822 INTA 97 V 0 IRCandlnternatIonaI(,~aterSanitation Centre Tel +31 7030 689 80 Fax: +31 70 35 899 64 Study on FUNCTIONALiTY AND UTILISATION OF HOUSEHOLD AND INSTITUTiONAL LATRINES IN TAMIL NADU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S 0 S S 0 0 Prepared by Socio Economic Unit Foundation P B.No 6519, Veflayambalam, Vikas Bhavan P.O. Trivandrum - 695 033. April 1997 LIBRARY IRC P0 Box 93190, 2509 AD THE HAGL. Tel.. +31 70 30 689 80 822~97...14169 Fax. +31 70 35 899 64 BARCODE:, ~ -o 0- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A CKNOJ~J11EDGEMENT 0 We take this opportunity to record our grateful thanks and gratitude to all the villagers- men & women, young & old, teachers & students - in the study areas of South Arcot • J”~illalar District and Villupuram RamasamyPada}’atchiyar District of Tamilnadu, India, without whose co-operation this study would not have been possible 0 0 Our hearrfeh acknowledgements are also due to the Project Advisory Group (PA G), DANIDA (‘Damsh International Development Assistance,) I assisted Integrated Rural • Sanitation and Water Supply Project (IRS & WS), Cuddalore, especially to Mr.Karl Aage 0 Henk, DANIDA Adviser, Miss CRajathi, Senior Social Scientist and Mr A.Devarajan, Socio Economic Specialist of the Project Advisoty Group for their consideration and 0 help in this study. Mr. V Subramanian, Ms.Ramuthai, Mr. Ghandrasekhar, and 0 ~ Giini.’amninalfield team of the PA C office are also acknowledged sincere/vfor their valuable inputs. We are also indebted to the Royal Danish Embassy, New Delhi, and to 0 i/IL’ Government ofDenmarkfor being instrumentalfor the development process related to water. samtation and hygiene in these areas, and also to Mr.,Jens Bjerre, (1’ounsellor Development, Royal Danish Embassy. Other staff members in the project office at 0 Cuddalore andfunctionaries in the related departments have also helped us in many ways which we sincerely acknowledge. 0 A’fr M.Saravanan, Ms. S. Nandini, MrR~ Sudhir, Mr.MN Rangarajan andMr, S.Murukesan were the key investigators, apart from Socio Economic Unit Foundation staff who had • put their heart and soul into the study. We owe our sincere thanks to all of them. ft had been a challenging task to the SEUFoundation to bring out this report. We hope, • the study hasfulfilled the objectives and would help the IRS & WS Project to facilitate 0 future interventions in the project expansionphase. Socio Economic Unit Foundation, Kerala 0 LIBRARY IRO P0 Box 93190,2509 AD THE HAGUE rel.: +31 70 30 689 80 0 BARCODE 703589964 • ‘~2-= lt’JTAq} 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary . 1 INTRODUCTION 1 11 Background . 1 1 2 Project Objectives 1 1 3 Project Activities 1 4 Project Implementation of Sanitation Programme .. 2 1 5 Findings of the Baseline Study in the Project villages . 2 ~2 STUDY FRAME WORK 3 0 2.1 Broader Objective 3 • 2.2 Specific Objectives 3 2 3 Sampling . 3 • 2 4 Methods of Investigation . 8 Team of Investigators .. 9 0 3 DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS .. 10 Functionality/Utilization pattern has been analysed in the following manner 10 Utilization/Non Utilization - Blockwise . 10 • Level of utilisation - villagewise 11 Utilization/Non Utilization - Generation-wise 12 0 Use & Non-use Socio Cultural Group-wise 13 Utilization and economic status of householders 15 • Age and Gender wise Utilisation . 15 Major Indicators of Functionality/Utilization among the user households . 16 0 Major Indicators of Functionality/Utilization - Generation Wise . ... 17 • Major Indicators of Functionality/Utilization - Socio Cultural Group-wise 18 Dysfunctional/Non- Utilizational Factors - Blockwise, Generationwise and Socto Cultural Groupwise 18 Dysfunctional/Non Utilizational Factors Blocks total Generation wise . .. 20 Dysfunctional - Non Utilizational Factors Generation-wise Marakkanam & Portonovo Blocks 21 • Dysfunctional - Non Utilizational Factors 22 Dysfunctional/Non Utilizational Factors 23 0 Knowledge and Attitude regarding Latnne 24 0 Knowledge regarding Latnnes - before Project interventions and after project interventions . 24 0 Sources of knowledge regarding latnne 24 Attitude regarding necessity of latrine - 0 utility, proximity, open air-defecation and attitude towards children’s faeces 24 • Knowledge Regarding Latnnes Before Project Interventions and After Project Interventions 24 • Sources of Knowledge (regarding Iatnne) ... 25 0 Attitude regarding necessity of latrine - utility, proximity, open-air defecation, and • attitude towards children’s faeces 26 Attitude regarding necessity of latnnes, 0 utility, proximity open air defecation and attitude towards childrens faeces 26 • Proximity of Latnne 27 Positive & negative attitudes regarding latrines 27 • Positive & Negative Attitudes regarding Open Air Defecation 28 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Attitudes towards menstruating women using the latrine 29 0 Attitude regarding children’s faeces .. 