.,.( !)3 ~1" !: \...... .- " " ., , , .., .. ! :- .. ,,"... .. I ., J2 -' ' .. 7. S " , - --l':_ '" " .. \~S .. • 7 ' 13 ~s 57 .. ~ " _n - 51 ., '0 '" ., 50 .... , MEMORIES CORE STAff: Phil An Bradac, Julie Harris dr~s, Gary. Bannister, Boli After two yea rs and one month, I will be Johnston, Sharon Maeda a~cy KeIth, Sydney leaving KRAB as general manager. And; with a Rouzer and Stu Wi tmer . ' saph Murfi n, Harry lot of mixed feelings. It has been the most challenging, rewarding ... and frustrating job I SPECIAL PROJECT PRODUCERS' P have ever had! I came to KRAB with 3 basic Ka thy Bottoms, Nancy Kei th. hi 1 Andrus, priorities. Fi~~, that the provocative, crea­ tive and experimental nature of KRAB should be BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Phil Andr in its programming, not its fiscal or management Jim Cantu, Margaret Ceis B us, Kathy Cain, Haughton, Nancy Keith G' en Dawson, Brian structure. A program producer can be innovative Reinsch, Lorraine Sak~ta arr:rga~on, Chuck and anarchistic and provide the community with Allen Swensson & May . T' I Y SInclair urnl sutakawa. • . terrific programming. However, without solid general administration, the bills to keep the transmitter on can't be paid. KRAB is way GUIDE PRODUCTION: Jim Chri ahead of other community radio stations in div­ Helene Silvenr.an stie, Dorothy Grupp. ersity of programming, but far behind in under­ VOLUNTEER COUNCIL· Mik standing how to utilize various techniques and Susan Howlett, John T e Acker, Carla Becker, NORMAN BLAKE ownes, Jim Anderson. I systems for the good of the station and the NEW BUILOING CONSTRUCTION T THE RISING FAWN STRING ENSEMBLE 1isteners ... without compromising our freedom Jul i e Creahan, Keith Dub 1 ~M: Bo~ Crawford, amca, Dame1 Stevens. to broadcast what we want. IN CONCERT' TUESDAY JULY 22 • 7 PM & 9:30 PM Second, KRAB's public access is public ac­ VOLUNTEERS SEATILE CONCERT THEATRE • 1153 JOHN cess for some. A good part of that. has to do Mike Acker, Magda Ahmad . with the dismal facilities at the firehouse Ancheta, Jim Anderson Ph ~;~ Alexander, Pearl which kept all but the very hearty from even Tom Allen, Susan Auerbach I ndrus! Sue Andrus, Backus, Captain Baltic Th Luis AVI~do, LeRoy stepping foot in the station. Another part of Bannon, Bob Baron Py Ii t omas Banm ster, Ph il WITH that is the concept of vo1unteerism. Since all Bear, Carla Becke; Sha~t~ma~, Nonnan Batley, KRAB's programming is produced by citizen vol­ B~nitez, Da vi d Berger Joh a B~nega 1, Artemi a FRANK FERREL BIerman, ~nol Bilkur \ n ler1ein, Judy unteers, those communities which do not focus Doris Brevoort, Evelyn :n Blumenthal, Vivia Boe, & on volunteer efforts, or whose volunteer ef­ Sh~ron Carson, Cornell rom, Mae Campbell, BER~LEVY forts are directed elsewhere, are not usually ChInese Media Conmitt Cebrian, Art Ceniza represented on KRAB. Those who have the energy Coleman, Joanne Craig eeR ~raldine Cole, Steve Das, Frank DaVidson, Gre~o ert C~!gler, Gnana A BENEAT FOR KRAB-FM • ,- . i and time seek out the station; others do not. Oeleers, Bill Dempsey, Bet? DaVI~, Daye, Peggy kott, John Eastman Tom EC/10enms, Jim Doren­ , T~d, some of the programming on KRAB is kichi, Doug Ekb1ad~ Judy Er1f,Nnamdi C. Egbu- ~ fernandez, Dennis fianni son, Vilma superb ... many more are good ... and a few are Follette, Paul frandse ggn. Jay Follette. Jeff TICKETS: $6.00 ADVANCE $7.00 AT THE DOOR poor, from an artistic, technical and/or content Garfias, Stacey Gillar~' fav~ GGa rdner, Robert ADVANCE TICKETS AFTER JULY 1 AT standpoint. We need to work to publicize and Goodman Leila G b ,re 1eason. Kim Dorothy' Grupp Mor man, Kelly Grobecker A DIFFERENT DRUMMER OR BY MAIL FROM: promote the excellent programs, assist the pro­ Betty Hanson 'Ji~u~een Guindi, Michael Hall 420 BROADWAY E. KRAB FM: BENEFIT ducers in making good programs better, and to Harrop, Stan'Henry a?e:, Toby Harris, Greo' mle CELLOPHANE SQUARE 2212 S. JACKSON inte~sify work with the few programs that are Matt Holmes, Doug Honf Hix, Steve Hodes; 1311 NE42ND SEATILE98144 Howlett, Kay Hutchins gs Karl Home, Susan poor ... as well as reach out to new people and Clement Jiminez, Brad'Jo~~ah Jacobus, John Jay, THE WOOD SHOP MUST BE POSTMARKED content areas that have not been represented on ston, Fred Katz lloyd K ~on, Gretchen John­ 402 OCCIDENTAL S. BY JULY 15 KRAB. KRABETTES, Frank Krasnow:~y z, HKarl Kotas, DennIS Lam, Leslie Larson ' enry Lai, The frustrating part of the job has been the Kay Lee, Herb Levy, Alan Li~ll~ Lawless, Rosendo Luna, Molly Maeda Jud Ulst• struggle to move forward. Hours upon hours