-- ---- I ---- - -...- - - - - .. ~ - - . ~"- Aid Aetna 8 Alllbulnut'e MuinlClIIUlC'C f.mnpaitpl KPOST With Your Donaliou The Newark Post, N e wl\rk, D e laware, Thur 'day, May 13, 1954 Of Education Receives Juniors Selected Poss;ng Out The Checks Polio Vaccination ~ $500 000 .Bond Issue Proposed · d L For HonOl" Society Tests Two-Tbit"ds !A M v On $824, 000 Bon SSlte By School Faculty E' C· Special , 'choul J)i· tric t Fir ' t To Receive Bids 18 Memb;;;Qf ewark Completed In Nee i sco"" ~:: :~::~~'" A~~"~:::~' ::'~,,~ ':'~.Y !:lond Is s ue Since upre me Court Decis ion; Junior Class Honored Final P h a'ie Of Prog ram I '1'0 fie Conducted During I I;'ina ncing ; 'Iaims "Hand-To-Mouth" Borrowing Hal' 1. duPont & · o~ W i ~ h I~a rri s Tnl t, Selectcll At Assembly Program Initial Week In June Added 100000 To ily Del)l; rSI r Exp a nded Bud g r , j ell'ark 'pecial SchOOl Dis trict became Lhe fi r st in By FRANK N. l\1EGARGt:E Eighteen me~f the Newark Two-thirds o[ the New Castle A , 500,000 bond is ' u lo co ve r new ci cy impI'ov mcn l l to recei\'c bids on its school bond issu e s ince the High School junior class were form­ c ('o url d ciRio n clear ed t.he way for s llch ally inducted into the National County polio vaccine inoculations nnd an e.-panded operating budgct. probably t taling OVt Senior Honor Socicty during the second-grud( $600,000 for the next fi Rc a l yeH r , a r e the key prop sal. in It dis tricts in t h e stale. weekly assembly program held yes­ h a~: k~~~; ~~~~!et:o~: Boal'd of Education h as a nno unced that the terday morning in the high school youngste,'s who missed their second long-range fiscal policy d esignee! to g NewHrk o ul o f lhe aUditorium. r ·d and Ilbr ea t of t h e need s of a fa 'L-growing community. duPonl & Company of Wilmington, bidding with Present . members of the society, ~~~~~.~ti~~l(~ ~i~~~~~~~V~ ~\7 ~~~l:~ Tr ll st and IlVings Bank of N ew York City, were With P reSident Vladimir Bohdan in with 22 youngsters reporting. At the m o m n t, Newark is a boom Lown wilh a horse­ on the $82 1,000 charge, carried out the induction licD~ ~:I~~v~I;1i:e· , .9~~~\~ ~ ~.'~1l~~I~~t and- b u gg financia l policy , fly>; Councilman, a muel Ui >hl. bonds fo r the elis · exercises. Naliolwl p,.esident .The new members. without pre­ administrator for the vaccine pro· Jewal'k' budget chief. VIOUS know ledge o[ their selection, gram, urged pa"ents to help their ! I Every ti me the Cit Counc,l needs wel'e called to take their seats be­ ch.ildren in receiving the finn I in- money [or a new electric line or side the veteran members upon the jection by being sure they arc ill I water main it must rush to th bank auditorium stage. sC ~~~ir d~~ ~~~S tlll ~tu~~C e~~pse be fo re I to secure a demand loan. Juniors honored are Helen BI'iggs, the third and fin al "booster" in- / . Such fi nancing alrendy has placed Robert Gore, Mildred Gauge, Norma Ihe city $100.000 in debt. the limit Gray, J ack Hildreth, Jacqueline jections of the new vaccine can be )undcr the municipal charter for' Jones, Gail K au[fman, Kathy Lan­ given. 111is last phase of the pro- hort-term bOlTowing. Much of Ulis ning, Barbara Link, Dorothy Mayne, gram will be canied out dUI'ing ~lOney has gone to pay I r capital Grace MilIcr, Joan Mowl, Barbara the week of June 1-7. Improvements, such as electric line Ness, Sue Roberts, Turpin Rose, Arthur E. Tomhave (left) presents George M. Neighbors with r e~~:~d t~~! O fil~S~il~\~~~n i;~ ~~l a :~ ~ ~~ and street repairs. Louise Samendinger, Ricky Thayer a check from Newark's Centr.t.1 Welfare Committee as a contribution can complete tho series. The ,'ec- This . hand-to·mouth financing j:l and Maya Zistl. Membership in this honor society !;a~~:, ~~~~~~ ~~~~~n~el~s:'~!::~It~~~iI~e~;!~!'!~at?vee~r'it~:I~ ord, including Monday 's makcup re- ~~~jCe~~~V~h O ~'~~s b~~~if ~~~\;'1~~ ~ is based upon 10Y ijlty, service, and lIugh F. Gallagher Jr., a check to be used by the Newark Recreation ~ ~ ~\~. i~h~:~lt~~~ris:~::,~~;~'~~~.