Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District Board of Directors Meeting A GENDA Thursday, July 15, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District 4201 Guardian Street, Simi Valley, CA 93063 • Activity Room 3 (805) 584-4400 • www.rsrpd.org Welcome to a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District. The Park District welcomes citizen participation. There are multiple ways you may attend, participate or view a Board Meeting, including: In Person. You may attend the Board Meeting in person at the time and location listed above. Via Zoom. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82042003997?pwd=MEc3NytCR3BISXAxeXhXVlArc1ZTdz09 Via Telephone. Please call 1-669-900-6833 and enter Meeting ID: 820 4200 3997 and Passcode: 772212. View Via YouTube. Click www.rsrpd.org then “Board Meeting Videos” on the District homepage. If you’d like to attend in person and would like to speak, please fill out a green Speaker Card, available at the sign-in table, and hand the card to the Recording Secretary or Board of Directors. If the item you would like to speak about is not on the Agenda, be prepared to speak when the Board Chair calls for “Public Discussion”. The Chair will call the names appearing on the Speaker Cards. If you do not hear your name called, please make this fact known, so that you may be recognized. If the item you would like to speak about is on the Agenda, the Board Chair will announce the item, request a report from staff, ask Board Members if they have questions or comments, and then ask if there are others who wish to comment. When recognized, please speak from the podium and be professional. Speakers are allowed a maximum of three (3) minutes to comment. Depending upon the circumstances, the Board Chair may increase or decrease speaker time. At the conclusion of public comments, the Board Chair will thank the speaker(s). The Board Chair may also determine appropriate action, if any, to be taken in response to comments received. Comments will be listened to, questions may be answered, speakers may be requested to further discuss the matter with staff, or an item could be added to a future Board Meeting Agenda or referred to a Board Committee, among other things. Items listed on the Agenda that require action will likely be voted upon by the Board of Directors. Members of the public may also participate by providing written comments to the Board by sending an email to [email protected] by Thursday, July 15, 2021 at 5:00pm. The Chair will read comments during the meeting at the appropriate time for up to three minutes for each comment. Please call Sandee Covone at 805-823-0971 if you have any questions. We appreciate your participation. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chair Vice Chair Director Director Director Brian Dennert Kate O’Brien Ed Abele Elaine Freeman Josh Gray STAFF District Manager Dan Paranick 1 1 1. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. ROLLCALL 3. AGENDA REVIEW 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS (ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA) 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District Special Meeting – June 9, 2021 b. Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District Board Meeting – June 17, 2021 c. Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District Special Meeting – June 24, 2021 6. CONSENT AGENDA (Matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine and shall be acted upon without discussion by one motion approving the Consent Agenda. If discussion is desired the item may be removed from the Consent Agenda upon a Director's request.) a. Approval of 6/15/21 and 6/30/21 Accounts Payable Check Registers and 6/18/21 Payroll Check Register b. Approval and Notice of Completion and Final Acceptance for the Post and Cable Fire Damaged Replacement Project 7. PRESENTATIONS, SCHEDULED ITEMS AND PUBLIC HEARINGS a. Presentation of the Full -Time Employee of the Month for June 2021 to Dave Demaio b. Presentation of the Part -Time Employee of the Month for June 2021 to Andrew Ferrell c. Recognition of National Park Ranger Day on July 31st d. Presentation of a Certificate of Appreciation to the Simi Valley Days Organization for Hosting the Annual 4th of July Fireworks Celebration e. Presentation by the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy (SMMC) / Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority (MRCA) Regarding Open Space Initiative f. Public Hearing on the Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District Annual Budget and Planning and Maintenance Projects for Fiscal Year 2021/22 g. Status of the Districts Response to the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic – Verbal Report 8. CONTINUED BUSINESS – NONE 2 2 9. NEW BUSINESS a. Approval of Resolution 2011 Modifying District Policy Manual, Chapter 2 Personnel: Sections 1304 and 1310 Regarding Employee Benefits b. Amendment to Ordinance No. 3 Allowing One Wheeler Devices in Parks c. Authorization to Solicit Bids for J’s Club Shack Renovation at Simi Hills Golf Course d. Update and Direction Regarding COVID Relief Funds – Verbal Report e. Consideration of Moving Board of Directors Regular Meetings from the First and Third Thursdays of each Month to the First and Third Wednesdays of Each Month – Verbal Report 9. