E2082 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 20, 2004 And he has been such a good friend and place awards. In addition to their group matches, both at home and away. Your effort unwavering champion for the people of Illinois. awards, Marcus Drum Line became the first means the world to them and you all should As the late Chicago Sun-Times Columnist high school to earn all of the competition’s in- be proud. Steve Neal put it, Mr. LIPINSKI, ‘‘gets things dividual awards: Best Snare Line, Best Tenor Mr. Speaker, I know that these young done.’’ Drums, Best Bass Drums, Best Cymbals and women will go far in their future endeavors as And that is what has been the cornerstone Best Front Ensemble. they have already demonstrated they have of his career. Getting things done for his con- I am particularly honored to note that the what it takes to be a champion. I wish the stituents and for the people of our state. Get- winning performance, Looking Through the seniors the best of luck and the remaining ting things done so that people across the Windows of America, consisted of patriotic team members continued success next sea- country have access to better roads, more reli- songs including ‘‘Stars and Stripes,’’ ‘‘Amer- son. able railways and more dependable airports. ica,’’ ‘‘Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Old Oak Again, I would like to congratulate the Mar- One of the things I am most proud of during Tree,’’ and ‘‘God Bless America.’’ quette High School girls volleyball team for my time in Congress is working with Mr. LIPIN- I extend my sincere congratulations to Rick winning their fourth state title. SKI to secure funding for the renovation and Villarreal, Director of Bands, Kennan Wylie, f reconstruction of the CTA Blue Line in my dis- Percussion Instructor and the entire Marcus trict. Drum Line for their talent and dedication to ex- A SPEECH BY THE PRESIDENT OF It is this kind of leadership and hard work cellence. THE RECORDING ACADEMY and perseverance that has been the founda- f tion of Mr. LIPINSKI’s career. He has led by ac- HON. MARY BONO CONGRATULATING THE MICHIGAN tion and by example. And in doing so, he has OF CALIFORNIA CITY MARQUETTE HIGH SCHOOL produced concrete results for our state. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES During his 22 years in this body, Mr. LIPIN- BLAZERS ON THEIR CLASS 1A Friday, November 19, 2004 SKI has fought ardently and selflessly and pas- STATE GIRLS VOLLEYBALL sionately on issues that make a real difference CHAMPIONSHIP Mrs. BONO. Mr. Speaker, one of our na- in ordinary people’s lives. tions most precious exports is intellectual From his first days in this body, he im- HON. CHRIS CHOCOLA property. It is up to our country to care for and mersed himself in transportation and infra- OF INDIANA nurture this commodity. Thankfully, when it structure matters. And he did so with integrity IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES comes to the recording arts, we have an able and class and the courage of his convictions. Friday, November 19, 2004 and willing partner in the Grammys. To outline He has helped secure hundreds of millions some of the challenges and creative measures of dollars in vital funding for public transpor- Mr. CHOCOLA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to taken by the industry, I would like to submit for tation and infrastructure projects. And every congratulate the Marquette High School Blaz- the RECORD a speech given by Neil Portnow, day, people all across our city are better off ers on their Indiana High School Athletic Asso- President of the Recording Academy. because of his hard work, his dedication and ciation Class 1A State Girls Volleyball Cham- It’s always a pleasure to be back in Wash- his determination. pionship. ington, and particularly a pleasure to be From the Metra train, to the CTA, to high- The young women of Marquette High back at our signature event in the capital, way projects along the Stevenson or Lake School, located in my District in Michigan City, GRAMMYs on the Hill. All of us at the Acad- Shore Drive, to O’Hare and Midway airport, Indiana, competed in the IHSAA champion- emy consider it a privilege to have the op- portunity to recognize our distinguished Mr. LIPINSKI has worked to make our infra- ships on Saturday, November 7 at the Hinkle honorees: Senator Hillary Clinton, Rep- structure safer, stronger and more secure. Fieldhouse in Indianapolis. Mr. Speaker, in front of hundreds of their resentative Mary Bono, and the legendary And beyond his extraordinary legislative ac- Natalie