••• 1.59 .......... .. 0.80 2.39 ~ Center ot Old Jetterson Street,Brooklyn,N. Y., to Sa-N.Y. 1unction with Bushwick Branch,428 teet west of cen- tre line of Varick Avenue,Brooklyn,N.Y ............ 0.37 •••••• ' •••••• 2.27 2.64 co-- VALLEY STREAll BRANOH,L.I.R.R. la-N.Y. vaf;~~ :~~~argrNc!~t~~n~;i~s~~~~e~o~i:~o~~c~:~~~? tion with Hempstead Branch,704 teet south of centre of Hempstead Cross.ing •.•••.••••••••••.••••••..••••• 5.90 ................... 2.68 8.58 ............................ LONG BEACH BRANCH;L.I.R.R. L...vnbrook,274 teet west of centre of Atlantic Avenue, If-N.Y. junction with Montauk Branch, to Long. Beach,N.Y .,88 feet west of centre of passenger station •••••.••••• 5.25 4.55............ 3.52 13.32 ................................ LONG ISLAND RAIL ROAD COMPANY, THE. Tenninus in Flatbush Avenue Passeuger Statton, Brooklyn, 5a-N.Y. to junction with Brooklyn and Queens Transit Corpora­ tion,on Atlantic Avenue,Brooklyn,N.Y •••••••.••••••••• 0.14 0.13............ 4.48 4.75 ..... 4.48 - Isolated SIdings along Brooklyn and. Queens Transit 5-N.Y. Corporat10n, between Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyri,and Ja.m.a1ca,N.Y •••••• , •••••••••.• , ....................... '-8.76 -8.76 , - BROOKLYN A..'m QUEENS TRA!ilSIT CORPORATION • .Flatbush Avenue Passenger Tennlnal,250 feet east 0;'. east line of Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn,junct10n w1th 5-N.Y. Long Island Rail Road,to Jam.a.1ca,N.Y.,west·line of - ~g~~~lg~dTR:;n~:i~~.~:a~S~~:~~~ .~~:~:~:: :~:~:: .r-,-9",.3:;,9-t-..;9..; • .:.37+.,;:,• .:.. ..;,;·..,·r·;,;·..:.·,;..· .:.. .. +-0.:...:,:2'+0-=1.:.8 .:..9"'6-11-==1-'-. • :':";';''':'''1' _-;.:.2;.:.1;.:8+-..:1:;.,.:..97"_r-2:.:.:.:1::.9+--..:.6.:;;.34~1 TOTAL THE LONG ISLAND RAIL ROAD .. ; .............. 374.51171.2033.23 26.76 ~18.09 923.79 ........ -0.24 ·6.04 -2.55 -7.57 -16.40. TRACKAGE OVER PENNSYLVANIA TUNNEL AND TERl1INAL RAILROAD.. 4.08 4.08 •.••••••••••••.•• 8.16 THE NEW YORK AND LONG BRANCH RAD.ROAD COMPANY ALL SITUATE IN THE STATE ~F NEW JERSEY LENGTH OF TRACKS.
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