ISSN:0273-2866 .kTtversitv microfilms December, 1984 Box 701 ROAD Vol. 4. No. 12 Ames, Iowa 50010 SSn arbor mi Pages 461-500 48106 $5.00 APubltcMtlonofthmlntmmmttonmlAaaoclmbon of MUk. food and Bivironmfitml Sanitmrimns, Inc 504131^' A Suspected Waterborne Spice Quality in Illness Outbreak Clear Plastic Packaging Food Irradiation Continuous Culture Course at UC Fermenters Used In Davis, March 13-15 Im Study of Ruminant Nutritionm ACDPI Student Essay Deadline is January 15 National Mastitis Council Meeting, February 15-17, 1985 Call for Research Papers for the 1985 Annual Meeting. See the October Issue. Which of the three NSF service areas can best help you? If your product, system, service, Assessment Services or job responsibility is in any This group undertakes special way relat^ to public health and testing, research, demonstra¬ the environment, there’s a tion projects, and studies for strong possibility NSF can help industry, service companies, you. We offer a distinct trio of government, and individuals service areas: Listing, Certifi¬ with health and environmental cation aond Assessment. And concerns. A report is published our totally professional staff but no seal or logo is issued. can, and does, provide you with Take advantage of NSF’s straight answers, laboratory Free! Write ftw: unique expertise and capabili¬ testing, on-site inspections, in- Facts about Certification Services; Facts about Assessment Services; ties, group problem solving depth research, and on-going Facts about Listing Services; approach and reputation for education to help you meet Facts about NSF. objectivity. your public responsibilities. In all three service areas we dard may display the NSF are known and respected as an Listing Services round blue seal or logo and ap¬ objective third-party, and we The Foundation’s long-standing pear in an annual Listing. are committed to preserve this and traditional service area. identity. We invite your further Here are developed national Certiffcation Services inquiry. voluntary consensus standards This service area offers evalua- relating to public health and tion against other non-NSF con- the environment Products sensus standards and official evaluated and meeting the stan- (state, Federal, international) regulations and requirements. Products, systems, and services which meet the regulations or standards may display the square, green NSF Certified mark and appear in an annual Registry. National Sanitation Foundation Office and Laboratories, P.O. Box 1468, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 USA Phone: (313) 769-8010 International Association of Milk, Food & Environmental Sanitarians, Inc. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION All memberships on calendar year basis. Memberships indude a subscription to Dairy and Food Sanitation or both Journals. U.S. FUNDS □ Membership with BOTH journals $50 (Dairy arxl Food Sanitation & Journal of Food Protection) FOREIGN: □ Membership with Dairy and Food Sanitation $28 Add $7 for each Journal ordered for postage * Student Membership $14 for DFS - $25 for both - please ihclude student verification SUBSCRIPTION APPLICATION for agencies, associations, and institutions All subscriptions on a calendar year basis U.S. FUNDS □ both Journals $110 □ Dairy and Food Sanitation $60 FOREIGN: □ Journal of Food Protection $80 Add $7 for each Journal ordered for postage ^ PUBLICATION ORDER FORM 3-A Sanitary Standards ( ) Complete set 3-A Dairy Stds.ea $30.-)-$3 postage ( ) Complete set 3-A Dairy & Egg Stds.ea $45.-1-$3 postage ( ) 3-A Egg Stds .ea $25.-i-$3 postage Five-Year Service on 3-A Sanitary Standards ( ) 3-A Dairy Stds . y»are $22. ( ) 3-A Egg Stds . Rve y«ars $12. ( ) 3-A Dairy & Egg Stds. Five years $28. □ Procedures to Investigate Waterborne Illness .ea $1.75 25-99 copies, $1.50 ea.; 100 or more, $1.15 ea. □ Procedures to Investigate Foodbome Illness.ea $1.50 25-99 copies, $1.25 ea.; 100 or more, $.90 ea. □ Procedures to Investigate Arthropod-borne and Rodent-borne Illness.oa $2.00 25-99 copies; $1.75 ea.; 100 or more, $1.50 ea. ^ plus shipping charges Please fill out completely Company Name Address City _ State/Province Country .Zip. Phone with area code Job Title _ □ Payment enclosed □ MastercardA/isa (circle appropriate card) Card # _ Expiration Date □ Bill me (payment due upon receipt) □ Please check here if you would like Information on joining your state/province association U.S. FUNDS MAIL ENTIRE FORM TODAY TO: lAMFES-Dept. B P.O. Box 701 Ames, lA 50010 Please circle No. 360 on your Reader Service Page DAIRY AND FOOD SANlTATIONIDECEMBm 1984 461 ’-T lAMFES Sustaining Members GAF Alpha Chamical Sarvicaa. Inc. 140 West 51st St. NalgeCo. P.O.Box 431 New York, NY 10020 P.O. Box 365 Stoughton, MA 02072 Rochester, NY 14602 Andaraon Chamical Co. G. B. Fermentation Induetriee bic. Box 1041 PO Box 241068 Naeco IntwiMtional Litchfield, MN 55355 Charlotte, NC 28224 901 Janesville Ave. _ Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin 53638 Anganica, Inc. Gerber Products Co. 100 Inman St. 446 State St. National Mastitis Council Cambridge, MA 02139 