ULTIMATERealty Inc., Brokerage VEJA A ÚLTIMA PÁGINA PARA LER A NOSSA AnoAno XXVII XXVII edição Edição nº nº 1390 1357 | | 27 8 dea 14 julho de Dezembroa 2 de agosto de de 2017 2018 mileniostadium.commileniostadium.com LISTA DE IMÓVEIS Créditos: Joana Leal Danforth tenta voltar à normalidade BIA do Little Portugal quer Toronto vai contratar mais Benfica oscilou, mais segurança nos festivais de rua P3 100 polícias P3 mas não quebrou P19 CHEGOU A SUA NOVA TV! 583. Fibe 235 e 1235 Domingos, entre as 10h e as 11h da manhã. digital 129 e cabo 12 Transmitido em todos os pacotes básicos. Contacte a sua operadora para mais detalhes. satélite 646 2 MILÉNIO | EDITORIAL 27 de julho a 2 de agosto www.mileniostadium.com #DANFORTHSTRONG Previsão Meteorológica Previsão Meteorológica toronto 27 de Julho toronto 20 de ABRIL Sexta-feira 26° Toronto the good Sexta-feira 8° Sábado 25° Sábado 11° DOMingo 25° is no longer… DOMingo 12° Segunda-feira 26° specific crime and the encounters are not phones to pinpoint the location of gunshots. Segunda-feira 13° really random at all, as a disproportionate John Tory is also pushing for more cameras Terça-feira 25° number people who are carded are of visib- and audio technology to curb gun violence. Terça-feira 15° Vincent Black le minorities. e fact that visible minorities Advocates are also calling on the city to un- Editorial were the targets of police carding operations dertake a thorough community consultation Quarta-feira 26° should not come as a surprise. It has long on gun violence, which many activists and Quarta-feira 14° The unthinkable shooting that happe- been known that policing disproportionally community leaders see as the only way to ned on the Danforth was an occurrence targets visible minorities for drug offences. effectively address the problem. Quinta-feira 26° that could have happened anywhere in Carding usually begins with police offi- Toronto’s City Council on July 24, 2018 Quinta-feira 10° Toronto. I have a personal relationship cers approaching someone on a sidewalk, in asked Ottawa to ban the sale of handguns with one of the restaurant owners where a park, outside a corner shop – and striking within city limits. In a vote of 41-4, council this shooting happened and in speaking up a conversation, perhaps asking a young approved a motion to urge the federal gover- with him and others from the policing man or a group of men what they’re doing. nment to forbid the sale of handguns in the community, the chatter that was happe- e officers soon ask for identification, whi- city and for the province to outlaw the sale Ano XXVI I- Edição nº 1389 ch is not something Canadians are required of handgun ammunition in Toronto. Coun- ning on Sunday and within the days that 20 a 26 de Julho de 2018 to carry, except when driving. Most citizens cil also agreed to implement more stringent Semanário. Todas as Sextas-feiras, bem pertinho de si! followed was that if the carding program are not aware of this. measures to prevent someone who has suf- was still in place, this occurrence would Propriedade de: It’s still unclear whether carding is le- fered from mental illness or been involved in not have happened. Milénio Stadium Inc. / MDC Media Group gal, as the police have claimed it is. What domestic violence from obtaining a gun. A 309 Horner Ave. Etobicoke, ON M8W 1Z5 e now know that the Toronto po- is clear is that an individual has the right to further motion from council called for more Telefone: 416-900-6692 walk away if he or she is questioned and not resources to crack down on gun trafficking, lice say that Faisal Hussain, 29 Director: Manuel DaCosta used a handgun to kill two peo- offered a legitimate reason for the police’s the immediate hiring of 100 police officers W Presidente, MDC ple and injure 13 others on Sunday night on interest. Even if someone is being investiga- and installation of 40 new closed-circuit [email protected] the Danforth. e police have not said what ted, he or she has the right to counsel. While surveillance cameras. kind of handgun was used in the killing. police have called the contact database an e federal government has also weighed Marketing: José M. Eustáquio Vice-Presidente, MDC A witness said that Hussain shot people at incredible effective tool, critics charge that in on this conversation as Minister RalphCréditos Direitos Reservados [email protected] random, with a blank expression on his face. this practice puts innocent people at risk. Goodale has said that the government is What is carding and would it have been Mayor John Tory is vehemently rejec- prepared to consider tightening handgun Diretor Criativo: David Ganhão able to prevent this tragic shooting on the ting the idea that the banning of carding laws. Goodale has stated that the Trudeau [email protected] Danforth? has contributed to a recent rash of gun