~~ ~: term (20 years) bonds at low inter- scholarship. Selection of members AssoclaUon for development of their park program. The presentations ial schools 0[ .th e county have re-I est. In that way we would pay as each year is made by the high were made last week In front of the Aetna Hose, Hook and Ladder ceivcd the first two vaccinations we go, much as we payoff a morl- _ school faculty. Company fire house. and will lJe eligible for the third. gage on ou,· homes. The present and --- ------------- - -------- - The vaccine, supplied by the Na- future taxpayers would provide Stanton Resident T k J)J P I tional Foundation for Infantile . / only their fair sharc." Ch rVs l er ~ an r tan t resents IPar alysis, is administered b~ s t~t e ' The Couni~1 s~on must shell out Killed In Head·On .I boards of health. The obJ ecttve J f~~s t "}~reex Cpl~nYsI. \I,me pprroovJ.ee'clltCslltaSr·e AI.,t · O~ T 3 ~ k analysis of the program w ill be l emonstratton -4 'an n; ade ind ~pende ntl y ~y. a Univer- ~h e offing. "These," says Mr. Diehl. Two-Car Collision D sl slty of Michigan speclahst. cannot possibly be paid to.' by means of taxation in the next fiscal Mrs. Martha Klair Dies, PIYestcrday at the Chrysler Tank Icomm ander, gunner, loader, assist- Mam" S t. R epalrS" years.year, norwit hinou t thae taxnext load fiv eo nfiscal the ' ant a group ",1 high-ranking ani: loader, and driver. people tha~ would be all out o! been held up by the Legion Auxiliary Husband Seriousl¥ Hurt ~ffr:~~s!'Jar~n~p:~i~1 P~~~~n~~~Ctii~~ rerhaenl~~;~ ~::v~~~har~~~[ e~ ~~~ IAwaiting Action reason." Marjorie C. Brennan In Monday Auto Accident of the long-secret T·43 heavy tank, piece and their eliptical shape pre- B H" h D Pat Seni Elected Hence, hc proposes another bond Mt . PI asan t Speci al Prepares To Greet mightiest armored vehicle in the sents a minimum 01 flat sur[aces on ~~s~~ooJ~,at would total "at Icast i She challcnged the y 19 way ept. S of sc hool bond National President Mrs. Martha L. Klalr, 49, of near nation's miUtary arsenal. which enemy shells might strike. tudent Council The city's present bonded indebt- . the state. TIle Supreme ~~~~: oig~~~ ~~ll~~~i:,nt a~~; ~~~l on~eat ~~~~f:~s 6~i!'wa~~0 ~~~~f. ~iiC~!I!~e!~ r~eaJ~i~~:~\?I~dr~~7~ ~ No Immediate Measures 1954-55 President edness totals $500,000 which Is con- against Mrs. Brcnnan in a two-car collision Monday on a weighs close to 60 tons and mounts Imaximum safety lor the tank's crew Anticipated For Lack sidered remarkably low for a .T. Allison O ' Daniel Unit narrow road near Ephrata, Pa. a long-barreI120-millimeter gun, thc while the high-velocity 120-mllli- r S muniCipality of Newark's size. Mr. Members To Participate Mrs. Klair, who would have ob- greatest fire power ever included meter gun gives it the fire power Of By-Pass Thru treet Newark High School Holds Dichl says. served her 50th birthday Monday, ~n an Amcrican tank. It is. the heav- I to /butslug any tank in the world --- EI b t EI t" n $600,000 Bud&,et In Annual State Program died instantly of a crushed skull and lest bnk ever produced 111 volume 1tMay. I Becn wondering when they're ~ a ora e ec Ion ~y He also predicts that the c.ity's a broken neck when the family car. by thiS country .and rolls from the . Addlbona l . fir e powe~ on the T-43 going to fix up Main Street? Program As Training Plan 1954-55 operating budget will call J . AAI~: ~~~ga6i'~an~~fmA:e~i~~ r~:j~ ~~~t~ e ~~_O~r\;• .;~la~r~a~o~l;r:! ~~ ~~~~ ~S:t:;~d~~:sp~ttt~~e ~ e ~~~~ ~~~~ld~~Ic\~~r~3~0_~~:~~~ \~~ ~h~~ : thfsra:~ ~i:k N ~I~~~' ~I;~'ecn:;~l e~~ ~%~ Pat Seni, Newark High School ~~~I~~b~~~I\~eesc~:r:~~u;:a~~: of the American Legion Auxiliary a 19-year old youth. ium tanks. 120-millimeter gun, and a .50 cal- mediate plans to give the street the junior and a newcomer to the local Income of $544,886. He believe, will travel to Wilmington on Mon- Mr. Klair is in the Ephrata Com- Designed by Ordnance and Chrys- iber machine gun mounted ato,? the comple te resurfacing it so badly scenc. defeated Bob Gore in a tw.o. though, th~t the $600,000, which Is day to greet Mrs. Harold S. Burdett, munity Hospital with a fractured ler engineers, the T-43 completes turret. Both can be loaded, armed needs. way race for pre ~ ident of the New- a rough estimate slllce the new bud- national president of the American pelvis, head injuries, and possible the e ntirel~ new s~ ri es o[ American and fired from inside the tan k with- The state highway department.
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