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OF NOTE 10. REPORTS BY BOARD MEMBERS 11. REPORT BY DISTRICT MANAGER 12. CLOSED SESSION a. Closed Session Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.95 Claimant: Mr. Philip Shapiro Agency Claimed Against: Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District 13. ADJOURNMENT ____________________________________________ Dan Paranick, District Manager / District Clerk If any individual has a disability that may require accommodation to participate in this meeting, please contact Human Resources at 805-584-4400. Upon advance notification of the need for accommodation, reasonable arrangements will be made to provide accessibility to the meeting. 3 3 unapproved Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District Board of Directors Special Meeting MINUTES Wednesday, June 9, 2021 at 6:00pm Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District • Activity Room 3 4201 Guardian Street, Simi Valley, CA 93063 • (805) 584-4400 Meeting held via Zoom - a video recording is available on the District Website at www.rsrpd.org. 1. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Chair Dennert called the Meeting to Order at 6:00pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Donna Prenta. 2. ROLL CALL - Directors Abele, Freeman, Gray, Vice Chair O'Brien, and Chair Dennert were in attendance. Staff in attendance included: Laura Ballantoni, Nikki Collier, Tom Evans, Danielle June, Lee Martin, Wayne Nakaoka, Dan Paranick, Theresa Pennington, Gina Viecco, and District Counsel Brian Pierik. Guests attended tonight's meeting via Zoom. Those who made public comments are listed under the appropriate Item below. 3. AGENDA REVIEW- There were no requested changes to tonight's Agenda. 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS (ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA) - NONE 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - NONE 6. CONSENT AGENDA - NONE 7. PRESENTATIONS, SCHEDULED ITEMS AND PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE 8. CONTINUED BUSINESS - NONE 9. NEW BUSINESS a. Community Workshop for Individuals with Special Needs or Disabilities 1. Background and Scope of the Special Needs Ad Hoc Committee - The Verbal Report was provided by Dan Paranick, District Manager. Tonight's meeting is designed as a Workshop to gather input from the community and partner organizations. 11. Special Needs Programming - RSRPD and Community Partners: The ARC of Ventura County, Path Point, Tri Counties Regional Center/ Rainbow Connection Family Resource Center, and the Simi Valley Unified School District - The Verbal Report was provided by District Recreation Supervisor Laura Ballantoni who provided an overview of the current programing and events offered for Special Needs participants. A couple of the more popular programs are bowling 1 4 unapproved and themed dances. Staff has already implemented a monthly newsletter to highlight Special Needs programming. Jillian Hendrix representing The ARC of Ventura County was in attendance. Their organization assists in transitioning students into community employment and independent living. Laurie Hall Jordan from Rainbow Connection, part of Tri-Counties Regional Center, was in attendance. They provide information, training, and support for families. In the past, families had a difficult time finding information, now there is so much information it is difficult for families to manage. These families are dealing with so much and support is critical for them. Sean Goldman from Simi Valley Unified School District was in attendance. He added they have provided services for over 2300 students. However, once the students age out of the school programs there are not many options for them in the Community. n1. Special Needs Facilities - The verbal report was provided by District Recreation Supervisor Laura Ballantoni. Currently, several District facilities accommodate Special Needs participants, including: Rancho Santa Susana Community Center, Houghton Park, Big Sky Park, Santa Susana Park, Challenger Field, and Rancho Pool. While all parks are designed to be accessible for disabled persons, we currently do not have a dedicated playground area. 1v. Community I Stakeholder (Parents) Input and Needs - Public Comment - Chair Dennert opened the meeting for public input regarding recreation, programming, and the accessibility of District facilities. He added the District is working on being inclusive of all groups with any new construction. Donna Prenta started by quoting a mentor of hers who said "The more I know about special needs, the more I need to know." Her daughter started at Garden Grove Elementary where they have a great program. While the School District program is wonderful, the participants do age out of the program when they turn 22 and there are not many options after this. She feels all agencies have a challenge in providing services for Special Needs individuals. The local community could use some work on providing for the older people who have aged out of the school program.
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