vio- government will look at proposals already Paginador: Noah Ganhão Some people would say that it is the name lence. Instead Mr. Tory is trying to get city before lawmakers to see what changes could Publicidade: Inês Carpinteiro ou Rosa Bandeira for a decade old problem in which random council to agree to a call for $29 million in be made. Telefone: 416-900-6692 police checks that target young African- funding for community services, including “Toronto the Good” is no longer, there is a [email protected] Canadian men. In other words, carding programs for youth violence intervention, new culture of gun violence where it’s fine to Colaboradores do jornal: occurs when police randomly stop and employment, trauma recovery and mental shoot people, it’s glamorized, it’s glorified, Aida Batista, Alexandra Bourne Franco, Alexandre Franco, health programs. and they don’t mind dying. Whether the question people for no real reason. e police Ana Julia Sança, ARO, Kika, Francisco Pegado, officer collects information about the in- e mayor is also calling for $15 million shootings are of the “lone wolf” variety, Humberta Araújo, Ilda Januário, Ilídio Brito, dividual’s age, sex address, name of their to support enforcement and enhance sur- or connected to gangs and marginalized Inês Carpinteiro, Joana Leal, José Neves, friends and details about where they are veillance initiatives for now and the coming communities, activists and community Luís Barreira, Madalena Balça, Melissa DaCosta, going and what they are doing. at infor- years. Toronto police are also asking for up to leaders say that smart investments in educa- Natércia Rodrigues, Nuno Miller, Osvaldo Cabral, mation is then fed into a police database. is $4million to introduce a surveillance system tionand mentoring will help prevent future Paula Afonso, Paulo Perdiz, Peter Ferreira, random questioning in not connected to any known as “ShotSpotter”, which uses micro- violence. Reno Silva, Telma Pinguelo, Vince Black. Colaboradores do Suplemento Desportivo: Aires da Silva, Alexandre Franco, ARO, Fernando Correia, Camilo dos Reis, Mais Futebol e MN. Colaboração Fotográfica: Joana Leal Participe e seja a notícia! e Adriana Paparella O Milenio/Stadium prepara uma reportagem sobre Parcerias: Diário dos Açores e Jornal de Notícias A Direcção de Milénio Stadium não é responsável a Azores Airlines (SATA) e quer saber o que pensa: pelos artigos publicados neste Jornal, sendo os mesmos de total responsabilidade de quem os assina. Tem viajado na SATA este Verão? Qual a sua experiência? O que acha da venda de 49% da SATA num processo de privatização da companhia aérea açoriana? LEIALEIA AA QUALQUERQUALQUER Partilhe connosco a sua opinião por mensagem HORAHORA DO DO DIA DIA no Facebook ou por email [email protected] OO seu seu novo novo website website sempresempre com com notícias notícias atualizadas atualizadas mileniostadium.commileniostadium.com Siga-nosSiga-nos nas nas redes redes sociais sociais /mileniostadium/mileniostadium www.mileniostadium.com 27 de julho a 2 de agosto MILÉNIO | CAPA 3 #DANFORTHSTRONG Créditos oana Leal Danforth tenta voltar à normalidade “Danforth é uma comunidade forte”, estas Três dias depois de Toronto anunciar que são as palavras de Dino Voidonicolas, BIA 200 policias iam passar a fazer horas extra Créditos oana Leal da área de Danforth, que aceitou dar uma no período mais crítico, entre as 7 da noite entrevista exclusiva ao Milénio Stadium, no e as 3 da manhã, o número de tiroteios na seu escritório, a poucos metros do local cidade subiu para 228 e já fez 29 mortos. Re- da tragédia. corde-se que na semana passada o presidente da Associação da Polícia de Toronto, Mike o passado domingo duas pessoas McCormack, disse ao nosso jornal que é ur- morreram e 13 ficaram feridas num gente a contratação de mais polícias e que ataque em Greektown, um bair- N há uma oferta de armas no mercado que é do com a segurança do festival. “Acho que duas das mensagens que encontramos no ro que concentra uma grande comuni- preocupante. as pessoas vão querer passar uma men- chão, junto a uma fonte de água. dade grega em Toronto. As vítimas são Dino Voidonicolas está há vários anos no sagem diferente, acredito que vão aderir em Voidonicolas reclama mais patrulhamen- duas raparigas com 10 e 18 anos, respeti- BIA de Danforth e fez questão de elogiar ao massa ao nosso festival e mostrar que não to nas ruas e mais câmaras de segurança um vamente. Segunda a polícia, o suspeito é nosso jornal a atuação da polícia. “A polícia têm medo”, referiu. pouco por toda a cidade. Faisal Hussain de 29 anos. A família disse foi extraordinária na noite do acidente, ele Voidonicolas cresceu neste bairro, uma O primeiro-ministro do Canadá, Justin que o filho sofria de “problemas graves de podia ter morto muito mais pessoas.
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