10 天南疆喀什天山南麓风情之旅 (CXJKS) 第五天 :库车 - 阿克苏 ( 早午晚餐 ) 独家精彩领先呈献 : • 早餐后,参观 苏巴什古城 ,之后前往游览 天山神木园 ,神 V 南疆石油城市-库尔勒 :铁门关 , 博斯腾湖 秘大峡谷正处在当今中国九大影视基地之一的克孜利亚胜 V 塔克拉玛干大沙漠 -闻名于世的 沙漠公路 ,沙漠中不屈 景中。庞大的红色山体群经亿万年的风剥雨蚀,洪流冲刷, 不挠的英雄树-胡杨林 形成纵横交错,层叠有序的垅脊与沟槽,远看如诗如画, V 库车-天山神秘大峡谷 状若“布达拉宫”,仙天琼阁;近瞧若人似物,如梦似幻, V 新疆最大的石窟寺 —克孜尔千佛洞 惟妙惟肖,神韵万端。令人有鬼斧神工,奇景天成之慨叹。 V 阿克苏-天山神木园 尤以谷口处的三座山体(乃头山、丽人山、佛面山)最为 壮观。特别在夕阳斜射,朝霞映山,极目远眺,色艳红天, V 世界屋脊-帕米尔高原风光 无进店,无自费 V 著名的高山湖泊-卡拉库里湖 大有不是火焰山,胜似火焰山之奇感。游毕续程前往南疆 V 中国最大的清真寺-艾提尕尔清真寺 重镇-阿克苏。 第六天 :阿克苏 -和田 (早午晚餐 ) 温馨安排 :全程当地4-5*酒店 • 今日我们将穿越素有“死亡之海“之称的 塔克拉玛干大沙 漠,行驶在闻名于世的 沙漠公路 上,观赏沙漠中的生命之 河塔里木河 ,沙漠中不屈不挠的英雄树 胡杨林 ;了解胡杨 树千年的沧桑。塔克拉玛干大沙漠位于塔里木盆地中央, 第一天 : 新加坡 Q 转机城市 Q 乌鲁木齐 (晚餐 ) 是中国最大的沙漠,可以在 沙漠观景台 拍照留念。游毕前 • 依时齐集樟宜国际机场,乘搭豪华客机经转机城市飞往 往驰名中外的玉石之乡 -和田。 新疆维吾尔自治区首府、丝绸之路上“优美的牧场”-乌 鲁木齐 。抵达后由当地专业导游迎接,送往酒店休息。 第七天 :和田 - 喀什 (早午晚餐 ) • 早餐后前往游览 核桃树王 ;之后途径 玉龙喀什河 ,乘车赴 中国西部边陲重镇 喀什 ,欣赏沿途风光。喀什是中国最西 第二天 :乌鲁木齐 - 库尔勒 (早午晚餐 ) 端的城市,为国家历史文化名城之一。位于新疆维吾尔自 • 早餐后 ,乘车前往南疆石油城市 -库尔勒。又称为香梨之乡, 治区西南部喀什地区,帕米尔高原和塔里木盆地的交接处。 位于天山南麓、塔里木盆地 的东北边缘。远观 盐湖风光 , 喀什历来是新疆南部的第一大城,是天山以南地区的政治、 经济、文化和交通中心。 途经 达板城风力发电站 ,之后游览 铁门关 ,这是历史上 丝绸之路翻越天山必经之道,亦是兵家剧险扼守的要地, 唐代边塞诗人岑参留有「题铁门关楼」和「宿铁门关西 第八天 :喀什 - 卡拉库里湖 - 喀什 ( 早午晚餐 ) • 今天乘车沿中巴公路欣赏“世界屋脊”帕米尔高原风光 , 馆」二诗。 前往著名的高山湖泊 卡拉库里湖 ;海拔 3600 公尺的高原, 却有面积 10 平方公里的湖泊,雪山环绕,雪峰倒影,湖畔 第三天 : 库尔勒 - 库车 (早午晚餐 ) 是水草茂盛的牧场,雪白草绿,牛羊点点,景致绝美。车 行沿途可欣赏帕米尔高原的美景 盖孜大峡谷 和白沙湖 ,以 • 早餐后,前往 博斯腾湖 ,维吾尔语意为“绿洲”,位于 及柯尔克孜人风情;站在卡拉库里湖边,观赏幽蓝的湖水 中国新疆维吾尔族自治区焉耆盆地东南面博湖县境内, 及慕士塔格峰雪山风光。游毕乘车返回市区。 是中国最大的内陆淡水吞吐湖。今天将安排您 乘游船 游 览阿洪口景区 。(*10-12 月博斯腾湖游船停开,将更换 第九天 :喀什 Q 乌鲁木齐 ( 早午晚餐 ) 为萝布人村寨 ,含电瓶车)。之后前往歌舞之乡-库车, • 早餐后,参观 艾提尕尔清真寺 ;艾提尕尔,意为节日礼拜 沿途欣赏戈壁滩风光。 场所,为中国最大的清真寺,不仅是喀什重要的宗教地, 也是著名的观光景点,接着游览闻名遐尔的 香妃墓 。之后 前往 喀什葛尔老城 ,穿街入巷,不经意间瞥见粗陋的土墙 第四天 :库车 (早午晚餐 ) 根维吾尔少女艳丽衣裙的一角,深邃的大眼睛在面纱的映 • 今日我们将前往游览 天山神秘大峡谷 。天山神秘大峡谷 衬下更显得灵动而又神秘莫测。参观完毕乘搭内陆班机飞 呈东向西纵深长约 5.5公里,为红褐色岩石经风雕雨刻而 返乌鲁木齐。 成;峡谷曲径通幽,别有洞天,山体千姿百态,峰峦直 插云天,沟中有沟,谷中有谷。南天门、幽灵谷、月牙 第十天 :乌鲁木齐 Q转机城市 Q 新加坡 (早餐 ) 峡、虎牙桥、魔天洞、雄师泪 ... 等景观造型生动,形态 • 早餐后,告别美丽的新疆,专车送往机场,乘搭豪华客机 逼真。天山神秘大峡谷集雄、险、幽、静、神为一体, 经转机城市飞返温馨家园 -新加坡。愿您与大通旅游共同度 身临其境者无不赞美叫绝。沿途参观 盐水沟雅丹地貌 , 过一段美好的假期! 前往新疆最大的石 窟寺 —克孜尔千佛洞 ;克孜尔千佛洞 窟凿于木扎特河谷北岸悬崖上,洞窟的开凿始于公元三 世纪,到八世纪逐渐停止。据考证这里当年香火鼎盛、 特别注明 : 僧侣逾万。现今留存的精美壁画以凹凸画法驰名中外, • 行程若有变化,将以中国国内旅行社最后安排为准。 有“第二个莫高窟”之称。 • 如果英文行程与中文行程不符,请以中文行程为准。 