Fremont, Ml 49412 1840 Wilson Blvd. Arlington, VA 22201 Aaaoclated Milk Producera, Inc. 830 N. Meacham Rd. W. A. Golomaki ft Associates National Milk Producers Federation Schaumburg, IL 60195 59 E. Van Buren Chicago, IL 60605 1840 Wilson Blvd. Babaon Broa. Co. Arlington, VA 22201 2100 S. York Road H. B. Fuller Co. Oak Brook, Illinois 60521 Monarch Chemicals Div. Norton Co. 3900 Jackson St. NE P.O. Box 360 Borden. Inc. Minneapolis, MN 55421 Akron, Ohio 44309 Dairy £r Services Dtv. 16666 Northchase IBAInc. Oxoid USA, Inc. Houston, TX 77060 27 Providence Rd. 9017 Red Branch Rd. Milibury.MA01527 Columbia, MD 21046 Dairymen, Inc. 10140 Lirvi Station Road Kendall Co. Reitman Manufacturing Co. Louisville, KY 40223 One Federal St. 10319 Pearmain St. Boston. Massachusetts 02101 Oakland, CA 94603 Darigold 635 Elliott Ave. W. Klenzade Division Seiberiing Associates, Inc. Seattle, WA 96109 EcorKxnics Laboratory, Inc. 11415 Main St. Osborn Building Roscoe, IL 61073 Dean Foods St. Paul, MN 56102 SmIthKIina Animal Health Products 1126KilbumAve. Maryland ft Virginia Milk Producers P.O. Box 2650 Rockford, IL61101 Assn., Inc. West Chester, PA 19380 De Laval Agricultural Division P.O. Box 9154 Rosslyn Station United Industries, Inc. Alfa-Laval Inc. Arlington, Virginia 22209 1546 Henry Avenue 11100 North Congress Avenue Beloit, Wl 53511 Kansas City, MO 64163 Michigan Milk Producers Assoc. Universal Milking Machine Div. 24270 W. Seven Mile Road DHco Laboratories Universal Cooperatives Inc. P.O.BOX1058-A Detroit, Ml 48219 408 S. First Ave. Detroit. Ml 48232 Albert Lea, MN 56007 Mid America Dairymen, Inc. Eaatam Crown. Inc. P.O. Box 1837 SSS Walker Stainless Equipment Co. P.O. Box 216 800 W. Tampa 601 State St. Vernon, N.Y. 13476 Springfield, MO 65805 New Lisbon, Wl 53950 Oaky and Food Sanitation is published monthly contact lAMFES, PO Box 701, Ames, lA 50010- by the Intematiortal Association of MiSt, Food and 0701. Note: Single copies of reprints are not 0701, 515-232-6699. Membership in the Associa¬ Environmental Sanitahans, Inc., executive offices available from this address; address reprint re¬ Membership Dues: at PO Box 701, 5th & Burnett, Ames, lA 50010. quests to principal author. tion is available to individuals only. Direct dues Printed by Heuss Printing, Inc., 911 Second St., Business Matters: Correspondence regarding are $28.00 per year and include a subscription Ames, lA 50010. Sacond-daas postage paid at business matters should be addressed to Kathy to Dairy and Food Sanitation. Direct dues and Amaa, lA. Postmastar: Sand addraas changes R. Hathaway, lAMFES, PO Box 701, Ames, lA both journals are $50.00. Affiliate and Interna¬ to lAMFES, 5th a Bumalt, Amaa, lA 50010- 500106701. tional Membership include both journals for $50, 0701. Subscription Rates: $60.00 per volume, one plus affiliate dues. Student membership is $10.00 Manuacrlpta: Corresporrdence regarding manu- volume per year, January through December. per year, with verification of student status, and scripls and other reading material should be ad¬ Single copies $5.00 each. No cancellations ac¬ includes one journal. No cancellations accepted. dressed to Kathy Hathaway, PO Box 701, Ames, cepted. Claims: Notice of failure to receive copies must lA 5001(H)701. 515-232-6699. Sustaining Mambarship: A sustaining member¬ be reported within 30 days domestic, 90 days “Insinictlona to Contributors” can be obtained ship in lAMFES is available to companies at a foreign. All correspondence regarding changes of from the editor. rate of $300 per year, which includes $100 credit address and dues must be sent to lAMFES, Inc., Orders for Raprlnts; AH orders should be sent toward an ad in the “annual meeting issue" of PO Box 701, Amos. lA 50010-0701, 515-232- to lAMFES, Inc., PO Box 701, Ames. lA 50010- the Journal, the July issue. For more information. 6699. 462 DAIRY AND FOOD SANITATIONIDFCEMSER 1984 IAMFE8 Dairy and Food Sanitation OFFICERS AND EXECUTIVE BOARD CONTENTS Vol. 4 No. 12 December, 1984 PrMMent, ARCHIE C. HOLUDAY, VA Dept, of Ag., 1100 Bank St., Room 511, ARTICLES Richmond, VA 23219. President-Elect, SIDNEY BARNARD, 9 • Protection of Spice Quality Using Borland Lab, Pennsylvania State Univer¬ Plastic Packaging.464 sity, University Park, PA 16802. First Vice-President. ROY GINN, Dairy Ricardo J. Alvarez and J. Morris Binder Quality Control Inst., 2353 No. Rice St., Room 110, St. Paul, MN 55113. • An Outbreak of Suspected Waterborne Illness Second Vice-President. LEON TOWN¬ SEND, Milk Control Branch, Bureau for on a Small Military Installation.466 Health Services, 275 East Main St., Douglas A. Pelton, Arthur P. Lee and Oscar H. Frankfort, KY 40601. Secretary-Treasurer, ROBERT GRAVANI, Botello 8A Stocking Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853. Jr. Past President, A. RICHARD BRAZIS, Laboratory Quality Systems, Ltd., 1006 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM .461 Martin Drive West, Bellevue, NE 68005. Sr. Past President, ROBERT MARSHALL, 203 Eckles Hall, Univ. of Missouri, Colum¬ NEWS AND EVENTS .470 bia, MO 65201.
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