of Donna Manders, Cynthia Ma;key ys Malmgren, political/philosophical discussion have been Daryl Matson On 1 M G ,onny Masso The Rock'n'Ro1l Weekend was a real trip into undertaken on every issue. Some were healthy ~~ f~:; l\~eaker! e~ris ~e~w~~~n~~nS~~a~~~~ 11 i ams, the past for all of us over the age.of 25 ... and and necessary, other discussions were provoca­ Ma rgo Murp~;e ~~;c~e 11, Robert Mfttentha 1 a new adventure for those who I'!ere too young or tive but so totally outside our control or realm Shan Ottey Pat h e"",,!n, John Ochs, ' not even a twinkle in their parent's eyes. But, Kimson Pla~t, S~e~e H~lJna Pawl, Pam. Piering, of choices, given the urgency of the fiscal sit­ RasmUssen, lee Rees ~bow, John Ram, Marilyn alas, the total pledged was $6,500 ... a full uati on and other cri ses before us. lots of "we John Rogers, George '~o:~ Roepke, Helena Rogers, $3,500 short of what's minimally necessary to used to do it that way" from within KRAB against Ken Ross, Roswell J h SIC, Chalm Rosemarln, get us through the summer. If you have pledged, Savvides, Bill Sc~tt 0 ~ Saltzgiver, Spiro "forget di verse programming; format the station" cast, Laura Sel ver< 'R ea~tle Chinese Broad_ please send your money in as soon as possible. from those who have the federal funds. I came ~hallrp, Hal SherlOCk: R~~er~;e~~inb' Charles with a belief ... which I continue to support, 1 man, Helene Silv In 0, Marcie --IF YOU MISSED THE '·1ARATHON AND WOULD LIKE TO Libby Sinclair, Stan~~::,"n. Walter Simon. KEEP KRAB ALIVE AND WElL--SEND YOUR PLEDGES TO: that the power of KRAB is in the programming & Stacey, Paul Stanbery ~o~m~~htt Margaret Spiers, that pragmatic business decisions have to be man, Mike Sull1van K~th T Neil Strass_ 2212 S. Jackson St., Seattle 98144 made in order to allow the powerful public ac­ Lois Thetford Ka~n Th ryn aYlor," Ollie Taylor Townes, Traff: Randle 'V~mas, Choy Tok, John ' Thanks to everyone who worked to bring back cess programming to exist. As I observe the Wha1cutt, Arnold Waldstei~to~ H·wrry VlE, Judith country moving further away from humanistic C arlotte Watson P t ' ry anner, those golden days of vintage rock ... to McDonald's Gregg Whitconi>, Dav! ~~i~!IS:f11e:, Bob West, and The Colonel for feeding the volunteers, and values and free spp.ech, the need to be solvent Wilbert, Haunani Willi ,rt W, cks, Dennis thanks to all the pledgers, especially the new in order to provide the airwaves divergent Scott Wil son, Dori s wo~ms, Stuart Wi 11 lams, members of the $5/month club. thoughts and ideas, arts and culture takes 'on Shanni York, Vicki York~' .~dam Woog, Hanna Wu, a new urgency. I leave KRAB recognizing that we have made progress, and we have a long way to go. We have Shortage of funds caused a slow-down on the in­ made great strides in internal organization and stallation of the new control room, but we are fiscal accountability. We are generating more back on track and hope to be broadcasting from listener support, grants and contributions than the new space by the time you read this. YOU'll ever before. We are also spending like never NOTICE THE DIFFERENCE!! Thanks for bearing before ... renovating the building as well as . During its colorful 18 year history, KRAB has with us during the temporary two months in the meeting rapidly escalating operating costs. had many memorable, unusual and one-of-a-kind basement furnace room with the hollow acoustics. We have moved forward and reached out to more programs, programs whi ch not only illustrated Special thanks to the following people who people and communities, despite a lack of fac­ the nature and evolution of KRAB but also told have helped with the construction work ilities. Our new location in the heart of Cen­ about the times in which they were produced. during the past month: Wayne Skinn~, tral Seattle has added a whole new dimension to Most of our very best programs were broadcast Ja6p~ G~aY40n, Tami Young, Ho Ma Tang, our volunteer potential. Major cutbacks tn pro­ live and went off into the ether wfth no tape Yin Kui Lee, Lynn Finnet, and the SOIC gramming staff and lack of production/training ever made of them. However, a small percen­ Ele~cal P~ognam; R044 Vay and the Seat­ facilities have not allowed us to move forward tage of KRAB's best were preserved on tape and tle Community Coltege Cabin~y P~ognam; as fast as we would have liked. And, we have placed in the KRAB archives to be made avail­ Joaquin V.£a.z, 8Jr.uce Hantov~, Winn~ not been able to reorder the program schedule able for use in the future.
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