10Days Exotic South Xinjiang Day6:Akzu—Hotan (BLD) (CXJKS) • After breakfast, we will set off to Hotan along the Desert Highway . Today we cross Takla Makan Desert , the second largest shifting HIGHLIGHTS sand desert in China. On the way, we can see not only the desert V Korla : Iron Gate Pass, Bosten Lake but China’s longest inland river—Tarim River, and the famous V Kucha : Taklamagan Desert Highway , Divers Leaved Poplar Forest (Huyang Lin) as well. Kuqa was the V Tianshan Mystic Grand Canyon center of the Kuchean Kingdom, it was an important center of V Akzu: Kizil Thousand Buddha Caves, No shopping Central Asian trade and Indo-European culture. Poplar is a kind of V Sacred Tree Garden No optional tour amazing tree different from other tall trees, the polar could bear V Kashgar: Karakuri Lake, Id Kah Mosque, extremely drought in the desert, and great tolerance of saline and V Old Town, Abakh Khoja Tomb alkaline. The poplar mainly distributes in south Xinjiang, west Tsaidam Basin and Hexi Corridor. V Hetian: Walnut Tree, Yulong Kashgar River Day7: Hotan—Kashgar (BLD) ACCOMMODATION: Local 4 -5* Hotel throughout • As a bustling center on the southern stretch of the ancient Silk Road, Hotan was one of the three thriving commercial centers in Day 1: Singapore Q Transit City QUrumqi (D) the history of Xinjiang. The ruins of many historical cultural sites still stand in desert. See the Walnut Tree which thrive best in this • Assemble at Changi Airport for your international flight via transit city to Urumqi -the Capital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Upon arrival, region. Then coach to Kashgar. As an important trading center of transfer to the hotel. ancient Silk Road, Kashgar is a place with strong tinge of ethnic custom, and rich in historical and natural resources. It is well know Day 2:Urumqi— Korla (BLD) as a top tourist destination in west China. There are so many • In the early morning, drive on to Korla. The city is famous for the fragrant charming places to visit. pear, also the second largest city in Xinjiang. En route, view Salt Lake Day8: Kashgar—KarakuriLake —Kashgar (BLD) from far. Visit the Iron Gate Pass which is just located at the very point • After breakfast, proceed to the famous alpine lake—Karakuri of the ancient Silk Road. The pass was very important in ancient times. Lake, situated at the foot of Mount Muztagata, lies 191 kilometers • Day 3: Korla — Kucha (BLD) from Kashgar. The lake looks as pure as a jade mirror. The snow- covered mountain, green grass and livestock form reflections in the • After breakfast, proceed to Bosten Lake . Lying in Bohu County of Korla, mirror-like water, creating a fair and charming picture. At the southeast of the Yanqi Basin, Bosten Lake is the biggest inland lakeside, there are yurts