Cole. complishments, Mr. LIPINSKI has served as a fans, this team captured their fourth state Although it’s been an interesting and chal- role model for many of us in the Illinois dele- championship in the last six years. I might lenging year for the music community, it’s gation and for many who seek to serve at all also note that the two years they didn’t win, also been an exciting one. Since we last levels of elected office. the team was state runner-up. gathered for this event one year ago, we’ve He has been a patient mentor, an unwaver- Last year, this team lost the championship seen a number of positive developments—in ing ally and a great friend. to Morristown. But these young women didn’t the industry, in technology, and on the Hill. And for the Recording Academy, it has been And I know I speak for this entire body give up. They used the loss last year as moti- vation for their entire season this year. a particularly busy year. One year ago, at when I say that we will miss the sound of that this very event, I announced the formation great Southside accent filling this Chamber. And this year they beat Morristown 25–22, of our GRAMMY Cultural Policy Initiative: We will miss his skillful management of 25–12, and 25–20 in the championship game. designed to advance the rights of the music major transportation bills. But most of all, we I am told that Juniors Michelle Fletcher and community through advocacy education and will miss our friend’s wisdom and leadership Sarah Denny did the majority of the damage dialogue. I’m pleased to report significant and guidance. for the Marquette Blazers, with the impressive progress in the Initiative’s first year. So let me close by thanking my friend, Mr. assistance of Colleen Trainor and Kahlan Our off-the-record GRAMMY Industry Roundtables serve as the place for produc- LIPINSKI, for his lifetime of public service. Our Sebert. I’d also like to congratulate Coach Troy tive dialogue between sectors of our industry city and our Nation owe you a deep debt of that don’t often interact. Roundtable par- gratitude. You will be missed. Campbell and Assistant Coach Larry Sheagley ticipants have included artists such as Dave f on a great season. Compiling a 31 and 7 Matthews and Jimmy Jam, industry trade record is something to be proud of. reps from RIAA and NARM, label executives, CONGRATULATIONS TO THE On behalf of the citizens of the Second and legal scholars. By putting such diverse MARCUS HIGH SCHOOL DRUM LINE Congressional District, I would like to con- minds together, we believe our community gratulate Sarah Denny, Ashley Pinkney, Katie can begin to develop solutions to the chal- HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS Krueger, Rachel Konrady, Kelly Kilgore, Kara lenges we face. Kmiecik, Sabra Johns, Kalan Sebert, Sunshine Public forums, such as our GRAMMY Town OF TEXAS Halls bring key legislators, GRAMMY win- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Johns, Tiffany Cerrillos, Danielle Barnett, Ni- ning artists, and the public together to dis- cole Fumo, Colleen Trainor, and Michelle Friday, November 19, 2004 cuss important issues such as broadcast de- Fletcher on their Class 1A State Champion- cency and file sharing, while our ‘‘What’s the Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ship. Download’’ PSA campaign has given hun- recognize the superior performances of the Additionally, Superintendent Kim Pryzbylski, dreds of thousands of consumers valuable in- Edward S. Marcus High School Drum Line Principal Patrick Cannon, Athletic Director Eric formation about the legal and ethical issues from my hometown of Flower Mound, Texas Simpson and Assistant Athletic Director Andy involved in downloading. located in the 26th Congressional District. The Walsh deserve a note of congratulations for Through hands-on action in Washington, D.C., we help our legislators understand the drum line consists of 38 dedicated musicians. supporting this team. importance of sound cultural and intellec- At the recent Percussive Arts Society Inter- I would also be remiss if I didn’t acknowl- tual property policies. Recording Academy national Convention in Nashville, Tennessee, edge the parents of these young women. I executives and artists from around the coun- the Marcus Drum Line delivered outstanding know the many hours they’ve given up to drive try are frequent visitors to the Hill as part performances which garnered them nine first- their daughters to practices and to attend of our Cultural Policy Initiative. To further .
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