29 Future Perspectives of Latrine 29 0 Most influential person/motivating factor that had been instrumental to own a latrine . 30 0 Assessment of beneficianes and non beneficiaries regarding the impact of latrine programme (effectiveness of project inputs) 31 0 Assessment of project inputs through village council members 31 Future Perspectives of Non beneficianes in the project area/non project area32 0 Analysis of Positive & Negative factors which have contributed to the utilization of latrines . - 34 • Other related aspects . 35 0 Knowledge regarding the need for Hand Washing and Attitude towards Hand Washing . 35 0 Incidence of diarrhoeal diseases 36 Instruction received regarding usage of latrines . 36 0 4 DISCUSSION . 37 0 4 1 Monitoring of Functionality, Usage and Impact 40 42 Glimpses of some of the study villages 41 S INSTITUTIONAL LATRINES 48 • Introduction . 48 Study sample .... 48 • Methodology 49 0 Analysis of data 49 K A P.Before and after project intervention .... 50 Usage of latrines .. ... 51 • Maintenance 51 0 Functionality/Utilization and Maintenance of Institutional (School) Latnnes 53 5 CONCLUSION 59 5 I Utilization . 59 • 5 2 Major Indicators of Functionality/Utilization among the user households 59 53 Dysfunctional and Non utilization Factors . 59 5 4 Knowledge & Attitude regarding latrines and related areas . 59 5 5 Future Perspectives of Latrines 60 0 AN NEXURE O Al Overall strategies of sanitation programme and project input by DANIDA-assisted • IRS&WSP, Cuddalore - A2 Questionnaire - I (household latrines) English 0 A2a Questionnaire - I (household latrines) Tamil A2.1 Questionnaire - II (school latnnes) 0 A3 1 Village Council members contacted A3 2 Names of influential persons in different villages S A4 Basic information of the sample households 0 0 0 S • ii 0 S K. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MAP OF TAMILNADU PiORTil 0 VTLA 6=J A //v7J 0 K 0 r ~ - r 0 NORIHARCOT AMBEDKA&- -— ~. / 1.~~ 0 f L~<.. .1 —~ MGR I — KAPHATAKA— S .‘,-‘ SAMBtNARAYARTVMM~—— i.. I L— / .1~ 0 Oi4ARHAPuRI Y -. J’•• \.~ I.. J• 0 .1 L, <\. 0 K ‘-5 ~I •~ ~~CR S 0 -~ _5--, ~)~5 _ 0 PERIYAR SALEM ..• —.-~‘~—— S. K/ — St fl1ARCCIUS’4UJ,~,R r ~ERAMBALUR-TV ‘~<;~i 0 I- 0 S /S jS / COIMBAlORE I KARUR DHEERAN ~ / SI ) — DAY or BENGAL— 0 S ‘S -CM ‘z-’ TIRUCHI~APP~LI PM 5, -—5I-- A I C — —S I- J 0 ‘5 I I~ — -~ .~ L~~—> -s (SNAC,APPATTI~4A~ 0 —~ S~5~•) ~QPUOUKKOTTAL ( -p-S.’ OINOIGL’~ ANNA 0 r K— r ~:2I %r~ -~ - ., 0 5-’ K-s p — KERAL.A — MADURAI .~,j PASuMPON-MT .r 0 —~—-1 ‘ ‘S~) 0 KAMAPA.JAR ~ r -.5.. 0 /—-5 55~ RAMAN.~J}{APUR~ I. 0 K j~. —. 0 ~CWDg~~ BRANA~ TVEIj 5—., f C- 0 ~KATTABOHW~R I I.. 0 J < 0 <KANNt~’AKLI’AA~I 0 0 0 0 0 N~t ~oScahp Socic Economic unit Foundation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U.- 0< 0 J ‘‘ 0 0 ,—. ,~ 0~’ -4 U-’, fr- ‘. 0 I— f-I <C -j -.J —.1 ~ 0 -J (Z< <C ~ 0 -\ 0 ~-v Zj-. ~ ti 0 z L~JL) ~ 114 — S..- -‘ 0 0 0 —;— o ~. ~‘ (J >C 0 <C 0 1~ ~~.1 . ‘2Z 0 -~ ‘\0 0 ~ / 0 o If — ,- —~ I~ 0 Lr) /— / /‘ 0 ‘I F~ — —-~ / y ~jZ 0 w ~ w ~. z .1 0 -J -~ -I ..- ~ K \ ( ~- -J / 5’— 5.- I’. —/--, ~— - -J 0 A - U I., -~ ..— ‘.- C.. -I • Nj I 0 <C 0 ‘I 0 —I C- .A\ JI <C z -, -d I .— 0 ( --~ .‘ ,i< ) U’. — — z /1 5 0 I I ( 0 ./ I V.--’ \. 5’?~~( ~.5 0 / — — ~~•‘•1 ~ _ ,..... ~% q — . ,~ 0 .~ / z 0 ././~ $ IN / 4 —, H 0 .-.r .jz~ 0 0 \. ~ 0 <C LII 0 I -J <C 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Executive Summary • This study on functionality and utilization of households and institutional latrines was undertaken in the Marakkanam Block of South Arcot Va/Ia/ar (SAV) District and • Portonovo Block of Villupuram Ramasamy Pada,yatchiyar District (VRD) of Tamil Nadu State, one of the Southern States of India The pilot phase of the DANDIA (Danish • International Development Assistance) assisted Integrated Rural Sanitation and Water Supply Project has been implementedin these two blocks from 1990 to 1995 The study has been undertaken in the context of a second expansion phase of the project which • intends to extend the project activities in other 35 blocks of these two districts Provision of water supply at the rate of 40 litres per capita per day to all population and sanitary • latnnes at the rate of 15% coverage of total households is the overall project objective • The project has constructed about 5000 household latnnes (12% coverage) and 112 school latnnes among its vanous other outputs like coverage of all the habitations with water supply in the pilot blocks Vanous meetings and onentation programmes were • conducted, many health education campaigns through video programmes using Communication Van were undertaken in majority of the habitations where latrines were • constructed.
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