and frame houses of Tajik ethnic people freshwater lake in China. One of The main scenic spots is A Hong Kou who live in the beauty of the Pamir Plateau . After free excursion, situated along the southwest of the lake. A great deal of lotuses and coach back to Kashgar. reeds grow here. You can enjoy a boat ride at A Hong Kou. Then head Day 9: Kashgar Q Urumqi (BLD) for Kucha. • After breakfast, visit Id Kah Mosque . 'Id Kah' means 'a place of Day 4: Kucha (BLD) praying and celebrating in festivals'. As the biggest mosque in • After breakfast, visit The Mystic Grand Canyon of the Tianshan China, it is a group of old Islamic constructions with strong ethnic style and religious features. Next visit the Abakh Khoja Mountains. Located on the Dushanzi-Kuqa Highway about seventy Tomb , known as the Tomb of Xiang Fei, the only Uyghur kilometers from the Kuqa county seat, this canyon is famous for its concubine among the 41 wives of Emperor Qianlong in the Qing russet rocks formed by wind and rain over millions of years. Next Dynasty (1644-1911). Thereafter, take a stroll along the Kashgar proceed to Kizil Thousand Buddha Cave , located east of Kucha, 70km Old Town . After that, take your domestic flight back to Urumqi. from Kucha downtown. Kizil Caves contain some of the finest examples of Buddhist art in Central Asia. It is not only popular among the regular Day10: Urumqi Q Transit City QSingapore (B) • After breakfast, bid farewell to Xinjiang and transfer to the airport tourists but also artists and researchers. There are 236 caves in total for your flight back to Singapore via transit city. We hope you have and was built one century earlier than the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang. had an enjoyable time with CTC Travel. Day5:Kucha—Akzu (BLD) • Today, continue your coach journey to Aksu. After a visit to Subashi Remarks: Ruins , we proceed to Tianshan Sacred Tree Garden . Located 37 miles 1. Actual sequence of itinerary is subject to change without northwest of Wensu County, Aksu, Tianshan Sacred Wood Garden prior notice. covers an area of about 99 acres. The vast Gobi and mound are around 2. In the event of discrepancy between Chinese and English the garden, so it is called 'Bright Pearl in Gobi'. There are many kinds of itineraries, refer to the Chinese itinerary. trees including poplars, elms, willows, ash trees, walnuts trees and almonds. All trees are in varied shapes and sizes..
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